Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1980, p. 4

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;~ I The bîgh feelings againat regional government in Milton apparently are only surface deep, if a public meeting turnout on regionalism asat Wednesday in Town Hall ia any yardslick. The public meeting was called to invite public discussion on the regionel referendum wbicb electors will be aaked to vote on. It ia contained on the Nov. 10 election ballot. At 7.30 p.m., the advertised start of the meeting, ail Milton coundillors, except the lhree regional represenlalives who were stiil at regional head- quartera diacusalng the sewer surcharge, were on band as well aa one member of the preas. lThe rest of the room was empty as not a single "concerned" resident botbered tW attend. Becauae of Ihat, one is tempted Wo aaaume non one cares wbetber thia town tays in regional governmnent or not. Now that the referendum question is on the ballot, il can alan be aasumed a majorlty will vote for Milton acceptlog anme regional plsnong respooslblltls. But if non one seema W csre about regionaliam, should the resulta of the referendwn be taken seriously' Ite referendum resuit cannot be ignored; but by the same tokan, those who are elected Wo couneil on thal same ballot must be quite sure tliat any reglonal responaibilities aaaumed dont boomerang. Ratepayers are only coocernsd when thinga go wrong. Rlght now thinga are very wrong Wn the sewer and water services deparlmnent, the very ons Milton would like Wo recover from Halton Region. Perbaps il might ho wiaer tW let the Region keep ils respon- sibilities and leI them continue Wo take tbe hbut, instead of bringing it back W Ithe Town Mf Milton only Wo find Councillora here are getting blamed for problema they did not create. A great occasion Lait Tbursday wa a great The transformation of the old occasion for tbe Town of Milton as bouse te truly remarkable. Ibe the ribbon was cul Wo officislly way thse building was made itoo e open Halte. Womens Place. "home" is a tribute Wo the cou- Leea"sdn,,the feemer police vkrtion of tcehellaon t$bmi' division 'headquàters, the Place board of diractors and all building wae a nigtmare wben il the volunteers. was assumed by the steering committee wicb bas worked We would commend thse group unselfiahly Wo create s home for a major accomplisbment and wbere abused and battered for being able Wo provide a service women cen go for refuge Wn timu mbhich, up tW now, was dusPeratelY of trouble. needed Wn HalWon. A itypiscal example An incident whlcb bappened lait Wednusday at Regional Public Works Committee pointa out the ridiculous lengtbe Wo whicb we bave aIl become entrapped in the buresucracy we bave-created. The residente of Actonowsnt Wo bave a garbage bin placedi on thse property oi the AcWon Sewage Plant. The bin would be a garbage trensfer station similar Wo that in Georgetown. Residents in AcWon dont bave a dump now, an it wae tbougbt the bin could ho used WO save people a drive ail the wsY tW Burlington to dispose of trasb and bagged garbage. Thank you, Seturdey marked s fîtng tribute tW e member of lIse MtoWn commumity wbo bas devoted bas ail W making Miltono sbetter But when it came lime Wo diseuse thia very modust request, il turned out Ihat $21,000 would ho needed Wo put the bin in place and $40,000 e year would ho needed Wo maintein il. Simply staggerlng 1 And whlle Ibis is going on, Milton resident Marilyn Gonnesu wrote s letter about people throwing their garbage intIse ditch near ber home. As long as bureaucracy like that surrounding the bin eiste, it is email wonder people find it easier Wo just drive ouI into the country and throw treeh anywhere where no-one C looking. Doc place tW live. Willism "Doc' Wright was honored for bis commumity work euch as heading the flght Wo erase asthme; for bis work in preventetive dentistry in six Ontario municipalities; and for bis work Wn the spirituel veto for founding and helping W lead thee Knlgts of Columbus in Milton. Always s man wth a sanie of bumor, Doc Wrght la clSing down is carear in tee many fields Wn wbich hi got involvad, and il la mite nome sadoasa test a Irise pilLar of the cosammty la slep- ping down. But ail of us in Millen cao look bacit on tee werk of Dec Wrigt and ha proud to say. Ibis ina gman wbo cared for bis nalghbbrs and bis friands asd hl@ianaad suc cSed.In akaldafMillen a baller plc nww lve. T* Deu WrWt a»d bis Iovly W* JmuaIse champion seys âoê M efer aIl ye.bava dana, and rOI Iausmeto do,for an f W. wit Jîm Roiîu Il la witit inrreauleg drssd mie ap- proacitai les mytsrleumachintinstl wilcigoeontimside te Ontario Mleltry af Naturel Rseerces as it pertainu tota tt very treeg tlobby, tie ggrigate ledustrjr. Reader aoflTe Chit onepl e a lisay awars teât cter eue, satd yssr ai itiainga iy c spial cemmite et Quss u * on asameedmsets tete Pile snd QuerrW sAd, caurrait NtuelRetB- a~r plicy jrlmier te wli efsinal emedmele it dide't metter te cammitsi weu appoed lettieasedîsele, ear tit itaedreds af bris ced suteamlaina, mastly epposed le citange, itave lae ricelvid. Pramplsd ity wla tiiows witat, Mr. Auld itsd titis fermaiel ilny stemet wiloosliata ilItwaî wrttee upity te presideat ofa eqerry apirclias. Il cstau oe umld iteld on, ar eve uer a qusrry elle whiii mightl la usid le the future. le tact, rieaw 'proetcd" au evireemeletly fragile weutd ga eut tewiedew if lb. Mlelter saruled le arder leget usand gavai tole itiildleg elle. Eveiteitasic titaugit blaid titi fr- mal eltemet wu ecaeamlcstly bieid eut peuple itues. Il slaed titat Olerio needs seed and grael, terifari athilg eiteuld stand lentie wcy eofIil eg es- tractid. Aggregates aggravating And lest maseifIlyoua lite walilg eriegi thlie Bruns TriO, Mamileiters. Kilue mn Mtjuinmeof tlee ailralitesit- land, yaa cuuld du utilg le sop lthe i tructesetnditulldozersi aesleinf,lente eyes oaitles Mlelter ced tee cggrsgate advlcari, caed er gravai wu ineeded 1r smi roas elri. Sa miili risdesumay ait laite lele l uerlausly, il migitlhavisa very teg sim~ anu ancd ya itid"d. LMamai, abs ý a = predum n l altai are Lu ¶sLton Officiai Plae ta court. Titi reauuila leey duel mwaul pteetiel gravît lsie loetCd by iumilitleg tupld, (le leuir aez), aus nacersd epecis, creete, lieeu, snd peuple. And itad Mr. Auld gaI amay ile lau formai pullcy ilaemet aid hit l iteee appruved, il wauld itave iteauitleiofficlei guidelia ity wtecithles les ced lee Otario Municipal Bard mauld matre dinlelaeu. Ia praducir meule le opea ig gravit pli apposite, îay, Bruete Mesduwi, ite caald. AUltles eaelg, pratection, familles aed aleer aitjecions mauld la usles ai thei eltemeul lb. 0MB mauld tueasth ee gudlile clearly ppelappil e lleipeople. Lait Tueedey le Cauecll a crlea leleng bappeid. Twa gveremtri. i ienleivecamentrycand ssIleehedlfor au ulicaiced pliinle laactlvatsd oaitle oultskrlt fCamplalivill.I liey iiid gravi1er a hitgitweyprejent le Misaule- sauge. Eve tioteeititreri tour er titlmte aed lileecel pile lie Duitsrle, leduselen, aed Siterman l inteinameai, titis. mie weeld eut lacit dewe tram lb. idie ofic- Wit1?fEpeclly wleSerei ancd aed Gravel's Nana Flm =le pt elop aid sld tle.ppit raId ait pidfu rail ceY citeapir lm se ite e o. u einu titi traubia' iti twe ripresailetivea weuld eut uy itaw long te pit wold laepai, itm munit waeld la eta eutm, mitaiil weuld la caverid oaransd itrougitllaiktle l&a nactuelstete, eut aiem wmacit par tee titi ameer waild bl apid But tlebig quis- lieu, llay dedged, wccmlhat ulsistpltes ameer tram jeal getlg a linene iteout itavleg le go titrtuit al lb.heanrmal citaeaelsetetr aperelri lave lentie ares? ul Mr. Aulda decumait ad lae ap- Praved, cluarly nolelug maild stand le lb. wcy et a licene juil bielg iaued by liserlal erder ile ai turm ut eppeal pracua epen le les famillu esite cria wita maeld la aieted. Onceacle lla the.slery ofaelarge, ig- itucit lobby diag mecsre tc pi Ontarie guvirneeat pelny tainlihe people titi guvirmeat la suppoced le ripreet. A memo from your child Inucajuneciaesile ilariceet 'Hue Yaar Citlid Wiit" campeige, MilIeu Jeycee iisuuid c lmely article, called "A Mimaraedam Frusa Your Ciild." Il le n.- prieted hbsn: 1. Dot ulpuil me. 1I Cas qut eilmt led I augit noeutotahavi al I ait tar. Usa auly lasiig yaa. 2. Dunt el afaraid lu la irm ils me. I perten il. Il lite me tuaw mitri I slend. 3. Duel tuse force mtit me. Il ehes aime Ilat powr le aitaI reus. I wlB nspeed mari riudlly ta laleg lai. 4. Dunt el lilcueulteet. litIconfuses mu and matai me try itarder ta gel emey mit îvîrytiig taI1 rau. 5. Dault mate promies; you may neutla ablet ta ep llam. rthalt discaurae my trust la yaa. 6. Duel tfait fan my provacatiosmite 1 eay cnd duotiegi jullte upuit yai. Titis l'I11 aryormri surit 'victurles". What do you think? liaiiailwlcgtes eula rgcrdcg ae v enilesresldenle bave oi We 55 s ty ay eerncd gle ysr phaeibnmber t enesure Qe 5e rsulla aileezi re ienerctle wéeskbelote 1*e N. 10 imanicelalelintlae, we IS publiat te reuIle et *aleUol.slang Mil t cuid cocmente tram bar aeaders. OuIy itaise ih b. ccii wbss Iviewpiele sare pe-lalai. 'Allr filtg se letera ya mc deqi I ai clir ffe or mail IlteW.t I licela Tt ncianCitî.pln, 11 ite51Milles. WINT. t Are ya la gaver o a ing Milles ate erespouibllls fer ruade, warcand sewer services tact trams the riglai?t t e Y... Cimmaents: N.... Do Dyiu supportIlini Regithncl giveraient? I e Y... Cuasmenle, to N... INoms: __________PheiNo: ___ L-------------------------- 7. Duel la tee upseilmite 1 cay "I late yau. "I1duel mia il, bitl1Iwanl yauin lets earry ftua mitIyau lave duai le me. e. Duelt mati me fiel imalile a 1 am. 1 ilI mate up tua itityiteitavleg lila a teg uai. 9. Duel du thinsigfor me ledt I rai du myuill. Il matai me test lite a aity, aidl1 may cantineintaput yae la my servii. la. Duel liet my lad labile gel me u lut ut yaar attention. Il aulyecourages me ta, conuees. 11. D'trcorreclmei rontaofpeople. 1lB tati mrieaoice il yau lait quiilly elle mi ie privali. 12. Duel tny la discus my lalaviaur ie lte bustaif a rauflict. Pur mime raison my itiarieg lu ual veiy guet ai leie lime cnd my ca-aperallae le ivai marie. Il la ail rigisl la laite tie artian riqulred, bt etti eut taIt ateut il util lter. 13. Duel ltry la priaci totami. Yaud la iurprledb.v mîlli I Cas mitIs rigitl and rueg. 14. Duelt mate mi lest leal my miîlaeî are oins. t lave la tiare le mate miate wilh el inlg tle a m au guet. 15. Duel detuaed ixplaiatitufr my mraeg beitaviaur. I rially duel lasmithy 1 did il. 16. Duel ltau my hitaeay tuamucit. t1a eaeily irigitliei lalatelling liai. t7. Duel iorgit taI I lave ced u su- pirimeties. I tiare tram il, au pise put ap ils il. te. Duelt pralicl mi iram casesqeacs. 1 eed tola ire irisa xperieci. 19. Duel laite lau mari t lice of my emaîl aliments. 1 may liaru la aijuy peur hitl if Il gele muct attentlio. 20. Duel put me ail itai luit sHONEST quetions. Iiyaedu you silIlaid tle stoup actieg ced eeutmy inortirnclaiseii wlari. 21. Duel ltinttat alITl tinehyaar dlg- elly tleapulagiein le m. An ituesil spelagy maitai me liai marce lesads yai. 22. Duel wrry abuite litBle aeeat ai llmewea&ped tageter. Il la e e bs ead Il leal cmetle. 41 Phono 878-2341 Toronto Un.521-3037 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL Edtu, Pubaiher Ad~veriing affue ittii5ORI E RYENTO<fr.,, . , u.1 a. o: oo.u t,u . MuîMa.i i,,N-. a . J u,*.,,u . ADVUW» gp^WAM. Rfl.ý Jeem GèWâ ie i. - 0 GMMiTMMTNM: %.a cFo Re»Ofere W ,WýN;C»d dm.quande ary-T *Sh One year ago Priai the Ont. ?A. tlIiiu Milten Coanil it thce esMinimume statiada ~,-cs a adelut litehMO- toaiCiliSI ro aueerenslviea eaire lewn, tut taw~e, tlea.Ue* Milonaed lMatai Halli ai a a popultion a inisa=t sios di yecr eMted lei mae th e local macitTarc pelapaileî ula affincl plaia. ccritheaae l nok nla= MMrt teiylealvlec2s.yrelds mulejs~ Onielar 1. Josai eMsnLisdet lââ Bruate St. lea cieclai MulesMit illa cIl Bronte St. US m uesn ber mcy lame cter mteeiglamiwetein b.cidetltokpine. Accardug tlepolilce, Miae MccLlisd mu db. gava hthemimoesyfreaitmi stars. Re cmidi off wmlle b.Sout aeiit coetacila 0 lenuitsh 20 years ego' Frontthte Oet. au, telleis Briebvilhie' em public anitaul upkasd, six wmestalter scitool itegasefr 1er l ai term. Ciildrema entuclau e intie ld raral aui-roam icissols wmitemritme iturried cumpîstino h ew icscuil- duted uciteul for 300 sleail. Dailti and District LaitarCanil membiri, acting ai c suggsion trem Milton memlar Marty Capeta. cri cam- pclgeleg la gel ambaiteniservine anricu Hellea. Aed e caruere einclae l. deateisao t Actai enhsaa eee sls lsl ralled for latter ambiulance service. Titiy jule Hallue Crame Attorney P. K. Mc- Williams mlaitu ai mcaspeigeeg 1er mari gavereiel tundu is in l uwhspitaic la rnlesir ume service. Ap=satMilton le servid by te privete A mebuerAct- laceirmna kvIlilî. Halln' ueeniofi te Farram lieut Raid et Horety caesecoed iletles Ontario Furrus Quee rmpeitilaeai tlb.Iter- naional Piamleg MatahInleSpringfield. TieaNataonalUnioneofPublic Empiffyem las appllsd le la neriied au bargceieg agent for 42 Maltai Maear employese. Titi cuninlauaiecmed Mai entfr lb.MOlton District lHospitllstaff. Velimu, Nicit Pari tusisa stmi le coachsMùtona Mirîlpntehe b.-OliA- Caitral Dtant telt. A-"Swç4 . Hmy. 401 le anape .7miles mail ai Mlton le mid-Navimiter. 50 years iao Priesthe Oct. 23, IISlaune Timi le lay ln yeer stockt ut epplus, ptatais ced vigetaleai for ieter. Pircit lave btue ceugitloai thesscI ced multBroete plersinl large qesetîias darlalg lia lut tes duesaif laulfie mither. Acardleg te Roivi 0. R. Citurni thlb vilaeiot 5lreetaville hissu suered tut tille tram the genercl ibuiessdépresi. Doge are gele riesingwle inTrafalgar township. LaIut ekJala E. Dose ittd eigitt itiep telted ced oreral maraued. Mare puchcinrapc la leis district cri reotd ensCre ccurid twi set s hal lrg b[taoff c trie oa i au aras. Titey marilarge pescit . Qute a sumier oai Itlleacsasaty larmers meltoed tacttrdtlutlmeet le attend the provincial plamleg matait miscit muaield lhee. Plamleg matcites are gromleg le PoPipalriy. Jeta Mlis, wo mte ee teempluyid le Aady Flecelgi teleiter aitap ter several years, parclaid ltheuiessa tram Mr. Fleinlg ai Maiduy ced ltakilmidicte Iml et iîlr prupitlaare preiclleg lhesthlers ml la sewra sipiliaoancd off op utüoeCristas. They alopridit thaI ile the exception of a tes raugis deys le Jceuary and Fibrary. lb. iter 5111 la mild. 75 years ago ýriai ttie Ont. 1. 5 ,issue. Wile Zeuts1%1eltact fltriday, Mr. William Byr llspilsted sodcpicter, c bird very rarily tmsad aulelde lhe sautiteru and Alantic statuo. Titis vcrlely las sever latprs itiiu seeitis section. Titi pilated waedpenter la very iity aid dliclctltleapproacit sud il lea urprialeg ledt Mr. Sayers iuccieded le beggleg tmis speini. Du Frlday elgitl, Mns. Curtis ofiZimar- mai, su lssvleg l tefr hisl. Wite site wscpacaleaDr. Telri ous au Man Si.a drivai byea yousg ma aiea ierloesa eidwic i cluded Isu girls as smrau loto tir ibuggy tram M.Curtis ws thrame oulaid lad!iter coller bons brte. The youle dld eut stop toa seeut ber bt aitove eut oai la a tstase possible. Dity fte b. ly ilterieraice ci Dr. Tiler, la wmald lave drive ver Mn&. Ctrttlasa abe tey ouethe graed. Thtom«a Turner,ai Torono aistteoa Matu wuainstow Prldcy, ced caed ta rac ie s bs crlptlua Hi iys b. las 4"taIbo iamapin « mince 21114, mhei be redatred km*0lote Iaac lIai!, et tft loue a Msilc ansd litâter, iIarlly alter lita3r itigtl ait J. A. Ciaipffel,a tirst publiaiter t usabd iil tla S.

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