Aeros win a game lose Marty Seedls D«14sMai L em* Acres ÉeleJion lacekit wvaa cionm. ficjubilant Ars dropped Mudcata by a 7-4 ~demblaDclnvilcMdcct Uul Pride , but bc score, beforc a largebhometovn crowd. c9dylotiWà pet Mn i tb Ae Irs M f tb, Ekmiuts MItan Aernc r«elihamtofnsNuta soya e muFliay clght - Iboy van thir ? gameo f th e ssas vIb a con- vlarlng 1-4 wta cver Dussvllle Muicala, fllcv cellar-ivolterinthIe O'Gcsstdll Divilsu of tme OHA I.B O lop Thse viclcry fit isdlic, bovever, vissu the ItlmedilatesltcthIer veras delocamis Marty Sosils eirly hinlise Ibri perlio. Osis viaubnSod alcng the boards andlii tamhe ice, cnccscclou. Attmnplta revive hlm lailsi and ha v w u hsd ta haspilil, vherebo vwu kqt cvernlcht.lTise lnjury mreclinlai coseuuisu asti hall be m=icg ram tmi rcnhs tnr about 10 diys. el alwiys a stalvirt an tme rear line, andis non hilcalglsIbu u w Uste club Bright llgbta for Ibe Airas vers larvarita Larue Losuk and Day Nrton, vbosccared THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1IWO SECOND SECTION aIl aemen Miltan gaals. teuk counti four, NorIas Ibree. Narton tos hic tura lirsI, tallylag anl Ibreithe flrat perliodvhite lnemate Lecub collerted acclataon tva of IbeenwiIb aid tram Bah Baker and PaailhIcCans. tAaab taak aver ia Ibe secand vIb laus tirst tva, addilng tva mare in Ibe final perlid. Nrton cibod an asslat anmoe of Ibens, BihlBryant va am ntva, and Gang Fry, Seoos md Gang Hesulp camnted ingle assiste. lleforeec ascesecd17 penalties, incladlng tva major mlacasducta ta Dunnville's Sbmnelleby amigame mincandurta ta Gave Murphy af Ibe vlatlng team. lier tacihurst vas great in Ibe Aerou goal, sining in the ist twa perlada as Muicata scrambled arami Ibhe net. The chou vas an Ibe aIber lent Smnday when Aeras travelleita SmiIbvllevith just 10 playero. Aeren di voll inthIe tirnt tva perlicu but ran aut af lega in the Iird, and vas tbir sixIb tam in seven games. Pat Gevlinvwas utâlandngithIbsnet and Mil tan actmlly led Ibo ganse 3-2 ai oue peint, bat BenIbhville talli five ithIeIbi stanza. Gennin tangpre, Goag Hesllp, Paul McCann and Steve llrannevl ca tchai mee Miltan talls. lise Aeroa ah met league-leading (7-7) Racistan Rnal McCoai Thuriay, asti drappei the game "-. Na club ta Ibe leaguo bas yet ta, antacore Ibe McCoys, but Aeras managementt eeîs they cao bo beaten, andi look farvard ta praving Ibe baat at their neot meeting. GennviUle retursa ta bMilton namt Friday, Milton visits Parla Manday. and SmiIbvllle î bs ere Tueniay. Oriday's gaase soll ha flllvei by a graffiti stance, 10 p.m. ta i Coach Carl Hymern foots Ibe club is exceedingly strang ta goal, viIb Locithurot and Gevlin currently sbaring Ibe raie. Ho and Joha Hall are carrmtly vorking an imports and vaivers. and asay adi came nev bInaater Gec. 1 vhm Gorgeown Raiders anenonce Ibeir cula. Juves wht.waah.d Scores Z-O, 12-3 10- HeIp wanted: Send us a few more skaters &M dmvsassemw l a""e, ilutons playes aedqessda r ellabltuta Chinguacouey vtatevashedthe Miction- In the Streetaville ganse, one cf the botter WIlms A "»meuvusltcameont on vin gnu, cUMi bYplyrhOagn sers by a 200 score, Ibmn Bramptosn aplyr Grant Even van sent hnme early lb. hrt snd f a4a icrlsg spse i Faur playeru have boss ptcksd Up fromm 12-3 game kaJt Ttesday. Suttday iStr5oet8-allr iptttig a cheap Ccaiii nN5ellBayd huas ~ ~ ~ ~ h gunsIi vo b ofs tagus ad mershelp bas hsen ville, Milton wan again blanissi ahile Ibe van pullei tram Ithe gamne wiI a bad leg. -,sui ih. vis ers iabis to rmmncs promlsd butte at et anpanssi sut, hast club firei 10 goals. Tht left Ibtieon the bencb antd aaoe pnint aIvil ib t sc sireuabout a Ater coma slecsare eul froco Ibe tewn'c Againat Brampton, Grant Evec, Neil in Ibo game, lHltonservlng two penal- macIb ao, Iboy muhit a cal mi got tuecoeaach la hapeful hlh= Bayd and Jeff GeFreltan vere Ibe acrers. tsIebatren hwu d iwn ta one tgomtful-l mgt bis baw:e abte ta adnme tredgtb ta bath e rteg Milcn bcd a i-0 bai, but appearod ta flId man. Thse Auctiansera wentit thIe rantoct Oei mGsuurreporla mme cfibhe juveniles. .up afler llrampton evenod ties care. wth just t0 Asatera. Don't look down Wtb lier ee trainod to thc end of thc balance beamt, 8-year-old Milton Sprlngcr l=nCollier maintains ber concentration after a tipsy turn. Sbn vaajpractlaing hoer routine Friday along vltb other membera of the gym- A ninute, thet's ait it took Il dsnt laboe 0mnues te vhs a bcck"y cialtd une mu~rc inute Unilon t tuait Orsigsvlllo sctIheosecondperici = e-eL-y.= sahxiy ta Orage- ta st suIbnethe shoot, and Ibay wre vile. unable teafi ioanqualln 11»y iboSpoi ldm hWast3chahn-ticbiahb Oudicfuseby Jaisu ccv.. Ja iPed- Mlls atterocedin t eliriminutei dde, Davi MeOuffo ad acGei J*bsta of pay. bobo Murphy Orsi bli,ue asua hg biitni begpaie.Itviwuga S t dm estl by JirrsttillaabiriheIbeond ~, eu" srepat. Ibsa ees in, loo. Acron' Dnve Norton fired a bat trick in Millonas 7-4 win over Dunnville Friday, vhile teammate Lorne Leauk countcd thc other four goals. But the club loat higb-flying rearguard Marty Seeds vbo suffered c concusnion Iter sn the game. Flyers whip Brampton Waàrriors UlisiPlee-psvi ely 5se enM vlheas ffl a sssa i v& estasbb i.stD.aph-i3=s osdsu.F Pea t -14 sa"la il bemiew met~~~~~~~~~ ~ e ecpoWaracbu eve fnapeltallyone.o ahI0M s oge 6 enli u-mal b .Flyers beal gaclis. lcrililccry banousis se .kai pat atin.Warinrs sa-tainthUe penalty casait. aurlington loi 3-2 allumoe perli, adai -mivtutbady t BuîtatanCauaraIn Burtinglan Saturday, guele Ric sin1thIescand and trer Mare inthia lti SauiyMiton to ac3-0 tead t inth st, sllpped Laodry laced 46 Cangar tries. The bome prodt ta hltonn tva. ta 3-2, ilsen ftinhed Ibeoaponing perliodviIb teaivaon Use 12-4 rout, led by Steve Sbort Flyera vere aaay Tusdcy and ravol ta The clubs record ta date la Iree vina tan ca5-2 esige. Bratn gaI aonbockinthUe vhs fini Ibee bat trick. darrne this Thursiay. Tissyti but Gluse 10 ries., (A Tunsday gamo vas paydint secand andi amred againta a p thboIird, Mltonitaies came tram Rick GrllftIs, Ibis Friiay at 8 in Mamarial Aresa. Actas Streotaville, tou le for covorage.) but Il waunteoagb. Flyers diia pair Bilt Lyncb, Brett Patteraon and Jao hicta. bots Plyeros ent Wednseay andiretarna ta Duane Stark, Iva Zudian coi Gr Corasil far insurance lale ta Use gaine. Hcks also assistai on tvaot the t(ain. Miltan Frlday, Nov. 28. loi Frlday'n effort, scarnna tva goals aplece in a 7-4 vas over Warrsors. Bret Pailerson adaiUshe seventh goal. Paalo Zutico vas outaanding ta Ibe nets, turalngaay 37 of Ibe Bramptan shota Tise Badminton Club joins fast league Mâles BaintonClub blis emacle every Weiicsdcy a"d Friiay asibe E.C. Drury 9chaal. bas enlersi lae teinas.lutheI samtas2ciDs-rictBadintoanuLngue. 5h15 lamte tOnt Venteroaa ltague campai- ililas sud cas ouin bac beas enteradint eacb ofthIe Bend Civisions. la mhe Ofi matcis, an avay Onlaure witb mhe saminsgtmasi of ismii. Inthebo divis,NMi.lslt by mhe sara. mirgis of la games a tea ater smme fat and enctag play. lhe Oaci autome et the match btaged as thetant gîme oaoplaysi. a tadiasiaouhls. Evsry psit wîu kealy cesela. tme vie- tory Osily gotag ta tme mare experleacei pair lrom Ithe Hssllsgia.Club., blis tloi- euy vsimtecB ilvlalscbamimosbp test The ouest i leiguemitais ai Oe, 5àai bc oe basasoaser wvlIbtme Lester Peur- ea teinsram rligbu. Tise blutasC eteammiks lia leigise debul Nov. 215 agatat Lster Pearson la a bome mitcis. Bavedti bis e. Brampton goalie Scott Yearwood sits 7-4 win over the Warrtors i na penalty-f slled match, on Uic Sk and glowerc at Uic ruahiaig Milton fore- their third win of te new neason. Ibis vas one power- ward drm Uich actionpckd win Milton Flyers play effort that didn't vork for Milton. pulled over Brampton Fridsy night. Flyersclcbimed a J; -r j Fight night in the industrials Thie action va wid and wooly In other action, = ,Racer Ede vth bts second and Paul eventual winner for th encer at Milton Sporta Cntre Sundsy 1 Motntain added one for tic witb the 3.19 remaining mrko nigt, twbhere UreMiton Indua SrlgtUne Fence oiadout winnars. Uhc final period. tal Hockey League gainas Nadalto Flyera by a 4-3 =y aer debd edHg The Nndalin crev bad takna pvlded plenty of entertaininent The Krantz-Cryer match-up scrlestbrougb two perioda and î do olb' er for the cotca lentywof al-rk rouI for dlikecacbutout, until A .eaU eon goetalize b un alylic brdprlDuncsan notheda Hp comto eEcroo~ier Ao h fficiaiser. c n no Ic Ke fth tagtlln wben bryateled o t e r ou cupearlysin Uic tblrd alanu.card i R~ lick Brdgmn gpt ctod iCOatz FOl- e Mrraycountcd Ivo carli te r gan utscndtvi Milton Cryiler-Kranth Ftre ond Tom Cbucbm cX added fotaan i i eo fightborsa mcltcended 1 5in rreaevlih womm to end thebut Fencerc came bacl pealties againat Cbr1ys r'a scing. the thiri. Tflins~a dgals on oAolylolcli0g Ocrr n ilot and Krant goalle by EriceMllion. Juat sa penaltis piri by Volpe and Serait Phuj BayandJinMirb . AI Jones (2) and Buddy Tbomaa werecllcd. one tUoalevenedce DOr1 l Krantz won teconentbat 5-2 bcd put Erantz eut i front;- Uien Nadalin and Straigbî Uine e Van Cedal notcbcdbb ut then Uice, hefourtb consutive vin Jin Early and Pierre iloteflredsd asccingacl i ngbt andit wai a -er Lhi Uiuar. Chrysier darts. Thlomiava back 3 tic vben Van Csdal nred the Juil five minors vere as B Fencers g mark of 1 aken an by Henry mâmed by Âne crew. kdalin out ad period, ,k with a dw to i 'eat ount, tben inner. amen".