Ct si m, l <~e ûu.oa tImpÎ To" buI4 ROY DOMNS .-,solanE.nJvvs MIKE HALL Edto, Publisise Ad,tsng Manager A Vnn05 SsA..55ENTRI,2.n-11-11,C.O OCICIATINe0 -N,~ AE. A-15 S8a515,5, aamO,, 5 aF-iOs EEOG -U ES Eý:of-ý - SM o ,l lle.0 ,qMNl ?R . E. I, nna --ý S E,. WhaýWt's your viewT1Pý22 Ontario Premier Bil Davis' dreosm of reglonal government, which was bo be the salvation of the province, bas turned into a nigtmare. Wben tlic ides was first con- ceived by Mr. Davis, two camps dug in. There were strong sup- porters and strong detractors. In thc end, as wiUi ail government plans, Quena Park prevailed. Once Uic ie waa cast, reglonal goverment kept a pretty low profile, but in Uic past year, along witb Uic openlngof a new regionai headqusrtcrs in Oakville, came chaos. Halton Regionai govrnmnent held centre stage wiUi amazing examples of bureaucratic bungiing and controversy itting thc front pages almot cvcry week, and this week is no dif- ferent. Bil Marshall, Hatons business developmnent officer, bas bailcd out from the good sip Halton, i favor of s more stable worklng environinent in Ottawa. We have a regional deficit bovering near Uic 1-million mark, and Uic word is Uat wbcn Uic 19M books are opened, Uat amount will look like amali cbange. Hoilow prony The Town of Milton bas been pretty good ta Murray Goîdman snd is Goldfsn Holdings wicb is deveioping Uic Bronte Mesdows subdivision. Wbcn lie was in trouble esrlier this ycar because of igb mort- gage rates and slowing demsnd for new homes, be ssked for Uie pbasing of is dcvlopment ta bu significantly altcred so Uist bie could build on Uic prime locations first. Aftcr mucb soul-scarching and Uic less Uan subtle reminder Uiat Goldfan bad given land tb Uic bown for Uic Thompson Rd. Arena, couincillors did Uic good Uing and let the desl go Urougb. Now Goldfan is back quibbing over a patry amount-about $80,0tt-needed tb complete s recrestion facility it promised bo beip build fib ardbail dlamond Survey wasi Milton councillors want bo produce a survey on Uic numbers of families experiencing bousing problema; and bopefully, use Uic resuits to put togeUier a bousing tratcgy. The problera witb this is, we'vc besrd it ail before. Counillor Rose Harrison saya Uic object of Uic survcy wili bu b get a bandie' on the numbur of people who are baving one form or another of difficulty in finding adequste accommodation. Frankly, Uic counciliors are going bo find Uat jut about evcryone Uicy taik ta in Uic iowr and bottomn lire rentai category is flot content wiUi wbat Uicy bave. Fsccd wiUi only so many dollars par montUi b work wiUi, Uiese familles llerally bave bo take wbat Uiey cao get. And in, town wbere gcared-to-incomne accommodation la negligible tb non-existent, Uic survcy can only show Uiat upwards of 50 speccally subgidid unts are needed. Intead of talkln about sur- ves cueilrs arerly g Unr a te Hling Stuueng Cm t e ut p- frward wih th reeoptiocpen te disasThoupions ar e t But wc arc not alone. Hamillon-Wcntwortb is in shambles, Haidimand-Norfold is not far from it, and Halton cao best bu dscribcd as s battie- ground. Various municipalities wiUin the regional systcm arc aaking Ueir taxpayers on Uic Nov. 10 municipai lection ballot, wbcUier Uiey want bo return more control bo Uic municipalitica from Uic region. Milton, the most vocal opponct of regional gavrnment here, wil sait ts vters Uic question as will Oakvillc. bnorder bo give Uic residents of Haîo s chance bo air their vicwa on regionsl governemnt before Uic ciection date, Uic Inland Community Ncwspaprs b ic five major Halbon municipaities are ssking Uiir readers bo respond bo a simple questionnaire about regional governiment. flic Champion, along wiUi aur sister papers in Burlingono, Oakville, Acton and Gorgetown, wii pubisb Uic resuts of aur poil anc week before Uic Nov. l16 ciection. Lets bear fromn you. rses was b bhave cost $82,500 when Uic agreement wss resched in 1977. Now Uiecocnt, after s substantiai reduction made by the Recrestion Dcpartment is sround $160,000. Goldfan bas said it will only stand by Uic $2500 it promiscd in 1977, and not a dollar more. While Goldfan wili probably make Uic case that Uis h flot the essence of Uic squsbble, Uic fact remains Uic council is preparcd ta cail in the developers letter of credit and use it bo pay the difference. But when onc considers Uic mil- lions Uic company plans ta make on Uic rest of Bronte Mesdows, Uic pioy of Goldfsn Holdings shows ashcalowncss of commit- ment to Uic welfare of Milton, somcUiing it claimed it puts fore- mot whcn Mr. Goîdmnan ap- pearcd bfore council toasak for phasing- tes time Domus Charitable Foundation, Uic Milbon Industrial Apartments, anid frccing up some of Uic 41 government-owned rentai d- wcllinga in Uic Milton ares. We dont really bave tme tb conduct surveys. We only bave time for concerted action. Hot race, after ail For a wilc Uire, it laokcd lise Milton's 1900 municipal election race was going tobebutUi dullest hilng on record. Not now, Uire's a race for practically cvcry seat and its shaping up tobebua firey campaign on ail fronts. Best wisbes b al incumbants and challengers as Uicy give us a chance bo prove our democracy is stiuiworking. It's the season Failla here - and wiUi it apple- pickhsg season, pumpkins at Uic roadaide stands, golden corn on tise coi, tracs turnlng to a riot of cler, and iints that Chrisas la luist rcund Sa erner," Ibis ww iibb~vIng Whak- M&dtelPaaM divaeOur a~cuft tac BsUkw of ~j~r ~~1 ~ 1ILove with BILL SMILEY Septernber Every yeaaet have an affal, wtt, wife lkes il or no. 1Ifiti in ve an chips fait misre they ma5y. t haver embar affar In moico and noveta, ihat titi tiai a man, or woman, fals in lti laito ai haor scfe. t.b a am aigkc noie, w* tnnrh CnLIsa* St Ive hail a Sapember Affali van a apront. Evary yaar, 1 fat] wth thc montb ni Sapambar. A ovaci and nnstaiec and a ltuile t aciingty heautiuat As a tyka. i meant coming hor imo months nif-:td, frec running j the cttage, ose onia ig famiiy.1 sun-hursed and brambIe-scraicl josi a coupte of jumps ahaad ni tht or tise gronndisog, aocialy. Whai a iirilt fa hahome! P-up switch. flush a ioi, tn the ig, os ether my with the high ceilings andeolromrna aflar id ltithe ight wmachofnigruhbing if. my Sp- Andithan, tisa magie ni modern iing e- discovarad, it waa ont lto the traetn ta, le means find tiahu ilsan ad rare arouad la tise cal finshegiorloan Septamisr avaniaga, playlag Ran mots- fShecp Ra, and Rihit a&0, ide anil -i i. Saab. Mothesea tl, haut rncbadyca..fi vane tha fiet fascination miii tiha Sep- er niaisi tamiser Affii. Our sofisarasacemed ta Ii l ove sasse it and ltiuanhavas tast flilas efora lAnd it na lie ierama serteus as ut n admmad ad. And tise lamps. As a teenager, worklag lie mitas fros- sae ras homa in Septamiser, 1 had my Affair. about ai Tiera mas a eharaine yeaealng tu gai hark Wa wera ta asanto, friands. tathtballadtisa la- ýhd anil ierpted romance wth tihe ron-n.yad ie gopiser gi.fI aimat iuri physicalty. p ighi. oid bouse As a yants. thara mas tis eoinesasandl tenion ai giag off ta Cofaga. d inhg mail. la Septemnbre A stanagea ndi frtghtening What do you think? ise followlag lasa question rcgarding fine view Mlion residents bavaet Halton Reglonal geroment. We ami that yens sign peur name sud give younsephsone number toe esure tisa renulta of lac ssrvey ara accurate. Tise week betor. thse Nov. 10 mniscipal lertions, me viii publiaitise resuits of tise pli, along viii selecteil commienta froan eue resiers. Osly initiais viii Se uneil mies viempoinis ara prtsted. Afier fiing ot tise forus you may drop Bt off ni eue office or mail hla : Thse Editor, lTse Canadlan Champions, 191 Mats Sit, Matou.,LT IN7. Are yen in faver of iaving Miltos talc. Bhe respousibhliules fer ronss mater sud semer services iack from tise region? Commes: ----.. Ne ... Do yens support iialo Ragioal goveroment? Vas, ... Commenta: No ... Name: _____________Phono No: ____ pince A smatt-tows hay ia a ig puddle. Neo peope New mansera. Nean evary- ihiag. A fepiemiser Affale. And ai cottage. firt yeaa. there was fise wraarhiac affale vus a SonthsAmerîcan weach. Syvia. we sestisy chance andilf vas wrenriing isaaneeshe hadtif tgn bonis fA Rio I foir Whdha s iI m1s resit gions. and i inam Id neyer sec hec agaitandilwe wandarad in tisa solf. Septemiser das, handa rltthad, and my heari mmcnd oe in Ilis grava. Then came tisamar years and tisera ware a faw semoraiste Septashars. Oaae on tise Niagara Pesinnuta, witi tise grapas and pearislshl. and tise thrilt ai hnwiag t bail panacetaelmantary ftyiag nehont and couid put thewhite flais-nia pilt on my capý fOse la Engtand, hoi and haay and long- anroan aiter a raid. wei sasser. And tise oceaidl cava ta London, 20 yesrs nid aad a pretty girl an my arm and dets tariîg la tise wlsgs. and caring soi. Ton faitif weat. Ona la Normaady and jnmp ta Lilte, and lump ta Antep anil lie avary day on a tannons, white-hoti vIre. and tiseieantifut waatiser and tise terrible daiy dis- appearanaraoi Paddy and P-ac and Taffy andl Dtngt ellaitnd Nies ail Fraddv. And tisaitaaog, hot Septasiser ai tua Home. Aive. Usent. Reatiy uosenith ie tamity. tise pinces, tise pence. tise haie- dom. and tis e si ty yunag peopie bock ai theaanivarnify .SBu thefaeptamisar Affir mutise tram aand tieront bius ny and tisa long dans haie and pet anatiser pair ai brama ayen. brownar tianaver. And tise naxi 5aptamisar. Marriaga tu the irawn-ayes andl a onderfutmeekaisaitise nid cottage la Qaaisac. witis this aianage maman. Caaaalag andl awtmmlag ail me teariigisar haw ta ranis. Andl Bitas just as stranca taday. Andl jant an som-epail. Andia at ofniSapiamirs ais, golden andil bin, with tise tat raath ai sasser in tise green raes and tise fiet tIss ni fait la tisa coai igis, and tise magie ttat mates me fait for tha ripe charma attisai ripe lady ai tisa ynr, Septamisar. oing nit piantada. gorged mitis tisafruits ai sas- mer. yai maienine vus aa algista tise brins buists a asi. t have a hail crash on tise lady. Our Readers Write Dear Editor: tint lThisMtas Campton awta Mayor Grdes an apeisgy for tis arntoon as tisa edtortai page tantise Sept. 24 tann.atoi feat TIsa Champion owes as apeingy In tisa majority oi voteenamia aelecedMayor Gardas fr tisa tant tvo ariens. Aitiongls Mayor Grdas may ont ha an enampie ai brute force, baise perisapa tisa hast pubiereratationas m0 an iMitonfor Milton, wth grant optbolsm for Muitons future. Mnyor Grdon le nimnys nvatiahia ta constituantand na1 t nom tenta « partance hea names ait tetepisaca catis andl compints. P-ayer Grdoae of tlfes siaminil of- fIciale mitisout busines or rani estnte tavaivement halng pst niseail aitom a is- tassa. 1iti aMyor Grdoad mil sa is nappartad i iba isaili hatreatail itis res- pect as iang - aissa tisadupansuemandata 2 P-lton Halgit ruse., Mtes. 4 c.5a~~w". epes ioct. S. MD A cistidisanil eperience n raspemihiae for Glenn Siadermas succeasa n acro- batte iflyvr.Tise 46-yea-olfdtier ni imo salidlise bail hs flintrida ve isa ia as atgst. Ever sîle laen lha manteil te fly. Me. Sladsrmsn affltan sol Gond Price ai Belfnnntain ân*atraining If"lsfor the Cainan emlenhttaptascbamplaanihip. Sevanty-ftve nomitjais vieh etIld any mhaa Mttei C. le raqonad li lac sient 1ev vace, e. bobaléms- fncturtng 0cm masu reretiy porcissaid by Pa-Sen Gliflaida Ltd.. Edmton. *Msudla baced by $5 mllutasin finneng. tiniton Mh tîta Jali bainap- petateil Pnrtitaatry Secretâtry ta Transpîri liltaister Don Mazanhoaki. Theravttouncameni mas maden tiseitaa- end iy Prime MbInter tee Clarks. A drive-intisantra. oser Steets Ave. and Sala Lina, Hoenby, wmac prapesailte Haitan Uiles planning bardil seuy nlgist isy Joha Sent. wth hbts tatha ventura ara Dave Sarrer and M.S. Peacis, attl toari ednts. Tisa esaet campoennioaithe Girl Guiesorganinattan mas tnauguntadin t Milton Thusday ihishlaetaishment ai tise Pstisftilcen. Pattadeen mss formol by catiag ta haifthe former termi of s Guide. Giclsa ged i2 te t5 arae eigible ta ha s Pstitder and gicle ageil aine tat12 are Golden. 20yers agio FrontenOlcOt. .UIWtanna T'ieancing ot benne et lac W. i. Dicis rsant lilha reaireil by laceiboard, ai a coin ai$1,054. Tishe unne taant 1111:011lt lac flonr ndilp-essora cansaif te dance nround. Rev. J. L. Grahamo annonceil Sandny fiat St. Pauis Unitedl Osorct mwlai nie h pnrtictpatiag la lac Sectar Pragras, mila Willtam Sauter as chairsan. Tise Toronta Tatageans tiloit isetour miii pass laroughisltas and pactesaof Hattan Coanty ibis Sunday Claptolas aifaPraterta, Soula Afelca, is ta iscame tise plater af Emmanuel Saptlst Chorc intaMilte. Plans for tisa haginaing of thea os "Miltas Plan"an litnos aintihasandnrp mes ansoancei isa maahby John Tenmai nf Onbvtom Devetapsnents. A 10.5W squae font LoInmas stoarscisthlc 1"tae atrtp, pis, wvhabout tà stars fa ha adielu iter. A citttraigt fur iMtii9» ouiaam pif, a Guelph sfietorià nVstre .1p 0 Milton Pot Offiice, NP58i OntarioteS" Productdlahmsissst domfer oeamchweestisty tva. end plans ta eut tisa f5staffin bau nnd retor toes sit Standard Psvtag Ca. plais man spunrry aperatioen 0actires aofml ai etpIde. ti in lac faurfth torge qnnrcytuestabia int thla Milesn airas ithelaspeut tvapos 50 yeaers ag0 Att unemptoyed rit Izns ai Milttn are reainrard taoisanil ihae rnases ta Homard t H ittax.ttarreacv d ilMtoan Bsnesomea's AXstciationt i llie yîid ,tf taie pîtatan ia not caparteil good ta portionsttf Peel andl Haitoti. Eaciy ptattms yiatdad vsey sattnfsciortiy. As a canait tf haing tisrawi iras is lunng horse ai tha Miton faie. Attan Medadn saffered s dintorate lleitr banc. Titis oas qoita palotai. bai Me Mordes le ,,rtad andl doiog ntcaty. Pec îontabtes are mailg tise riten- staig boitns veynprafitabta A Toroto man mas reraatiy seateaceil by Ptttice Magistrale hait,.SBrampton. te ns ettîntissia tise Ottario Refarmntnry. 1fGuelpt. fue isatisitof tcicens (ras Witliam .aondatt. East Chiigacosy. Attnnacesant is made tisai an accounit n r ittite interest brieisaon i ha stndy ai agricultue amovg tise yoog people of tiston County.tisa annusaorshibp ta tise Otntario, Agrelttorai Cottage at Guelphs wiii ha dtacontiood alter itisnynar. Gty tone siadent applieil thîs ycar. andoi hasa iseen amardai tise scisntarahlp. Tisa ateencisatasticrurgbsy snan wmli Zptîenn nrom ta urtiagton. mss e ilton vriees tise home teamn for tise lirai goutt. Thse taos t is theagor are Sorlintagn. > tabvîie uiateedonand Mittn, 75 years ago I-rau thef(ici. 5, 15ISssue Ali oreows tlfai ia a iappia trac tan fate day. saniainîse sarinan tnjnry te bis bonis Whai madîcai men terni lac -spionp-orna ?f tise teala andai lavenla 7 dorsal vectebree mas broisen. He atantti i offeriag mors pain. uisn capccted ta 1 ltitencover intt tma ta Tuesdiay nigisi, about 9 n'ciork. a Kit- bride man samad Vivien mas drtving an Main St. He did soi notice anexcavattin wiir had isean made apposite Knx Churcs ta put in tisa mater pipes for lac rhumes and manse, and lisn orna faf ino if. Tisera mare tva baes in vila nsfor s veisicia ta pans hatmcan tlacs, sianc n lntera was isong op.Thara ahaildlhava isaca tva. Tise ntera mas itdes fmcmn Me. Vivien isy a ig misics wa standing os tis nreai and h ltilasnt nstce lac baie nitil isahorse fai]itnttaut.LForisateiy ns boots mcm rhentnnd ltemn upe n riaiso for damages. Florance Brsdley, dangister aI Jao Bradiley, ita atterra fro a nes aasstarS aI sppenollelus, but l lep*vaos, cM as ha sxpecii d mlipMebhly sleave vitsent an oparatisn.