Thse Cawnadienefpln, Wed., June il, lm ou1 a hhsIyW uup 87W44 AýCTOOiMUgAST SoptIaTr"a woo Tome *um PhstioPp g eCocmOmdu KAiSE ALUMNUM NCE PIJRCLL slOle ~Aaaastlaa Dîntali. Stoff#. fOi dwk tod LdtgnbTtag Dam Autig Caot(nefd T.otseaeeeVWMh Fe4gW oittfl daosep.o t101 diiapistMih M = *br F re 0,fleCaTNOM * KSIE fltaOtt itmsia. tatabm- ELECTRIC HEATING uwm TtO taets.coeml mari. INSTALLATIOS osisisM a-tid u. - 36iC -r iSt lto S t rýfL Mtqese - M oot ttasicp ah m4wpo SS = == MotiiCtL". 81 - 87-5795 AUMNUM _________ Nodohn Electrîc Gse- NICHOLSON eWw Spmhsig nu 't aV, ttîisia CARPENTRY to IrdoIr osowUpo:.-, Jaba NWMNMis t 878-4111 SU la*UCU ORR.2. motn lutts""Ae. Wit PI10NE~U0L McP84EE mwo odtt sEcno titi . l Pl biog AiL FLOORING Aztsn00s1P cewime M716 « MMa CIO87417-7 FA" FS kW 78wn- MMD WMti ELECTINC M - Iril MILTON COMMUNITY top .0O8W cmne Mon- MCICARTNY AkINtOW z NURSE8Y SCHOOL Ufb. CNTICON N t P«s UnfldCbatoh * f 0csoet p onoOs D â,Fm informtation ou: * sfom*mmttnsidàA dt*tO 0 dm Ooaa~alo *CaPOtOVrsovatlaas Ce'OTOTILLING AoTIsosgSl-at WoogM. FEIN LMufIM 1 4 Oéttt j *PLANTING PC"Ld Ai.PROSE *POST HOLES THORNBORROW là SON ALLPU* TAEE COTTING Hote d Fi GLSS ETRIMMING Fàd1ON, Dlrosei GLASS 2 Hom Sur Srviceb ftI Dmou as O.Hnsen Pootacs.Closrlag 93ds.a *_ &RROR Mltcn 87"-538 or 878-80 Rudeta 882007 dm00 " TecIatatit. auitaU Commercal Etblhed i n 1961 ".Ponds, sa. *Stor Fat 41 .w * MilrsWhite O.k O.ArhrA. Jl Pol « 9 ,8do ils. MLandecapin Mtd no Ou t I- Patoo tatbaitlOW lOinî 24 Maintattisait FM WNM w * Stoa Senittss ant tursery) Milton. O0t. 00# lDM abaleope *Nunssy - Patios 878-363 b *M taOd Lonsonatat i lantinb -Raohoarts 87-82 *Sudtistg -Wake 8854 d o * oi .r Fance Poste - _ __ oGosooda Malorrtreo - lm Pomng ai ., large s"* properties a -apm au . GL#I~~~IIOR-Large SLadeTrus 8OIGI1 at~I Subililay otOakoiée ..1 Aco CALL BOO Boue Fronts OflA. OFOAC dnooatt 510 Patio Oosrs tirdom * Soto DoaitaWtdoasFor ait your 1 *Gaian de,ttoîfr jA « ttife paionn nedo *GlaaaRa PLANNING, DESIGN Coul: GIL VANSOELEN *Plslglasa ta LANDSCAPING A8or at Non-Gias Gleuat Patio Intaatior PAINTING n".oae omtaa 136 MAIN ST. E. Pooaito CONTRACTOR ist4-t.,4Balie iact ottio VAlbc: cm, attoméldo 1 101t1t. 878-7500 -ttoarseoattbt For Free Estimato Cootr. Gsltt. Hn*. Ptom, og. _______________ Ctir ao. PWiedt ring m-- -traotopostttolodligoltto INDUSTRIAL-RESIDENTIAL 821-2M5 KOQO'k>Al '71 îHWY.25 IriTERIOR-EXTERIOR Cuats GLASS B78-314, MiltonMOtoO i whh 'rPQO 5 UITMANS * UW&O 8a44ai52O~i1 GAADEN PAINTINGl BythoaorbiythohSt drttt CENTRE WALLAPERING 335I4M OsoisfFee Estimats dmi21 ll e ~1t'tg~ 3.0.- Cal AIJ ptnwo Cuetom Formlng R.R.3, Mlon 1bav2 t1atties ANTRIM m ±bm ±Wmde dh, 878-4821 PMiNE 1 NTERIORS P a Ucm & M gaineu ,aeh da Pap.rhanglng tis.aim -Pantng dm11 Fm .Estmâtes in 37 Wd !MPENCECO. *Chait Ltis -Spacaslata in tati osaritondkl atant oesldantIiatn dustrie 'teatanMitar oadNOM-I FLOWEN SHOPf MILTOPi MALt. Co 1 iloeiaaE dm11 1 AN tl' p " "' ai CustottîCaqtty Auinmsuffittd fcis Wrkaoataenteed Fat Estmates dm27 Tue Wei Wis sohcthaitoahstyle@ end typeaof oh seoron gtoti- dasitttood, vcon8 ladand alominuml fornt ahotesi ."dt admlioms-p10 Ptso dmM dat. oo ns. tomi oitdows. tatteiat dates. tack amettc. Check out SOsn eta ai hct'tYtutPtasue en ttieht-soOttet tl polo-, bltiinyourtiml mv. no. 7 (Soutah ue Voce hban aleiog aottc- taeq&m.bimia" l'Top Soi FM sSrnd oFott ManmsWo'o oCisatati Boom ad floaissry0Se LANOAMM Mafmwseo tata nla GS't. Uaanasd 8fltn MILTON CENTRAL dm11 LIBRARY- s 0 0Milon po Il. B.308.m.-9.30p.m. oPotata ph hur. -9.30a.M.-9.tOp.m. sCo mJInd. r-O.iOa.m.-n.30p.M. sCostantremtt eî.-.30.m..0Swp.m. sLstitstiEdWoO d Mitas, 878-3121 YAR N AND HAULAWAYS e r 878-086 8dia GaltangI R11,andi CV- Masanry Cont-roCtur Block. Commeto.Stoneoad. Claude-878-3240 Bruce -878-5485 20 y.ciapelOi $783MU 8784111 or M M-12 NABAUIN Electnît Ca. Itti. 31Ws&aate md maiont Tropso *Sand e Stoee e GOrvet e FUI1 Paul Nenmen TnaemwsltgqbbmmigListlNs 984313 G. HASSEL PLASTERING Newmr&moktaasn tocco. tapuno 'r7P-ed& efl alig oUlCa FRINT îNC, GENERAL FRINTING Conta Sernica Bond FPhotocpies 103 Stel« A"s..Unit 9 Watct ol ",25 Mtion,.Ontaio 870 0515 ir-esee à - Prott drivtng mw Facet ita t00m of @assprotesanld a barrage o leters trongy oppooîog Kno%ýisetwéeeatise Séeonii ast Plumbi chamlioe lr n" mbat Rsdootial, Idutie 818-8426 votetito rePMeaiebyew Commetrcial lOTtoroptorRd. 'tWOth te dtiit ag e. Nevo nstaaotions Ui tetMart Mes e islon musai b. at- Rototitito t ogoamdup.. dorseti by mina etx .RPaltWo JUST FOR YOUR SERVICE" meoil,.aietifcalinlg et- NaturelIGsipttO dmt CAL TOAY igitees Indivliaael ltataidafrientttie 878-1212 alneti iy 30 ctural rn- osowtpttaoslarl townoffics, asti Monti, Cor. F Radio 878419 or tghl approittlslelY 35 coreFixRadalor gffl 9 or people jammed tise Ao Truck & TO c r Tee.Lu»a2i47li gaflery. Raitioot Dan Mattisets, 521 Main Street opeation selfai ftise 878-8821 'WAYNE'S UPI40LSTERY resideata, empisosiaed Mon. t. F, 8.ý06 1tMinti.W_ Ato th ie taiteti opposition Of St 030 1. dntI Roosinog flaitoid theta dnt, ndth ossevonto Refoing North HaaionAssocation FRE E ESTIMATES for tise mentay tRe- Pckuppatd Dlivsny lartiesi, tisae taHaitnAri- renchers BaCkhae ACTON caltural Advisory iy te dy, eek r mnhCoomtteant i al tltda oaktttttt 853-020 ReedIMPPF McOuff e Equpment Besaieiih s Itilearsati Uai Eqtpmntr thejrii appllcan, Val-Show Se" t Serice - Drvi agae, isad 50w SIaatOO HALTON HIS ithd hepgp, 250 Martin S., Mlon VETERINARY acsci cn rmtisa O3ldis 878-2445 dm11LIae ta tise SevestisLiue SFRVICFS andi termadth ie move "an OR. R TRENTON atempt tar appeause thsa 0 RIVER ST_ ACTON o-siets -- B53 1450 H e claimadthe tise it -watsttbi ho iodseanti abine baba the yards oaira- Il MILL STREETMILTON .3 TELAE S diigmage i the ______ aas, ant iaatwly sale rSevic forJacoai t i bdois isahomsaeaià atsltmr t hon 250 yarda anti 133 1111111t Matat hocisielia atemeni dosotf H clIII5thtdivin reeldince, Csontysiie, wosldtes hoiarmisi anti MILONstrisiti tlsey iatinst RENTAIS Water Sotoner basat utiti ti utIhe CAL 878-8484 cale letu teatenottoof 375 STEELES AVE. Sot tasstaft. We delver »ntahtsta 'Locat rasidesae Sewîng Mchnes AGUàke [fl ossty", ho Htae RENTALS 'talgistama anti tataltiatit PHIONE 8786861 844-8181 dm11 traffle toaIareatiy tuoy matelis. Milton Fobrc Centre Waar Sotiner .,i oReiti toîti gesa-i 12 MartnStreet Sal commiteeli te praperty Smoofewtdngamohne Complt Lot AabtIe la qustiontta 300 fee alottta ofoannmaoletOon framnta itaoue anti ta J. &R. Sewbsg CO-OP fmistframt Isbabarn. Be Sales a servaie 28 Bronle Street, Mlon potatrs etiac t atia tis 8782391 tise retartietia'tt sougetelatndlai ban Cz ff + sisoator adtivng range. Eprt pie toRidti aphansatiwatar Bleses6 omt l.mer«loscace in the ares, anti Al maksapaitote S fl aiti Coontrysitie hous Fmn Pick-upands iDolivev ""' wareter dtily. Hesiti an- a month IarTetalter swelt asti ater tra B78-ao7sm. ar 878-3m Optting green wostti de- atrs W ATERLII pleieealotinglielia. TUNEUP SPEC5AL THE WAY IT Reiti sautihobhotisein *10.00OOFF SHOULDRE tno platns ttr properiy dmttteociog, ta ieep peopeor tisai golf balla fromnatarosfa *~ ant is ocotas. Be pre- ilcieti horami'ti tromt lise notae ant ight is the b plan l't approviti anti sai A Otostnof itaoltib. onailc th ie .yFea COnitrysie resienta ta 2Yats tSenooe nobjiat liem ta lacis ai in Melonconty tOanclttiisytla Complots PMIHooltddb lttn Maitenanoce FREE Instalttiot & S'tncoo b. tas in trlessetidlit Cttniclas *OWEST MontlyR00mai oncigaete tyla 24 H0. SERVICE Rtethitrtreatotalialr- 853-1800 *RESOIDIon ol'tg Stalus.ts damg23 Phone aTheaoottte front th pa.goeaaoo.s 8449781 NorttiFlatebnAssocation HALVIIIIIIIItor tise Mestafly Ree- Lui. Bill McDonald tartiet explasineti one ot " ingoood ony Pool Motnba, ofthten tise eusons ortoctilg sonoallt tBarrer Bnes Bretaus te resitience tante aria " Intelbation was te pre'tamity teARC apool ktaacsaorieIndst'totries andtihie ce Satoonoit OsOcountry tettil'g tait a 878-7097 cH.B minimum aiof rian tact- ___________ Rlishutter vtivîg 'range amoaulti MILTON POOLS Tm-'tata-Wbxdoan Iinere mIlthte ler- Pattoa-mo adGanoge alng eovro'tmentanti Sles E8 Accetsonnes Doors. Shttata anti cosldt tiractitlisen- s lorocati sCltoodoal Sensre.suuntatoiarwaiag titi sAisocoG onti Sentico soi"ota Sevce effetiîvi'ess ot tise inrstallaton varIasse traininog pro- 818-810 8787731 g--.o~ 529 Moin, Unit 6 Evanss, NOtASR prs-e VaIM OurShStmotit laibIa it ese ta dd MKES WINDOV ol ai CLEANING nlgit t ai aoryslie. aMW m V07riri:i l aEUIINtait il mossiib.ea dit- SERVICE irait talspervoa isee - 8784779 odiato oiflisey ean et- COMMERCIAL tractit t ti he ittanast RESIDENTIAL oatibbar. INDUSTRIAL Peier Braaaai, saosa- ZENITH, ELECTROHOME o cutt r a e lA. iso 8t KELVINATOR HALTON H1115 Cooncitie, sali!aittise timeOfaiar derilec iY DEAER WINOOW CLEANING tidti 'av oe a gralt tisel sel e tSrkte R-ianad Commt t ~Melon, se M i t 219 MoisSt. 01-488 FM EaRssisttisl a oHé onpoctO Idileo ,esat satisacstion uaata e,"saile 853-17"5m lts RU iidamg2la"j vgsle m m la