Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1980, p. 4

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TorooanLhe5l01-3w ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL Eitor Pubiher Adertmm.g Mnager mwn~asan.dn.ptfflaaC& Lhoa â»swoët ut Uh, dnaknW A»oMaF Il» , .aam-.~S . . 0-#w. 14 àbrm0Pm @.050Qm% %a0.0 a.nff.aln aM.W O.m.hOW - nS. .Iab.S m bnhn.a. »Ma-, om.UIrn*w. The overail picture On of tbe mnt ambitiona plana for downtown cor redevelopmnent in Milton eas prenme otl cosinil thia waakt, as; devlopera outinedi a propoeal la turn th Main- Martin corner lo a abowpece of commerce. At irst lanos, it souns M1k lbe answar to the town's prayero - a fuil-flsolged shopping concourue that could b. lb. main corne- tone of h downown revital- ization. Tlih. plan coold turn h. souibern haIt of the b"ol boumded by Mrtin, Main and Millalde in cs of tb. mot exciting, viable dowotown attractions in th. country. And t cculd ensore a viable future far lb. remainder of lb. town core, whicb la obviouly ont in tb. beel of shape, appearance- wlae or finance-wile aie the moment. Mllon'a downtown isn't dead jut yet, but the aguocf dacay are becoming more visible every day. Year of plannin a revitalisaion program are only nnw begining la ber fruit. But the Pylon Construction propsel la turoi th blocki oft jroperly in a nrias of amal stores and bouiques requirea a tborough investgation before anyone ga exclled sbou th. prospects. Thore are seriou ramifications henealh th. aur- face. Thse firat item la h. astabahe la whelber or nt lhe propoeal wil mean any furtbor attachas on the lexpayers' ear- ninga and eavinge. lI a nutabeil, council is con- iderng moving th. lawn ad- miniatrelion heatdquarers from the preeent laun hall on Main St., la theolnd court houme and jeul property on Brown St. T'h. lawn bought the nid Hallan court house- jeul for a pttance, and mut preaerve it la an inttutnnal uae la live up la the termis of the. agreement. If counil movea, th. inen hall would b. available for developera. The nid pogt office et the Main- Mrlin corner la alan avallable right now, an the new post office la amder construction on Browan St., oeil to th. old courthouse. Nelghhorlng à"nd owned by the Phillipa family (the former Milon Private Hopital and an unumad auto hody sbnp) are alan up for sale, afler plana; la develop a modern office camniezepper- ently feU tbrough. And th. lawn's nid fire hall and e parking lot euat of tnwn hall coeld h. part of th. package aswell. One fly la th. intment la thse public waabmoom between th. pst ffice and lanan hall. Bult froni a bequeat by the tla Peter L Robertson, th. waahrooon building wold have la h. part of th. developonent prnpoaed, and th. legal ramifications bear la- veeligat- ion. Counil tat week aelected a consultant la begin tudlea on the feaalbilty of utillzing th. court home-jeul property for a tnwn administration centre and counill chembers. Hia ideas are sound, and h. has th. experience needed la carry out e pojectot flb magnitude. A majnr concero i lll e he h flnancing. Comail cen't afford la move la Brown St. if the revenmue froni the sale of towoi propertiea on Main S. dnesn't cuver the total costo f th.relocation. lTh. tonn connut ettor*;t iha penfobo such a treneactino. Yet h. poponal for th. down- tonan block will, on th. other baud, attract pleoty of commercial dllera la th. cnmmunty. A detalled cout tudy la certelnly werranted, before any definita stapa are teken. We are lookng et thc entire future nf th. cre of Uis conm- munity. Leta asit back and take a serioua look et thc overall picture, befre ce get embmiled in a pair of projecta that could eliter put 1 tii tocn on Uic map, or createaa white elephant we could neyer livedown. Commenting brie fly Winners again Again tUii yeer The Champion bu itngonihad taeffnseafit place wliser lanlU. national newa- peper judging competltions. It'n heerlnalntlath. staff la learn that omr peera feal w. are doing omr job, but the neton-wld recog- nitioni only servese la rmind ina we are dely arlvlng la improve the peper and please lhe peope who malter th. munt - our readora aid advortlaera. No, we don't plan la rut on our laurels, even ns thin papar ila th. treela we are plan- nlninm vei ian the weekly ion in th. wlnnor' circle, boh la competiliona and la th. eyes of otr local "judgee" who reelly keap un in buMmee. Dim tuie lights Yw eet argon. wllb auccal. Il was alwayn tbalg ht .1pleoty of Bd"s wouid reduesnWgbiins vadelleon, but Ilalton Board of Bâwaion n pmingdut Uieory fat strain f n the bl et ara achuela, la doler vanda- brionsd t's worlngl Il sauna vandal are acared off bit dara- sen Ltdebe hNOIlgbt". Cheap .hmerias nw ktu aeand ea llng, il sonda 1M a good buy. But, ns police pint omt, you are only goaL lao gel what you pay for, and if you want anme$7 ameralda, go aeaand igo up. "Ilh.tonas are 10w grade and worlb about h. price tdu cutomer ia paylng," report h. OPP. Let due buyer h.were. Anyibng dut eomda inn good l tue , uauey la't. A super club Ctgr eaoa aMilon Jay- cea and puat prasident Tom Blanchard, who have brouget honora la lb. coonmunty by balng namaddhetop club ilatheaJaycaa' 3-lub district.I 'h Jaycaas have hem mot active aet conaty- minded la thïr few bria yeare of nar-vbce bor, and th. award ia trulydeaorvad. Ante-up time? Il wlll mono h.ima for reg&"ne coueillors la ceoidir Ibur salarias for oel poo. Ie Buringlan Pooltata Odi- terlly t' alandos for e u ail dieswbatkinofmmeiUle vent la erWetns- tha but Pm" pbe pe g aho e m blg ratas of pey la -r1iWoi thir expertis; or by 0lwlln di> n dapedmw Odly - t Who cmn veliqoat d m ias a m dosa I3 amcouttle ea~odur dusormal, -b.Put Ëfuth WUL~WJ~L~JUU 1 s8W/IT, honestl by ROY OOWNS / In aimint 25ra n me naW= buins, 'vse rilln plety og abutpaol5m5ahWUnldanl ledPlicg Ojcs( )btnam naMie &"ay had 1 enar had Uthe anca la - asice me chai ITema, laiin w e Un e: rr enu an objoc, ITewu 0110, and IT crlalaly wuanicniiled, lamea ai oan. Saucr-lik? Yu. Sphercal? YVa. Silver? Vs. siallanary? Ys. Shiny? Yna. Slly? Nape. IT cm Iliers, dam I. Yoaa cmn arof ail yna 1k, butd1nne I. Sobar? Yas, Iean. Saifd Vsah, bui 1 nili eutIshb1ae chai IT wa. 'lis phone ral cams ram Carl May, a fre"dy local brfilghisr dia linaon Mihas Si. onnth oazaisaida gf laa. (Ne Carîbanbasau meon laiekethe odd drink, mit hae an mmd rSandep. Hic cheaimay atilli hans be puffsd ai, aflar hoe prstip dangblar Cathyi on esliMina oMel Fr- flghl.s llleaadance theaalgibutors, bt Caria bhad eaoke.) tanok op. aralejilanar nenyau'il ht,' Carl anngeM als nha docrlbsd the alvery,saecurehepd tblng. CIII m hachalan iàme cht Il i,' headded Il dida't laS, lon Unflnd 1TTliane 1 rey HlaludaoDr. maIb meabr h ewu Uhar, dam h. Wlba Doroihanmd un Gegjoicad n and es ail gehred icthhark yardlao watch IT. Aller 10 mintes ni crann, or aecha wensame naoc. ehared upmanme binccolaanmd loy an sus hachailathe yard, eatchlng 17 cuittgslling or serb anay aifer. Dangbisr Kaibryn cons hams mnd lhong he meisy had annibilaluai hsr choIe amiy, chansîha dlcovered uail flai on our hacha Un the gran. Smo ah. jnlnestce laralntahUn hing. ff canai qulla round, f17 cm mrs trianguler. I Iboanhl 17 loned like a Ungernai, rianglar bul iatier an oas mn ad curvsd aroumd an the niber. rr ca ilnery (Ise-lIoagia, nid Dornota) mnd 1 glinlqd n lt.enolinh. T didal em no lamars, baitan ce calchsd anar tlias eoan m br, 17 dd jn-tgssaaortb-saaierly, ageal nstai srang clnd, at a vsry low paes Sommnonln a my nerne, I called tUn local motnllm. "Er, ai anoyas sha r.p.rad aà anked. I7h. nffir a anpailla, "Weail nd nonenaaromed Un promlsdc. 1Icnt ail hid Wca.tarwa*Mdmmàwee mndbollerfll aela - ais l hÈ ark, la alghlin' ad tm hlm It males eU n hand. Cal" domrnnaro, la (A) lai ths pheomanoan d (Ba> didal reprt the bocnf bick yard m antb o east Litnesai lanana reparts bu ooing caamalnand. mnd 1T had dicapp.arsdb clond coner. Oani of te Mnnday papar Hamilon rspnrisd wlaina meade me fesi bsllar). TOnl mairbad manhemdmec thels me. Th papers nid tUn MoS ora laer eadlI ToronelaAirpori radlar fi pîced lTnop. SOnchai ena 17' Can any on th mystery, or can 17 la llieory,cocean ane lIesesnilmenal auz, ceantUnbard, u misest..IterS ity, m i spreore ... eaitfor il.. UnUneso. Uadsraali ilheI>moinandilcooolng mut caepin, hldde balnd the ade md de mdndothersaymboa i f audlalip, cge en anabout nas nilesalmlan 1r- Thin la nidtun ndiparaglug mm.1 deataint inlelty, lian 1 hana nottiapinsai asaicment. Tles, 1 dopias mpeffarhalno anailaelbmd OhMp: Id has, Id hats le, hi hp cedr, cId homo. Id cm, &md ana Id laie. il . n osOhirt ci Iia n cMy ite. Ob, #Ma un se.ntimeanal ant tme cap I mil Un hahp ber, or the a b Unchida days n Uneane-room cmay chal- home, le otins carda. fipinof thUe Éonadan- Soi wena Il nmos dame lao hiopi I lmc a" cheriah. dbe'. s atn aaa Juaiettooeday., dew reM cpdi dm. .I'd had Om a*p U YOMr. lhe mnd pyp at e remod Mh dm;losm ese MM dSm pls-I lm er a hais.mc- Thin ceak, dhe mode ma boy a puir ni dram alcea, black. [hile arteclYP ped pair ai lack uhms. Ai muai, I badcura lbam ol fldnd m aeraibarhe finit bar pear, tUna Un crk fortme luta thar. Te ee gond chaxs. Cnt me M. But Oey cerant good enosugb.lan ber oplalan, br nasedan fancypaprty ce casa gonl. I dida't malIn la bar Oai mbe ver cos coriebla (Itlonabouta Ohoas para labreat nea pair et hues), aM iquftlablack we s afli.sipollih na applisd. mn.dp ùa fac suifa bars snd dmhoraabothU e aie fIkimobnil earia Iliane youamy iea chai a pair ofaei dc ohamlutlies days? Sp Georgs, Uny moetha ualag haman. for ukla. Blacha fr black ulios, bramai people bor brome Iboea, ad Scandicnansfor whte lssace Na imimai ide, aine or deuil, la cnrlh chai thsyre anklnfor aabil ni leamer. My nId lady recuiy bomaiji a collection ofain of lsatlmier Uni eaiSda't makeaa miedlum-sined lnchstrap. it ena coul a pairofcobsha. Il cestl$0. Thay mmc cmade la Ialy. Ice goln o lacee aPope. SmtI1muitdigen. leai vilci o ahmitd d»d chiahd b wue Onur car. IloUS DgCr, e gaadoccea Ilwb ut hyap Smed, cmpadoutcif the n chlbdwmaolà ad a oil tler lao i Une boum ra"w u eerp iilcty-flne Ma. Frise Jye 1,r97 ugo The Canadian Champion is continulng Ita tradition n an award-wemolng -neya- Thlo Ch mpM won %brio &0and a OJfaSflaidMtBi' a a banq1a soipreldla l mas clmpaa hnli pu 'qd Irfl 0eaaàclhbSnu lhyhOn S Cato *.l au nsuelran.lAw Oaila b pnquet ch l p r d eh* U a piowue itne nelmesiaa. a(th wPient ofa aaa, liShan Concw si thflrapmd a ai oge "Mea aMrtdo Ume êâtlc pu ia2llt the si dms lia oq a" thet la r M tn e i fl . lecuw cm d the airalopar a a- - - oa dos a nlà ý« oeureio cai Oanla -e J Taal mnie d heUn hea*nclbOmmao - - todaIMMsa" bo t am ~ipdd IL metiangmm Mo rad snmie hem anpaai a fariaSi. ch mmmarchMé aml4 .U ited ala of raprann ethartaa cena lad la pi ccdi 50ei ou ygoa dilaloakalli,"nula 1wbo, dformele, ranaaw lUan ma" hll;=Ofealmuga l repl ln a rant ai heat the CN d>pM wSia coonteOh lntl or Irid n MISm tocUMMi Taiy cay orontowSors cark i hSal ilm bbuthcaraier, andlaacona MILtelook a ci Cogattdaal A Fn,WMian a ddi h cle, Ffn i-blaflflh lrUnmk acll ni aMhl a the lihaolnae ardalToreoiperdau theZt ad dmhalhan laam et mgali mail u Hop e pri lu r oca lan anar hana, d, la mdoitis yu me [TvodIn aon la pana h.oog ab eihI ta i lhehadalo Prk blh nradeda elloh pNBas 1.pl. icShinracosinntdllrril pedaas h" IgUi na OheIr tal.Faiaene fblin oni arcuid faloluerini h alrs Un iv seriy jovlontGMr 1 IT tn, (*hich aini m o irtinte.ln &MW Èr epfflAlittie sentimental euth BLL SMILEY eenantc Uth rsi. Il casa eriabis playhouaeliae Yalochlrd, an.or pal nanes. Thay cers ai their happlosi chan cerem aaelg daca iahelgbay, craclnanomd cey lest, publng butons tcing d"al. Icnwuahasr inafor lw hnii ch Uy ol everytiing galan ai os. A cld mhUlu day. The alr-condltloainig lrnad laefIl raId wcOn te fan an. W Widabelicpera flyngeailtapued,amdaonekid puebng tUn cindaccanloballn, Unberumpmchlng butonsofaihe radin, leroed lin NUvoluas, or lrpleg la pot an, s alceullabalp, lb. headigialaamd One onorgancy braise. 1Do pan tliiok am of Ibos e d imaé, thoe Iranquil maments, meant anythi la cep ld lady. Ntunporilita. Thinscwu* labid a iond lareail la the Yslombhrd, clped ecay nanoraptillous tes, amd clmbed tain a nascars dedmade as boy. .No fu O osabr UhIdda. Noa ar-ond- iionlaincllctb an anddenlp, OiakbW Osandad a balstaan omed. in sa ico- dn.r, en nmore playilowcllbthe loch anai lsming agaimi Un domnamd cakchn Gran piot ni ber mi. Ca in l, Mie litai anlhl. Hiane pa ughi ta nas car latelyl Helthar have ce, bat lia fallp oe. Ous lest o et$9,M andcwu olp fiepyu" sIl lled oner domeaara &Mdwuaail nalisny ifl dulnghacaav ofIrsSaon ths hghway. larned rsd, thon chite,,amd had la ha blped tUn eat. i.eHd tlIasaleaoffice st beau an maglticeai, rathar liSthe lobby ni a bank, 1I ink shnonld hans, psrbape, vollad. Thoncareamorecwap thnm n hic bca car ag.acp rea.mbla na heak. 'Ibain- tlsairata ar.almilar, ibanghin lbhafair, aligbtllplowess Uno n he let -dd par rani or Whh Ues houieIofhleala ans sconmy, gouge. Tb*Ir akamnsoarsm oeebat;l 1k. e s msil-graoosed png men ai lias banS, soi axacilp aecenuel, aimanagera, Who g" dyaa mantlilp Irnugb a mnof i fl- wanaippera lam te slonp reelip Unia thare in n. amy cay out, n.ecwa erely maemaney, n.cay la bal inlatioan. Tbsre wunonos piesanaldiffarences me lime. 7h. ca s alaman ena a fariner tudani, Eraosi'Moran a cragp oung meacii a mnmnefihumer, a ssoeeeafa apiril, anda m oasaeainrdiculouanaio ibioga Uni cana charing change froi Une dail, humorlaaa, toiicsoldble Yogm l'ea smet ilame hank laiely. Yop, ca'na bougbi a ces, oe heU e.rsa. And mp ci. .sbomed n. pýore slai- im:ianver un oldances m cod dotrVIf de l dbdScrd an i dl-ued with tcOn me ineqaanliipty ees se. m-O--

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