Vaiedieterima Paul Van Ooa-chot deiveflthetIRaledet addrenae t Commencement a.a (CnitUMINd 1frem Fe B9) Tarnnaky, Fluna 0100Tiempan, Allai Turner, Mliie LiUnas Club Ptr= TaneMike Avard. » , M AnsVan Oricbit, Pan! Van Te ond r0clvht, Christine Awr,$2,Wlley, Mark Yrke. Pauli Vian onracet; Renie graduation Stidait Ceaui!!Avard, dipinan -reawarded peU etit urjg colr.te Maîthae Achenan, ship( ),$Z, mie oug Adnms, Jane HMWN;t".KdlM Co Mail ldlinenAstan, Avard-jineMaAur Cr SlJcey Benntt, = e Hâtory Marie BernhbelCathy TUeu Trnr and aibby, Jolie iederman, KaUrys Whley. Milintonnlid Bider, Gabriele University Waaenn Club Bobr-vky, Jefn Bend, Sce $» oy Stepina Rnia, Peter Sakiý.-; S Cftat e rlnnd, Nadie' Seyke, Arts Avart- Vocaland rowvn, Jane Draine, $10, JudIith ar ar uaagean, Maiv.igUand gimn Micince Caai, SCaente. Cbaalviach, Chisltine CbrcillIn IdoUlEaea acupte Clark,,Kely Crp; lem oeb*wobklý $ Cnatin ut, Sanann Tory Jane Dignai, t«"uràr UmdPShelley ala, Mark Lusentary Cia6EUhtt, EHil Eery, MmLiats lJoh a eane Friaib Aiie Moul Awad, $00, uba albralihPattAGlen. Troplay (Mauc, Marin lvi ilc er suitow.Grant, Janet Ramilton, atedat CWIa-Ul Lynda Raid, Stepiven ~v Judih Mai- ltainiuii Andrew Hlck- MerAvard ian, Slvart Hil, William $100, pZar Hopkim, enUer Gù wr ,I'5'aKtby Kteaberly Husai, Rse Riding.Anne Landny, Olaf HRaid CIa maI Laack, SicvnLeenard, Inutis i e ne Cinile Lein, KelithLcy, Avard, $1, Panl Van Judith MaiDeaglU. Clerihet; IAM BCW- Nancy MacLeid, Woan ahlp ($1,Mi. par yr. fer 4 Maltby, Rbin Maylln, Yom),i.JudIithMai- Panu MCarnn, Lie- dnaunm; Junor Maux> raiie MEaiern, ina Catet, 118nPaule MMiUtan, Danny HM & Aidrev anna; MiNcU, Mrra y Zooiml Mahenlaih, MPliafi, Kelly Mddle- Daid haver, MaIlle. ton, Paul Miankiner, matins Asaciation id Michael Marray, Amatiea, Dvd arnica; Sadhatrl Murthy, Jff DOnacerluMatbaiiatica Revby, Jobi Pielp, Avard (IMDRSi, Risen ri, MI Annse lenry Elizabeth Piikney. Iboan Otario nebiaci Pan! Reichert, Jd ibm ynnsr1(8 par cent Rntenaar, Karen Rit avacige in aie cradita, chi, Mihael Shepherd, wrth $100) ver.' Sylvia Simunyl, Kim Mathew assoen, Mada- Smlit, Andrcw Sache, lineAutai, Ctherine John Tnawaky, Fluea hiblny, Jolie iederman, Thempean, Linas Thi Chriaiepher Carter, son, Sandre Ta, Chite. Carter, Cern!- Drevai Toa, Allen iie Claiiilvsah, Kevie Timner. Patricia Turner, Cutea, Shelley ablin, Vii Trente, Vers Van- Patit Gin, Jerry Grana, denbincb, Itike Van Li Iluaibke, BSce Oarccbt. Kendall, PRue AMu Pan! Vaieorcbt, Laidry, Cnstance Palia Vaiebi, lai IcnlJudIith Mai- Wnlva, HiainenWite, digi, Nancy Tam icia, Chitinee MacLmed, RifinMaie Wilcy, Kelly Wilain, Pan! Menejee, Iean i VUn, Robin Sndhtrl Murthy, WUtni Dune Worth, Michael Shepherd, Anile Vyivai, Mark Hinh.rly Smith, Jobi Yarke, Marie Yeing. anfiverSary anlivesnary, alae Vonierd Aicea l wuaitbirwU ede and many riven an d UnOw cda hat if hait v:Z Wfthan - inah*e Uir opae" daynaa, mors Anatrelle, vanunthenly oed fa i" nable te ha hainte. Thn Cragg, lMUftai itth dUnr s-usaid datubtar, Unir vtien aid hambeaile, et Savar- Ian Ina lataday Anglcan Cimancb pnrleb Ha/ton W.I. Mfr. D. Lida laaaldea e nfl ur in0atii Of Malien Ditri tainoen 'a Instituats, hlOct. 6 te theAgriulturel office te MonIc. A!! 1l hcinches van rlvreantnd. Ranaagavya Sraach tiUtI thenDistrict Day te Iny RH aio. 4 le t y feaof a put laib nchan. Mua. J. lanhart wvU! ha guest =paa, olia n tUn ACV in-enlianint Ramietrg, armany, aid bar Harepeen ll A perhianmtam t91 if ainiugh ineannt le expressed. lme hiatery biche ane $3.50, il wvan noneed. btra. h. Jefflersn, retiran bonrd membar, eaprnenad thaninkaInn! *Mci. R. Wila a aaked In cantantt Ue Ontario Aarilai Museun, regarding iterege if aId minate Tac 1981 District Anul la te ha May 17 or 28leHInoxCharch tb Dablin hraich an buste"i. Cmevel terk frein thIn yenra snir projec ittU!haon dilY. The campatitioi le plein asaple creaman d uieed leaien lutf. pnesenlatlea dui-ng Uic day incladeai tbe rendiaf et pacas and Uic preien- tatien by d raof lair C = or*ndana Wun BleetidCalMnr Witt of Cambeldea â"alva7faisi suai-. reie Eaavt a nd faderai RDP leder Bd Brneânt aid faderai PC ledwer Ja Clark. Tan grandohidmai rend tUn telngraa dmaig the oena henm. Meton-Burlingtoa MPP Jalien Stand pna- nentedia proinial aaoli id Mayer Don Guidon necelvedi a talegran if cegrtieioa fci PrimeMniniter Pierre Trudeau. Childran, griduli- dren andecosislea van band frainSasatewn fer the wvaend, ala vsiltora vanreeidived fhma Fierida and an fan avey asNeRat Llkard. Son Raold eincndthe presantatiaaa aidtan ceaple van teeat.d by Uhir denghtar Joyce Hevahaby of Palmer, Saab. Une a&ne iadeaa - digcabe, ieppad vlth ani Uluinatai raplia if St. Devin' Circb In Pnaley, Saab., complet. vlUh cimna; aidaealba mithea rei«ia thite wedding dreus vhlcb h. ans wrforrtan open haue. 5h.aid daaghter Gledyn levIer of Palmer wan biatees fer Une day. Tac aidait aid yeaig- eit graidaaghteci, &-r Cagg and Viintie Craug if bMUe pmunatad the famulyn gif t if iney. TanIn danebtari nap- Grain Cheik nerved thn gathering. Rnv. Peter Perd if Grain Cberch apebe aid bleaued tUn cuple. Mci. Cragga gifIte b, er humanadica a ailier pan and aeninet. He Post offfice opens Nov. 10 11» e c Mian Pot affle ma o naaiMU Offc an. armvi St ii lna divitovi vii hc tudtv s cheduled te nrvlced by crir h. epenei fe UamienaantertUl wiU be likc Revember te. bixes vailable S Postmaater Cal Hart i Mr. Hart sali hue flotify ag rasdicte (hure w chin o oabîaa posta wl oaa hi vwo forma of boxshooid contact the letten delivry. poil office ta raserai oie Wlil e Uic cipost inte Ucew building. Clements and Noble Ien.unmc.Agency Ltd. moving to their NEW OFFICES 205 Main St Eat IBeelde Borlndia Photo Centre) as of Friday, October 31lst, 1980 878-7217 te Yean of marriage. Jun and Lina aCragof Woodard Ave. epent a buy weekend celebrating thelr diamlond weddlng anni- versary. They have lived in Milton fer 35 years. The head table at Grace Church Hail diaplayed a cake wlth a replica of the littie church in Saakatchewan where they were married in 192, eloo a faiiy photo, candie, flowersanad a Bible shehbaa ownedalnce the pneaentad bar ilila lly nichy ldvnmria Tr~ T I~iT~i van Uie former Selina Eack. They farmed tbe ontil 1902 aid aidofthei children were bain in He jeined Uthe yli ivaialv 190 and when he vnda cbarged, th j moud t limoed le Torente and Nobleton befere anIEt iten ln 1945 elUMW__ MartinsMUO and Uic 35D MAIN STREET EAST Eccalaler plant, -hen MILTON, ONTARIO Pigme n d Chenical C l, hi@ citirement in L9T îP6 Tb Imimly lnatadesale I 20 gre* graidchidre. Tie mmnand daugbtare are David if Keliber, Saab., Edward id Scion- HeM et Lorette, ofRichmond Hill, Gladya (Mca. Fred levIer) of Palmer saat., Jeyce (Mci. Clvii Kewalskyi id Palimer, Gerden id Mount Nemio, Mlvii id Milon, Robert if Australie aid Winten oilton. Sheridan College is growing Corne and see for yourself and bring your family to CAREERS UNLIMITED OPEN HOUSE Brampton Campua, corner Steeles Ave. and McLaughlin Rd. November 2 - from 1 -5 p. M. The Honourable William G. Davis, Premier of IOntario will officially open the new building jaddition at 3 p. m. in the inner courtyard. Open Hople. wll f.afur.: *dpiaiad devlieatnoai vivat aahoola nad dvoso fthealla geui infoavaeton onIpogiasad sevcesincdn arie.duaiton andplacemen, Oc iii lii ad itudet afie ShOeridan Collage Pipe Band balos for e i l e vn llcnnalialn il 'n. an7t enrlnicina Opaflveaci Onkîllia Campus, MY COMMITMENT is to the PEOPLE of MILTON The office of the Mayor is the single mosi important funciion aI ihal level of Governmenl where people can prîvaiely influence iheir own destinies, and as such, as deservîng of ail the internat and dedîcation a person can bring to it As an .ilecfed officeiai for 15 years, 1 have tried ta eatabish a tradition of being *ACCOUNTABLE *DEPENDABLE eRESPONSIBLE *APPROACHABLE Tfhat'a why I arn once agaîn ofiering my services and aaking for (lie oppohiunîiy (o serve you agaîn as your Mayor. on M onday, November loth MAYOR [DONCGOREDON IF YOU CANE FOR MILTON - VOTE IF YOU REALLY CANE - VOTE GORDON Poilie OPEN e! tO00 m. and CLOSE et L$S p.m. . - ------------n. The Corporation of the li TOWN 0F MILTON APPOINTMENT 0F VOTING PROXY Ana e9o unvieaene eaniltihe pallia i for n ceina bdiveisio has oiteinedaacrti@ti lv liuuded onthealiaie inte mniiplhvynd vWhila: lei A pavai ayba, lthon aie wvila ii ahusalnoriv aha ieiiuioe, tem a ailligplaie han baen, pviadid oi aici pomia ise orte papiaa ai pllngeor viveapviooavnU bic,.adeattennd u pon niai psnscforvte pcpiniiao cv hirballet.enid ibi A peisni viiiebcrified by a lmiii qanlileai ividuail pecitvlier,.baicertificat@ fNIedvlithaeClark, otea philyinc apabl fail ndig pilinlaice: (c) A pavai absenvt lvi, hi e gliv vnndnii he etio nendueg ain duceaionil inittionenidaixpeivi ha efn l nia i cabenc frnt hea vciplniaa vi e uimbl Io eitnthbenananepoilioaven piliiidey; or dl A pavar iinipoeiuiit e abetft ie unlini subdiviiniiduiii tha leovain paiiid linclidini lie adhaieapoilenid plliney aibp vanono is iungengaaad le, hir o rvvar n he biné«afvvrnsnportatiobn biway. ai, vatavaorvvvvehidle, cay, ai frmeaannable ai tie Ofice ai vie Reumii 0111ier 251 Maie StreevtEait. Mnai, appobi nia nparovaii ie e and wvi encitlad va coteIn laevie nv muikbafty. Sual paien in ut e appoined enid cavvind bp vie ClevI alte Mnilipailva duiii tha pialv lileg PNominainDeOaa iobe Vint, 19M8 va :0 pet, c, Pibvi Day, Noeei hI WO)h ta. FL NPEne Resuinficeasa. TOn of Mllvon. 77 muý7 - - - - - - - - - - -