qur, 'CM Agricrews weII received u« ema.. oui am vu, *Mr te md mra a.el PWad mlfothie, hm m OUSS uae aoftMe Apbvme ppce. he or.bsshhmie dm bave ou ArWi*m Yek OcmiMy, lia fe ferlmmh bokc oe The cres hig Ob*i as tu noi*te m - Mpl" ilioe tbsr -t.oqwn h th M oui s.1fa lThe c o fft. bn- hikaccoreaiami a , Uneceor ecavoeaibY UsmcilemSt 1MP- oS nd coirkmen'a dapqobut.mkaoee tod u «tnafrmloJ" =gf50bav. 91170are or bave yaoarat P -m aifise. For Pil a oani Yck, osuiac1,4X woli office ai 46514 Halton ivestock judg*g. By MeI7JMbI=IjJ. Vmic oià cam imdle70.Oflnrot.umer ith a ai aiMaitutmio-m Rocpatuhe lb. 8m . RKo,!Wettal AUlck JimlgDavis' fra Ibo filsedama Ot N.len rmimOnd;D.vli C-calonfr4-il uiMle= 1ai0Feahm liad oui ho rileuba Iiri;oi.Jlm Jmolors hmaohou àfm vlmcsléetoailiaer mmmd;nflia reilatteifw me OtiwiY, Jly 12, Jreays,soid a U My, Mfmal;ou Ollie apies in lm. Poullry *moc D om*oBoU 11. idlvbual sni CIlialoalo=oBai o W m.the rin. he'lii. ofathe tarie sim doofbmefMalft aFollaelg immct i i!Iltmatamec 1000 ia mplos Lb Mobile, alosby. uicntalss ae àm Ruthail 01., 101h a cce Juige-DolseI Farie, mkvf Thefo liaOompim lUva- ve aliLpecDavliLoaby; Cos clsaa iiaimnjsstock Ji4a ms 0wu 0 CI" ci;ValreS ,DalcyJuige- dm i.eals'lam Whi; the vMcareceth.br;Rm CmPeddie; Oapb hmu estface ouf o* li mier ectio it. Ooalt27d RihadgJs4-Dbe I evu vue eF.O. hy scre 0f0M4 Md etifobsa,11h. Capc A u~k - ~ ~ SNi edcU .. i e Cam Kewalanaio l loaeton an iiland boai mi Bwit wrK i' hme M' om eo vlhil lmau Mrm 4-om am.a" ift a lg.1 opasi amiowprifs wbite m»B». caplid eyoVfm Bbai hmvs.t ,au tics. 1 fto frte e.lio t. ami a fciommi.mc te mc bis. oon dmblotc - ap.a t.ena - I - 1St amem t feçrymnmdt. AwoUsmi c e es reprt t. = euocifleaeththia 1*k9 a hia casoelag t='ai ok brooho di::.o Foliowing tii sdp metsgswoee eld mowe - cciii pam ntvo va Pillio teprobu 4 nv ii wm. m m.VM= ài à 1 & B e jy=A4" - eflt = àe am ,w D"dastd ~ es Ni a Sai- -7ioci' w t 0dh . . wu m #2g aiocivimu w m Omm by m,_'0"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Donld F. Gror SAVMo ME ON YGUR BUSINESSTRIPS TO BRITAJN I Comparetailese Io w catrfrs WONDONfc<n463 BIRMIN6HAMfram453 BELFASTfrorn453 CARDIFFm463j LUTONm$453W PRESTWCKm433 NEWCASLEu$4734 Campaea Iese CP Air Cbaîtar prica. against aoy raguler acbaduted abine fres la Bitais. The ditfferance es amazing. Andi adai ta ..Ibhis, CP Air ffers yoa 8 dastinatiane. IbTe chice is yaurai Juat pick Ibmheahie ýyaa'd ics ta tue, plan your Bgay.oa .miinimam of 6 do y e.ani cbaoe yaarrentars date wilin aur 1M8 ochadute. You can evas fy InIaona cty and relam ra y athen. We ailae vati bockIota ipbace of 8 desti- nationsain bila, is, aI peslttsg et *$M8 VWbner yaura an baird a epocoas 747 or e steak DC-& est 19t0a aock 1i1,0 dittasatCF Air Letyldl11 WY Vu nc complhnntaiy b*lt1= ba bu your #Igbî, delceaua aenéed an Mie abuse, pluts e *tandlybolpft osivca tbats ttrtheafG P AW Ir l'ftd -. »0 - q naca.5 aiioco.asa.c =0 'Ccaanoe olNc~cc0~00 m IlM N necan~mimcamo.,c5.amcicec camai-O, nie.oiain.oooiciuoocc4,on p \.occ/ Save o Iawmr fare end enoy the greal is-flIgt canota on a CP Air boldaya Clirerlr Cati yaur travai amant or CP AitaHlidaye n Toronto et 675-2141, 0in amiton 525-4020, in Londan 433-6675 or Tol Frea 1- 800-208- 4ei0 fla. Ask about Moan t-aldays' Brtin and Ërope 'four V&y arrangemnentfor batls, car renIai, eaotier tend services. B CPAinr Holay W~K 4w~e oeFio no The Corporation Trown f Mo*n hthof oom f ttSt