Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1980, p. 11

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w~v~ J- ~ ~,. i. - p.f#Itonly Ioeberg stî4 Etmi eFî ho M . icfLaWI5"a~ i. '.ù ha ndas ge n.ivl coutoier 10 put lnlco rimming anarcic cr Lao anu Macai fnictl 0irner i- u b ago 1. a ltter 10 fthe furolo glt ive1 t- dn-,oo'trhaeoî n-oi -on l80,00W x raglousI _dmytoraloohaOi-2 oni. oare oeued or committed a,, fi laai financ eUmiftue "l y aluof1c ae 000 o f Subdvistoo cmn lat fwab Mc. Manuel l faloue riincorrect,' Mr. Mannll Truaf Fim, we bave fuis niaifer qiore by*0g5000dalateti orote, '"flicy.aro-.cmnetlyelmiin rg ORe etaIf usra fca a ttomadt,bae uiep al, or thaetIsaiRueerve Finis "f cha fnaall ealoe siuioti seans 0 aaryal,Ù u arndrioiin thaeccfmoee ru caris st syharola Itoea rte si coerreserve fouis bmhacclecfsifor bsia fil 0100n, we baveued ndo on bond and dtfed 070,000 of ànl yet collecti.2 mupm If ee ho id tasm lctei do, o-e bave tha power aid Oie rigbt 10 opaci toopayers mosey in any o-sy oe aonft. lOoeve, I1 boelly quesilon tha proristy an&in 1 sMe causetha acinal wllty fthaeo-ay o-e bave ued mous, melefr on urm- te balmae ha licha for 50000 tem hn -sbave set tsigetai for," ho addei. Over toc six page I cter, Mr. Manoat qoctiocceti qomtîonoed mouy of tie reglo'c financini deitogs wlfb devetope. Re. notai, for enampla, tha aimce tha rssay fond were estabBahedc Former Regional Treasurer hopes to help queil deficit Form rTreammaerDon Fariner obsai Sffare ueledbis posilles in tha tes 0f reveallon abett ha dolat un=cv enr in1thaetlmSbudet, lis niai fer bic lijobi bock In a tara ttamont folloo-oga m.tlg Sep. S Reglaalcair- mmcJaob attis, nid &P"ytoeasw. Jin Stewrtwus 00mai In a teldinter- view Mr. Farner sai that onllke is firet ac- flon, lie bai ni aubai 1 heilâeved of tha poition cf actlc-treaoe. Mr. Farmuç nid ho liai acbed couccillcri reppint hlm t0theaposi- lion o cfthea ureruta fuil ha. repiaemont cod ho named. "1 fat that Iis curref adn o-sa onnwsury, but Idmo1 Io-ass'fprlvy f0 wbat it abouf," ho nid. Mr. Fermer suggeeted tha appaitmont cf hic former ieputy au actng freacurer metf 10give Mr. Stewart o "fry-cuf" f0 Oie position. "Tiay muet oast 10on bow Mr. tearteer &as. Re lasalwayn don au excellent job in Oie peut sud il haf lc their ololi, Iis more will cor- talsly glve ham tha chance." Mr. Fariner o-s tha Region implernents cost control policies - mw-cm"fi, scrambin te ntry te Ume p thae*700,0 isaitbas - hsireviso-pro Tiehet cf01 ha n 10ha barsoder t$iUI m odb ma rcelo-by jeCte aempa e mass, nvsdi by idg hoc* or desaiopro 1 be IIhoappleto ComsaI basdearua that frmein ha ota f W yuronW thaepnaetc hb asgraisg bd ntou owmn wain o4ai auhariaalmit Il uw Dhpotnoth in- CoE an d aco- mospoomObae mi an- tha opellog budget is Pa"vrac"ae noutehy ara 10 ho rs' mout hanhoreviao-ai so oamarined'101 re- S1haaetAissin' Mtle Oftce(fCAO)I Il weil than hop t10tha COtreot0ha Ad- iisteanmaiFisase Comtu emso sabof tha sùmoils cemmllees lnolvedousa bi-monfly Projecdicesof reveue aM epeediure 10 year oui are1 o eiscluici wlit repoin prspared besedon tha month-essi resdtaof Aug. si, Oct. si Mdi Dac. st. As Sdlcter Descli Palm 10 iss lulng tha CAO postfofr tha prut counedlapprovai tha ir ing cf Kenisth Anierec au Aoet Mtflcir at nalary of $27,N00. Coniles bave abs aibai M. Perba f0pre pme àraport on a lettar fo m ff Laurie Manouil regerding a number c ocal"con 1firet of HItlo n eior s admlnlolrators to reSlgn ispostfdlcwisg tha revelatîo cf an usex- pecWuideficit b ine sia budget thaf nbastfered predictions for lm. Asked about thle oued for a provincial aedit cf the relnaasecounasto r niraighfen MdcthficPro- . hbomo, Mr. Former naid B uch a stop would noctlie necessary. I"Everythlng that iap- e pnei was above bocard," Ihe id. Mrc. Former explalned the deficit amme "liecause cf to oer flire thinga, nmn cf wo-lia require -y furtlier audit.' 'Ile major probleme yfthat led 15 Ithe miacal- cuations, hae eplalned, a were coeopecled in- r creasen b loereat rates, I inspectin fees put loto I general revenue rallier d ilin credlted f0 flic ac- j counlo that pay fer thone services, and alate audit. * Despite tha morteom- * toge, Mr. Fermer in- sstetoflat ho o-ausot r- totaliy responcllefor tha * deficit, but ou départ- * met head "lI ad totake i "lwoud aleiotbave to > admit that coma cf 0r r procedorese oere faulty," e lie cdded. a The deficif could bave i- bec avoided, ho naid, if tlie audit bcd lieauefin-, iiai 10i Mardi, or if tha occoussinware auditai qusrterly, as Oiey are in soma muslclpalllies. Rumore have chr- colated reesly that socc.tî-be-uncovered factuo SdUn haionbui- M ewlil revi a defifcf $2million, buftacording 10 Mr. Former, thone sugguel l"hve nu basintefacf." The total deflt hac bues uscoverai scw soi ca $M0,000, ho naid. Mâ for biiecien future o-lOitha raglan, Fariner naid lic bopes therelsea place for Mm ln0tha Mme- aurydepartmnenf, po ollasbei 0of one Oie bracies. "I got a vor positive feeling aiftha meeting that Oie mesibers cf cotisaI want me f0 ce- main in Oie organ- toslion,' ha naid. Mr. Fariner spont nearly 30 minutes belore cousc!il during Oie dosai- dccc session lut o-sal. "«I realize Oes Lu a job fo oshare andi f hope 10 booapar f cfif," hbani, cddtog, boo-ever, Ibaf "if Oic poiiefr ini cf foc IUtile importacce Oiec 1 wccld bove 10 on" for ampîcymouf aise- wbere.' Regional staff to be placed under $80,OOO microscope "o loto tha management of Haltoo Wélo nIl will meso replacement of HiIlig JonsonMaagemeuntCnd aultanin cf Teronto o-lllbhorequfled "f idemsftllhIieepeople o-ho arent blgh Thse reglccal managonont stoiy o-lU talaIft 0118 o-eha f0 camplets; bow- ever, Mr. PRalisnidthatlrutseation on the'freasury Departasanto-lO bs resdy Hlckllcg Johinson peggsd tha ont cf tha st'uoy t *7,000 bofttelglonal Couccil cpped Iis t10*80,000. Mr. baffa nsid tha extra $5,000 ooh ba used if a mire detailed study "cof on of tha blggcr departmento" la cecsoary. Hecsnid that hlgger departinent coul lie public orbcson/ or HealOi ami Couniller Bill Jobnon snidbc o-snts f0 mals surethaeccoultants isluie a chopter on lima 10 nbaply lire o pars if ho 10 fauni sot abile f0 ment bis or hor job description. Tic Toronto conculfing fins oco cf five ttrvlco-ed liy Oic Reglosal Management Study Tesm Ccmmltise. TIse btervleo-a o-es cducted oera six bour pariod SSept. 22. v Secret session on sewer rates altesessmo 0mslptseibuIsseret senononn y=on bÊ,nbai loftithapeese a y tMdismiMsMi ine OM srieirie Mssea0tr ebarglà Oh, told hami.bi = P a" iaDmfini .hagularrgonalmellflgOct. 15 celebaalsaatiateheapubie r msiila tl ail Mr. Plaais nid ha iscisio 1000 bn-cameraws la ..1 a vary mulille ielaylng tacie se thera oIl ho a rat, o-biaI ha et Ibisa afinal discosslesitesedlio." rest,-lbaallsleelyeueMm Usosahafli Mr. )Mattlieo-s ndbisfins wooldpot tt nibaeaobi.laolbua."ccmpany name es hae itarin report if tha me Mover, thaoe -aoerraies mmtasisaihol o-es cp, bsaon e efin bam a polcy th Panel discussion on reglonallsm lesertpOpla -e2 ayr Dealid ore is.lU spealou ha dis- hbacpo ameoi dfuascon et reglue0Sl vr- met. Gme Mle, jourmallat. o-llmsdeate. of oMactnit. Mmt7S"a .0pm THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F MILTON Houslng St.ering Commttse PROBLEMS? ha Housing Stessbsg Conmmils foc tiha Town of MRton Wanta to huer fram yau an wue can msmsothea tent of tha cantal pro- bisou l lthos. if you ors haviso prainWni, piesses phons 064-23M0 anyt roc878-2185 affer :00 p.m. arsy avenlng andi lut us knie your con- Tise Iloaing StasainoCocnilte forthe Town of MRto Sh ha un averyt&lmo odiofi cp 1te W lnclisg lie final I iSncot mot ho cbecked and re-cbecked fer ac- Coma i lally decied te ol bahhaMondsy meeting in-cammera o-tlitha final report to be releaced in timte fer full publcinput andi diccunprier teohe Oct. 1i coosacil meeting. DOnti PIUIJCHEARNG MO~oMM UAST DUPOL MM FM LANDNLUPi Ragonal Musilpalty of Hlon Towns of Milon The Ontario MM"io f hamOEbiomeoni 1hm icliemi un applcatio bvtisa agslmwMulOc#oSi f aoc o oppravs of a popossi 05500disposi sitefor laid. Ming tg e licmadsiosePat oLuts 8aend7 Cososasic Vil, fNe suse. Oseogeii Toraisita cf Noisci Ciii of Mlleon win tOsTownsof Mton. tagosol MunislpoW oc f cimc mntpailartin luPalea1tio 5 Icusive, or Pin 30-5417 forr 5itiY OMsblo ofc Maions 420). Te paoçosd eleahbicciimnSite"F. Te Esvironemni lAsasensboliasd i 00nsiaoà pabla hbethu to obtulIn bfomiation aiend lis eO viemof thepubac a tsa militon mais. sccmniad- domiesopenct f dOs eopossi autodbpasa alt. Wcksinorail &ubmlssoesy be mode, toOs Board ai Ose haaiic. Tha esour ri nt soi uder nytatessls- dmeprdgoilig OseOscisoul @f iieOstho ernighm5Iboen The issain bc lholiDn ctw15 1Maet 1:00 oclic Inh secibia.local tOm. i heOsAditoinm, altes Cetosiial Mes.ios18 Dtio ti c Scith, Mht, OntDisto. Plas cf tOs fpoonsme dOImpoal iselSNbu avai- obafor exnmmiooi u pin ?*ccnddno rmadcobas- inu haus ImoicIe of tOs Casrk cf tOs Suglceu Mouilpdhy o f alions.1151 Bon-nd, ami.Duuo@ Ontorio, i he foffieoftheaClark cf the Ton cf Mîbtoi, 251 Mais SomsaEmmua, Mn ntriou, and I ho ffice cftekrnf ieusef ul eaaiaei5Board. t Fiscs. 15St. ClirAvene oWStTocnto, DtaroinMite1K7. STAIUTORYREpaERENceB The EsiboissutOlPoeccinAn, 1971. i.0. 1971, Chapte M, as eussisisdl T.M. Muselle, Etkovlesil Asemom a ord. DatanetaToront hi lli dey of o.pbwmsa.o PREÇENTri"tI vur tiest or 1981 Corne - Experience Driving in the 4th Dimension Evey AMC Pro<hict cones wlth Zlsbar Factory Rustprooflr AiO.v.nbsd Bodes Sas* Our New Cars THURSDAY, SEPT. 25th titi 9 p.m. (hi Coffe. and a Donut> or visit us et the Milton Fait Fair, Satu weather permitting. ig on ýave a irday, LauroMannel i tls committee e tha OakVmthtaS- p te, rha ego worte Healoto oulcihat $500,090 bai bec rainai through dehoolure salai for thse Borliigton Wter Filtration Plantfand bai inter bee se o 0offset tha deficit. "I bave asoi silO questonntha ppraçs'lty ani, 10 a dagr., tha legaty Of I inlg SIWoo cf money malcli wua allocatai lr on purpose ani oning if for acoter." As intha put o-lOi imilar lettere from tha volatile OcIville cotas- ciller, other cmmmlte mambars uemed niore upseefwith theaacf ho bai odittes, flan o-lithacy- tMhinah bai 10 m. .Quits fraal,' id Haltos Hmi yr Pete Pcnm"sc," ho o-tast . heU of a 10f cf emoni fimecand 1 dont wanthbu f0 o-cote acy more stff1 ture' Deccii Perijo, Acting Chief Administrative Offier, nlidhociud fini floue 10 de hae sfidy re- quesei by Manmell ani couli report in0theada- minisralion ani finance comnslftee by Oct. 0. Dabvile Concilier Mac Anderoonid ho sysopaflize iaio-OiMayor Pemneroy's positio "but evary time this cemes bock If paics a lit fIe crediblfty." «T'i baicg qsesfionei on theatereef sbout thone Oings o-," ho ouded. for spfelcprpaaue, o-a If lega for reglommal staff 10anfen 10taomer tha daflalt o-tlout a molles from cmuneil alloo-ing thaf? Wban flie davlop o f thea Sberidan HUis projcci in orili Oakvilie, Mr. Manaeli mted thaf Oie developer ai porci $2.4 million 10tavelc o-afor services. Hall cf thaf amonf o-asto h repad tirougl c rdfc araglonal charge for water service. Dabville staff, bowever, ieclded 10 repay tha developer fhrougb lot lev" amauntsoanicollecf tie icater service fse from future developero. "This matter bao been lgccred for over a y.ar. Slca if any o-sy you 1k, CLEMENTS MOTORS of Milton Limited WO Bronte St. S., Milton -08-2328 S*fl

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