FUPlhurst avorte riot, 11 lnmtes are transl.rred Oy Umda liOns>,ose way or tise oher, ho Six Maplelsurot in-sid, addisse i waa mates have hees transa- "lochtomatese aow god ferrad sut et tise Milton sen5" emrractioal centre MSilamelles tdantnd toowlng a neari bmate icsléoedr oftse t7loielentaceerlse atsIienlnOne linsja clots quaedte hi nscleoslled te ocngra wisentho e - "eh-sr i Mato :imoa codaeclMr. Lellhad"lidthe n61alin medisa menlty la- ,ý yo ,dudteuti anti-mkorseme aie lise lasndey rcaestho licoltmdntela aInslar noa ttie>,sers alvin accuence, acertssg te tehoc. Tise pII osatetheo de «mPelat- remved Jlac iic edent. vaChwhMpt.e=xta ilteen tematemsver, et gos5 bhlavier, ex ihorst last year aler - r.Leithad. youtea sealln Oroving A osaa poetisl turnitore in a demon- treuile prmplid of- mraton mne nlat ficle taeaucinte tisdrSalaLel Ilea deputy upeintendent Addillonal inmates epitely ealed Oc <~Mapehs!a filsft aaLc.ny lnmg itshave hismoud sut ter tem yIII sai h, ac s'arisas fnslsdWUmaaoars, sem hues, hai d meW gond senae" and gavein folloving a exin ww Staff wvas, & ais vnuS -inute sit-in ettheere I- oserlnsnsatam. te hiorserdtacpai ttutlonlaatweik. A lacuneai m ofatt tespabrei fr.osmens vafrmsd lie Tis"ateatian snWid04sud thir dmnaelatts, ecucity .mamernd pra earmsta min"lmelter, aller tse midM. tlth" " lstu51 meu"IIta hi a Midaini a yuthsdd "e taid e Hsald thepne ofa " alamtsasarry"l. t1ovn anlh> li n calome" md chasla Otese ad wva anormal Saris a situation cas go mtesaesmel oamsr Dies insanty ... D.ath near KiIbrUde Hafton ready for Oxford Pa 'Wllan Alln CunghZ wJohnReidrand Murr> Brokon vil ha iOxford Couty ti veed h rereentrHal- ton at the International Plovlng Match. The>, vere chosen afler Ihir performance in lust veok's Halton mathch i laton Huas. At that match IongUtlme plovman and coach Spencer Wilson givea nme iouind a vice hi David Wilson, vho plsced second. PJso cometingthia vaekend vii] ho our own Halton Furrow Queen By nda Kisby Tragodyhas tsucis tis raIt village of ELlrhde viti tise deatisofta i-year- oid youth last Tueoday sugisi. David AMans Stokes of 6515 Cedar Springs Rd. vas lilied instentiy in a sngle car accident os a strelcis of Dors'>,Rd. malalda aiou hevillage. Haltes Reglosal Police oald tise accident occurrod ai appronirnatel>, 10:30 p.rn.vison tise yots, travelling vesthound osnl)erry Rd., luit costrol andastruck a bridge aisutracot hall a bit' ornetre est of McNiven Rd. Ho vas alose atie tirneofthtie accid- ent. lise son of AMIas and RosisSSinisiof Cedar Springs Rd., David te survlved b>, hsethree iscotisers. Stanley, Slavon and Philp. A popslar rnmeriof tise cornrnnity. David vas rasmd te Kilbirda andvosld have torned 20 sent Monda>,. "He rnada finonde everyvisere ho vent. He really enoeyed fle," said is notiser. Tiseyoetisisad graduated fror Leuter S. Pearson igi Scisool te Serlington and von ernployed an a siipplot and receivteg cdekwvhs lie mat i tm. F.W. Fearman Co. Ltd. os Appleis> Use. David vas a rnember of tise Upper Rrlanglan Optintet Clubin teKllride and vas aine a keen sparte enthist. Drigtise pasi sommer ho played taathall vils tihe Carlisle Fasîbati Lea- gue and atmo coacised tise Etiie Sen- ior Girls Sotisalt aar. Hoeisadt almo served as an assistent Scout leader vith tise Eiliride Scoute in tise paot. A fuserai service cmded by11ev. Elt McAlister et Carlasle vas iseld Fi- day eithlie McKersie 11ueral Hume in Milton. 'New' park dedicated FallmngisrmisParis localad iehlnd Milton Distrsct Higis Scisml vas given a nov narne Monda>, sigist is, lon Coundit. 'lie park s aniseen narned aller tise laIe David Tisompeon tenisonor et tise man vise servedi as tevn suliciterutit iis deati s t year. Mayor Don Giordon oflicialad fer tise officiai unveiling of tise memnoriai plaque, arnteted isy Mca. Tisorpson. Menhirs of roundi, tise Tisorpaon farnily and nliser cemmunity menis attended tee ceretteny. Ceosciller Roisk Day telS Tise Cisamp- ion folovvf tise nvelng tisat Mr. Tisompmon vas teorougis and res- ponuible in iis vers and tee citiznofn Mitesnienelllted from thee man's ser- Mr. Tisompoon vas active te tee cornrunity and acted as Rotary, Dais presideol for a larrn. lie iavyer vas isead of tee Huteis- insus, 'Tisompson and Hesdoro tev flrn located su Main St. Ilite merneriai plaqueioa meuntei en a large rock aithOe parisamd is sur- romided by a unal floyer gardeo. AnIie & i Cmnbt esaeSrîu (eCouifrl m p o VOLUME 10 - NUMBER 21 MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 190 34 PAGES -25 CENTS ~ Krantz announces ma yor's chair bld Gord Xrnt, 43, Ward Two CnaailIlor MW a vetaran of 15 years on lWiteCouncll bas annoumced ha vW ha runig for mayor i the Nov. 10 election. Mr. Erantz, in a lengthy interviev yeaterday, bold The Champion the issue in thio yeor's murnicipal election la leader- %h~ va hadn't had a good council dunuig the patyear 1don't know howwe could have accompliahed as munch us vo did. "We almoet had hi direct ourselves," ho naid. He snid Milton no longerg needa "a ahirefront mayor, a welcorne wagon Beautiful homes honooed nie GroinfamlyoiS ape ve., Milton, takea vnds lotn theo urban rsldmnce (oontructad afler 157) i the 190 home beauti- nov home. Joia=dSu hvepinataklngly worked bard al] fication competition. Joli and Sue and childreil Terry and Shelley auimmer ti heautlfy the iront id and rear yarda wth flowera. are ahov i the front yard. Other winnera are portrayed on Pg. ebruu>., planta and rockerlea. 1'u> wvrk pad off - Milton and Dia- Ci of today'a Champion, vlth aliat of ail the winnera. trlet Hortleultural Socety chose their hme as the outatandlng Golden Helmets highlight 127th Fali Fair By jame Maler satrdayaandnda"y can fer Othisehe i2e annual uMM tesyms fte seulperformance Sat fturdya te. Viitratalie ilonaset a %. dbet- (air.lorsayarale morne - 7 p.m. bhuthe OPP Gldn Futeirsard necretar>,- Foit Fair tel rdattisvtsa re e Prsildest Don Heaths attractlosa locadlM emnet Mtercycle tra msorc arfHllcm Precsio Tu, aWà u th Ù&grouoâdaoffice M ilton IandfiIU herlng Oct. 15 ' 1P ing cote Tearnandar o* ce Octeher 15wvilc h ie stect ofanmEnvlroonental Tise biswil ha lold te Hlten Cte" no yarl aS a mcnad Amuement B ouMarins ogloisnlise Mit"nReilanal lase. Piste Horm eowte hi- =rmecewisold afor lanadlglteannsoeyienm "alter. la lise maantimase eTosencol Mon o eing a gin a lprM. Prilday. Mr. Èadh>à Ml* Mimiste> fr thiEvronent kWaiad es ecm"Otarogrente Coutrnqaig t iic Iis It maLd lte par- il ar. e- Itaey té oulesE wOM ise heldai the umetiens Olasgse lise iserin cmiseld prosmec i der lise tkularshow ip rtIi ta IiSa d li HabmelC oucsdlbua'doaldte = eed SIvliresucthAmusaiment Aetlnatmdd tten*mo tbsorfairaeis ,mie a<isomeeameelm»a Pal'-andt evaascaslut OW& = = d e splgfurag Prelwmemlai*ot= . geaCmni.lrnrepretst=msv( tssMi Uspage 2) Mr. Orante fie anether major praislern Mitna mailfore te reprinenlaties vitein tOu framavoris ef Haltes Raglan. Ho saldteat durlog tee annexatian figist of sovecal yoacs age, ho leacsed a valuahie lenean. "I litiere caa ho changes for Mitn.I tiiaise cenconvhoce thee Province teat Min neoda more representa- tien. "Rut 1 dont vant te do i ... soa a hamikase mission," ho sai. Heinaiigisl>,caacorned about the corront deficit ai Ralten Roln vicis iesys nover vsuld have happened if strict fitea guidelinea had hes applied amd maalaai. "Au a nember 0f tOu Haltes Reges Conserve- lion Auteority,,veve had deficila but Ou>, vers net hiyoador centrl-lise nat esaugis snov atthee sksi hill. "But tete teins asthee rogios aisasii nover have hee aleed in haen. vo have had te, maise budaget cuusand very serinas enea, ibut the> have te hi made," ho sai. Mc. Eranto atm fails Müton 10 set belsg adequatal> duait vite la termne of polices protec- tion. He telS use Champion tOseamusl hi an impe la hic 1l C ars on cassesl, Mr. st s o en de gist ; o CousevHion He bas aise iut on a samiser of boarsamd commissians inclmdlag 10 pears on Ouha Rlles Gommonit>,Crodit Uion, tO upa t- pairs asvce-prcildent. 'I1 teinis 1 can bitg thee tend of leadership 1 thee CameS vwici ve aeiai tels ime," ho naid. Wite Mc. Orante naiig hin amnosnce- ment ai Council on Meada>, il nov freen up severai teer incusohenin te sa> viaI Ouey vii hi runnina for in tee elec- to. te addition te .Mr. Eraate, Cnuncillora Raie Harrison, Gai GousOain" anS Brians Peanshad beu vaitiag and teining abouit rtonniag fer nayer. Ic. Peanan, for te- stance, teld Tise Champioa lasI veois ho vould hi rnsniag agate, Rame fr ho lieassa: vison Pam Koudeon dscidad se vould go ast aid'rsm te rahoe mono>,ffertOu Terry Pas Maratesn of Hop,.misahoa dkee Mei vaald calme more tissm m Comlei atery P. B chafr'ma" at lm hum ôIlMonCoundil btit sïeene vho vil] cloar up a number ni setious problemo laclng theltovn. One ot thoee problema la the Milton Officiai Plan Amendment Nslmber 7 which, when completed, willcreate an 1,100-acre industriel park along the norlh side of Highvay 401. "We've horoed around with Amendment 7 loo long and it's goS 10 o oolved hecauae too much la hanging on il, like johs and indtstrial amsesament. "I'm arealisl and... .1 feel Ihere cao ho s compromisle," he naid. but isad soi ieciied upon a seat. Itlai strosgly rurnored ho viii agate seois elertien in Wari Ose in aditien te une of tee Halten Rogiosai Comneil seuts. As for theereat oflMMltes Crnenil, a survey of corrent coumclllors la- dcats they vii all preisaisly bhi eisisg ce- electian Nov. 10. Counacuor Gms Gai- inuasi hao amaaunced he viii neoisre-eleolea Word iisree Tovn Coun- ciller as vol as ose ef Mitnas terserepresesot- ativea te Haten Regionai Ceuci. GdKa I1ýýÊffl Uý1fl ui/t show auccasaful Milaon Lirary van a blaze ofetcaier as tise nevly-fernsid "Friendu of Oue Litrary" heud te firsI shov. Il vas Sedicalod te tee craf I oI qidt maite anS proveS a significant nucceas. Sinny andplure Pg. 3. More than an apple a day Commercial apple grover Roy Bouaifield has hadinousehteisila f impravtia in campele te Oue teugi markset ho's te. BuI ahove tee higis enste aid dvindhing profite, es more optintetit Ouanover. Stay andpeutre Pg. t. SECTION ONE Non-sidrealudied . * - .... -2 Stean-Ere attendanclowvn ......... 3 Eilrsals, Clumnos .. ... H......1 People. Lettero S.... .. .. .... .. Dompvill denlroy tO uures.... ....6 Rotary exchangeastudents ..........B H Scil, Trilllam News ...... e.... Dellet a hotetpl ...............1 SECTION TWO SparteNevsopinions ...>......BI toSB5 Groaig ru fr erryPFox .. Sa....B Cioafled, reelsainte ......... iSil 1 SECTION THE Seaitilul homenshovn...*.. ....ci Wllovs, Horoîy neya......... ..... Omng, Drumqui ...............C W uddl . .... ... .. . . ...... Wpa eiappeonts Hamilles Astomaobie a wOçNuIDrugMNaftMlon Dcg Mari.