I pIf I 7. CM SOF TIINIW IL COUSIS SOSTS IL 13CO0 CR000 TH£ imifof hé IWOMARKI 7810708 GBORGETOWN 1 Io qeWruaouMr h .ife~r AMO1'Feuso livI'f 0f OGu y pr1Oo le lmafS « t &ifof l 1f m Cero-* l. 141 4 OulE am 08 is. par Our uaf8oMio00So 0 0. kfW aeeaf vaiMMoguSw aof8o.0R UeO 1 0f01 S. »r C1e afce or Colil parf f0 78 1Carm Gsefor 10.0 __77 __. 10181$cire Sinors-y. P. taren uu i rd Now Open Every Sundaey a mff m THE LUMBER VARD tmessory f a dar son, LAM R E ror k& u itatdInCapeilii iRookyl Crl, AoeaS 7, Siutdl opefl Te bave, ta lee le grsefiM rrmof e BLIER-inle 1.0 mem«of 1a idm lf= & ise loi*E »t«0ea Who s55 ud Ou *0 e1ai0111Sf7 007 1 Sa ho Cl0U0 har *0.ry Aay In fOu beauRfol 811150 f Ged. @y tOu Vlley f ri e 0folr, Som dey',55 khom net 5*50, *0VI IM«ur 0 b-~ 1 WB$f1e1mil, but0M le01 Smit G %re 581 Ie. ru cedema&Y AusueSI.10, or* A e11008t f1uS, a M0 Oue 007*1te«, Keege fNe 're*l eff1*5 770.07Isa. Tirne 1te" 5587 the 0il f rlef. but Mr. & ISIOorI 1turne0bo11 41M0f 0.8071lem. Mg W 1*7 romion.r Sotk f PSBUC UBRARY M Io CHILRENS for DEFARTMENT Arme st2p.m. 48010 Mode. Aog. 11l- Naure . MW0 Cs"s-Tuls lo- ,1Tosdan. Aog. 12 ce on Pppe Shoby ooosEx- et 23, p ' Isufdsl i'cf, Wdeeaiay, Aug. 13 'Kiiis"Sodon th eaillvh I e are tme- Sa10y. E p n«ci O u f1o, .Aug. 14 = i~"P*end SuaIs" FiRm Ar. MM Frdiy, Ao0i. 10 imard. ERINSALO SUMMEP nto COMPANI1Oe.m. à008 prefflns 7825. Fm,, e o enad Me o.nior@au75oovt the. 01,-0 errWoe f M. 0 EMM f Pust AtQW TOCAT7 ICTOSI WMIen (11wnT 80571008Toamola le in h 738p.m Iher f d 1Mille g Antiques. coGUNeSbiOs. eusslerY. mtmpeR, furmifre. fred It onte tlmay gosme, pub di 0.miulaeu &ed ue"sbar. Aloin *h.mme nclGsweS "l' Woen Nickel" aumuenrIt muesun. Z Photography 96o4asiea* *portri Jçm Xà *Commr./Iid. *Cso amings85h. .4éoyd * 184110 Editios .. 1. GUELPHl Melon,07OM3121 15191 8243619 Coramic OR #ne sept et 57MiU'O 5o. Phon aab; 97843M100. SARAH Coentry Dram 2,x 14 Hernio11 mlner et the FIromIsRe Rg. 3«5 pe fncl .. Convention: JoR Specil - 315 pe èeaafi. 1'ioloSls. 3 Tylart, 2.ôxao 4Por Arore* 2OeolPs0o JIL LOUT ORS SISAY Tb G tiOS poe05a0. R0WARD for151li. radmi d6Ssoet187 cimce îtak, fr0nt1 05.8111.-i812 0011usd "Pzza Stop.'HUD" os',.11 uO arî flrd*y tri«. l'5 eleg.871.7eS. SATURDAYS-12 1253 vl..ý2M 21. M SMA REDWGGD PATIO FRRITE MW - Picolo Ma. "n ciaklotiC = l fa 1t: *llclub Mcla.caiaruv hiua , a M. , & 1b00 ItsMufyM" *as. I mm on csi= ey 51o3 '1AWN S AREN EQlPMET ,NRE MI LTONES uC UURARY JOHN DEERE SOIMOBILES & SNSOWEA01ER pem RocToRSs IERSLAWN MOWiERSCHANAINS a0 TTA FOR TOI SALES SERVICE PARS TRANS FREaMd4 ARNOLD55 fRlA OSEEN ANS EMPRESS Piano Saloli h. Royal H~flgeA-I AScratch eRd Dm1 S", OORaRtA. foo u»Il) 10k0. I0E 500e 235 O SE700 - K i, 000ER .y AgIR, 12thM hdo OiIAAA MORRO.a oîomam Van Gsnt Hous of Pianos Ï veHlgh'ascleusbum atWaudaw fl the Logioff Hafll,41544884 1. $Pused 0y OUfRfIfS... Aelliay 0of e010,10 rAcrla 0010 ý saMain St. 0000 viUteet I. 8M8. MW0 LefOf 0, aaoyouosmyl in faillilienOullefMLOf Park Pan; The Ty us 'afor erict uof0"nyd. IMW I5SSko. Bouma QUElS eau .iof T~ oR0Mm S.C. Bf mGO, LAUNDSOMAT dek , OWWynyv Mar aM I ft OpffmfefCuirS, cmi ofh$mlw. mmwàw et., CASH 80 -u atty Pompe & Rtin à* 5505 5o0,eRsI 11 USe.. Mole. :w6ror Hving A 0 68401.GARAGE SALE?& 01 ysl80 ySar pc.005 yo80088 flore le s pe il; the mllIS Larm g9 s 00.8.f 10 1 03.25 y i ru"sl,. lmms. oil,&wbi RAR~LY EllNS of Cl Us Tudn Lac.RSMSn-1111010Mwfiyu df h mt ~~E: 878-2341 laSU 0 km 0 000102*1 CaIme.cs0 ott HOE fuFoRdO' 00 eo$W«m tp .00IOMa QUANTfTY f sfl00 wheue0rewfufed 1 Oin MAIS10the IUERC flew VII1111194 CENTRE MANAGER WAX MW0mi cet0 0*00s COUVM NYOMEPOU Crlt 0.A0a0180s.oukaplo5080Si e for 111Af8RPlk.yeor. OA0Of NOKENNELS M J!l. C" aue.n..pniiepro oMaèeteCn men. ;e , CSarf e 1U5Irond h.ardng Mf0.o... ml oporofions. Rusposu*laSsvirl 00008 esuper 4ig00 Fior. *Ail*bs-ld.doge Soets 4L " PY i olons of a eufit mil povidhg 0050550n, b andsf0 ani 64 l M idivdul unfoleurolcu; nsugfied ng contracte; manigig daoly a icou CSOPing ci G-onkg by WATCHMANI openulouu; pucosin suo pplies; kupkyg 10car. appo1nimen ide; and miasaiho uoîaaAionll faci00e. '~OI' CA*J.87ffl 7 WATCHWOMAN P'A0Pm 01O xpren mAnagi8S80a0 000800181 Al ISAt loLine 0ff 6f-.',8AA. Rf800Rsbl uel m 018desiEfAl. Soloiy commnsrlf8aSSte i88 perienf. 3LMilton 0005 yooyg peo Ao ith 005Plus. .oloiii o/lier applEcation 008108001080010rn U8ACK8'afTO 1101 0380 transeportation aRIai - 10; Te Clian, BuildigManaementCoossidfu. DePoresf. Normail0 CEDAR LAKE lgisi copaîlon lor OptlosoiConrey, 311 CommerucialStreet, Milto.Ont. 0«.« . fi RANCH ' rMotn pm'n ho,$$$ boaidd.095l .0. $35.par isifI atUm00mHl M5ED 4 d but on 00v gan 08 ing, 87MyleolW P Oarâ0 f 50050 sre 4 PUEDD 0 idiide pogame042,m3 am OOXAM Oasi Lemb, une ... olo 80100, 8 Miso-le, oonOogaeewe. YON b 2.0 6.= h of CoiybedN. REQUfIO * y O fusgube rscl*u0 *15aN4on. MANUFACTURER 58.0 100wRs ~ luom iesd01 5141fl LOCATRO IN MILITON Frwu$fRa0uOopfo r17. a' 8,13 'L PUT SOCK Exporisnced Mr. PFes,878-7M TOUCH Ea G OIFREEIta0MdfIoIfS8 S6 ORGlbtiFIDA &,enMan, Oporators ature pww anuinait. upérienccln aalphooof *MOU"SEoil SALS TMRUEE kiffoensa à wOWmt *hPo h~ o- &W o,,epmRSui.,dandd rolprOOSi. 001.1 oelSu rand"comperrI pofmm gie 1 filghiy copeload soai080 *UsIn 1808 1.1f0r7.1078.ouiuaiposuç R Top w00008 and oorpeR-p§i 87463 - "CaOU Mr. J. Ptes bufmuR fb.aamropiy ln wWhg, s00818e qoaaiiaoiO 034lNga1 31 UESTUCEexoaiafse, and88»WYoa00i00.S CALL US FOR... oa Box 5m6 - C8ILSENS MONO ENALThe ndqf1d05t JDAy CAMPS DNTL30 Main Street S., ,*§om ndb0m Léc.af HYGIENIST Georgetown, Ont. men 1, OM luIleie r oudodo ucoseL7G 3G4 02m Egeotrien Cam PIRSON ulOs ex- MATURE parnIoel Case0eUAe00 USID4SiMn8CaliU7 401 5UNW Olfssif $fOueid ~iS417.va-0 oeOe f --i M", reel Rd.. 10*ir deogoferAmis Je. 6 15 3*0. aI 0100108110 Gmel fmlS*1, on JOOI 16, GULLI-Ron 000 etty (nus romaiSr 4 ois. aI J~Osef r00 Momorlil 801, sringon,usJl1, Lorelta f 0il C~b Tril. ore 0105" t1 art 911= a m 0. the tgrlO 0foui Warren James 7 0z. et Milton DI HoalSion Jlî 1M0. FinI 0vend fw Mfr. Il.Mm.J.a f Milfon. Jifi01 Sf1110 for M. & M Morait, LI8f0100f. 3. S.MU Ionterne 500010b41885d1150 f..19.00 lioo1i >I3 ....a4ai lin ionoî434Ga /P.S iSOAhs_ f3,950. 21l FOR SMI. 21.FOSMILE 21. FOR SALE 15505R80050430535/ S ....... .... f 1nira8850 M5I01 ............... 108081 f1OemnoOOd ............ 3800 if ySu ne" HELP -CALL um111.* CT 'imlantUra080108014340001/F S. IMhm...N. $3.000 bstaaoe f 431w/FS .........04M. mina'('M 01 000,3 iussfloul740 ............. » ________ uesaOo"ufOSGasfllO ..........$3000 SAVE I 3aR aMEI l nmfot uo4eliF..T.A . $3...3,20. on Bwvervi.A Home laml emi '400 Gao T.A. F10....*2,111 $k*im&a0k& PaoSf O * Vaoum Srvice,.Illé?- ARD 851*-C00UM O f Inerto al iFeamnllHfi........... 0a by the IRuWcO, 20rMf1 Moi L" Uw" in0051ati4445 *5drW .... ....00 pe-eepar benclle DliMW^M . 540 maore. Bofi M00GARAGE .fsie, Itrainl44 .......... 24C' x 24" mg. *2.W0 MsIfrani. KanIdIOs, furIay, AuRe..R,.....l...00407W. O.Clou Poels. @M-1885. Wlson, Unité Si47, R iRIorr0odrai ..... ........ 00. . BulIei*0 GENORON 54500. Al . nternaionlFerai B» 0*0 m oasfy oR6 0 1100 24"".W' rg. $2.W Mtreear0iîrk ;Mouen*008 Cri ONwtBfsiy, A1105R1.UBROTRACTOOS -OTiiOR MAXSS esch 0*0101g cair80 ar. f08800 Cama7M0GoaCaa..o-nu ..........$3.2600 Sonclhcl$2J.m. ceeverleh, playt" vo lclts5, lra00 maoi. FosdJou# ..............*2,40. - ;fu el!af e raci . M. FAS Goa.S. wos 2W5 ohm ......... . Prime: FOB oDur yerclM= UtO S AIl"nt c0laeoo$0t1GARAGE ale, . MF. 13D..............4.. codiion. lOfs00 550tableoàtroal, ogus ,31 ReeoW erdd ceMm for à 4 heiré R ousLurrAve., N. S00, JD510 D ................ ... 6,m d@fsilI051 b3.1779 41-m-f ar MguR Sm. M ................*". ACTON PuCAST L*MITEO Rd o tr0 0l'~s- . fChéufo.ssD272 ...........$1,105 farlâte culoaifr10105, ,,.,.ehaid 151018. FodSSEOrcM ............$1411011 CONCEIN TD. 111 GARAGE $0, R-A0581MF2750 S weightl bal 018Er00 . so hu l51SUI3W2 Gallery110, a 1U lin o. O8 00eRd.AIr me.Lst P&@ $7,000 .........*13,111K) o5 SkiiOoEodRd,,Tm,, P0I11 Mlkoi R.-,,,. enilioSuf' eleg Fod*841 fooimuses ............ . 8110, %n i Eutmof lwyr. MOFFAT M0 mailr &mSi nMsi >,'" "Fo..r.... ............. 1.W flirtr, 3 voici 50, Re O ARAGE 01"tFeO, 1. 2550.3.10,.,,. SaodyaI, 0 1, 318 Ford0000m1Ab17008 ........... 14,5W. LOOK FOR MUM M Cmost Leurer,' Uni 37, Fod« .... .............$3250 0asemlng 10 1 o mI104,turf ...........$1.485. OUR siGN .r.e"zgCal Huahld ode, bo 0Frne u y pliece. 00F lUSw/abooo# .b .........11,61) SBndy LGem OSEkr8 ofBs 10GGANTIC Lu, Sale- USa LOADERTRACTORB TOPeoil sprse, mri 0505Salroay and Siteatio0l43Ge@w/IW trip bcesloies .. Roguivtupi bi batspreedi, me 0*150 000Auquel9ad 10, 1.1 R g h ps* 1.0 1 irr31, 3548", a.&.n i a 0.1 o, 1.................... 1 391W. bm0, s, w»Rf000* gle somlcaine =,Oe 1811 f lSos, $tarea lsuniaoeR 827500w/901 tipbu oouledr. *2,80: 08*5."M a irt10u. D& nlmn 12" X r' 3 1' ireOo. e ikn, foire, lîusiiuiouI 434 Gui /Fr.m n trip bucket é004er Oleoea. 110811 fitr, Ome c0050108, r ous 000 315 m...................$5,400. R18*0 Comes poliraf OUPloi pCk. hOuo0l It. PM erntoa MFtsitwllM .. 1,W 1M Roblomwoo i meait of golf cub Mid end peine ,, stslliill$01F51 0012105 0,0 a Naton bg, on whme tank mIR1 01107, sIaRO.11015169,Fod8N mIHiyd. 5008108.... ...j 021,00 toper, on cabiet ui W110M18Inn05fr00 1*8. Fosd Jubho*ltipbucet,0-.........$2030. Il 071"V . 85. c rIC. canada Pffpear M 15Idsre /Hdi.....$,10 ONE 14, RCA 0817 air a Si 0 snas M2l8Idti5MW moiAkf *8.00 me0" 05 1 00 Item 722MF M Idsie w/fyd. 1100110,1i0 oh tfPeint- re III~~TS Admirai osmroos 10 mention. d ................ .40m. I . OND tair oréaieOr, F PteIMF 0 n ldusssI lwîfyd. bocket. Ceb 3 PT fikols T,V. SALES b SERVCE oui,.éturiyusai, ouslar neof 'S15IlOIrOSO os F10. ........ ....... .5M. halo country, rosi00 ~ aide0. M-424., MF35D w/Tsip Boobal........ .7. 5MM tetEg f07811. §70711 1800 1180 6 PamîIGrage USSO CULT1VATING TRACTORS Mion 0.1.Sl. 70 eI% sae A0verFmoli130 t0etro itli1 r0100051i..... $2.M.0 2. Milton NO. LIIal e:Ior79 __Femo "" wlh2sowculevatorhand$I .....f"M WorM 0f Plame ,1 -0.01. te re o i mu pwtba. eiRaafv m101 Fr00011 Ps'o1100al irs5 ............. . ....$,0) 91 tient e vhail540IRSl0*I0 ms8o isOa0211 VMS u8ai - aoi SJolope abler, Nwfoieid 616- 1Powo 2Foi geflasso.... MO.- 1,08 orLakueort Rd. W., 01.151 Oak- 0180,50fllRoe100Figfasoli *0 Ili5 mie lu04.80. f1ir,0' X512' rue GCohl Super 99 -Hlho biowe.s........ 0i 4111 plus nu08R001rus 01007 John omos. o-O11100 For.aeHarier...1MM. M SLE WQUASAR 08180 f 85article. SALIES ir -ep106% WN ~SALE, 90 MauoNo. 3Saler ............. lsend i niS *0, &SCANINAVIAN été, __uy Aoot R, Nvlardloufper 67, fili5..... f.. 11. 8l101005. che l.sor, C»seu o Irli8 *.m. M syNo. 10, BeW ........... 1,100 T:ma i 18 8. end m.John gDureBale, ......... .... 0« AT otoes0i1sec0ional InternU lsatisloal803 cominéOhe mca f 4grain hf1aeO f00 m &W UP SEmINO Mab05OCIALI 1467 main Si. E. Reairs, fr.% PICkeP-& "Ne Believe BPE 6 cir3pon rwcrpcü cnb sl MW. e 5 & R vert 0003i0R 1,0 0010011w ...0801.... ..... Hamil0taoL8K 15 m I~ ~ In Hertage" 110-1-----------7 Rd 5451131 STOVE, Si whI 8I 0.'..". jK0ore, Si Con* C 1k 08,18 -MEUB FOR MMOE U111T11MOT UTES 2 Rifles té0*n0.$150. M 77A1S 5500810 IoAR,a 5se"00TRAMESDASLY. R.C.M.. 1873 -1073, 'SIMMING POOLS' A.yI.0"I LARGE SELECTION OF NEW ANDOUSEO Io eil ub'""levemriO mui g01 MARYW SEEos LA WN AND GARDEN4 SOUIPUENT. Uiopened oeiOlssbu f1008 001, lfl oe*Si NE1 1 01W TRACTORS SAlL Y Muet fore acqo18tn héler mi %. orn. e: 11 pemitto porchaos akarm 055.i*IAph.A, Co1Due*h 430 08l., roe I o. ----- 83M cFWait 0147118. ph1ee 021m4 101toieem1026.3 1MUC pu"seom5- h.c.. I sm.î#Ba. 0. CiSfrcias 1 Sh____hon,",_I, ar,_PMe01ry. BR82, (Maln 780 S" Si., nom ofaui -m - 878-0384 EARN EXTRA $0* Reagiste now as an independent tsuwrry. Posons eavaiabia for: Ciedosi, TyINs. lecaptonit etc. JIL PERSONNEL AGENCY Coma worke 100 rav' se ou f5 plm M.- 2M -SOOu8*85tVE.0E. WILLO00.0A*a8Z 80RJ85 8100 - 0858*010Ou015 1049Mes MILTON O PUOu 0,858 080008 1 onHM4 1 1 1