Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1980, p. 4

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EuUbMdohd 1M8 Ph1on55~e 78M41iS ROY OOWNS HERB CROWVTHER MIKE HALL EdltPublisher AdýorGo.rrg M»--gel A GEM e O GG G G GGO GGGO. ,G Gý GY- G - -- G 'I O G G GG, Tl» px/WkU5 Peein GOG»i. , 5 . oGOGo.GGe-5ooiuso . T.Solle-OOGonPcab" GGG.e m.T»Omg .&ýEm«S l G G G-TN ý/lo m OA ý Gd«W O. 5vG ý _GS 55v1O mv .1 SvOG Slx, .G elS -.vil by el~ Keep it goh Miltons second annual Festival of Countries was an unqualified succesa. Undeterred by loin, crovds flocked 10 ses the exhibils ut 14 pavillons scattered around the lavn, and ail seemed la ha enjoying the outing. flhc Festival sooed us that Canada la a diverse nation, vith many ethonc cultures blending to veave Ue labric of Uis great land. We are not ail Canadians, our roots do corne from aftar, and tee have brought atong Use culture of our homeland. Touring the pavilians Saturday, pasuport holders enjoyed seeing and lasting the food, drinks, crafla, arts, costumes and dances of many far-off places. Itas in- teresting to ponder, Uough - the exhibitors are Millanans too. Out-of-tovn viitors vere provolent, indicating Use cvent han gained videspread lame. il vus not junt a day for Miltoniana, it vaa a day for Mitoians to show others vo carc about our origins and are prouil 10 put our culture on diaplsy. Momentus Reset by cout estimate overruna and hobbled by Use fesr il just might not voris, council and membora of the Dovnlavn Business Improvment Ares Committee have made a momentus declaion la go uloead viUs Use Mltovne Centre concept. There have been times vhan Use sertous underestimation 0f Use cout involved (if viii ha 100 par cent more than lirat onvisugod) thresaned la aie Useeproject Urough aheer veight 0f the financial implications. But nov Use council and coto Town will q The iatstatiatica on Use projected grovth of Milton shovs Uhs tovn expecting a masaive influx f people compared la Use oUser Uree municipalities in Halton. Milaons grovth rala increase by 1984 wiii ha 8.5 par cent as opposed la Burlinglan at 2.7 par cent and Oakville at 2.2 per cent. The lavn oficially hopes the evontusly 1989 population vill ha about 37,000 people. But ve are alresdy at about 26,000 and Uhs il to increase by aimant 10 par cent in the next four yaars. It means Milaon vill, whetloer hig But what'o tis Feativol organ- izern nov say the osant ia TOO much of a oucceas. Certainly moat 0f the exhibit halls were crowded, ond line-upo were eflcoulltered at some of the more popular pavil- ions. Unfortunately, Milton doesanthave enouglo large halls to f1110 ucIO o large-ocole event, and traffic jams and overflov crovda are understandable. Organizers fear the Feotival wiii gat tiG~rejG and laee its aparkle if it continues annuolly, ond ore consîdering running the event every second year. Il vould be unfortunate to loue the impetus afready gatooci, by delaying the ncxt Festival until f982. But Ihat is their decision - alter ail, they ore volunteer Cl- ordinatora runnioog s multi-cul- turol event for littie tlanks and non pUy. If vould ho a ahame la have tla voit tvo yeara for another day as enjoyable as Saturday vas. If you ogree, let your feelings ha knovn to Festival organizera. decision mitlee have joined in the spirit of trylng la pull lagether and revilalize Main St. and bring business asod vsitors hock dovn- tovn. It viii ha tarted shorlly, and vhen completed, overyone vW ieh more than pleased vltlo the resulta. Dramafic in scope and much needed in terms of downtovn core economy, the Mitowne Centre la a vinner and so are ail those vho decided to band together and get the job done. rrow velcomed or not, grov inla a very large lavn by the year 2001. With the Milton Industrial Park coming on Stream vithin the year, ve are going to have the jubé, and that can only mean ve are going la, get the population. Wheo the nev MiltontoOCunela elected Nov. 10, it cmn expect tvo Years of troog pressure la oap- prove many more subdivisions than are on the books at this time. It la probably futil l try and hold bock People teho vont la, live and vork la Milton. We canonnly hope Ilat such grovth la orderly and very f frmly controlled. A sad commentary If ahould not comea s o ohock Uat visen va have close la one million people nut of vork, jobs are going bagging. Haro in liallan Region, parbops oneo0f the premier agricultural areas in Cansda, formera cannoe find enough people la harvant crotta, Thia yesr Ballon formera have experiancad o bumper crop ac- cording la Onario Agriculturol Ropraaentatlve Henry Stanley. Mr. Stanley notes thé bot westher and suficient raina have placad farmers la a position visere they W,911 done, Terri, Coogroulationa Terry Fox, on being svarded thse preatiglaus Order af Ca" naal recognition of bâ burol croum.Cnada run for hfurLO USw ruear*. Ams * oDorou t 0m of are ready la pay good voges because ai the oubelantial retrs la ha axpacted from any ouiatand- ing crop yesr. Yet, Mr. Stanley olso notes people don't seam la vont la do physically hard vork, Even UshR*formera pay gond yogas, Mr, Stanley notes peopla in thia ares tend la vait around for faclary jobs or laka UIC insteaci of vorking. Il's a sud commentary visén va have people ouf of vork visa damaod fond, but refuse la vork for it, Georgetown, visa organ»loca support and gatlsoedl1,70onames on is nombsatba.. It an honor vail d.s.wtttfer a brave yaung Camaisa ve biudom soa.muol in âe figblagulnat thuadlseasé. Tisay at vest bock te, scisoat vitout me. For tUv put 17 years, vises Bapamb arivc Ioerd pfor onotiser seslsiol lannbtntbio year. As Augut drev te an end thé usuel eaitiuneot uickis fuma asry Yser af thatt Uma vus fuea-but for visat? 1 caatd sot loak farvard te maeeting thé famiier otd faces ni claaamafeboylng test bokscrammadvlith vurds aifvldm asd tlut, but tOéStanty sot teasut, se nev clotisuto e bobusgbt. Navspgh inlMI experlesce thé ana- tous nigisi befora Uve bg day or tUv vbat- dd-you-do-o-yoursmmervaatotna qutionnaire. Mayba dis fait vu the binaxpriance vido grovlng palms, bot I esjoyad sebot and the buddan that go vido if, se vby ubotlda' f tls twiinga ni regret? fi tanov Sept. i7 usd1I havé sursivad Uvh traumo of se more urboot for me. Nov 1 am non longer a starvlng studesi bt o starsing reporter. 1%011ihomy esthm- ation, la a tep forvard. At least my t? yeas in soe 12 diffarent aducathosot instiiutions amaustad te samétiio. A job. Baptembar braagh ist i otheOsr pain. If te the tibsaof year vises UveProvincial Govramesi raquires studesta viso bava ncapod tisir vay dor.shepontseussdsy scisse t vloOnt"oahodiet se q Progratsloa, te poy up. My thooé bu cama. If I coud olobabck os my scbsellsg vido a smillansd a féeelng of accom- plisMen, 1vould bagrudgaesery ceut nf th hua dsolars1 I ed te loriber my éducation. Rut ais, m usnly luItoai@milus ad bava fév regretu about thé pts 1 basa faisan. Nov aseIdhn of ai t ouésa horatornéd f0 sol vidhost me, sttléd ino thair urne sciséduies, fud aI of their duso- roimo and ksov must ofdUntr teacisa by nama, I dont féel se bad. Bre thé lirsi day ihoancitiag, the fiands are greaf sud deir strai a ummer ad- ventures aveu greter. If takes se more dhoweusvak for thé sovalty ho wvur te. vido Dacambar vil cone amas, term Single parants enpao iesce spécial prabtemii a socIal y gearéd tevard Use raditiosaltwtva- est famiy. "Wiss you are a ahogle parent you futl alone. Otisar peope dont ondér utand tUv speciat pro- blam insoose viso raise cisidren os théir nvn," suys Bas HacHaei,a divorcéd modoor of ivo Srs. MarNi vanted te loin a rbaptar nf Par enta Wildout Parte but femnd none anitad in MUltenso ses, vidodoe isétp o a lrlesduet tdo vbaésin t motion asd eslbll théeUvgroup in I tikMites laa prime area sud thére ins délimte naad,G admits Mre. MacNall. Anymua vbho a parait sud ho divorcéd, vidovad or amver marriéd muy JonteUvgrup aveni Uvey do set bava cutady of Uve chisilen. EducationilatUv Par sinvitsottPara. (PWP) arganisatiasl liretatma.s-Parents cm sire their proble stuationsa, te mase tUsé fui lmeoseln ido dossa to deal with problems r- Mmo. MarNi soys the lote lanisopes a of tg atndd y aterestedp in Mites chapter vatld nov spoue, o épo, thezusé ad- 8 rd streas progrossasd emphaisudis l the U -lasia u aoary0 r- activif les in viici cild- purpoae oaitUv graup. suddist-c - angera rancesn kecome imvolvéd. As hoitial meeting isld fr1odo torou racis. ae Siso realtna soea may aarlier dola mondo vu Mts. MarN a vu in ýw âe md ve in 1 Its et Bd ILY if dy Lr- ra l'a au ni Ar lm m poporsansd a geséral frensy te ciéar up avery auslgnmetéver assignéd! beitraUve pareca aotChristmas bruak. Even thes dore ho umUaly ai leat osa courrealutructârviso m usaUvoid Bereog tectnique. tisable te béertUv pruspect of ufudestu relaxlng sud bavtng ausa fu duriag the big break, hbapulls a litile gain nf on assigmesi autao is osacis sud taise the b-bu ont oaitUv boltdsy. lTe gond otwtvagiéd the ailo, ten5y axparlesca iowvvr. Tisera may bouso more ss"l dabut Uve anpérlenra of ltHé provldu ample opportoniy for acqulrlng more knov- tadga. Arméd vido su open mnd, learning con isa a lllelong exparlsuce. Neat yesr vises the smmer iraaaes contain dthâ isttoaIfall and Béptenobér rotin around, the feeling nI acisool slcinsnaa vili probobly ratura. I vIt ease out ai my nId occustoea bock-t-acisulancltemest itea fév yeaam I imagine. Groving pain&oarut go on boraver, con Uvey' pleséd vido the re- spose, saylng asé bad only expaeféd about four or fiva peopla-vie vould bava beau o gond ruspose te, dois meeing viiris u t broadiy advertuad. Tisa neat meeting vill bé iseld at Hoiy Rsary Hall, 139 Martsn lf. ai8 p.m. Tisorsday, Sept. 25. As annouaI mambaeislip for dois Intersational caver ce aogf e speakers vbo vii bé lavitéd te, the mondoly metings. Mrs. MacHail ho looklsg for ai lesf 2 peolete isecoeain- volve. ITmhotthe samber reopdréd te forme as exacofivé. Aie la no barrier, accerding teoran. Mac- Nail. "Parants are for- aver," lu quotaUve PNVP manuel. "A lot of ulder pople are lonély sud doay sbasld felifres te sget te- volvad, SOrs. Maceil nid. For more information regarding tUv formation aia &PWP cbapte ho MUi- tun eaIl5e Rael ai 515-501 or Anse Btéad muantai 011U0. Mg à@ o One year ago Rock CImiesbr ihola8gh of relief inlavofa sagta fr mambGand lai tonf Ragin ssa r ocks Au butty s.e eon= =tiosvt ho ecilmu s Ciowda abové do. uspecltlséeaIof. 0eof fthc surprisescuesolia ir They came I h is fssuad u anu tbrougb lise 13 culturelpavlon inlthe downluvn ares. Mary-Jean Robnson, 18, oaiBR 2, ergovlatise 0IwoMilton SFan Fair Ques 10e-HClub munbervw« du eely girl in ester tbe ques competitlao. Tise raglanso beultis and social services cammittee bus recommesdsedve= l for s sew e Mdical Officu a (MOH).I lm me us vuprasnptedby, te appracibg retiremunt oifise rqls MOH Dr. .H.. Chamberlaio latar dola year. Ontaro wantu 5alton Rogin lucarne up witis netepragramu for enercitisens ouit eu tube advantege of lise $2 millian ho cuds available. Miltuos 12ltb 1.11 loir begins Prlday. itubibitors begin plocin os" etcsand tisir vorb on tse fair greainhie morolng. Judgisg wvilI bégin etiIl *sm. and cas- flnué Ibraugh, the aliersaca. 20 years ago From theissu f Sept. 8là,160 Hoai lRaid ai Hurooby vu sanmeo Isaibuo Furrow Qoumesattisajunsor plov- lsg matcb on Sturdsy. ishe wyl repreants Haltes at thé Internatiosal Plowlog Match in Oclober. Miltons comsmerce goas on parade dols veekasd ut thé Milton Ciamber ai Com- merce trada fair hontisé arasa. Witis s resousdlsg blat, Rotary Paris vas offlclally déclarad open lut olgist (Wadoesday). Little Nicisie Patter dld tise bosors, by igntisg s blocisiuster racket. Rotury Presidésl Hoard Grlovold naid it was "a proud day for thé club and addéd the présent park is vidostuwadhogtoo swinlgs, sd pilé, boreesisuépits s a llà diamood isaG"oly o smaillpart aofvisot va isope If will tc." Holy Roeary Cisarcis vu Jommed lu the doomaSusdsy sigisiase MiltesCaibolicu tursad ouf lu say faravall ih Uva. J. P. Lardié, wvis omovhog ho St. Harypo Cisurc in hoHamiltos. Chsampan spécial correspondent Bruce Hood reports fram idisisurgis,ct5land UvI Uvhefamous eilurgbFestival bu asdsd asd mambacsofathevImmrSa co Pipa Band are makbog tisair vay borna. LadvldosuprBav bapeued e terge oev addition. Local scisoatu repart 1,684pupils asrofle lut véek. liséra arae3M0 arolied ho thé iigi sesl, wvldgradesataklng classes et MartinSiB. asd tUv balance at tUv sav rbolon osWilams Avé. 50 years ago Frnt the Sept. 18, IWO lsune J. M. Deoyes- is ttesdhog Uve Geserat Conceil of tUnisted Cisurcis vtecb opasad af Lonossyésterday. Wbéat is movhog. Moviso vbuat mes josai docks, porte and on railtesys. Tise junior schbul ai Nerval village bus beas closed temporeriy hbacauséanasout- break of isfastile poralysis. lite large sombér of Miltesians vio at- tetodad Actunso fali fair yesterday seid t theaexnbibtiosvua the bust is thé blulury of the Bociety. If Miltes raqulreo s y aithé uonay voted by parliomeot te tuké rare of un- employad by pravidhog voris os some rivic impravement, aur couci abould make on eorly maYa an the mseir. Abot .30 pum. Tborodoy lasi lira of ut- noova origin compté tely déairoyad a froue dveihg ut Milto eségis, or- rupiad by William Tisompeon asd ovsed by David Wilson. Mr. asd Srs. Tisompsoo tait at 2 orclockin i the aftérsoan n tovhlt friands and no porsons an te h oité, visici vas lorkad op. MUltes lira brigade resposded te the caîl forhetp, bot vises thé firemes arrivéo tisé blaze vos beyond coa- trot. Ait ai Mr. Tiompons furniture, ex- rapt ose chair, vaa reasuneol. Tielse tt bouse andl contents is5$$0300, porily cen- ered by imsurooce. 75 years ago FrontltheSept. 14, 1 Issuse A aumber of Engliis itmmigrans, men, vomen andl risidrén, came te Milton os Mondsy, btt, ancept oaa family. did flot tuy long. Tise mes verealal merbanice and did not vont voris as farus: and ai any rote, thera vere no vacant bouse for their fomitles. Ile froit.pocbisg demoustratios vil hé bctd teday and temorrov ai the packhog boitte of Mr. Cumuhos, Burîhoglos. Tisa great trouble vltb Ostario frit l fauity pockiog. Fruit grovare sbouldset mien tbio opportseity forinsetruction ho pocklng n boxes, vbicbIs Uve must appraved méthod. Jobs Dicinh, of Westen, lu ho teva dois morohog. He andMrs. Dicihoratursad laot vaék fram o tvo-muslis triplIn UveWest. iitey wvut au fr uasdien Heaed. Tisé stables of llarry Gld" he eU vll- ksovn raeaorsa ot5Oét, ivre dustroyed by lira on Bsuday atéreon. Tisé ire, vblcb startad i he Uuppor pat oaiUv mate buidinglsgv diocovareol about 4 oclacis and but forUtvepluckaifMrs. OiddinBg s bo bappesed tlube aisthe euar, 8 al- ugblé racé borsu vosudd bavaeaudau- troyed. Parents Without Partners educates single parents

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