- ICONTNS: Compshtd AconlnaSevice. G.L.,A/P. A18 £aIaOAalysempoyeoisssfiaoe-mal. Moadly iancial sa.em.ras.s iteeuit udit sel. Gsaroass smdoa rom $W8 pr mooi, col Mr. H. ar. Trsoo - 1-en7-i. ao. 200. Am horaB7S-15. Media Comps.tlng Secvlcaa d. RA.6. Mton, Ont H. 0. MULLIN Claiired Accorl.cr 107 Manin St., Mafse Georv A. Jenkins ACCOUINTANT 143 Ma. St. Mato Bus. 8780162 Res. 845-8178 WILLIAM MERCER COMPANY Crtî<ed Geiaa ta MAIN ST. MILTON 878-130 8789758 dm11 GORDON, LOMAX HYDE AND CALLURA Chared Accoctatns 17 Wilson Drive Corner of Main Street 878-7251 811 THE BOOKKEEPING PLACE sBoklespffl sFnmnc aiemsr Ine TrcexT *Secalansl -Phoooar 88JS dm8 Manrs Aiuminum Georgetown 177747 rfl Alamirr sido TI..8 fle-ll to.mnZ1dcEt mîndows. saamesss FrooEsdrele KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Sortt. Psa. Wndcwsaind Doo, Amnngs, Canaot ad Porch Encosices Raiîurgs. Eoontroîghig Federal Indusries of Canada Fotofosthe Si. Odit VILLE 845-0318 ALU "INUM WINDOWS là DOORS GLASS anid REPAîrS STORE FRONTS W. J. KDSKI LIMITtO 601 Mai Stemt E.878-9452 MASTER GLDSS ALUMINUM r Mlion's c "Slroîrd Aica Dealer" spemtairvonii5"l »0.smo ravesroîigh raSiding aSof Ils elascia a oraSI eAwnings PHONE ERROL MacPHEE 8785337 DEURX ALUMINUU UMITEI ALIIU W IGS IOO6IROUGllS. Mc 1081 NV LASi.iI Miton Appganc CoOng b HeetIno smic5OWAVE OV8NS sReEoMATMeM *ORMACRI.8Se *JR cONofmauE -mamin Set E. Min mien00 ý4qýian% U»moalemlse su%** jp.8a hUb sh usd8. Imm= -C TIW ftek: BI115 AUTO BODY COLLISION EXPERTS «ciii,72 5.30 p.m. 156 Nipsmg Rd. 878-2721 878-3251 Anchor Auto Collsion 161 NIPISSING RD. UNITS 4 b 878-8424 -5 Comploteaintimgand Body epair. FREEtrSTIMATrS DANS AUTO BODY COmpiete Coh.esn Wod 24 «HS, Tommg Snowmmoid Rspirs 878-5145 75 Ise Lin. Mitoii Il mile noiihoo Seees Ave., ACCOLINTANTS MANAGEMENT SUPPORT tsGROUP FINANCIAI. AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT FOR SMALA. 0USINESS (4188424M 0OAVILLIONTAIO LBMI MILTOWNE BUILDING bCONSTRUCTION 878-2U3 P. SCHMUKI CARPENTRY Cistcm blo homes$ Renrvnse additions ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roc rosre, kAchens, bth- rrn csramlc orkd, salileels end docte, etc. Otralitn sothm.rsisp st nsaonaie pdicsCoAiso. GRDADLODM ri VINY FLDORING 5Rsidentli Industriel For Custom Samo Caili878-417879 For Coma Appoi.tirm 310 Steeles Ac. Milton, Ortario CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLATION Commmecal or Rsssrlnial FmaEtstim.as *Fus m, * R0Uffk AU* 0" oyb *n s s.UNDBOL- fae almOMhomo*0t Sale of Wood ttco. Oie-" OONTrTAKEA CHANCE ON A CIMNEY IRE CALLICHE EXPERT Jce'a Chlmnay Repeir b Ckinqn 878W744 Sutidanryof McCartly Conearscton Ceaning Service Stesin Cluanog Lvnro"n. difite room adtmmhin h:4.5. UPholsrary Cleaning 8781870 Fise Estimes., CS<aagsrvbmaW . - iI Phcm skr - « M 8M0-127 WfmoIs-- ALTON & McISAAC CONCRETE LTD. 853-0933 tasasiis, lc. Parcs. Oîîoenys, Sdmaikss & Cois FREE ESTIMATES Coticiarnîs oui rcrhinmr MCM. concre Contractors Ld. -Floom *Waiss 5Patios sOnvemars Pool Docks Caa Jahn e MMaC Otais Stock Remisoal oî didsiedcal linra(416R s.2-4421 Lo .No. 28OC71 BRUCE PURCELL cns"iRepah.-Taaese NadaM Eti 87"4111 lian" sesAvse,- STRAIGHT LINE FENCt CO. * Chain Ln *Specaîsrs i ttal.loolord vnr ystrn *esideni aEtbindusiel Sptanmakar -Go8Nmigh. FLOWUR $HOP MILTON MAL LI Comnplels FloralSricas OrsrerssSAG* Omdb psadis Bruce Deà 878-421. wE il M Y A iIS- McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITEO - INDUSTRIAL -MMt8RCIAL *FA8MS& HOMES ELtCTRIC IItATING INSTALLATIONS 96 ChslssSI Miltor 878-9513 - 8775795 DREWVMAC ELECTRIC a Ifdiiral "RekeidW "*Comnsarla (416) 8r42138 8789101 24 HOU9 SERVICE Excavating. grading. top, SON, od ove mon- Ur@. 63 088 Toparil - Sard sGrandl eTseh11tng B so 5Poods, . Lie" adilal Cupiao oyems. complerosmlrrmioe pool kwImsadle*oo. ils, is Our ae0in.1. Fe- EssIm. .Cal .rylimo O8ORGOOANDRWS CUSTOM COMBINING 853-1389 GRAIN AND CORN" deomg3 A8 Fera WMr rmennaslems- Calalaale, Plae.cn binigllag ee .00Cualng 821-2885 John's Custom Faamlng (418) 336-3330 Plw,8ve eNtWeg.dsce8- pkeainq c om & mva graine, comniisng s&seesyde. Hihad Sed dm8f roACw I sREI CUSTOM DESIGNER 0F " Fîtplacs e Fletone - C,.mo cTie ntes OrvoratieeBrik EtStco CALL lOt FE8BO 8788636 Johns for àa quassy saspenry sCustom homes A I Ad 11ô ns s Rsoneattonste qa.an t ssmfmaah d ductle. cmae7aass dm8 e-. & O Commercial. Reeldcentlal, Industriel, Roofino. Concrmse end Bocissenriss&Carpoirrry FREt ESTIMATtES ALL PURPOSE GLASS EMIRROR Rsesidential Commarcal Stre Fonts sSealed nils 5Mino0,$ sPatio bon sTable Topo unistaledsed Guaraitted Carl Lnsbrriy 818-5842 d88 Glns&Mici, Lui. -Stoearots 5Paie Doms sTablTops sGIeu e clae 8 sPleetégle Non-GleaG"as 136 MAIN ST. E 87500 KOSKI GLASS 878-q952 Home Maintenance Service "Fora5 Oseeawejbs &rond . =se., J.K. Ne.5e 0lIM1318 CE HEATING 111@W instllons GUS MOWBRAY LTD. 8762381 Baley Heatîng là Corving Sales & Service R. R. 3, Mikon 878-4821 %vid.e sisectibn 0 syles oin res 8ofmsrgy sasng me- dess(in vsood. viiil lad endr eminam f<s e ns homs 088ntd alns-plusatoo dénors. torm doons. stn 8nds nt camerdocre, lors sera-w e et. hoS riest -1.1 384 Q~ipliet 877-11U88dIne, ED'S HOME hnter.,esedoepaimieg. e-mers, seemii F, CALL 7M uve-w TH ýLfCTRICAL SERVI(ci Gl NE RA[ iý11TWA('T1 GEORGE S. Trenclitis Er ackhoe rHRBRO tSDN bv thisdav. ok oriiovth Ho" ad Fam McI)uffe Equipmenî Fuel 09, Oh" & Oas Usrd Evipmrvi Fum ace, Charme 250 Marin Si. Miton 878-6538 of 878-8084 878 2445 dm8f Dr. Athur A Johntson 2Mactc K 8783673 e pell ORL . LTROMA 143 Main St. E. Milton 878-M88 Wd.Tisas a WALLPAPERING Fee Etimateî Cel AI anyime 878-5789 MIL.TON RENTALS CAL M87-484 375 STEELES AVE. et essosient pricingl "NoJsissasesasr 'Ns Jobiet»bie" Fers.sels*sl-o«N 875845or 081104 dm8f TUITMAN'8 GARDEN CENTRE Reslerg Wahl Osmer Up Hy.2 - 116miles South of AIon PH4ONE 8n32«0 L RAINSOW N A*TREEDTIN 1 NDSCANING REIdeTTaINGorrrl MLTWOCRALA Wood rooa ig& eilz Miltnace Ta.9.3ain & Desig 78.,ntal -8.0emrnercSp.m Fr". -.8Etime et .m RIFFO CNTA MASONRY LD Teli . Cocrta. Sîrs Claudno-.-830m rao -.0.9.00 M M. MASONRYD Bloc, ComegSn e- co"878-32 878411e-88422 Agmm en hmoe HALTON HILLS VETERINARY SERVICES OF.R, TRENTON t0 RIVER ST. ACTON 853-1450 domgOO t~ Jg.t~éonO~apIo~n. Weê. Oaa. ~3. 100 ~DBc~ E~cE~ D~ ______ I I I s painting reada Call: GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTRACTOR For Free Estimetes NDUSTRIAL-RESiDENTIAL INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 878-6137 Box 114. Milon ANTRIM INTERIORS Palangk Fiee Estimate Pheone 878-1784 8787608 Knowles Plumbing Rs.ldrne, rdoal HA litig Nm Insntallainis Remodelliig -Nîau asl is stlltion Fm . timates CALI TODAY OUICK PRINT INC. GENERAL PRINTING CoiiiiaiSem.oe Bod photo Ccpc 103 St-IenA-. Uidi9 Wffl ofHivy25 Core-Fix Radiator 52, M.,nSîim 878-8821 So 8&301 dri ASCYCUNQ OF WAMT8PAPEA Cash fori*saslspapier,tnoms- prntaend ail fins pape,. J.t;. mssseMerageeet Plate, 843 Main SLtE. Miton esllotl l=4 m o I,~SDCARRIES) COMPLETE j UNE 0F IWATER SOFTENER SALTU a OAela 8 7 8 2 3 9 SALES-SERVICE RENTAIS PHONE 878-8881 Milton Fabric Centra 12 Manin Street Ss en.dA.pomoir J. Er R. lemina soi"e b SeV"c ExperMeie Io 8 81h15ta-EnSira grmKtn- Machn« onrsalen w 0.08 macinehrs rom 11,49» Snow Removel 819Bouefleld Ingrrouor dnIl pool speOiligt * nsraletion Poo kitbs& e mraç. 87-707 dmIl MILTON POOLS Sales & Accssoies 5Inground s Chemnicéis *Above Groord -Service I nstallato 878-8770 529 Main, Unds 6 VmeOurShosresat 85 <orneery Of M ne, V smmolrgThi boaetcR. 16 ThompsoorRd. Unit 9et aina -Waoaoagared p.. JUST FOR TOUR SERVICE" 08maI DON"T LET THAT DEAD 58AP1C1 OR TeEt I4ANG OVER VOUR MEAD DURING WINTER CAL. US 5081 FOR AFREt ESTIMATE IIALTON-PEIL TREE SERVICE FULLY INSURED JAMES UPHOLSTERING Yaa rsuphointeriag seselilasfor lithose dlelq entrsemshahend shanesrfia.d, 1478-OM0 foea fflsenms i. 'T-t.- to save Ilves A vlctlm of a cer accident o rusied int ernergcncy, blooded aod uoconscious. Mltisoaj tise attesdlsg phsicaa ias suever eaue th. msa bais, ha booms tise viltbuiaabosuton- dtiseon o o dcaaead ei ~ jte pss*Msi l1s5dscteieeon sdadu*ragedcdj. lise pe" k- e cahedotremsdtcalhwOScy l ins laderseetis DataurâCw a prlnaetalemdet prise, ineadetisis eara *sy a mtlfcals mi lteesagçjtecsmq Thse uk m cr çWle oiùnelari«rt0e-sa tissmbuilt bu cadsd te Mmaduusecrrier sesi t b u narein casftdatiatyof the strd dlussa". Mai tsa=5 ofsesutinfuomato, and ae it- ist for iss csh rataild i. taey cisp. A secondcardbunavalable taart patients prevdls a r8tadottiirktetieuecrl8cpas. Wtil n mutesofcap&thas arrivai eta s spitai lias stiredtwcal isetaiycas be auson a micisêl râlder. Uss u psstla est avaliabis et thseisoi- pitl, C.tar d Iu=atl tse nwssesinbu itchasa misere lise iSfrmac a s mbuelibtalned 24 liesesa day, seanday. a wmeeb ross tie csespsny's castrai lu lha twa-year istory, tise Msdlca Data Bureau bue grasesbu uis a h ase of33 oMmies tlaresaglis Canada. A lamaly eeberalp faesof INae s8 or Sai des lasgood for tire yeereSeaiulleesveoupaylb fée snl3im ea iftehme momberidp. New maestl. as buadsi darissg diusths y spetdiJO1.1 About 16,M88cardas bave liecs,%nid buOntarlate date. Burlingten brasch proideBob Hl iateher stoN th. itryisa-obatisauisat rtzabuc Police workshop for service clubs HlateS i gaslPalice Oakvale Centra as hase arr arassseawaib- clâes adInàildeabuna absopi) 3 erieCh"ebs ewumatsgpoice te I b tis ialn uen effcrt effectiveta funtues- te ut.1itsuipport o ut mit&arelity, thiasigis a cemmsolty organ-ptpa t lcrissa pue- 1stida psts. . On Nov. 1ppoh I put as esastratiosinbu ie UOFr WA113 CompletsLino of Produces FR85 W#Ag Sis i te.aeAa M784« WATER THE WAY IT SHOULO BE A Division o Wesrmay Puais 20 Yasrof Smoîoa in allon Conrv FREE IretallaticniEl Ssic .LOWEST Morthly Raitrai "alFREt Sat Dliter Phone 844-9781 Bill McDonald Mamismof the OeuBuine- Dams HALTDN HILLS WINDOW CLEANING Resîdentiai and Commemci Fr»e. iaale., Satisfaction Gultrentsad 1519)8 U-753 Weter Saftoner Seh We lv« anymheme M44-9781 dm8 Off to Lesotho to teach David aedRime icol of CeespHelvwle have beas clissaste sMMn this. yeasmmtistisen Mnnonite Central Cecaltete inLe-eh.. misera M&. Nicot seti mark as vice-psincipel and butes maaet an aecalaajani Thse Nicola have sarved et B(-- Rereat cntre in Ce.- iliville tairtisa pat ive years. 5h. lies aise served ase Geneal Cesférence MSceete Cisarchin Hlamilton and mtis MCC te Toronto. Ttsey are meerseof tise Toronte Menoite Chuais and arr affilSated mitis waters Mensosite Cisarcin bu Unly asd 011- g~Cemsnlty. Camp- Transfer proposais requested Fsu enfata.Crn bave bcabetesois- saute traefe tation tai Georgetown. Thse rapert bu te decida le saris a place t eaccep- store-si wasta slioud beon the lirn eyîî opraia complet. r 'lea)oproas c sometibg le: uWe;: lTse hain key esetliod ssudd leanv traspr vised btlni e=ta only Umsealrera matis a key cosld depesit ai re- moes gaihage. lise =tloMdd ma, Ir asd dispsse ai earbage brosigltitn. liseraeualaaians are te h. la byDoct. M se lliy cuanl isemlmeci by tis cramsttee Nov, S.