Stf fallùre' coats. CaniudfrntrmPage On TWaiea""tor edpat otthe *00,000deticit rn. cedy ueevo becaate ofpreblatai inte regioal Stewart expiainsai that wber there are extra in- terest chargea of Iis type they trm part of the se- tusi budget for tiaI year and aftoct the finai surplus or detînil position ut the region al, the end o the year. Saib Moore, Orector ut Public Worbs for the t'agite, denled howaver t is departaneut weî n.- sponie ftdhetai p, sayiag t is reapo- slibiity laZr n e pepare partutfduhe pecial asassianentrsland ineenaure tt ntruction wsrit la rarrtedsut teuraglt'standards. Ha aisai is staff c-rdiatestedupreparation ofttdu auesaiet ril, witb de ubtSi ted armamuelcipalities. "I admit tit e rules weren't prepareni as quicily as we w"sdhave lkd,"1ha sali i an interview, ada- Isg tdurat partirular fuscliun le part ufthlie jais duscription ut one staff meosher "sud tdut position bastereeduver titree tmesa lnth lastyear." Mere said due regise dosea have a policy manuel statisg tdu fashits le whicb such prjecis are te ha bandilea "bt peu curne away tram readisg t ut o tee sure ust who's supposer! is ce-udiate tdu titlea." "Wbat wa suedle sumeisudy te quarterisacit these prjecta Iraugistdu regu," ho adaisa. 'lise pllcy ust nsed a littlehbetter dettitiu. " GartidieBrown, regonal ceri, iddhe tiade of A arra for am anevgaary: Willim 'Doc" Wrght and i wfe Jea sereionored Saturday for ther aervice ta tise community and tise churcis at a sptial comnnl HoIy Rceary Hal. As a s=pPa, tiey were almpreseeted w th a cake ta mark their 3tis *iffl ne xt ra latarut charge u seas "slY e cemtaevativsanmt." "W. eat teMY Whbat du final aumlt wli b. mti! we nuewbatdthe oep sarbetin like we e emaite thebeedisue," eaddeua. Blrown said ha aid sut ttesh the probleos was ose ut a loch ut no-ordinatioo, 1thItis t bus bappoovai bc- cauue one party arounai here has heen drattise tes faut.' "Titere bas baurtauhbigi tmraver ile dut partiralar departseet tdut biture we tan butdai ceurt te a prejectttdu pario es puteile !s un bis may," aromusaid. "I1 donlt tinthstdueaser er my department oh" euli taklngay outhdu isame fer dues ai l," ha aldded, agreng wiib Mr. Aaderssn's stetement aboutdthebrakiumsinpulice rks. "Mac le rigit abot tdt," hasali. 'il batkh hm upcteplselpse dt." ANNOUNCING DR. R.N STROHAN OPTOMETRIST OPENING HIS PRACTICE AT 143 MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONTARIO OFICEnomS tOFCtE 818 5Us O. THURt 29ff0 9lis HOM8416 tOI ipom te lSA rlas. . OtHr oOuotS o PPcîNcTeNT The Candian Champion, Weti., Oct. 22, lmoe7 TO AUUMM RATEPAYER IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE Our municipaiity is now progressing through anothur uluction. This is a timu when everyone, new or oid, should take stock of our town, and of those who serve the toven on your behaif. Aller spending seven years on Milton Council,1 realizu peopie negiect to vote. 1 -MÉO m VS WMv 2 - Mdo ome m Evosute em . 3 - Moka un yu mi i &WUa.CbmmtUDii884M ifer m Md aeU uiui m ym roqh Mimd Cismenl - Castidalafor Regl au encor In Wd Twe, Mila 'Doc' Wright, Jean honored for service A ngit t usaxa lgit xa Catrai Tcittical Fesa thtina ptlo, bldtg elitesa asu' chelterabeum taa hilehra andailM- haè ecaie Wilim hat nl r5 xi tdigten, is lit ut se- "Oec Wrgt as t ut ud1ha atened cumplisiealue amea l hasureai fr tae yare outhdeCssilsArmy iseudse. Ha hie serveaii service tte dcsmmusllp 142. maxypopste inthed said citrcthhegise emt n e Ktigitte ut Clumbtus sai Milten. H e aa a currentll le tdu Pest Jean len IM aaidup Oyrsad NlghinleMilten. Dr. Wrght aaid i ite hava hsan laeai wth jean, seretdu gouetofutsis dagiters uver lteth e In I, aller establisit- basr Saleraiay evsslng eara. iag himei lintMilten, ha i due Hl P tearUY wet bathktenuivraty Rouman Cathlit Churcis Allai'leavleg te 80suGaid upgradeai hi Hall au rissais andthai b5dStInl».40,Mr. ailiias tote inte l e tamiiy feleatdu Wrlgltla. Wrigh dacideai ha hai 55W techarge ut dental4 htter daisoametilg p forarntuelt Nul stly mas is glOw- imprtant seithic lite msxitiiles ut isg pasl t fattmplit' ai ha enraileainl dental Weilleglen, Ouffris, moute"dat majer part acites. Ha starleai st5aip Statu, Grey enai Bruce. ufth duevenisg, baut le1in4lmaxaigradustea int Wrighta mre eurpslasai l9t1ts ouclr ut Denal On tae Milten front ha by 38th edditg an- surgery. hu rganiseai semisara = Sv tduevaslsg. IaI same yearha in Mg httiry stt * 'earteai t ecate iter- mWrigltwanhnesaeiinleserving te FoPterdWrigh&uil was Tur tele Ustltsais tmmueily said chrtit s nighin te rmamitr, axai Wncheter Public tera hy jiisg te fr Milon a masnsaidihis Stituel, Jarvis CUiegite, Kigitte ut Clumbs familp ja bass. Drivers not injured in mnulti-car crash A mixr mirle Oc-v rurreai ltTitrsdaYi, whan averl drivers5 nageai te escape( serima lenjury itea multi' buldouer. 'Te accident bappexeaic et 1.3o p. s ear Klset wen a tac drives isp Axaii rmas utPusilnct seus sidawipeai iy avait- ie driven hp Olive Sargent ut t Marrer St., Guelphs, saai Milles OPP. rTe Sargent car dieu veereaiout ofutlein trust ut s tracter-taller crymng, a »lten Titis causea lte istildomerte ral sff du rerutorailer ete ite ide in tha medisu. Nu srisus inrp mue iscarreai baltal pr perly damage mas est- imatedai 0*5,000. Extensive mectaga on te ,iha tp rtl s, ccwawsbaiten musea al diadeiris. s& Rich nylon flonal point cocun in bnown torius Mopia finshecd ood trmn tnclosed Seoly POSTUREPEDIC sonress nohes into o double bal Ravtsble fomseut cusbons Deepiy louv puddad htgh bock und piliom trs or comrfoiiund quhty chooso StAiY $4 9 7 42 IIL, AU.ST CLAIR LTUATE INTEUIOR RNT If'sour very best and it's on sale at one-third off!1 St Clair paint tan lie tintidt t over 1,000 dacOrâtOr coloura whie pou wait. We tint frée of charge andi our paint l 1009% guaranteed! utimatê galons oniy I tClair *bnl The paMffitdfl8peee MILTON MALL 878-2629 MILTON EASY PANKINO Open Mon..Frl. 10 p.m. set. 9:30 @-MA4 p.m. Sklar-Peppler Traditional bed sofa Isootiui nylonsfloral pont mth meit t m e sSprnnO 0usd vattrs ndiesofao s nito adoublvhod a eshtfoavsat rshoos6 TV adistsuhle heodtust a Atm caps ad cocsec utdechi 0 Match- unýg chuir ovauiohte $49840 [ House of Braemore B r ok i Modern Bed Sofas P.,f-, -', Th eautif oquiky onens nt a confotleedfo 2 Io, TV , .alom g yoc oaodd on eaanhd'oomnto youn home bah seodspuchicai5 ifo u ttefortsbteer o ot ns nifu e ong wnoearinvaiost ong Bsuittvnfotd bcsep on aed-nch ufupool efn n socttc fshi SI.nbd1,1 $296 20 6._ on-the-spot-plck-up, dellvery extra wlthln 48 hours. North Service Roati Burington ALL * msu~ 0 Q.E.W. & Guelph Line interchange OPEN DAtI.509AM TO 6P M THUIlS h&iRT09PM 3/a Million C. Ft. Furniture- Appliante- Warehouse anti Showrooms 3 'h Miion c. ft. Fumiture Appoance Waoehouse and Showrooms -I 1 1 1 RE-ELECT Y W.C. (BILL) ROWNE 1 L- .1