il Subdivision re-worked in Campbeilvilie Ilat 9wrotumMba of homes, >4thela. lam laa rildnta a aa nincaae wad oudl et alla ESNE bn = = qmirgn mr mbedlvlle, la iriid aL«ee aa mrwitwaniaaew m.w. mueo NWmacasCmp eg-tlg smaclae.Ie ie - taa wib WÉm lihlelp $eetawsusitna a Z ni h aitoaa-offers aidinsearch ha gnaap- ltacn la alo 0i..lvg Caia. egioneOticiai Plan ast 15e Minsry nt Houlalaithfn a sca MON, bt bas becsn niced by île ll7QUEEN ST. W. lu vaît,îcs, Group i he MitonOfficii Plan, ban etteredt In bnp ond been unnaimmesfl te ibis Miitry ot Heallb, BRAMPTON dri-g lin plannin on but n8,i mviii m nly, by tranng ncrvnary te poitbeginnul Chirmn r453-3600 ~mre iban 500 acres inxa ownsrcnfr hn elp a malîcal dcler Oae et thc problema Jacb battis bas been net- the illage onnal ly Nu-o- any M6homes. quai yan a Mcdical Off- taciag a alcctian itial the Minitry ls"akte Way Limlled esd t Il d Niat ams_ c er ofI thecl. cmmaltlec laachescarcclî n g several initiatives to- _______________________ algîs ,.e aId h ama ihop d Haîeelsabe ~,..l arcmnaellglcpn ________________________ ais uminttet ala - tonan.egiton. %M" ii c nt ne.n -w.,ti staff ryng eraie asisna w faa09taiueait e a nan in gtepo The BATTERY Specialiata Inc. 21 Hale Rood Unit 6, Brampton 456&2488 C&oltal Assois Acaulrs General Gvemmenî -IRegional AdMnstrMod Building and Equpment Protection to Persttns and Prttperty - Police Vehicles and Facilities and Conservation Transportation Services - Roads, Bridges and Trafflc Signallzatlon Santary Setter Systent Waterworks Systemn Garbage Disposai - Landf Il Sites l-ealth Services Social and Farnly Services - Day Care - Centennial Manor Other Total Capital Expenditure Duing the year Sources ot Capital Fnanclng Transfers front the Revenue Fund Transfers front the Reserve Fund and Reserves Long-terni Debt ssuad During the ear Grants t0 Offset the CosI ot Capital Expenditure Ontaro Canada Other Fnancing Total Capital Financing Durlng the Year Capital Expenditîres Unfinanced - beglnnlng of year - end of year homes va large veaea, tygmta ta lac tons anduceidants, Placsilva Caredaced thie number la, about w0 ry la came la anme trai of compromiae whlcli mli atiaty al parties la- cludlng the rvidient. Bert Wallon, ipohesman tar lac £ 10 UIDA Tf DIV SAL1E CLOSURE 0F STORE FOR HEALTH REASONS EVERYTHINO TO Go BY OCTOBER 31, 190 caVENAWMAUKEANOiffl lm2 431,884 1,529,186 14,431,607 6,637,281 309,379 1,906,316 8350 $27.092.603 $2.573.823 4,1 97,918 6,457,802 1,498,568 4,420,082 573,344 $21.914.590 $19.721.537 $14.938.657 $7.567.591 $7.393.290 $1 4,938,657 Three fined for fracas The trialeof 17 Raclwial polce agait 3t-year-nld ans wiladcamn. a evclaged hY Michael liecof Branle Puther charges tona Re ltPoluce la Si., Milles acre dia- aganal a dazna enow caanertlae alla a pIchet misaed. A ilmilar charge eiployccnmlibi haord flae tracae Jonc 23, gin agait Kella Laaley, 28, Oct, 15 and 1t il Milles asdcrwayThucoday la1, no Brtasala Rd., Milaon ProvincalCurt. Mileson IncIl Court wh perdbfr h Ambulance cuts court acre tod gult andfind. unite Halton-Peel Martin Si., Milton bas elbsjelaed Naton Regas in endrsisg a ptes ined MWacensd Ptced One ta raia cemaittee oboklinepropoacd cthackn in tan youra pnbation toc ambalancecservices. caosng public mschet. asltcgioatConcilt lid peaei a rcnntutinn Final for nltroctitg aep. lîralilaglor a cnitteebcntroch. police acre Richard Peel Reglanat onitlias ena cndnraed lais andt Mrtey, 27, nofItaneen aaed lac Mlaalaaaoga and Itegianst Coonciltor Marli St. Ain 92 ast Martadhaeaprontedlenthiecommitle. Jev eoct.42, aIlO ditofa Peel District Halah Coonit han Lake Ave., Arien. 925. asked lhat N. E. Davidsons nf Minlancogo ha ap- Chiargesof aI ntructlag paltd to theccammittee. K SELECTED YEAfl.ENO BALANCESlm17 Cash $179.767 $237.561 Accounts Receivable 3,209,988 2,1 42,263 Other Current Assets 600,755 409,824 Temporary Leans 3,390,329 6,585,460 Accounts Payable and Other Crrent Liablities 5,524,004 5,424,163 Outstanding Long Term Debt 60,681,521 56,608,170 Reserves and Reserve Funds 2,846,370 5 305 60? Unapplied Capital Receipts 3,536,612 1:612,022 Revenue Fund Surplus (Deicit) (376,902) 413,073 OTHED INFORMTON 1 . Theae aummariea include the operatiova and aea and liablitea of the Region, the Haton Police Board, the Halton Health Unit, the Halton Centennial Manor and tte watermorka aystem. The inormation preaented han been taken rom the audited Financial Report o the Region witb ad- ditionat detait t rom the municipal recorda. The auditoras opiniân haa been qualiied wittt reapect te the outatanding matter described in item 2 tollew- ing. A copy ot the audlled Financial Report is available trom the Regionas municipal otices. 2. ncluded in other current aea are deterred subdiviion inapection conta, net ot inspection tees cbarged, augreustivu $103,19 1 An analyaia must be the Regional Treasurer te determinG boa mucc, i 5fly, la recoverabte rom subdividers and tranters rom the subdivider contribu- tions reserne tund. No provision han been made in the "Statement ot Revenue and Espenditure' for the nonrecoverabte portion ot thene cents. 3. Trust Fcnds administered by the Region amountivg te $3705070 are nt rettected in this inancisl ncmmary. 4. Revenue Fnnd Surplus (Detîcit) The balance in the Revenue Fuvd aI the year-evd ls available te reduce (te be added tel the levien or user service charges et the tollewing classes et ratepayers. 1979 1978 General Ratepayers - General Purpose 1$235,197) $3575351 - Sanitary Seer Service I 438451) 273,140 - Walerworbs Service 405,000 497468 - Total Geveral ($2T" -648) $413,073 Desigvated Ratapayars - Onar Appllad Density Grant Ciy et Butington ( 0,5! 4l 7 tn lina wth the stuation in preions yeers, the 1979 Budget anticlpated the recelpt ot a density grant in the amount et $1.00 par parnon in respect te the City et Burlingon. However, tbe number et honseholda in Bcrlington raacbed the point athme end et 197e ahere a dansity grant la ne longer analabte. The ameunt wich mas cradtad te the Bcrllngten lany in 1979 la reated as part ot the Revenue Fund Surplus (Daticît) ai the end othte vear lo baebargeil bacti te Bcrlngîon in 1990. 5. The municipality ha a liablity ot approximately $1.642.000 coder tbe terma et the vasîed sicti leava plan. An amoont et $65.248 bas bean provldad and la reporlad aithin mhe balance abeal. No tcrthar provision bas been made tor Iis liablity. 6. The mcnicipality la the datendant named ivn eyeraI anIts rlaing t10a ware- boue.ira In tbe Town et Oacvfllla on Aprl 25, 1978. The calma ccrrently total $7359872. The munlepaliys Inuranea coveraga la $5.000.000 and fielateer bas been reterred te the eoicitors tor mhe nacrera. The Raglenel Soicitor bellavea mhat Ibare currantly appears te ha very litte lkllboed oethme Region et Hallen belng raqurad le malte any paymant wth respect te the encans over tbe inauranca covarage. 7. Uvapplied capital receipla, rapresentlng unespenseailcapialproect inanclng ronthme revence tunil and reaarvea and rser. lundi, bava heen aegragated In 1979. In prier eaire, Ibee a munta, 9 aoy, bave hein nelleil againt capitalottiy te ha recovere In lftucra peaire. Watfwe collections, abean as 0mher Income in prier yeara, hmbaiben retted wltb noclal and tamlly setvces axpeoiltcrea In 1979. The 1978 comparativ figres bave bien reatatail to ontrm totee1979 preaantalo. James D. Stewart. CGA. 11581 Bror4i Raid. Acting Traaurer OilcvflO, Ontaro Ragioa Mnieipai9ly etH~ttItLOJ GElI Watch winner The lucky wunner of McDonald'a celoning content this month je 8- year-old Anodline Noronha of 479 Ontario St. Susn Nisson of MDnald's riglit) presenta the winnrsprize, a Ronald Mc- Donald wrist watch. 2-TRACK STORMS SELFSTORING STORMISCREEN WITH SCREEN & W 5 Pnhivin Hadnvidýcudnd $3988 White orBronmnAlîn Avaitàie WHIE. Wis UK LOAVIS DO IT YOURSELF ALUM. PATIO STORM DOORS DRING IN VOUR SmZS$1 9r ..WEALSOINSTALL mIncis ... 9 VINYL SUDER WINDOWS WOOD PATIO DONRS mvii nenn 59 ize 69 Mann5aaS Manyei*uad5'de ..ha SI*ee... lISn9u Newrtenif ... Su Lhe o d 06u P"»oui Waor% &RaM om, e~Lo ar8.aidb$MdaaUrig e jL C OSAVI ~IL REPORT *PAUTY 0F HALTON SUMMARY OF CAPITAL FUNO OPERATIONS 1979 $443,798 462,611 3,084,973 3,195,604 6,389,167 472,345 181,536 118,250 18,719 2,220 $1 4,369,223 $2,31 4,707 5,926,456 7,726,969 4,790,334 411,472 744,652 SUMMARY 0F RESERVE AND RESERVE FUNO OPERATINS 1979 lm1 upenîng Bialance $5.305.809 $4,6,885 Revenue 3,602,248 5,679,232 Expendilarax 6,061,487 4,640,508 Clamen Balance $2,846,370 $5.305,609 WINDOWS and DOORS FAcTean id. WAREHOUSE G IGTW OUTLET - ~ I isî,n 5OWaOM 4" 4S 334 GUELPH ST. orus. 6Pbone877118 ri. -9 0n IMTfl WINTERIZE YflUR HOMEL- leu ------------- m The Canadlen Chvncion. Wed.. Oct. 8. 108 '1' Top tester Everytlslng from jewelery te food and amail piecon of furniture were featured at St. Paulas United Church craft show and sle Saturday, Oct. 4. Here, two-year-old Camre Gibbs tenta amatil wooden topawhch were included in a display of hand carved cedar toya. Ontario Iacking in van-carpools ttcgioaat coonillarsabchat 1,0W van andt car- thar participating have becn s anlctolapools la Northi America. avisf halacen UWttand aprouit theccnncpt af bat nnty cat 6W nse annnslty. pontisg vansa and crs le Onarin. iss Harding aid lac cal dama tbe sentf tuels Desp'te pmven iavinga idvsabansf Toa le alun. lan the long tra, intact pandtbcr tr.s nf bouine la indutries andt col mecs geaalse escrgy, atm oid Onario goenemena ageselen rationng. lein hhind ia the noahar ailata50Or mare cam- Michlce Harding, Co- ot nldsbaring pooentIpIonces ta itart lac ardinalar o Rldenharing Iis lme andt thon, lac concept in Ontario. Taa, Mistcy nI Tran- reanon for ber hine Sbc saidthIe numehr aI porlatian and Com in- nal le diseuse lac eaptnyees makes the moniaions= ea c ept aonthIe prn- nyslem eaicr lein- sld ho oma vince. plement ast by the ime reeln ttsistjint meeting af the A ibining exempte othIe naninga in lime and Public Wrie s tan a Ilwte nynea can mark fue are tileerval, il in Atministrations ast allihe 3-M Cmany on t,1 bped tbe idou ml Financ Cammitteca. Paul. Mian. Il nom ba$ ipreadtotn maller-izeal Bbc aithlare are 135 van ant carpnotn alla rnmpanien and agencies. 1 1