Main St. 18 buing mibult or ~ good of ail Mtonfs -o 0a- fiti te ce 7t =J lig e l) Hwtaêaesehileellnfleb "t aell ens Etmu, imie.aefer t" VISA. *»0 à to8lo hm Ien beevotet in fer plaeHe lbMie a tureealfl*«. l rumcan bgag haehlue pisi hy te cen- iou tnbwltrkl. Wt ma ds«CMwd ai liset'. oa C itnhin tlehes b .b.lsabnib. iMr. Bnnetlaineousuinb i inie,lbst islii enling-n ilrs ofLyone@ani Trner of Ter- Ail h1b.nfrmaioe wil b.uât!taeumplh ee eUV mtpeene. lb.apsnec, hnig bec wnidjob. lise trendtelamenan Milaonand the DBA should b.ableltegel mor n = =teh hae 0teurtcomsmomn . ob .1ai ovenue whicit ell b. gond net offly for e To creaie e guIse of vlaliy and a conlemporary lave MiloIn lvSreeisvilto. as pomlted ot tat yeor, gaverncoecitaons roco lb.Pravnice b. beip nineeten tial o Milaon b.s ta aller aid baw il con b. oseti core, bul t i fMilion, ond flot earely menena ecbquaiy tub.iae t sbusinensoareao. everything Up te and ialudicg lackmail was use hie argument la hrîng Main louinoIte pic- te and aver resideotoand the bel flteit ich w Il accrue The bey b.ecooblng lb. pion wark is the licol rococ andth Ue revit ta mrchants ibere is oo, evea tare. Tbey wtt b. develaping, il yotelli, THE TOWN telacband eveiy one. menaoibo rsgardb.g .stillib.g support for the dnwn- ibogbMeoatvate World Mail, al bren cileo Btat iidofaopcbre laiigbtubb? TIEME. Baically walt e baccoinplibebd in: b.we by al iluton reidents. Irnin Slrslvle'o oece 1a dnubng lb. alan effective Reghti ow tee i 10.much ithoaebut Unie. h. prn*'sed Mti " Mlto b..TMy-Mlib.ii -eTo pruit U buinescmmnly ofliltoneswit 1mue DElA n e"ouC elisolkgi cee iea. in Nonsinhar. rolndsicurhe and ltta flefllgetitoe. Wfth ail Tsanrrew" the eb.iy li auce the dowlflOWl'igailseft18ht, niad0.rnflinir,., it i la10 pple te p b ti nbthecoin- Roc Baker, a member ofthe DBtAgraop whisobu theworkgoieg on, why wue.botte. ging dowetnW prsent coeditioan in brmea ai pityglel alhatemhbu- bculgwy ndn. 1npenin eee oiytl f terally tbcnsorine-1 Peirniin ont, note.slb.hemie oneyoubhaveb.v .iescesspeitoaTsi teWin hachai e servce, adbtrsslebb onfii.oieti. ~ glepui~eeiI tMlS.b bard line wuo by lb. coondili wbch lepekb.g ince noqoerliai t t e rIsgob.g on ne, i.a seri«, rohai1o, ani ieveab.ien oehrdn. pportlSa,.w1enh»bailM81enrt§iienthe Uaonnwg o a uoe ta il wIi f o- 197) 'Yceniiy forced, peneladed and vlberwls othrou u lwl ealfncud 3ý lei ob obni asvyof baÏieuat- egIe*9iedefoaam nuapec ýD voe 4tl .. olbrs 1-- --w . .atflbhe- -sv -. - . c -ed hnrsic ,,hyt eatnl. a-be-h-s - h- uee- UlPmWme 1mW planatram te lige of b.en b.b.,te awnb.wn a... il wuwo eeliwoclb il, bul b.ob polillcel coor- age."1 O coursnte .DBIiA doennlteant aotmailtite cmn- tre of b.wn, bai il would lie a meiboti of mablng te blb.dseeng theDBIA bogti. And lchoc. have beea aeoe greal changes . inte putlcaleliecysear. Nip Maaitei lidSperave wece te lictoffiltlb mach. Ho endte ownedn, Naionel Gracerlea, b.dt iteard abau te DBIA tndoniti irougitNip) and tbey declded b. gve ibelr sbrelrono te opgrodb.g &rcalmmnt. Wilb norts ofa wentern flair, in n ety pleaolng, ad, monimIcporant, il shawed bain mach one Man Si. priperlyl owner cored. Brad Chamb b.blookteitadite lransocned hie bilding ai Moaand Martin SO.lotob.eesy-la-lonb-al boiquee. If lbey are moy lao loo, lbey are mnsy b. entebr, and of coines, hai's te ebole idea beblod te DBIA. Fred Cutningham i joolaboulterenl outoibl d- ing jit u p Man Si. lrin Mr. Clemenla. Wilb libers] ueaifteecio brick anidinrguing bay wb.doten il fls b. teeS eit lb. ClemenalaBlock and I it owsnFred Cuningham o olb. ebb.d ofperson tebarealle lb. potenielof the MllawneCentre concept. Thse Canadien Chitoln han recmnliy redon lb. facica and Brotels Beillards te bali by lb. bore sand dhdateay wllb the second and tbld llor storelfrntl. Ite major ab.mbllag hiock bon been coul. teby, many landiardo wtt coy. put ot money wb.n lino kaing plely rlgblno«. TIe fInal auter b. b., mabe money, yo have b. apmnd i. BSjinang in wilb a blgit claco ncept, ane cao sari cbarglag 1gb datse rente. Na ane inndlord oritenant, camplala iin Yorkvlile. And on top aI thtl, lb. lalilords teondering illb.y par, may note b. able b. do lb. revomp- ing trealmeateiitoul .viag b.oop paib ecasht. On Jue 10 nofti. ymr Premier Wiliom Dovis maie, et leani lac Milon, on hsbrc peecbh wiicit promisenmcbfor al of us. Speaking b. Ue Onario ilenecea Cotierence ai the Royal York, Mr. Davi.oui Onaroas growtl may b.e nloteb.g, bol flore la o strength b. bold on and flot sirengtlaionr privais.secb.r. Pari of reb.dldb.g chaisreogfl muet, becouai, cooea'hfhe goverinmenconragiog, bondog, and removing legllative obales ha.fe pafi of revilal- lutisnprogramo. "Iltee are serons about encauragiog renonation and roneteal; iltee are b.lenl an recyclb.g aur exint- ing runaurcs; il tee ani b. Inster indviduel action teiM lb. prlvate seclar, to eteedt loob ai lb. procountehcitreneteal l.tb.btaie. "Ranevoal mot b. setsitive b. aur bertage ali regolallonnioul lb. flexible tb. aUbin reieal i.tegraled wlit erilage cotnslderatlon' b" e sid. In adiion tlac special counlitteetebicit telie b.set ap b. ehlinite redta bpe teards getlg reneteal aIl fie gioti Lie. a qulckec cay aI b.ndb.g oui granla and mloa , Mr. Davs milcoales flere are tons aI lbouands more permanent job. in lb. reneteal in- dsuiry flan te 20,000 alrsady recagnized as b.b.g crantaitby firme in tereoetal buiess. At Ue sane conérence, Otaro Houi.g Mini.ler Claude Betest singled oui smafilbusness in amaSl ltewse on fie mai. b.cget la. Ue reneteal pingraco. hiesminlalry eil canirol. 'Loal mecebanla onit remain campeiive in the cbanging mareplae aldin the face ofnlrog coco- petilion, mnt sasitbusinesmncan continuo eue- coed by worhlng ingecher la ecoore flotthIelr reb.l area reoaiavbranandiattractive, bleouaid. Ilaeer -n'eeion otatu, on o«e, and ps, emim Ifl. cThe 11cmg15 as loc aiqà li. jelyadm«rchan&ging gtecbnlueof inh St. Omagh Laura Marshall new Dairy Prlncess By Mi. Cecil Pmtsraon Sincere sympalty i. exb.nded b. flcae wba coaurnfie peolang of Mc. Robert rtorige oifie PorltLiue in Burlb.g- ton Hosptal aller eeverai moniba afiil8beellis. Mr. Brotenrlnlge tee a ooccessbd larme., animal valuar ali maili carrier lac tblcly-atse yourn on routes one and four. Ho i. norvlvoti by han tiee Ruth and broter. Jim, George, Clarence ali si.lern Margarel Lyass ali Mary Marshaliand many cleces and nepiteta. Hoeteas a menoher ai Hrsby LOL. anti an fie session oI Omnagit Presbyterion Chrch tehere be an i b te teere faiblal mecohers anti erei. Hoetas a kidfilrend and 001gb- haur and b. wtt b. maci colîseti hiail b o e him. Fimerai service tee belti on Tburnday and b.b.rmmt teeas inOmagit Cemelery. Many heaulilol floral tribae aliriballi la lb. higit elteocoMr. Bratesridge held. Congraolatiolno la Mi»o Laura Marshtall on b.log chuse.Htale Datry Pracs for iiWff , ai Ue dance parly iteli ai fie Optindot Centre on Saturday evming No. Ofis. pretty yong laie campulng for Ui. innour teece Min. Kico Petidie, Mis Elaine Cnningham, Mb. ESle. Hurren. Eacb girl b.d a 12 minute inerviewt ef Ue jndgvsandolas gave a npeech ona "Co- tibution of Ue Dairy In- tioniry. - Thte judges teere freo sliner counilon. Eacit campeilar recesveti a $100.0 chaendlioter gifla. Laura aie tee pre. lted wtlia set ai luggege an gifla. Sincere sympahy la colenist in b .Hitgb Brocnand alibmiy of Omagh on lb. paeing of ieinlaf.r George Ferrant Browen tebo teeib.hMa M 11yer. Mr. Browtenlbai relili for theao puse. nyeai on TaagrRoui bol prevlously b.d larnosi ai Hrsity. Elibride ali Campbellvile. Theo Binwn lamily cama la Canada ftom SSaland in lgMnd flore are nb.e cblidren la Tbey are sonou Davi, Jame, George, Robert, Hugb , Job. and dcsgitias Jeeale, LakuraMaclnel and Nancy, dseead. Mr. Browen paase away on No.lali funeral sec- vice wtee bli on Nv.S Wtlfiinlermel b. int. Davide Preebylarian Ce.nsb.ry, Cacopbefi- vilne. A large cv.gregailcn tabpp ti iOmogi Preye laCtrcit as Ssndym a.2, telUn Ren. Larry WelchIt b Uti- pi. Sonday limai teachereacli bdm teere cononed - 'i flue are Elien van- dris.., Laerle Laterence, Marlon Mar- thnit, Dlck Vandueim, Anne Mcinb.S, Uisla Frenchn. Is cbiden slory relcieti iy M. Welchbtld bau Ue irai Slsnday Soonl tee alartet inb.1780 in F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE 216 Maie St., Milton, Ont. YORINDEPENDENT AGENT SiNCE 1934 878-2326 208 ManStreet E ,M itnn tiT tte e678289 SMetropoIftan Lfe La MétropoIftaine Colin M. Bout Sales Reprouentatlve Home/Rés. (416) 878-3623 Glouceser, ngIci by Robert RelIse Yountg cilidresn et telt lime teorIseN b. faeterle MrRam uqdored fi. b.rmb.ed te baproe them. Sulnday wtee Ires day from o arit and eo He gaflersi te baye cli girl. cli gaenb- strucion b. rsadb.g, wribng àfitlhmstlc cli relW- it-légeba Thi glnb.g et surc chi scbono. finr, haveiemu cilges in.. thoa bot flore i. eili a chalienge b. tiloovenr the noete for Chrislian living lan150. For 12ia.Oai give. leadership b in i ing i;te uf& eps sotabnthe aecitvs co- exhsce aif Main St. retaliing, Campblville, ali cbapngConreretlig g______ AhbaI5bdms Ne.. onoaofEducation hie faesoduced anuçbotf.1 thilte pnvatoni covuaf i fisgetni. *sali.on oi the Long-î.o plin. 1 have elogon httion e faim nol bu ovni.- mOneoltaouaIamft hon ltheopaviicon lim ed hae deep concernaeIhmlwuee mivnome b. Mbe io ~i dof alhe10. lconoe.ldatoln thas 1 en.ongly eupport lte Bordo aacton tlvi.tell n ollering coum o re »Ceeonomaruhoioosilde.tein' r 01.0h1 ion etidamauomob leohdieo ehe.. for lb. Ibt e b. 1.e odent May Ipenli double or triple dulinormlal fine M hi lne.ocnlith le teaclie. Bynabi.làadoble otriple credlit t def a a aimi. a aIIthe tdeilti ipealimeHgaor 9h. noy @Mo be putlnfaenIl dvenoed clm etSheridan Cabasll Il *&Ye wlih ta, onuIlIonstu1daisonautmobli. meflarib.of macb.lehope. IVAN ARMSTRONG U BE SURE TO INSURE WITH ONE 0F THESE REPUTABLE, RELIABLE INSURANCEAGENCIES CLEMENTS Et NOBLE INSURANCE AGENC1V LT. M A Rfl lo S7217 'WýESELL ALL CLASSES ýOFISANE KNIGHT INSURANCE AGENCYLIMITED Don Knight, A.l.I.C. TriangleSquare taiOoSt. S. Milaon 878-8459 -uw-mnujw AGC8(ULTUILTD. )ý é 17 Wilson DrIVe -Suite 7 aAM eRa8*FUM -Ue COIAL PETR SHRY 87S"M73Tmeuf. UU3S4U »uisýesiS.BI IleudimSoe804473 Froei cDaln cenn Aaenusoe Wes mnuucce Ltd. lUeda 115S"11~Millmut=-0.18110 - Lw? U7 ..a-v.~~-c 9--- v..-~fo.~- -" - - - - - - --r ~ ~--r..-- -, 77 M, 'uý