PffiT-ff SERVWE P FUR VEN11LA11ON El R. MAITIN fTRIJ 39 Armoog 0fl015fl100 ELECTRICIAN FOREPERSON Reqol I nmel nt1 tait-. Muet be lcanaad lactriles. Ssiery negotiablo Nu dapendlng .on D exparlance. Excel- nZ lent benefi. Aooçy on FAIMS L. STH ULNE WEST 0F MAMPTON (V4 mite north of Stm" Ava.) 455-8340 BENERAL Tr ACCGUN1NB L CLEIIK SuitaleIOapplicants oist have clolastar eoperlosco and tiare for figureR. fb MAPLE LODGE FARUS LTD. 6th Une West of t.j Brampton- (1/4 Mlle sortfa af Steele Ave) A 455-8340 "O flsfdffuu on -' MECHANIC ,MRIaIB I.Mut la M Imtir uhldstrtal A ailonle syBtOIIIlS. Winlr datls tlabc eaiteorarc o f plant 8quomsOLAppty ta: *TNUIWISTOF i (MIULEOMMNOF wi slUESAV.) Do 455-340 1d EXPBIENCUO ba 01 b J. - .A 0B11 IV0IIB. C 43. DAYCAI WEE GRE I DAYCARE ý FOR SETAILS ON ac REGISTRATION, L LOC ATION $11 ANS PROGRAM L CALL878-7562 4 043MTF- BABYSîTTR rt-Ia- t-r ed on to ORloroo. rtalCd NuIItIflnelms & ramoaaae rema. Rau Sa rBronn Ichool. 1- M2.0734. REILtABLE aStSI aOltotn valale 44. 01UPLOV-IIINT J ACTON c MA8ONRY P CONSTRUCTION L Brc Sa- Blok S StctoneWob FALL SPECIAL Fiouanad Cblaeoay A":o Rotoltte adinsalRa .otaato crminai mb ICHECK taSAT t-OU NORD DORE B*6FORE FREE ISTIMATIS urasoo free es maHl, LICMRCED RadieTV or il beracIt tor. Coli au. 3314. Mn, ( PMAONNEL EUMENT ;Ave., Ont. 44. EMPLOtMENT vohino latitîna lft seltton wlth carpgnoer. .Jy.OiraNaîrm. lob Io clos or Dentiste rif1*c. Saîory Mettable. 8711,11101. e«I10, quittelraprc: go0 lb10050W»11. RIm 4L TUEJION LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Bait trucks the CanadinInttite 0f oat TraitrTtaining Embduhed 1071 06WA Ruio-l'V' Pepleoottmdto train Mn TV progtmis. For acodad mmsge on h 1wIoappiy Oil 21-2420 National InsituofaIBtcedcao- i. 50«tnaat TV Ce.fM1111111S Ait typas wantad 10 i TV comlmerais To oçity 404 964-3393 TV Saun4cstOgB PIANO LESSONS .0. MoLoon, Mc.Bac., M.A., ARCT Piano, RCTThaoy. 878-5147. 045to26 50. PERSONA CLUB drills loyer 25. ,061Ou wely Fliday %hl11 Donce. 9:00-1:00 p.m. ln te Ncrendy Ettat akvlle. . & iltilelunch. Admission for ifibers lua, $3.0I oehon- 827-1425 1600é or aot-ooa ~«ou t , cul contatute an t Itd., aramptot4161 453-1661 or Actn OU. 3W7i,m11 om.t.- O1 VE1GB FOR SAL - W6 HAVE MARY OUALITS FWE-lOWD ECONOMY CARS _*nw Haolo Oott DRO YOU WC A NE' USED ANYWHIR eý (-) YOUR .UIUSIISAE tUmh AL kuCI MS L kUSCIE-sAim uucus FOC SAL.VULFOO SALE 2.UUUIS 71TEMMîp 74.tAUCfff &«Su Onaiooovarnmstd40 AN IE WHEN IT COMES TO A DEAL . .WE'RE NEVER TOO FAR APARTII GENERA./DRY WALL COF4TRACTORS AUCTION SALE 1aba. oMW lutins. ikauado, t Sapportaotoa Mohawk Ifn, eOt. on tCortot.. 491 SBluis ve., Mitont, CamPboltvl Ontario. MONDAY, 1976PINT 194 TOOTAOCT. l3eh 194OOAAmti orotMlendains toilbacoctocl et the ml- 11OO0a.m. 2 DOR VeNG 2Plus2 COOLLAtonCoathoston cotbr22 ad Octobe , 19M PARTIALI.ISTING: 4 ~lo4 ooottttdtd~jqmission4,pod i FURNITURE. -ieCor tasisoAM rad. A *d vvr4y ldtegins, vl rof. iItibItI, or Wg S,vcs lb n ttodancebeteet.h~or o nf up d-Welinion wh it.ellirestOt h 1 es t bucket MUtt hltew o vivW*l aio _ 800 .o. antd 10:00a.ttt Cotyc-187; Oak Roll > Teder doumens My b obtine frnt: Top Sook; O.k Kiiton // TttdodooatatttayaOhtitlolt~ HtooCupbotrd; Pns Mkacstty of Gocattttott Serticas, Niagara Rogottal JatttCapbactd o-1B75. Office. 345 Park St. W., .OF. Box 100 ,tdas Fair Fan Bock Char; Ontatio. I.SH 5E7. Gttlntirait.Pns Wtiiltg Saux dotod 1761: 4 Seue odnttdaclhatocoôcad ut.M12:00p.m., Wed- Matchktg Pttsaod Bok 1979 CORDOOA 19789DATSN 9210 otdol. Dtobot 29, 101aet ich tite titot- l ta Chairs; 4 Boctotood 2 O8 cylndot, auomatlc, 17 ASNB1 open.d in publc.Tentdertolottg inDundee. Chait.; Wolttat Hall 8 yiregnat-pouvtoir*etatng, ,pawat GX IIATCHBACK Table. Jacobsen Rush mahomnndn pwrbaket. aItair cttdkIottltg,ýIle 4cylttdet engins, 4 .p.adc, NOTE: Pot tatthat inormcttation, planacontact Mr. Ed Stoob Pn, B.d; Huttp- tMeiglpmsi rotrartid gose, T-Bat tact. ,lt AM/FM ftarto. bachot VattAltia. Miotto of Gotttttat Setvicas, bok Ttotk; Ftot Blothat coondtionktg, tltttod aU . llxty ktetlltt attd attatiot lut m ,ta.26,000 kiota. Lc. ODundee, Ontartio, Talapto (416) e27-3615. ' BOo; Ottat Optn Woth- velor Iterir, adi: Pakag. 2,000kIms. Lc. olue tw - oel. tattd; Pnsa Cdla; Pote 42.0Bkkn. ie.LM 9411. M008.The lowtatort actendertotaooailviacceptad OratBnrnt Ores- TENDER NO. DUN-14 auW o Wox on IMat. VatTable; Nutsitg Minlatr of Rocker; Ptaootd Bock *MANC. B (~)Govermmant Hghphait; Fne Wood 48 MIN E' le Serices Box; it, Flou, Bot; Pot. S.IVICOU Bondtt;Pin Sdebootdw "aCTNOntario toctot. ;2 Pins Wdow aBS-Dia ~ ~ ~ ~ lRSS0R USES CAR SHOWROOM ______________________ r-oto. etc. 2U66 Rayai Windsor Dr. CHINA, GLASS & SU.- ......L.. ai ....t.tChurhll 74 AUCTICIN SALE 74. AUCTION SALES VER: Grtuttt haod pan tad Wattt Pitchet c.th2 è 22-2270 AUCTION SALE PahmCane; Coso e For Juif and Merlan Hall Sugat; itotfftoo Wattt Seit., October 118th et il A.M. Ctoattt; Bo.1; HoSotai PO0O TWO LOCATIONB TO SEBVE t-OU ... PLEASE MAKE ALL INOUIRIBS TO OUR ACTON LOCATION... IF t-OU DO001 SES Location: In Milon, at the Paitgroans in s DiSauveBro Plat. THE CAB OF YOUB DBEAMB WE CAN MAKE ARRANGEMENT$ FOR t-OU TO VIEW YOUB DBEAM MAC1HINEII 0eDtaq4 the AgriCUtural Hall os Robet-t SI. tot; Copaiat PioSt; __________Salle Consitlng Of- Largeo taloction of Ctaot Set; Itotitont ___ ___ ______ Canadiana farnitare, gatis and2iiiÏM:I Fhot2blotltMt 198 CABAVELLE, 1972 FORD piaEop, 6as lcs htos l apetr'Ole utrDa;Sle atspli, air-.A t-ml OytitIOOt-. stadard s. stm i. MAflOI 72. TENDERS 73. LEGAI. tools, bt-aser copper, pictarat tand collect- Tac Sttootot;ttc. IE. MURSIII. transmisowt 1cap. vUICIB 9005ables etc. Ail farnitareis tefished. CLOCKS, WATCHES. 91 Ù oatW, 877.- trcoaap..Sale pttcad. SM._____ SMOR. LIc. Dl7d2d Coti OtroNTC O Friue eyuuulgastpe e ao ihLMS& LN 7lkp.1 .5c1tccCtyn0 ,__________________ Govrnm.nt CEITR 2 dtop loaves 1& complote cot3 btasa topprttcon- TEONS:-Walthas 17 mitI ot-147 HND.Hdtt, I fl~'PI OacANDO CE pieblaokttbc;oatoxbntttttod hatp bockttruok, Ottaog nbock; OG dtr IlrColi pee, MraLi. LSrosi HE RACERS 'OSMOVAL IN THE ESTATE 0F ptttabock tocketrc lot eboa (ltirv 010015'wccv 4 Wt.glttClock. Gteen Cao- Va 2I0mileu, ait-r nI><EOoot and ico sotocti atCOULSON, lott of tht titk crth splt.h garOd &vmstache pul:il; tree:tac rtit cooelticîaa, P à, PS, 197HONDA Accord, MasoHA'R0oaon othiealeCamus.. tha CourtHocco & Re-Towno of Mlton (Camptprichpototîair l pot as cuphootd,1 Iboard top c& BRASS & COP it-m 34 exor llnttRmuecorditionaiesd. oeCutyC 8; isàobebi F x ER BBot; Brl Oou Michlin_________ .@or 6AW ?1Ls Cetif euMgico ,Oftic ao iialî nt Ihe inl lntlpn o ube salwssad;wssdJatdiniots; Pait of Bro B 1BUd. 878-3151. lCprnpnptettltnTactriPot; CopitotfHalon d 198 CHRVSLEB 1977 HOONET ot Rtood bushrwr;nrigrce;mi e ih tn;Cpe e o;Cp cyiner tor.M M 1R1111a.161>cieh ,cc otllat lteh rz n Toobtdoc ro t:ral L arinsîti iiatretspios oapboard wdb 91000 dlocta, 2 ohlott & Bodat; Coppor otte; etc. tpo, ph, 0casi, 1.4a. U' CROGADiEtMBO luh 00/40 SMS acoa olo SlbFulUn0, aotîtt tlm L ttochotg OtIt; teaaetrtk; alîpîotcoaoooltcttIolaoc COE Lo tiiteago, adol prî1eLCa. LaLWX210. Bq--- o ào t n"lir MstoufcGocetîvc 0iOOgit theaoemt aoscos ihfln irr avrlcar;TE-o1 ot miT 54wieLadu M 6 gto evce, Naar sa r eciat t actnsb; otl chratu tt davrrog ottc ota Chat, haS-rle ilso îTort rof i.MXT3H. Couli 77ia-15101. Tht# oct aIl -St golOfc, 3N5iarko Ett oo toîad l ootendlfhllcldtacratorofch wingoaoiotha, htt to Tt aratatChry&iar. 1972 MERCUR Meteor oo2ptoocot W.F. c vteuotaî aîclrac able. ok parotatbltcrth baleytwist legs;,PairUnon odta Bott-Tot- B77 - -Ridea O IIno 5sit p6tW, P.Box 10, autaOhclantsto the16 cdefr 400kchot rtloaî as okor tandoc;,plot otUl; qt t oo; W. E. Wtlidtt 1973 CUTLASS, lad y t-ottsg condition. Ail,,a eo hîle Soodo. Otario, Ly blt don ot belote tht ratt chîlca otocconoosint 009. c000it000Motsem Ctack; BratfortdtStonet amt-. A.1 1410. or bot offar 877-SE. 291h day o Octoha, tem)rs; crtltaodtvbasket; pîintidetbtoh, carotCtockîMottont tttahnically anald y 3326. F61 a ~ t ~190,. thtrchîch dateothe mcool battait; cood ooltctionof cirtos i01. pot, Col); Ratooatot Boci; AM/ FM 061 60, berit- 1975 MERCUNt- Statti Tandetu cr11 r Etatoo asure rrll bledi- aoi btuttiocod hote o ller mincitr;thall troud St.Joho's Ruasr Pitt CotIa Oio , C xatli o ao ,rino b000.04 ctîl 2:01 m., tîated having regarod tabls; old wrtîoaorstdicoutocabnet; old viaittub on bossaidBMcrletc. MAIN 0or floreilo. Rca m1 Wddy Octohat 22 onih to clentthot have stad;tc. etc.aetc. CAST IRON BIal. cottdton Rt1,700 or-bot 1SWat chichtlimrtlthobeenorooaîod. Oloote Chn:locordeMaplt Lealplat.crth FCS.:Wtchoa Pot, 176H DATSUN 2SUZ. caler. 1171-111i4.W ' i t0 haoptott inspublc. Caoada Conodîo Sluscto af oom oie600covr. TSox; Roo. conîg Pot. hakw. PoA 7, J6aQTCr 1 air, Tederolg. oIn Ou ~til p. FRANCIS COULSON. hatdblownnroaootllad vortchot cit h 5îotchîog Mo okSto a le Crl F tt- PWbic. 100 ithcoppor terdocot; Naotncoo redIto; Ceat Otîddlo. Ineton Ft M g owrbut-, -LNOTE: For t otiato i tat-nhat; hMRo. No. 3100S osn u m tu; Cl op omtyin; 4t ,:aha-i. neuf tI n aoroa riCtopbl botterOoto clas41h; lotoe pttaoed 01000 lootad ciatrpiot atoaltoeIOrtOO Michelin~ y atMto-k lmu fomon,0.pleuresconotact Cmo lilOtarotCi ptttd loatyuP 100; iccrolled g0100 chah; large Cook Stove- Good Chact chromeo po. AIlli ina $3%r06ao Bit Withtheinaparctlof Ieay New non Mr.Pd Vatîttîvoe, Bennîoctoo lot, 00014i hatford) pottorv ptchot, Fat. 1895; Potiot Stoco t-08at tB7R MONZA bloc ~~~~~Minitv cyofortoor t RUSSELLCOUILSON.p IMtopttt ltcaota;P.cIRtI Ttot;Atl10Vs Cotndition. Ne" ;ûc"lt-uaP CNAo O er ' curant or lUI Polmaet a ti yu02 ft-aa Serticeo. Scodat. On- 716 Gueph Lit,. P"ofalto plate; lN cak stnd; Pr.IobIRyal(Toonto); vlE ie S54r0 tad lo-Haai : tod Polaris 2-plc, a w ole sieDutn lts(ofl atrl o.o le rwie ec lot- lob. lMuet »Il, = sO. inab&rt-lnStuoo0 ots« 1,oUdTdophoa 1(416) R.R. NO. 3," lttobdtoitOorot Bciolt.OLO TOOLS Et UTEN- driva. Anaer 6,877-4 M les. 60/ F90 moth up to e 273515.CaobliltOtt. R.S. Gtooaov toothpîck hctder; Rotai Nippas L.n tt, ar 8720. cassette, 684Mor RutI THE RACERS EDOR .32600076 ST..MILTON otoaoo; Aaotiototooîo Et acar ot 3 tided prssctBhckmtrsoTogt But- 1465 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 DDSOtlH toad,1414288-22The owtor>oat tender Eactott. Ny MUT-atata vaut; are tcotîc brocro Et white pOttettterBoot; Buttet Latla; apiiodat, opa r h, SWOeidy,~Spa5.fl- otctsoaailv accopttd. CHINSON. TMOMPSON SamtamsatC. 1079; domiertîcppt v ocfcotarg t rainOtotCadla. Suggy voleur IntorlAM-. 1976abONOVA, 2 durt, 8 A-i luelty Chackrd -TENDER NO. SUN-140 EthEMEPR SON, cobalt blot ardiniets; plat rootomoct, itmot otJack; itra Sch oard;atU Jt-40s3«. Car.LU cei at yln«sick, lo îfl. Recondltioned SnowmobillaaMiouty of Soicitors ta. iitodButtet Ptss, CoIlaa 877.3m._____$3100.877-0041. ( overGcootosor 204 Man Street, Lampe, Ran. Cappat. Tocle. primitve..ictutot Goondot, Appe Pouler; 2docop,6clne, Salon. 4 dti ato , 1,pr l973FutlatoOc 7 LTseller.tothtitoiatp.rototîis Cosoo a t - : 6, Pb Zrado, r Pb. air aaondtIv.ttna. l974Ropp N,tcHo44 ...... ss7elLT1P. ollm;pu te lu i ap;mnaueoll , Capec Lanta. oofaoblcsonou a n- 97R pp Niro440 ...Bite..... ý log Ontario 073m43 0sit01bas lantrnte; coppor trîti roîcrai lap, PRIMITIVES, UNUSU- ____Excel_____t___con___ bttoo trirood listbvas & sqauare;iargertouid ALS. PTC.-Fimitiot ordurier. riteS tami. dIm i. MHW730. 1972 Moto Ski G 40 ............ $ 5. igpanputaotcm tcîhmploanes;toold prtiveoo Foootvloia tchtarttd Lia. PRSU. Calu C"ol 000t-8BtWt iCe"1000olaisCenttturo 06..........600 l. 72. TIROIR 72. TENDERS kniî leacnott.large Staoley tpaktthaoo. scribe Toy;. La Spioosa Who.i. SorBoaa Chrylior. Ch1ysf«trB7-58 . 1977 vantonsha 40 .............$13909.oscrvdrivera, hommet, suicr. backsth tol ec it, Stoci; Sîtoe Fopoc ~l194OGE atr 4m PV,~cailitounatteraOot sertototl odoortirrng 10000 odr r.aied VWahtran 88 rhsb 2011,ylcondition, as l, 0. THE RACERS 6E 2E-2 BOONTE ST., MILTONioct otd EsîtosIcidacrot boa; oppto 30 cld bottles Bcdl;Fine Soit Boo; Pins M 78=Cs lat 1-, 1614._____doge____ vo. Waike of IOratgnorilo, Tget Certap, Hotoes Modol Shîp; G. T.Rail 1978DDO V -,FS,17 PONTIAC Tront,878-4212 oeîmgHl arc., pns Oaok dUtoctu. siloor tipped cne; 5 cal.datvirerodlo;Wao OMIEVnP..Am Formule, uchaIs. 5000o4*itcorpk; sevotal othttcocks iocsmatrmelîae -Oho;Sack coy; Blue Pvi, 3m ous, , osoa BSanoote,60I &itkctcos; pinsosaitbox;oc utte, dioh; Gtatita Wato; Ado. oaor, oatir, tata e rtoaf. Immacuallo ma-li itm.50t c ondition. Cuii Tam. 61 CAMPORSTUEL 0GI ES w ccdm lbtad boatd & koîlo. clU its a.ot,bleboules, Signa;.Wagont thoti miIs. AIhtter Li. LMLdR5. Catii 014 buggy na otsdota 0r rroo; boot lach; butte, Mcb; Set of Double boiult-,~; 5 Grand-.oorntont oryiî Imm MMES OPPOATUNIIScpî;tîîgptdlatan icMatrc ota voni 60ttion in 4-B, 519 -4 I FT. Fet 0 XERE CD a-'I c bock 00cr, hat hif; oîo;dOdt buggy jack iaood Acothat ttrîtîc ottttirtg coaitia,3 hin7. di. 144PONTIAC MAhar, oelt6 iloco o- 600 o- otCtuikshh; acceoa.4 014trotting prons, Norhot o toTooaîro o 1979 DODOIE olamatia. deoiOacamper, 3 Pns itp un 30 ca -. . accar priit; tottol mailoaiccdao kitcttn tems, Aocto. Inlorie open, doo. aI. p. h. t- nRta. Crifiat burn t-fo- ova. fuloavatt, hagi.> 74-651>4 Balor 6 menitems nrotlistad. Appo. 20 iemst iBatood8at B-QOc culom aladrlor. Ot- a ý t &ILC coodinn, plue muca, td y d1 .Li.cottbuntitaarîdaa 0nd P.m. TOU Co51124(c,1)- Landeains - TEM:CASH OR145005 paT S.. 1Tmis-Cash ot Chaqun otr. Pricoal I. oli 4mtOt--loBaet.Biut-=Bn-ATTENTION atgo Li.G 001 Cl B17-310. 09hoîtiers. la t-oc hald auded tendent ctsoty soA0ed as tu Contet i ons 2 Oett, all oturd0.or Actiottt ot rtpooibit;i Mohacrk Inn cor the 17r70081 rvîe.0- 1463 PONTIAC station WANT Io0go campina? lIt-st or second mer- teoioott by the RegiotalClatit. Mr. G~aD. toor ccidonos. Auctiont d iii hreorno 1975 DODOS Cor-te o cs atmfa ~îoîy1977HotdtopcomBat tr ossaeouatd OI 11e ,opoa. nis O200F .M.Local Tuma. TusaOto-bet- NaNte:Ladiesot SGonstlmnon beaial ofi >,lotfor ccidet or Brougham, 2 cdoot-.VI a mSooot-o.Sl . atnd acarythina tnou i> cash In on yor In. 21 et. 1860 fort ha 0ppl end IntailationttoIf W the Halits c, havtet ancllent offarito crrh oort PtOt-Otkit. oolomant c R.La. S a ti 12 nadedocapot atient.vtmotI, iveaaeut- lhodcapatcanlhaoatume h opuiof theC.NR.o thig for eeoorvctWo't youpieuse loin va? MAX STOREY botah asias,.coamole, Chryallor, Mt-Id. U. For moreoneRoithTwnf avl. AMI/ FM0st.. Lia.c -tao 390.B3-îaaîn 00sllotnlRod.ttCToliOhoinAuctjoneer: Chris A. Schouten AUCTIONEER MBBr n-Ol UALITY ua arut-i MATnTttotSotSaitooOvo 50o4co01*Phone: 878-2576 RCWO DUNE bat î _________ Fotitmtg tporttsont. 115 1 BotclRosOe td olvle 754 7.4 librogias body wdIS Mat-to. BOAT ilorogo IsltIuOnario maporîsomett o $2500. uhichl o .- 74i041 Ctani. o,175.W ia RBimagedon- 4Compilo t-evice a 10 alotd".bloFansus 0 mciliconstm sot-ha tudiO. ______ANTIQUE 1214 devra, V7.72»q 5400,6AM radie, at-melEout-ordo 6endJOhfueMC taclelttaooatllaAUCTION SALE ai il.etter,'LC. ou.n bad n 00A Catolidchaque mode payaliato lOr. aaénalalAUCflOSALE BIHO Com ca, 0,o4 lcors____ 7: _____t Italde iaaoootoAl'& sgnBRIGHTasON ac 14766FORD aise -,Marina. Actet,863ldU hdcMËaaplty cIf00000oni heaorit sttpecilati ln ci Cutomradon, r5ias.M 47 UNDERBIRD, tenermocuentn na ton Aoeett odSut.,Oct.111K.1 p.m. AUCTION HALL a Mrpon adio, etianat-91 Tmue ocompnryomt tn>e. 18 Min t. ian=olod oll rm" r oditiMtos , P&Il Ti76l.lI5For 5the Estate of Mr. Loti Omgherly.16Mint hat«t. CoIt114ad 6 C000 Icihalns, ut-y»b _____ _Tnonsaudi s3 ooned et 2156 FM.Local TaesLoCalod on Mountsberg Rd., I/z mi. sa5 ist rhn0ot. il OOlaalrS. maa.e. lBUoliul FACHSTtsioOctoher Sttt. 1980 in 100 aoglotialHwy., 1 mi. nortbogol of Freelln, 6 mi. 6South 0f $2,475 . 1OitCOt-Ilît- *MMHIM iledtuotm, otmmitta.tRoumi No. ,S5, amioclo(401 Hwy.u Monay laaaAeIIUb .O07507-905.00 at oes.Thaoobrclllaootecnt ne41.4 lOct. 13, 1980 lWS0 44VOLKSVOAOEN JOINT VENTURE to tend, oaihWdl, antiqe tems511, SarrltUafi aRoiptibr e t 11:00 A.M. Dashor, hen man W WUbamae (tlc.). spa.cotPiout- WiII yor 0.0k lardtLoemt aratnde olnObuaaataccetai Ccm0titi; f:Kefato rehtigattart 01 oan 1 vtopareter PREVIEW: 1 t-onondit od InIIayu 2 a00 floltaoe (ha tet), Vecormielle21" coeur TV, SaIn. Oct. 12. 4 IN I badit- r As l. u YseasIf lSc,jow lîl. 6RW.J.Mmet-, PF Sot R.A&HM Pu. FF.OIFrechPrvicil, O Mbedtoin suite. seuilH48"tx54" 1980 * * a-s-Mi. ".1. Set ypas apin yocr SWIC-tFbahoh Rgata Z4-hakgAgont dWigtaMMoCM tab&6chirs. Oa aoe..Nawuio ouest 1:00- 4:00P.M. VII9E 97 JHNDo - staff Il and rus 111or 74AMCIOR SAM S 74 AUCTON SALES 3Qmootts 141. lo aaloati omportent &spaet, îwnîg 1464J0N Dua u f i allrt tuetote lch, intiut smhat. dtables, kitchatr 10111 & c.-tor I- RE F OR F CO's, 61,155.1'Pl' 0Moto2 ., th Oak teïr CàH 4char, table051001*11mahnetardWallIL bchrah. Sale ShtCCs69. Atarrnîr aio a lf.Mc qt5 adl 0000 nihlnt000 Furnture Sls $11, interst and r filli monpo &pans laetc),tatI. gisai Rohn lace 1971 SKI-DO Nrdlc 400. Profit - ocathte Auction Sale (etc). 3 Ear ttOO fitile, 0ciBctIt ltatftttat. 1t Poe8863 s0' Ofruo 3.a agoialler et Anlques bnd CollNilblhu gualjet 40dqlawm0S-,31l"u,2 yt.'d lit noi) Op» lîs -dn, 335-031. . ThI 10 in te a otlaloseoffie0419 10 trestafdIe. mtt ore50-_______ 1979YAMAA RD400,t m fumi or f yo RW ASundit-. OclobR 2tatt 150 Ps - iota tachats$ Imm. 1m lonver gocd decillo, "vaBsortie or Trs aho hqefiltpoe ..FrC m lt condition, $1, ; 19753alfthe o.00ey eaing 1 Rl all, 06Tm00loRd 05a005 îHoSi.Fr Coplot ITAL ~~~~~ièn-A lR7D TN , ant ar.OrI 10Tm;Caholto iMopî uomr uto evc uRobe tic., 2.0rm,,m, prt for 50F515. ft tso Der-otoot. vaootraServi. Wu. .B7%02. Profit"Ii. CenMaii .i,.wf.wd - . UR -Z 9 di-I ba.ux. 689"778 -WUIUtIOn Chris A. Schouen 1RIna673-eor Rbut mof heCnainAUCTIONEER 6102 menhe old.I. 7I1100ma9?Cim ai o1A0.pi LIRaIs W a butG Champion ili »03U.91e2CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SanCduh Awes Is00d lanosodati LIER sYorklPtoerLIG. 1-11-131.121Tel 878256 iEVERY DAY (416sh lt1-0atSS2. 878-2341 CONTINIJED ON PAGE 813. RR3 làMft, The Canadien Champion, Wed., Oct. 8, 0I ii