finln* bans oeobwWinaiei - U 'r aoeordlsg to a l'an d iOOSuetnBitymtUgrat c' eraln Directer kmM L4 lenT ArbieC bau. Pavement repaire at HoIy Rosary àlHoly Roer7 echoo, Prj ry cbarsan D me: Johnt MeNab e farm at Georg.twnlyod has to the uionsWIn bave an arma Jh isrsl total % Anmal Ontam oGuornaoyClassatc at whel)49COWa, calvoS q.IM W .B.d tM M. and hae wero Seauctlaeted.The salie pulledIDna total of $144,Oll r nat om u nomtel n tiis Wedneedy aftornoan as buyers frontacrasa tho province mna~ ytihe Pro. fig»ra $10a fStet gathedat Calumos Farnia, about EflOto ail. perty anninig itesabasebali bacit ensttsMti.hi lton stomnai et thse same Gardon w edding si1ate t seet iBo" m .tit .Scobie-Butier Cristine Butier, Burlington was flower Manitoba, Mr. andi Unr tiaigiter of Vlno.t anti girl.J Agnelli anti fanily anti Lmene ntir, macleti art cariaImtar ans.ceanti ice F Peul 8obie, sn fLs> wtb rainhose flotere Mggbtof Napes- sar ant ilMrguae maie by ten Jroon's Florida. Srottle, Sattwday, Jute 14 aut, 151dBise reception andt&sa> ai ber homnt. Pal Butier, thettie'5 lgt duce were bah at The grdue coenm" ybretter ut --i ntie hnte othénlbie wua prfrmi by R 1v attit s era * an wts 150epreset antiJon. Gey Riveta wthl Blo iike Butier, b elli ctga s ean on ~Maeopnbdbrotbers of tbe brde anti "eh-B'b- ,Piil cobe, brotiter of Mlcelasetdbo"er Utlley Dolby, arias te groom for thetbrtdewere eti by Treeler antijoute ingle- Jean Mhnihr andi Mrs. Phil Wrlgit, lir. art M tSelcobie ofIHamtilton, =t=taHEnCon-s, Wasiy Buter, aite nntte of Eolemlly anti tise bide eaustati M of .aine er Paite o Cttttttttl atY d n aweslig. Chisltine Buter wod bouer wut. brtiemd& lsm ntossy aieabg mttisulianeSin antue De ob tulham, sier Wto Ita T hea cm oupiee Pul' 5 B _mly,~~ n gr of tenbride anti Kelly thisebrume sgrantimetitermooned t t arbadose anti oreiIeyaIhrhm.Togdn Ranin. friad Mitie titier gaselts nrisisi returnedt teEnit oesi wedding waa folowed by a danco in te bride. Lyn Enerly oM Lana Reebte ofMDunda Jue 2.. tarlight.____ and Ontarlo Soccer present FAMILY SOCCER FUN Buy ONE Aduit mess or 14 ticket and get ONE Chiid 16 and under) or Senior Ctizen (65 and over)tlcket for$1. HAVE A CHANCE TO BE THE BLIZZARD "«FAMILY 0F THE GAME"0 The Iuckytoamlly membrs In atendance will: (D wln aeasorl tcketa for next eao Ce receive Blizzard JeraYa ®wi officii autographed.NASL Soccer Bal ~)watch the game wth a memnber of th. Blizzar Soccer Club ®veit Coach Keth Eddy and te playera in th. dresusing rom a afer Oui gante (mais famll member otty>. Romslnlng HoM ontmane: JULY _______________AIJOus? 17 Thuetiay v. Calfoma at 7:30 p.m. 7 Tturaday va. Ne Englard tti 7:30 p.m. 20 Sunday va- Fort Latdrdalo at 7:30 p.m. 17 Sunday va. Temps Boy ai 2:30 p.nt. 24 Thurediay va. Soatte ai 7:80 p.m. 24 Sunday va. Atlntaaet 2:30 p.m. 31 Thut'ay va. Notinghasm Forotet 8:00 p.m. FRBliIM ticoupon sd pssient 10 Blizzrd Bom Office, ExhIbIdStabdwlun, pMSrto ny 1MO sesom honmegants. ® FAMLY SOtER FUN* *uVenwoYaeu Manne Adde WmNoled n «00»zd ocs? jNo 977-"425 GOOD NEWS1 TrHE CANADIAN CH4AMPION NOW MAS CARRIER DELIVERY IN CAMP13ELLVILLE Mail in the coupon NOWl for super service of the Championi 1 would Ike totransfer my mail subacription to carrier delivery. NAME __________ ADDRESS a? ~ ~ ~ TOWN ____________ sPHONE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CMT CER Il RCATE AND WATCIES cet ymraasse anWlfat maniera gabInte teitsMOonelde gt oedmue. Enilebmawu be - an onlelnelitv. AN I ntMeOn *lhlafnrtlsamonthywetah drama. ENTER AS OPTENAS YOU UKE. NAttE................ TELEPHONE ...... *-*-*- AGE ................. Parnela Belley Ko erlLigh Shave MNnFrtz BIR Moffett Robble Van I#I.n-Ann Loermont Michael Kubosch Trcy Wdght SçmnejW.rtn Davîd Anderson 16*6t&