I ,. ,- - "Hydro Commson Boa rd acclamations Ward Two race Ward Three race AN'PUNYGREEIt Ontario 's trespass lai May curb school vai 10, vblch come tt ie uea effet ee.tly buhemarrust, bt muet bilew tpodrgo reaonoable and probable dIrctIn"by tmenegre.mds of an offosice, lte. edwatin fr dheialte.o-hala iilngt tat= . sicrt Board o et msmton. ise arreat mont aa b 4elbr Fine. for U=apa ni" mae uen dth ue r c bave been lcrae l"frubhly deparied frons majority. vaedallm damaéguup te Pllce, bave aI eabue vowera e of eatOff tbe pre.nff, wblcb Mme an infruder wbo breke a ecbsol wlndw could be puread 1to e bhmern o cbarged wtb vandaLham and toepuhs. se"iote hefre=pie arrive& and ilionb tbir nomai thte law. 11» eew treapaa nt ebnldbelcrbthse 1070 Oakvlle elm try and seomdary ecbhleaceaSnted for epproeimetely 35 per cent ofthte total Iatte damags lb. Treapaae te Pro- petyAct, c , replce d184Pty Treapea At of Ontario. premla.. bhu raiaedtdu question of civil rigbte. However, e epokuman fr tee Mnltry et due Attorney Oeena et Ot- erioeh bseaid tdu new At hsbu e caeul t la you, aur custamn draftedaol no t een te cbargea et abuee ivi efforts worthwhiIe. Wi groceries, bread, milk, a personal, friendly atm cali you by your namej LASTODATE FOR saYTHANKSI WImWMlaUET PLA OCT. 31 oeuoed Brow si Mu" r RWIUDS~ MITCI DELL LAWSON JOHN i RADLIKy ANGRLOTONELLI Race for Wards One and Three board seat :RTaAP4N o IVMAAMOduNG OOROTeeYcaSRsnJp Kelso'to add manager NyDeatp Mte choolo and municipol elo Conervation recreetion deparanents Are. WlUb. gttleg en uieg it et oteer imes. are. manager 10 meet A staff member car- P . theenceon demande rently ronning Kelse wilt moade nte ecreattun taho tee role of assistant aed ehilng faciliby. manager, halt lI remein lb. e ow manager wil le charge et day-to-day N V pertofns adminstrative operations, oold Me. and rganlealional dut- Sepb.n. lus, as». Murray lb. new are. manager Stephen, general man- will b. co-ordinatlng aed ager for the Halton rganizing tee expansion Region Conservation and use ufthdu Auteorlty. recreatienal are., ho The person handllng sald. MRAY INGLIS tdu pool wil supervise lbe job leclude. bote the e ReInCon- ouperviaog Alpine ski nervalien Are. and tee ing, an well as nommer W C nearhy Glen Ede. Shi programo. Ares, - Applications for thee W.W. con, t staff tee are. maneger post vill Y are.s wlte oly une an- b. tan up t. Oct. 10, and Y aIs ' a sid Mr. Stophe. the sew persoo will b. on e~j a t te decsssnn10 cre- te jbhyleeOctoher. aIe new put.* mmine", ana-nt oom Cgc A --Kelo was cloood by noon J644~~~ lete smero-oe ra Tlb.OIe. Eden Ski 5a bae etC Are.laloinbuzy in te [ i.L i I ! , it pollcy flot 1 iner saud Mr. Stophen, eaibility fordhe wt skitsigniglttoa eaHRED CROSS y, Levender oold. oeeh and collag., RîaIO lMme. e iers, who make aur 'e intend ta provide ,greeting cards, etc. in 'nasphere where we'II and mean it when we BREAD69 EI'S VARIET MMDUTPARKPAZ Rockwell workers' charges dmpp9d By Uada Kfrby Charge. uf elsetrting Polce ageinet two Rochwell totenotinal trihen v r ldawn 'Tbursday in tee continuation of trials for 17 plant emptoyees- charged in a picket ise fracas last Jane. A smilar charte agasa a liard employer o-as dumisedhbyJudge J. E. Rtohinson. Larry Cargill, 25, of Cabot Tral, bMilton wae con- victed for olstructing police end Oned =20 for due same incident. Assitant Crown Attorney Peut Stant wtedrew charge. egeinat Roger Uion, 31lof Woodward Ave, Milon and Jobn Leanard Manroe, 32, et R. R.3, Miltone. A cane ogaioet Richard G. Fumze, 34, et R.R. Rachwood wasdismieoed. Case. egainot Ken Bilten, 36, ut Cuncenson 3, Milton; Man Cooper, 23 et Oak Sit, Milton; Kevin* Gardiner, 43, et Hghside Dr., Milton; David Mat- teew, 30, of Klngoleigb Court, Milton, and Ronald Wlddden, 35, of Melissa Crus., Barllngton were remanded inJan. 14. Tise Rochwell wuekers were arre.ted durusg a confrontation beween more th"n 40 Helo pageV" Steeping Back le Time. Grade Two Pulice officers and ne.rly 100 workern et a plant ttldeltg Michelle Frazer and Johnny entrance. oih ohsvnofRbrBadn Three fellow vorbere were coovictod on charge. of Scoolr ven o f otesprt Buof wThnk ohatrudllng poiler wo wooha 000. A charge aamt.1 coîrcnîygSi.teuprt0 hn another van diomioood and charges againot a fite gaving b y dresing up and cooking up some manvwere wiitdrawn. holiday favorites. The plant basubeeon untrikeomice mid-Marcb. Eight acclaimed II to four at Halton Region of the best One-Oird ut Maltons Grseve, and Joon Alling- ragbual counillors have hamsI l ft f f C heau retumoed by acclaa- Returned se Hilton n u a c aton fOilOwieg the cIos-HItlUs are: Meyor Pele ing of nomnatioms on Pomeroy, Roy Blooths and Mttody.b»ie Armstrong. Returned linlarhagton Au uf prenetime ooly ag e nlts rn are:, Pet McLaugblin, BiU Jchnson bad been re- Vr Connel. Jim turnedinMldton.o c SITIVE THINKERS Fr ER CROSS WIRES 4 e or a, oe carhome PAULO LONERGAN RE-ELECT * INSURANCE AGENCY 170. eus. 9M.10e <BULL) ROWNEYTRFLA UE 310 MAIN STREET EAST IsauoI MILTON. ONTAROO è j L9T 1SP4 )RO COMMISSION lu - aa f saFe 1. oh. V~doy ~wa & kmw &~dabge qcodawi& : K* ~Gue9LhEut . dime -979-05370 Full Vear Round Day Care - 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday f0 Friday $42.00 per week per child - hot lunches Large fully equipped playrooms e Large fully equipped outdoor playground Ages 2 - 5 Convenient location, lots of parking WelI trained staff WeII designed programs for every age group Licenced and lnspected by the Ministry of Community and Social Services 1