ove. . m ue im l Alai M 54 M omsId iait. hfrsi camu's ILa 1s:i-mLa w & dSdiasade alehW i i - , : : a pionfotSe .uils-e ,a... a I5U lphlsSUili Pas' i n 1.0 n SiI snssssE asdis9s.I1 Lâib àsIs s a s t__a ____________ P.dsi.l,lhhs LsaL _______ cessS4zy Ui.s 1dmGeL' prés uffjalll iLsase'. B oo. ils .,. s u t a ISdshp-aia »Ps. idsu. GodIos Ls rai il « 5va .55- eillIf 4 iS12 5.5. O Il 11ili Lmpa ts areauaiafii sDM Pute u i isi 'a.5h1 14 4Oui Lampsa dSisà d 55 W i. li : ass5i h5ployas eara Tisseras" il453 6 il seiPilni ealm il laisa- Pkb , Ils.. 5.5C" isîsis Nenmi, hrs mt Caab, G L liiP Hiaa alan, j it aie - seclà a 1l As, UCas LMV04 aJ BOUsii a is .O.li Cer ls Cuy » . c. C a 7l5 1 Pai, seWo@&d &W C»dOPh oTn.iai$ 17 5170 Dues - - le 4 7a4Ilî Ls Iisam-t Rnnci5p 15 i ou.am ité . a i , 1il7 'i ia l5SisMa As~iP. 1 75 1 pmuiSe 15 ahai-=d .t as, Il 1i 1 ie i TENANTS: GUESS WHAT 15 NOT PROTECTED BY YOUR LANDLORD'S INSURANCE? E , Il I i i Ilcti Weaankîgîhen i nyo ASK YOUR ECONOMICAL AGENT. wlOh ARN COUJ0N Salmon fever-there is only ose name for it. EverySe aeensa l have ILl lley camme tram Thiunder Bay, Nrth Bay, Lads, Ktchener, lIn MM = = .. w.Bri lia asehala Bp ts.behmhmabhot me tee ed haf mlles ofil Hu me.eaadahcsitesmedaaamSout feth Cm« uitRiver. lm Ina a choclwa fer the OU SaI mm&cBrand Credt riveraita = de, tm Isa balhlg the fiel stage of The &àame set ai lg cm*àht y ahermea &uMdistand places. Lae! sglere are getllag Doinmar masi Jisauta Cochonivers, gditr Obhnoce-à md canglith... Iely ah. Ted Im r ais Hah Md amold Qoulmos canght tuwIMreestyjMtenasions fo lcal boys. U yn wah ta n halabin eghed $or the Treat tar's SahaaBHuit, gs ta the rnte perhbotwemo."up. m p.dgh. reate laos e! thn OffII w.Igh.lastation hare Bah are eloeciir.o0fyweighodad md Bhersmnare pre- assidu dllcatéae ite official taue whlch «Mue tIm te asy fdraws in the S$M,000 Evermse s lahavehem uy Ihia plt AI Lewis Deuh Sguls M e aDus- 4 Mdrlhmi aaincecatch of lcheelam Pite. Ve Tnaimihadàa eek e!hf hlidmys wth lahu la 1h.Bey of Quntear arend cavalt smléotlla Unthé eonuid resueand me tmes». mBe . ave a pufluseth ham aa ise th. pilo. Our Balnd ecter âme Smith, mually a pro- duetIvo am hm uyet ta catch a coha bti dm't batagnuthlm gelling àtophy ilshhattu the contast a"s. Iharhave hem isent! Bahé oauhtfem Jlm's hbat. The argest flah etered intIisc ntm ras: Chaô.Oslhs.; C'hlso 15.09 1h.; Laite trait 4 Io.; aishas Irout a.42 Uno Kng Smtoday Oct. 4 opui for s m-mmsth Tstey MHutai Ethe Un teSportamui's Cluhon StelsiAv. sarlsIai .30sm 1h sout Wl!! habile la" dtre hoigm ihcr shoosafor tuamtwihlgta about. llera Wl!! ha huàddy-taiddsholts. Good ftondis avallahle. Pm for eveyoae. Comeback rally fails just short Thtres asfit goala in the tira! hall proved ta ha the dlitference în Missis- sasss West edged Milton Pop Shappe major pee- wee sacrer repa 4-3 on the final lansgue gîme Mon- day nighi ai BriaBoni Park. Mlton rehosnded wiih s pair of gol to bnarras tie gap laose in the sec- ond hait bol Miusauaga alrelched the leadhback to twa goals. "«We toaaly Bamioaled the match," said Milton easch Charile Crepper wha w-ill probably liiea year off nexsason tram roaching. "Those three sait goals pal os in a hale." Ater Miaufasaugu spurted ahead "3'e he i hait, Miltan came oui sirong ta the second hall. Pive minutes ino the final hait, John Hmlton converled a penalty kick io drlw Milton e-lOIn two goals. Latar, Lairesce Ho iîiched oto un excellent cross pass f rom Paue!Fîy and sidetoted Uic hall ino the goal. Minis' sauge, scored ils fourth goal la roalace h te- goal lead. Miltas made il close e-hen Paul Judhios and Siephas Qssns madetaa gond pay at midfiel«hal fore slippiag the hail ta Warren Soche-elIe-ho scored. Cropper cited Uice-orh ut mid-fielders Chris Cormier and Hinton. Den. r Thrp lic 1 e teI Sc1 LitdâuM 'aof Openuuvhl ClIner Lem M Nme, Adifree am TelihuuMm" e t ThecQu" CWdmBox 835, 191 MiniSt. 112341 Foi'Mora lnfovnaton Gram 8ffl~ 7U~ oRse - 8784Mr LGorg C o nss l-nu0 ntrd ANUAL SOCCER BALL Saturday, Sept. 27,1980 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. Optimist Centre 311 Commercial St., Milton " Grand Raffle Draw e $18.0Ocouple " Dress Optional Ciii 878-7493 for tickets or Contact any M.Y.S.C. Director "ART BOUWMAN' NURSERY 878-2142 LANDSCAPING «TH LUNE 1 MILS NORTH CF iTELFSiAVE. WST OF TRAFALGAR, MLTON -COME DRI VE A Li TTLE FA RTHER AND SA VE A LO0T MORE! FALL PLANT1NG TIME US HERE PLANT YOUR TRM8 RLY 80 THEY CAN DEVELOP 6000 ROOTS EFOR WINTR WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F 2 TO 3" CALIBRE MAPLES, ASH, 0AK5.,LINDEN. CATALPAS, LOCUST TO CHOOSE FROM ALSO FULL LUNE OFEVEAGREENSANO D -- FLOWERING TRESANDSIIRURSn MUE HONEST ADVICE lB ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR ASSISTANCE WITH VOUR LANOSCAPING WE WILL MAKE A DESIGN FOR VOUR HOME WE WILL DESIGN AN ARRANGEMENT FOR YOUR PROPERTY FRE0F CHARGE W crue co a ru os aad&o h rm iigh ou, oncasir ad itodasead gosds 70a570v andiAtmro ase'o m uai ocfut FREE COFFEE SERVEO ON SATURDAY WHILE YOU BROWSE ~~20% Fn AshI Ê...FstaSs1 ac CI RapaaI- I- The Canadean Champion, Wed. Sept. 17, 1MO83 fl 583 MAIN ST. E. *8718-7978 PROTECT ?OUR CAR 5 YEAR -50,000 MILE MI GUARANTEE fham nion WANTS YOUI ar~ TC JOI THE TEM .Ip * Earn extra cash after achool. *Meet new peopie. *Be a part of the team that produces the Beat Community Newspeper .ée ROUJTES A VAILABLE: lst LineMlton Hights Mie CAL878-2341 Off Ail m-stock Wallpaper Ioeeps StCIair number oSe with ySu! Os, eeailreeai n s nsia ale l UtimaeOQal S12I, s Hall P rien Sc k Lael, , n n, a - sýcý. Waliliapoi Sace n hnîn ai an P a, SICIair has aianlaslîl.nnnectn H,)14 95 4., fons lenti mportsn.nnliacindn Sle 295399 299 1.99 conte' nlnqarylnynls indîpîîi in, G Q, 69 549 3.49 nianimore :All a r ep înyedl agecd 0, 999 79949 and ninnlainî tîpbn lO . peteîin o vanillînsnî ii.w ae51395 1249 6.97 apaiiiLnil Adcnnîry rîl îs al .9ý 189 backed by theiîinusStiraî Rn n Pi'y . 1799 1499 89 nstock walipannî gaaiteeinn 29 ;Off m ke, sbook pricr Whi ntîiieslasl' Sale 2.49 *St ClairSaeEd Themm paint and paper peoplSpebr2.18 MILTON MALL 878-2629 MILTON EASY PARKING OPen Mon.FrL. 10 &.M.9:30 P.m. ISet. 9:30 a.m.o p.m. ru -- " ~~~~~~~~~~~~IL __________________________ Puttîng your best foot forwarcl Ella Msrtin (left) of MUton =ptmit lub poawee won the gsme 2-i against Georgetown 0 girls pute smre ooomph ito ber so uring as ague to remam undefeated sfter ?thr e , fm cupr gsm Wene at Kinsmen park. Lsurie wofl the league chsmpionshi p pe Btdw U tht re es tchaue the drive. Milton playoff title tbis weekend in Boton. . . . . . . . . . .. fi