The Canadie Champion, Wed., Nov. 5, 1~M porlunty toecond gume Uncir favorite reporter as hb maesbla m]nueluwncl predictino [ast year's 13 par cent aceraey ratio, con- sidered by samin eh truly amazing, did, boeer, iave roin for lenreunt. Wth tle a- in a mueamii nlelmw O avorbeg e Imprevan Imù"-, -0e bgie ltoey l pldtc A aelm icmm$'eompellllve, A ltvn4a iebcniamiviy oco tpaxai.llinorep Awlldlp AM Zuen bamput togoer a nems veucrons, Vice Priarim ccc[my mub meltpe, lvIme b dua la is cadage, if You cnt bunt lumae'c onjobyeut" Tbme peoz ieai la TineWlng lkm latureet la curl bebt. kWaneathie swtig aey, arlakofhbel (ci.nal. letât Fyemrone ie alie bed, ie tabing lisegan MWulanelml tntperbeovnis evelie a tleop M wtIIp L= beu a 11 l a An-era Yer ofpplag aebor, i on RnIey aIMM ieriek C Ion AsaulomSb" lva rancier, nid LeciesWUOM*boalbe ready laeibaig Mie ie arom&d.If àUbni ae' a l: ifalle, mlooflar ioéie meiliwbovpe rWst l. flabAd n e lot olI f msse. Ho, de nienimitsnsgolog ca ~t li ddm, weIllha lasgit. Lutl per e gt Il logalber a little orly-Augsel noverboa boni a bg curling Wbms d&ciMing m%4A', ila tougista overlool Jolie MoCutebeo. Laut ear'n t.tme iil, &am inigsDIIAleede nrla lulg fer aemercaepg. Droige ie a e by cquet- ion iltatehbano cly btiegemnieewel-droue sWlaliltth e rna, but asepreoln tlabo a it att lme parieel And Wlagrove la alwaysae Maay gt a have aroei-atet mts wal haopeteMbCOutcbeont TiaInelm predclinifer liila in a e rnbiof on'l'ace, DonGlissa Loirla, and Reg Cocp. We ntion hon fer t. rennent: lboy ave tme talent tl a» obAUIe, MdiRas CorP Ulm eteeebi namelamtepeper. The reoalalogdivIdnsa la Mc's Cmpeiive wil eh bandlappIln bséquent w>i-al. Next vewe fieobame-A'aMW 'B'groofnid cm iyou hvSlnt cth e pstrs, mre laPHllaa]M h@ a issu t tme Clubi aturday, Nov. O. Peehvtllisn ent 7 Jpn.andinWh&, aumc u m alie lila, lv dame-idf fr-eni cn Vi.Ty tla ha bmami bcqg ymc nmm- ANNOUNI OR. RXN.Si OPTOMET OPENING ISF AT 143 MAIN MILTON ON niCEc878 cUEteciui 'Two-blgwlns SIX goals ln a row ~7(~)UlQ[~)give T-Birds victory for Sockets t» ptes wd t M & r& n Milton -novice aockele wu ibev nU ] R erlee a tc h e tinutte iter wittisVan- cotined île impresslve Pios -id î0"i=y1 ALPU ttaili= bttaieimvtaeago emrly season terl hy tait- ton, and Davd BOND dore r1este te Uictwey ipay. in aparofon-oa Wweaykwhl -rrnand fired six oftIheir oms Titonderitirds' Darren inga ie vr tof sac- eal iwcark whte Doren i-mu«j . uto earn a -1 wîn Saler- Shaw made I 31 midwoy endcinarioUverhlite y ee oam crl ite gsaine n wic ed ain Jneiir Tme nii a nIlClyV.ceia day aiMemorilîAns. titrougithei fial perîod dlar-C tlato lWey bec goalwtt eto n au hl d In- =e =Sach . TI siwi ia - -e T-Bine scorc twlcc la beo re Mitnexeploded achnee j t * Sasecu RIé ~h~T-,L 4"I. t-e second perliodbatore fer tirec goals la e 1,0- surfita eaai as-anies a c u d jgi.*eu ,t-fInirn trhl e minute open ltlsl inte inBurgn - Btidy Ecent dedemive sa ci.. nezlm i Md OnuL iei . th laeiod. wo heve la~ ~ ~ wr wb iy Derron Bain, M.&M5dicilCe n sa Mdni. 5n Wtiiniaoelawy toepry. aOc ~imvc Arm Ssnie ~ Collna dley -Adrien Dlv.0ae. jiJet 49econds latsethe Cirisnuerer, Mlle Dl lAvenp"andét-lap ien andbo , e9miThe bfl. * ne-vum.idieDon Pape mid Vaniebheucel record teê-. etn s' ovrel s l ismd nm mc n Vadeniseuvel netei an scoredinlathe an laela Riebard Bliba ed effoi r t e soeai s tu w iesiWuwlUme en." lUbMaoiai. eeaniued efort la pull the alos t ilaway. Ryan Tenmon ipit lise. edgem Brmptonlaie..: hieou gelepsadulie laSc"etiprticipalc a i.Oi O i.c sTi n a 0Io:DO.r~n mse ubutdot ni c funehibtion gane b922=laiielT = =i ij~u]II sokts ngt out tien lut nigitI (TU"iaya -,Wa xiiOidied T.7reOcnccai, i eer_______7____W___2___ tu aig part la Milton Aerce onescessease 1i. mmne meWin. epeiig gaiceofthe me bs e tgodeiewue MTEGIIL Cikdi eeniiai.n 5eson mo l MM o sing _ Ingiiuii MLB Mry Helpel-6011, Neecla u.D"U .e a- m . «Sei cic. Oc. McCalium c01, Joan * OseOcs Ha iin [aile'Higitla S e DfretllM, Katliy Rus Opti istshande Z 01g Triple Sac Sindert Gleona Rab won 5 fer Georgetown again a*"m -wà w .Oh O Srg:EhlAnl o 8 nssud aigS i c it Nea-isenani.ii m nnam m lM,. Joan Relt Twln 2 for 27. D" laPoullaorsed lst venlt ai MUOasil .Z ý115lCniedia OcWni. Les ebdilaca nWc310ucDioret 2ee, Kelly Rmol Kamhy Rici 2 for 27, a abiettacnd 'Milton Armna, vblcb Stilao e JonceR 'w m nd .uaicm la mii . Mrel Gray 28, Mary Helpel 3 for 27, Optimiste ila W e e lai bt juil isy a 381 Tbelw' 1hg 501MW$ 05vu 5. e i i lol eu: CmBBa" ty tarI25. Tile: Joan Dforeet 5 for 25, pt ilte Georgewneau core. iomcn ato .issc 11r To rpa: Shitrley Stepine 5 for 23. M iflthi doaaia se y Il wea gndva , aI Mensrlea. De&viimtwe te W. aci clt M ILTON SQ U A S--ZH Ophuesita coni iate oishat Ihir o e &.M"demith:=m aiin abut playlag inGeorg. 9 gan ba n mstomwn ing tlabo âi- ul CLU B more h oeiihamefornt"," "C U previmPolicc niier me t% BliOoocn t#Cutr, 311 CommercialSt Never 1bave gal &c e ethe m ae nnMit AM&SDo Von Know nIet yau cen play equashh. ejoy osua sqse ,d mile Wayne R Rt-(IfulIw5 adnei.o smnytnea yuwn oraot$.3 a e child alone crn=DugDrenan, edwirlaîa enho antS ba 143*a 1. cile loeNebNOoe snl Until NOVEMBER 1, 1900 la e;Z. bs ben NOINIATION FIE wiII b. charged for toac or mhe 111b m vinle ltseltn h i New Members. JOIN NOWI cdenc i chilide=ni. a ee mr am.vl=ag laStreetcvlle Mfionsns UPay a regular Membershlp Fee ONLYI Tis la DCii Baffy Salarday and plcylag la 000mb mUCaa ne e DmiaAen Sna aISingleAduit ~ ee laInve cisilin usafettmi, oe for e few ineini ireitate an ep-reai edy ICING TROHAN .TRISI PRACTICE 1ST. E. INTARIO OIoC HOURS WenO, lIli i9onmpm FFA. 2pm 1pm Se. .e . IoteM eQOS epY PteuIuTol TEST DRIVE 4 Dr.Bden PACTATIC aoLECTiOF oplUBRAND MaW MONDAS IN cTOCKI COMEI AND COMPARE AND c11CE aO TT5RDOLLAR VAWE. POiL OUFA DALLOT VOU COULO MW 0OURA O5C5M5Akd DMW Open .Onark d Onlarî NOTICE 0F PUBLIC HEARINO Reglonel Munkinpalty of NatIon Town Of Milto The Onario MinO1nio i fhe Eeioneieoha recutocd cn appicaton byitheun sinael Miopetiy onitone for appeoof a epmopsid mcc is dposailste orlind- filiein te lneiied onePat ni Loin liend 7 Consion Vi, Nm Survy, Sanniaplilo Tomship ni Nelon,. Coney nofHiton e n tehuTomn ni Mion,. Ieionoul Mniiopnliiy oni cOn, mone piicuarinjePin e, in icuieone'Pien 2D-0-017 for Rgfoy isi one ni Ouion120). The ppoediel kncvmesSie"F'.. e5 neoice daied the l7ih dey ni Supicixine. 10 ced publihed i ho isnfppusthu Eexromenl Asname- 11M, sonductapuclciihueinn niotien inratone and to hueurthe iimnl o te pulie het l cii ould mve recoemandations ie resectcofaithinppouud cese dos poaiitse. xhin thu Boardcoenend on ihin doOmie u dieid hy counsel piecci ciii chen onu oan odeni the OSpixixe Coartof nitaico iohbiilne h from hidding c hureme ir ruelatin cite poe ntlua heid ilniteoîthe Emrmenmeks eeidehlia wroquired to miue ande, sction 35 o The lionemonial Ascument TAKE NOTICE THAT h Eirionmontai Aesnsmenei eoard mal rconvenenone Nosmhor 12 1100, ct 10.00 oloct le the mominlealoal ie., ie iAudtorium, Haihon CiniennellMao, 185 OturiSreet South, Mine.Oniri. TAKE NOTICE THAT i heBonird dutieee Ipoe riconeeiee iathe iise imheseedmed ihcii her- lel chili proannd ondeTe lenioemeial Proection Act, 1971. thueBoard mc pocncl mthhh ingucet c thiiitdme. STATUTORY OOPOOIOCEa Th Eon el Asumn c tAniW195 1.0. 197, chiptes cil and The Enofrennmael Poeoln At. 1971 S.0. 1971, auceidl. T.M. Miphy. Secetury, Eniron.eniAmusaeen oad. Ocidit Toroihi 2811 dey of Octnhni. 1900. it ay urpiseyou to learndiatmanyof today's foster children are in their teens-a Uirne of life when foster parents could provide the direction they need. For more information about becomning a foster parent, contact ChBldren's Aid Society of the Regional Muncipaity of Hilton Oakvllle 844-8211 CA INME 1 w , ^Ny mivil5 Va fiSdue This Friday evening Cenadien Meter wilI hold the sixth Annuel 25 Vear Service Guild Dinner et which those Employees with 25 or more yeers of service ciii b. honored. 25 Ymir Service Guild Memisenship MEMBER VOS. SERVICE J. Oter 39 P. Cllîn 34 J. Keowles 33 G. Taft 32 1. Joneaoe 32 J. Nuphnlc 32 J. Tytier 31 E. Wojcik 31 S. Diamante 30 A. Jencazzi 30 B. McDowell 30 C. Soons30 J. Lapton 29 A. Culp 2B P. Konedoaki 27 J. Morgae 27 R. Conke 27 J. Macincie 27 Ww. Duncan 27 P. Vasev 27 H. Sullivan 27 J. Sturcit 26 T. Cozeit 25 J. Sitarpa 25 F. Pagliccia 25 D. Horieg 25 J. Dornnitonkn 25 1. Armstrong 25 M. Ryley 26 K. Hasaerd 25 GCANADIAN METER COMPANY LIMITED oaaco.i01 THE SINGER C0iONW< Huaband&'Wife*0. Family 42 Junior *125. MA ciaisMemieni RsnIvenFsm nnPu«c A8K ADfOURW1NEW WMEKAY VMMIP EWy g e rema ehupn o an o oufouroffecondimodcouarin rlie le w'OkpaL#ndfiolrîAcondLope Bar FFr e Infonnation, cal Benh Nagi. 87fflll, Home d FHardwaire Our New Lino! with one of these fine Beauti-Tone Paints ... 'eaU N. ersisaeaai-1852Oaec a-76 No B&« IreEANLo ne c rEAnn1m N TEnR.ImnL ATE "as- BEm.iOm On e ,,RIîOR AE AI NO QUIBBLE WARRANTY If youareco no oplelely satinfied with Beauti-Tone. retore the nontejenel ondwh proof of parchese to the ntore for refond of thee aeepie Aboee Pricn leClou ee Poce. For Your Convonierice - W. are now OPEN NIGHTLY to 9 p.m. Until Christmas 385 STEELES AVE., MILTON 878-922 1 -i