V ?YY7T~1~ I for woend estt In Caledon His Outside duties include: Gardening (flowers and vegetablett) General maintenance of equipment Indolor duties mncde: Cooking and household cleaning. Fumnishod hous provided on property. Experience and references required. R.ply ln confidence tw. BOX 3079 1.Ml"susuga News 3145 Wofsdale Rt MlssssUga. Ont. L5C 3A$ nneMechanice Modem Piper BOX Plt We're ooklng for a maintenance mechanlo with experlence on foldlng carton machinery. Our 120000 square foot plant sa modem and efficient. Our equlpmeint la new snd top quslity. In the peat six yeers weve comvpletoly modernlzed our equipinont and procedures ..wth new linos, new die-cutters, -now foldîng and printing equipillnt. We acknowledge and reward experlenCe and achievemnent. We cars about our people. ln tact, we otter what well mlght be the moat generous benetita package In Canadien lndustry. If you have the experlence. 1hs la your opportunity to, gel ahead wth a progressive company. To apply, phono or write Paul Sacktlold. Plant Manager. Toit or Packaging Limted, 1845 Birch- mount Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Ml P 2J4. Toi. 291.1161. IIf ELFER PACKAGING LIMITEO MEMSR 0F THE HAUGIiTON GROUP Drftspisn (MIF) mbu9rUO I V 90erlioitn mantenance o 80 ~~1"~tuii10000 peroon reqolred Ir - *11.6900imoodioteiy. Muet C 860 gofmiom ew* UOiltl'0have ciooo 'B" aoaomaeBroi~ojodao0110 opertor o certif 6 b ~Ok'L7tss~< B;~ clo Muet 010i L.IpaoieoM.ornliar Wilh Z a9101001a syteois. E hn ermnla SiY55tems0. Mu Excellent opportun- î» A ity 1toIfer yoor uO SMlnlstry 600.0161690o a high a et -losln forsepower sYsteil. c danennof es 100 Hilton liouslng Authorlty an9ia8n0cOtt oos Clark Tylet pnnl Flot (S5597S1.49U00F> MAPLE 1.09E S woo6n i6O&W.duftew@ b 0k» ~pmo FAIMS LTD. r go wd0a a patl.006000. STU LIE WEST 0FF Oorrm«00an eorb; fflm MAMPTON (Va ftS0M MOBala0, WCI d-gMOad dflg SUREES AVE.) =«W WM oM10typest mal 40 Wmp.m. 610 I.oommt6140iO ««. 601h oody "sid i. e W"dI niadll .<0 4mmmaTc .6 EoCtfICat ' liée66005à ao%" opsposr -o- FOUPOrSUn , .0*160 palo Ol alalO to ducab"il bwkWbd I un .. - " ffe- Lcenceti electrician1 va..tLO J S5no aur60#W'OCMI ooos2. 101h pei 1900 oopoltmisory eoPer- lance ra.qorod :irmediately. Excel- lent opportunity to Malntnanc Mochnica bocoin Part O a A Na9008 Pal iooJnudwhgasl11ai Wes 5101008 aith direct expiwd wmdMIIlocehn1coe Or OeiY re ponsibility for 1the Produce o ol MaiMa0. APRUMa-idB 0101 .perorno tce o tour *opa1Is1O06 Oln 010l1 91,11 11Otniia11O O sobordintoo. Pool- 6011.006 loahOltia.aia of ,1 apk tioon r -,î irecfy .anOM. opan iM oo 115. 0010 ta i o plant F10ilntemMe"cac: manager. EopOr- lence ln bolh 6. G'HUOI15maintenance and Pwsmsu AmlmstoUr construon OOlect* Raiston Purina Canada mC. practurgevrn 2500 loyal Windsor Or., nenot ewsge MlslsSUgUco mpany paid benof is. Apply 1: 822-1611 MAPLE 1.009E FARM8 ITO. GEORGETOWN CAR STH UINE WEST OF YM00010080 - SALESPERSON gra« pk co: ecellntpafla (1/4 ME N0TH 0F MARIAJONNINGS Muid be a oel SUREES AVE.) P500ORM OIRETOR strter. Cal Lomle OAvARIAN INN a 8774163 Ooberthein t L & L lIcwe f e a 0Hoa3Ford1Mercurlt.863-1 Uorpatimlche f30or an appoint- Il - 230 80406 t U-AVARiA-N ie lnt. ofa 6sliav..0Ot.oolne oaw f.lh 190 CliH1141911 r cailPO.3 1:311 i P aidI00.uwvl coo 1meIAlA FoaMMCUMe ACTOM Wea COt*#UNI1 Cmleetrolli SERVICES pora CINTRE Hw.fabulou 00,0.0n PAquhad M - toshlon wodrobe o,661090 CmfvtiadY 00- twiceoayee o1.60 a dIatioidorh.a Top coimlosiOt A010. 160 100100111. o No intai 0,05- Exp1oî101110in social and ment f11116 se1000s, pubic o Somploo prcidod relations and basic 000r0-oaOpportonily for 114.1 Mâle 10006 h.an odvo.qoooent So1.ry aid W6.0d 600- TU MOss .ed 61v qudaloma *A 8mat O8pOpe- and expedenca. 0110 Swtd tmnaind aidu.y A pooltive otttode eaocloleoii a oA de*le to m A. ORENDAN scce AHEARNE,. to fun. eooy and e 60100 CommnRtlotiiv ng MooovMomodolYMCA catO" Y, BoId1.g SUM I AD 40 MM00t00w,0001 ACTON. aon H006. MANAIER FOR Ont., LmJ1H202@ U CHANDIELLE 00.ig3 FAUNIOS 2599371 au% Ki 2596262 4IODAYCAIIE ~ WEE CARE DAYCARE M44M 0111 44ffl0i.1 V FOR DETAILS ON ( j1 REGISTRATION, LOC ATION "APES.TK 0 R086 2Mua M. AUICTION SALE o MTONHOMS 7. TEOORS For Elmer Adams tAILERs torage. aids iloage flu si, TENDER set.. Oct. 251h t 11 A.M. ai l Ofcampng aiid tOCKMOSA COM Locatlion: At the farm. 0on Hwy. 5 Oakille, us. traiea. S.cîr06 MUNIT CENTRE approx. 1 % mites vofo Trafalgar Rd., as, Cr0611 01.01' :a0.7l, f S. O0ARD inietenoidoes o iost past the Mnni Unitedi Chorofion the etîeiop u' ,oMu 1101nonlf ide of Hooy. 5 Or approot. 4 Y2miles 3. 001 1b01O11 Otoift'a east of Patermo. lAI Smoralle, noM.. mO , f11 1000190 O Sale Conasting Of: 3 Tractono. lann impored. wttar lid, a1 impiatt srolcirqet 9006.0001. implemnns. cars, gons. soch ason 101 ltéirlos areosit L01000 o lily 1ten1,r1mo gauge. one 16 gaoge griot guns; 2 - 22 lsro. dealer. Cr0611 o.oooooimlv ooîoole. ilts, miso. wagon lced etc.- Iver 0011,0877-9m0. Tndt 10in the6.011 Equiprmnt. 21951 Masffl Haris No. 30 1i0î1010. SAT storage aille 0.mou Mniipal Office fo lBoh i gm -i n 0410110eidorll 0.10000120-85 t11101 ompete e rvice te vinttr nd 16Joholtoto 010,2016. 4p.10. Igood ruiIIno ordo, ) isc Oîw1a,1n10001111ftI uIboards and 0000 07242 rock,. ood one. Nev om 01004hav bain, NO. 273 1116, erndrioso. A6l&0- nevvl;9 fi. Now ldno Oavhmlle. 1a" 0004 as.00; arine, Aceur, &-ldOS. 73. LEGAL 61108 poli typo doube dis,03061istgood onel; 102 iVATE17' libie- G. Junor Moflat,oi19Q. a00.;10 post601. lobs bua t thfo101 NOTICE TO auoompro; 13 unOgrandil;lchain 2 h baie ltoi; ow 0 euf, 1050 f.w2t etnin;Mu o rler ohtrd CREDITORS 4" 206f. grain logil 26 .0001 .e o 1 r.5.0.0002.i00l1d 011110tp.dul, obh.i; Masolv re, 0011 1 N THE ESTATE 0 Clppor pulli tvpo F10.; Combine mftf nearnesoa; 2 JOHN 0008605 ssofthaiiowd, one 3 secion1, one 40section; steel Wain os 505E COOLSON, l1ots ote durmp box 1f i ;hO6hi. sping ooh cfitlof 3 Town11otf1Milton (Camp- seciboln 4dragohîltaom;fo t end Iou4lrte, fitMaoaov bîlloillîl, i 16the Rogiona 441,rotter; baie bunchrIf traliltî. 130 e. ascidie tank; MoomcplmlvoHll06. 1o01.gai.o,îîmtak on itero; 2t01i1104ia011low w 3' Rel,î0f h..l; Cou 2 f0ii010d09fî0103 furrow sesb11010 Atptîsons ohaoing 4ra0 pIo10; îircuilar sMm, îtr oî 1001foi Moav ALM1L oîlooboo aîio, No. 304 ym11401Wisconsmi ongin;noln,01 clais aa0 n e ,ove Nol190 ader; 30hf. ow botom van (4iealfol t01 . O1; ,ioimbond bfullo10.3tîio10ilioîIOfmOOldio OPPORTUJiTES , sg,0d 0onîîorbtom h 8Mt eolo c)1MMeer(ol d)Boh "oin; ARE Y0U 1900D, lter,16 dl.e1the fpick-up. Note: ailo.fmî1.tno"d as io INTERESTEDIW îibolid haîminO reg0rd pump jack: surnp Pm; hdaoic pumpo ft Ma1 YOUI OWN FRANCIS COULSO Moîk-ofk206 300kball;om ng 2 anltqu SUSIESS? R.R. No. 3, 0,oI;10,iOOiliank10Ohfo10nlaniqeI; 3 pIc."AmAPE lO9-AT- Comph.lomlll. , Oari 0bimotîiP on,,p lstimeroî 01100101 110NE WALLPAPEINTRR MIoCHEQUES 106H peOPIEe .0. service 110 Franchse$ RUSSELLCOULSON. Lolf100000o0g10odo. îîaiaMo7166Guelph Lin, 01ut00 gàltO 60 iaoi,., t1anoeoplimd. No FoallbliltpOgta 99No. 3, ohoAoeid 9s Fult&inUrN . Co10pb4lviileOntarion. OmeOr anir,1.00 01mot epotsible for etc ComletopanCysupport. a cihiants. Iiiotivstoiilidiî Omoctooî, 6v OUI Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouton ,$0,00. CINSON, TOOMFSONPhn:8 -27 -Fnacig ton itOrlalOt Er HENOEtSON, Po 0: 7257 044011.4 1f011014t oi the solos. ___________ ilsitOî r.204 ManSreet. Foi moetils 0 contact11 Mltn,1,.Ontaio. ANNUAL FALL ofii-LIT 1 P2. C N I Phil sambury __________ o Farm NMENT SALE ___of______ Machinery; Lawn and 45-97 10 USIRESS Gardon Equip.; Furniture; (LogO45M@0 - CO C6IOII OPPORTUNITIES a Miso. Articles ON OLD TYME SATURDAY, NOV. 15. 1900 COUNTRY STORE etamp~ZtnLiesock Be Ohe firal n you osrCO1lltnty 10 own yooor Exchange Inc.. 0908 bualnesaretollng a. cmplelê liofolSnelgrovo. Ont. nuls,. dutad fruits,. oplCeo. bldng a.jPPUIOs Autonse:DnldW.Renh " ik toocis. FinoncahO avalloL lot10YOur (416) 846-1071 or 843-1071 Nom down peymnn. 574gfl44 CALLCOLIC? [MORE CLASED PAGEml 416-791-2243 MIIJSC LSMO Pain ~ri ouLr au9jM haba am6.0e~0. ECONOMY CARS ~ CREDIT CARD Ail - thp . oh o - sfnt 0001 a o, oîadi. No îîol ByfhWOt et, 111006. No on01 18 171 1 0 iel04. 2-doot S5,9 foboaod. Fmlmml i-auleail AMIFM 0W1 54.0Otiomite0iiVIAMAIL rado.- EXPRESS COODIT OC^ 2IL $j0 CARO LTO.. BOX 8141, CLOMNTMOTORS K<ITCHENER, ONTARIO, MILTON- N20 2M. 8784223 UonaTTACHUD1OOai 1979 BRONCO XLT 09990111109 11010, 1811 -POW 1.1., BOampt.0 4161 olerIeO, = . rbrake, 4a.-11 or Atoit BU- 2 t00 010.25.M0 3m,0i O1.1.4 p. m-1. mia". Cati ailorO, 00- 052TRANSFORTATION 060. SHARE 613.109i. a1964 CAILLA GaIrleaBrowe Cau 1.100000 licon- Loola Campai.M 0000406 61070-3i7800.r i. FrMey8 otil 3. 070- 170 CARAVELLE, SM.0 atopaoPb r. re 5yOIFO5 lE uryOaa Vatoro Il? The i.Caadian champion, Wed., Oct. 22 1M9 L v M foUlS M a UcL USm E 7&LUAL iLMA I VW au, 197m TRIUMPH TOCREIT amnatI, AM radI,1fur Mîlapa, qeli NOTICETUCEIOSADTHR Ho= AI&l.od #Iie. Coinar 6 RA40H HO .Il am IN TIIE ESTATE OF .011.11th ood*'oiiid 19 VROA Wagon.ln DOROTHY ALFIE liRaStha-,hale neika. Oiry ='iSe. pa cai. oiion, MOtBIC, HARSHMAN. Daca.od and dia ondoigiad .0 07SIN, l "l raIs. 1.5.LW.CRUI A pesonas6.1. oleoniea" .otfio ~.......,....... a lIar.0110»0 @liaitooThe Oscaol of Of homa daim Me 011 AI0ON.I.C4X 97 VLAE.2 dotOo0thv Alla Hatahrien noll~ lhotntic.00 pikl. 1aulomnaîlo. Pi. 6 o.0f th.iy f* 8 O AE e iloOnai 12mi10 ,uilo oniodr.AM radio., ,vo neo TOnMI..Otn =l'do 091rsdio lIhl ight red 10 ton, inte RogionatI ho 161 8 f vOtulbr,. I*wl6, AM FM i whaite1t0in1111M.o..,paro;.yf 6.on19W. 1 asell and much roof. Lic.LLV957. Cali odldoo b.ih UACU GOI ore 900 30M mile, Ba 540101',, 0775286. hd, bothFRNIS GO E t011,111 con1dition. 108 C1IEV van, 9w 2is ey aotJunt, IWO0are HARSHMAN 190. 054.990 6- È04- o00d1110. 335-1112jcItaI' 54,006 101000 10 lved Eeoloî. 0h4101olc0 29. 6. patiolarsoseto0tohe S1.uA1OUund1esigned on r beote RONALD FLANNAGAN VER= UUCO Now:me111 980 siaea 13 Chuve oiet ________ 1hich dat theo 69110.0 l MOilton, ntari __________________ h.dilo .utdmiffi m-L9T 2G5 [THIE RACERS -___ -E DGE 1 ] 74.AUCM MM 74ES II. AUCTRINSALE Haton HO'oOOSo0omVohie Ciente10oAUCTION SALE P nF 3rbw.eL prossnh For George F. McCann Sat. Oct. 25th et 12:30 P. M. Brlghtest Star on the horizon. Location: At the faim, Lot 8 - 3d Line, Special Offer expires Oct. 31 Halton HUIS, 3 milas norofi of Ste.!.,s Ave. BwlTX-Lamaotdui ers Tacvtos:Moita M670 dieel acto 1 c onditon; Thtaonta81--MolinoModaUistanaddgas lîactoî. good coodto ; on@ 2pacaano.0 1Mona ModlU0101 cop ges tato, god rnning 001 pali Maocioaov NawIo1nd 35P.TO. bal,hm bâle anoilnM ales;.aoLilie Glont32hf. hay orgain eIOIalot, FREEI oaad 1 eoaolNe0wHoiand Supr 717 forage har- nelo,*mh oom là 616 hlad, good orte; NO. No. 25 .,h11 tald foageowt h ik 91.01 Pr. oft h61ff unloadngorage WOons; Hostwagon wih B.h X 151 -6 l ires & 2D ft.eo griocOk; Ghlîl tp oage aoo 54100061 bh.,-lîad wagon&618lOti. hay feeder; Caea32 ft.ha of grain eevOao &meurt;l24 e ft.h keoton h54evalor &06110010; Speed King 60'-41 TU fit. ~~ hgain ae;orbh. ire agon &flt ack;,Old A f alI bBradley0100 rubh. tid wagon;Bush Hog 28plate10hul die; 2 am of 4 aac. haome & 9"08 da.0 polio; labo. Wth tha purchaa of any Newo non 2 whe l an box w006 auoaî. Goden Ano, 3 F. carrant or 1901 Polara youait0 2 frea ,.a.d 011ayv wi100 100 gal. tank & 1 ih. boom0; Polaris 2p ac nosamobile Suibe Massy 00.10 13 single dol power drill;M.F. eta10111 2-plce pbodal; C"a3 furrow 123 PH. plow.; Hama ,dino worth up to40 aga plo1; Nw Ida 7 ital aOî1omr1; New Id4116 THE RACERS EDE -32 BRONTE ST., MILTON oondiioner; John 0Durs 4 bh., ieoake; Int.7111.t0 878-«212 0une1006 dsco 011,06; 16 . d9ubh. 001.gooooneck lier0; por olcol tie is1BA10 X.434"; Danoil, A-i Qualty Checked 112' pos'ol 541.dgor; John Dure .10A 6,1010.110,1 Recoditined nowmbile fih.oooîe; 8N10 HoIovd 328 P.T.O 10minute Reconitioed Snwmobles ptoadai. 116. n00. 1972RoppNkoî3W ......... $B. Catla, qlpeiaet.;cPortr o, onlaton caleh 193 Poais 400.. ........ 0.. queezechute; Stacrttaho leat0der;.3 -10 f. wa11 1974 Rupp Nitro440 ...... ....... hay leadoe; 1 i nnall feeder;Maple Liat iaOO con; l97OR0PPNO1m0 .- . ..01090 2eonial ed cafts; 1W gal. galvoavod ater lloOh; 1972Mot00kGP440 ... .. ... 052. Sovhoam eo1.11111clipper0; elenoîn dehonie.footS IWO PolarisCffltuin5W.........$309. 1trimmers;i 1 ofplpmr; i1 nevrac010 roo t vltol; 1977 Yem060 GP440 .......... $139. 14 ,ndModue atty1110 10leadOe; 2 lage roond lot 1970 Skioule 340....... . ..$3. feedars;1 ig crave; ototial oelded .011. abbii cotisa; THE ACES EDE -32 DONT ST. MITON 40 cadot poste; about 100 cadtm;aî 10, î902166of TII!0ACOO 000. SOCONE ST. MITON 0,1; lagatii; îhansb&1010.90110 oolO. 879-4212 00iw42 0.00 r0,AuctliotOo îo eponsihia forne-s Slg4 cdaoi. 8 Saledey. -AutiooaooNote. A oondod 11601110 10h mony iO7-MERCUOY 5410 -7.121'plcs urhu nwi heli1 o5vrs&ue 440 nwcol, nom 7.NNE pooothidi0Oomlithel t01 origine,- 1to! .ony on thi 100acrefan. tea.. $1,250 firth. Cali ATTENTION MortUoffl TERNIS:CASH ORCHEGUE WITH i.D 0ey. 8.2359.altor 6 1012019. it 600 1014 a p.m. Cllt 070.1797. triot r second 1mo1- Auctioneer. Werd Brownridge. WANTEO-screaP tgoaaen oatd lO to16 0Phone: 87"-730 nortiîolt-nast.,061 I0il,__.0 0'i. o ore __________074m_________