Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1980, p. 25

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CANADIAN CHAMIPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAV, JUNE 11, 1980 SECOND SECTION - SPORTS & CLASSIFIEDS Optimists take pair An ail-out offensive effort sàl"adMiltes Optiia tyke >* ee il r par it-: OptBist put ter atte t t er les foloved iltoupw=t 5 a 20-t i hotbme in Roery Park srdy ni .i A 10-ras firtisning coupled with six more rasenenthe second manin alloved Opiit ebld5PZ seable ea ed. BsGerglenalievilacolobig lestemselves wtbfiveronsaistefir- stand» lo moreinteetrdMiesegn- cd ands ot eteralkleeefot mai55 wtes tee game vas called because of dachneos. Ilite big bats forMlon wer sspllad from vetereme Brys Haringa adtuart Thorse who rapped ota single and triple eplece. Scott Hilson cosnected forea double, Brad Jonen cracked a pair of doublas asd Matt 'The Bat' MeCandlens hammered a double and triple. Singes went le Todd Husoho, Breit Gervais, Ruse Shiaw and Nlck Robslack. le Tueeday's game, Milles ras sp a 203 tend and vatcbed Georgetown batis e ck aided ty several Miltas miteuse. Optimiste ilnlorâ i ose iereelvedte vis, Potleck and Gervais coseised le et- ev usat four bite btl wffered terougb excensive welka and five Milles ercre. H ieplthed vell, eksg e our ss erselsg juet osevw k nd eie i nvn effort ty drivlng le tierne n. Tborne and tiuette came up vite tere an e =seic to pece thee tteck. Gervais adc aseaectbit a triple vtile lier- loea, Robulack, Jones and Hilson con- nected for o sngle apiece. Thesquasd recelvedesometead nevsus thee veekend wtensitl earsed teat ace retiever Jasos McLean troke isesle and viOl e out of action for about a munte. Optimiste faed teelr bardest challenge oftheeyeer lest nigt vbes teey trsvelled le Brampton to batlle sne of the trongent teame in tee league. oeno~~Juat for kicks Umew es t oeeewshotologue sacer lookiIilde the paper for more FIlyers name new coach Mto rSFp U.Ù m7id neeneerii ietcteins0maies bslldotr eiy bt l'ilselect tee ees lgsd cacistee aie iorsen taette aeaonvhflnotraturs- eair and proatiy many more yaicn le WeIrsvery p iahad etvaesI," MWduat toiteanted ta restrict cese. Site Geedin vs=isg ite bar hissas eel isuisaivtlteteans Vers ovs tee teaies."Bals cry gond vus "l'es gttisi ai-ocmyatmje o 9 yousg Hockey pleo." s=atocaenMGo Lsgnle Sh Go~ravekgors "fl,41,for id= I teveCanedtng aimnt S rA e s tisa lest10 yecnan e'lm cadbin0s it eapm"ltim and Id lkeleorenlrict se se", pvetdib mm tee Jeisnne sid te van lesini for chaenges Gyrritrada taim the type ofcommitouent tho ik eFlon ",.Mm Duntyar.iattisls fls~asqutpeovmant aylv "Il te tvlh lat sanme of tee par- lers aagymsestc cu ü eOnaro Jr.S B agua vite Oekville aldeMi" teoii~. 'Il pus eu censauy tet on dtpe o aaavssts it~ for tbee yers vlesing me eproiaclle ii e Iaeisg at eybady vho voutd lite lson"ssalGymtrada Frday et 7 chaisianed wvefinaliste nsetear toaoteitryous pbo e.club CIOs Pcis liense eto. vi th zý a MterGam 'lit a egond, fa-katln, ciecking and oifcid s sau U taa metett rinrestivetM. sdWl a he1s ea.reapet lerry legtia very crtlm= t - He ~~~~~~movad tcahsentsomr Spitile eIn = eu-alardifet.Hlks baad misaisa mosey mhd.i ntes qoadinital ypair te Ontario Unainid ndstfihockey plyervisile t3eL a*slaesel oniu it t " ISiMafisg peauplayr vhs tee e lot of rsra7 mnsausevin participa arrangameo tif teeilanent allvid I lita ta htedclosetamy plaesebu ots taut vaakasdtrui Sprners tes srt.ltae.l rminleWtaor maldattend buddy-bnsdd in a pr-coasatitvi me e Metionslel-Wiyos, &ta uivarty nDei.hi Johnolasenees eaad te Levai Fiva loge le Toontl. Tains mes'.fcses Jotnsons eovad hmtak ivitle lii Isttor a"S ho pacad teeey tocrntha Snrlisgle, Xob-Eaom, Nerte Tomaeo n dtapydhtt Poil Boutd 09 poga , nsegt ndr vyinQatan. Gepnp sul snmao n ine luth .lctinaa aislel."Inddar My"aifa tacindic oicis vite ,J¶~fl>2ti05SU*tmi~l ~ "etotilgforv codte at nta etemmeeld blidsJoiseson t"O w ljassiesi ua Jeon Sgoa babind theebaset for al~nd twute l t mt1I -e te Uarsttissa snt;pair, 1te 1esarksthe baher r Il hëie uctnd ti 'a 'a t a ls fi e a," ass ascitls i'ars lenit ba tSi tresse veedd liteJonsnalrergui Si beasternfls tai.Sombosi et anartiserelus for mlane twv asseSite of tisa teins andesss na fte.seoge0ean issbavent en ler andfoMW*eonisitteiibon liMs ISCIOU cMt b~ Pf ieisfr tsMiaGodlsoeta and vaepn casetvcs UPsv à g the ituas. Mte am delberetiolBIle saàie~ sr ilUlsedât in 'Tee s m g tratend ta srs tish~e m a h dd etlt aaU oiisv cc tem,' Jahnsna~. IS,"Coytislg isui0t, asgotiSi - Allletes ofthUe yeer -.Jooy Bennecctct> efanadîig PalVan uor- idiot were named top aetsof i the yeer aof Milton District 11gb Schoal last veek. It marked the third year in a row Van Qarechat receîved the honor. Bth plan ta attend Ontariaotniversities next year. Joey Bennett and Paul Van Oorschot athietes of the year Vas Oorscttbts tees samed Mate Atetete of tee Year ai Miltos District Hfigt cooni. Ttc six-foui-five inchbtaukettel tsc vtn led Mstangs' enior bauktbal team le tee fiistteposition aithte ail- Ontario teurnamest in Kingston enrier Iis ynsr vunt teeligible fnr teeeaar neset yearir vla e ure le please the oteer éhcelatleles. Ites gradejatlng and viii attend 0Walertoo Unversity tudyisg mathsans ciences. Joey Beett, vba played Ln four sparts for five yenr u btt dat play vite a vioser, ves amed Femate Atlete f tee Yenr. Miss Besntt pleyed volleybai and badminton ae vetO as captelelng bote tee bankeibal ond screr teams. StelI attend Mc- Mater University and study ptysicai education. The avardo vere presented atthee tee Optimist Cestre. Tte octool alun distribated tee muet valuette player avardo in eecb ni theesports. Ttc foloing is a llt of teeinnern. In boys' sports, Ian James vas named MV? for football and tract and field. Jamie Rarinsky vas uemed test defensive player os tee footall team and tise top ptaer se tee junior baskei - hall tssue. la badminlea, it vas MIO Wiltove. Mite Sepseon vue for crues- country runnisi, Dveyee Wrth vas MV? toc hockey whte arias Serafin, vas topuscorer, Steve Duguey vas MVP for midget basketti and Van Orctot foresenior banketteil. Ttc girls' viasers are Carmelisa Crisci for track and fieldl, Jutie Harrison for junior bankeibali. Joey Bennett for senior leebetteli. Pat, Haisi for jasior volsybail and Pat Gins for senior voleybail and Denise Worth for cross-country. WlI. Dick takes titie for 2nd year in a row Dct Middle Setoot captered ailthee div- isionnsand theeovecel tai tee e rte Hal- les treck andfield cbampoonbipe Thursday in Actas. Lest yenr vas theeiret tisse esy scbuel ted mae a riean sweep nf tee champion- eips and WlI. Dick le mating somevbat of a tradtion out ofitbyting tetitle ageis. Four oter ctols participated. Teame vers trans arookvilte, Macenzie Smite (Acesi,* Centeasiel (Georgeton) and Steverttovn. Mark liastett stone dsrlng tee champios- abipi vite tvo firete and a teird. Heskett. a senisr, breke Ivo urteH alles recordo in tee 400 and 000 metren to ecconspeny is teird-piaeofinisite 1500tmetren. Also linior, Clislee Shaw set tvn new sciseol records tlisting second in botethee 10 and Ot-metren sprint races. Marcel Cenette yen tird le tee 400 and 8t maires vbile Mite Hnrsing was second le theeai- metra tondes and tird in tee triple jump. Laste surge A sprled ratyfel jutehort asaBurlist- tos deeated Milles Glass and Mirror miser mosiqulle soccer reps 4-3 Ttursdoy et Sia eset Park. Milton toasd theanselves detendisi for ment of tee firot tifteen misutes etthee gsme an Surtingionstalried applyles very hasvy pressure onstee Milles detesce. =oleteis perlnd aurtingtos scorsd tvlce Milles stock le theer job and began .tsvly ltors theetideeas they baies lega tisal offensive unit loin swing. Attis Z MüSutes veeawevrded a penelty shtt PeesIelf ate NeveU ptae a eperfect s"o thlste riist tenid cerner ni, theeset wMt ee Snrlsgtes gelteaper lait flet- h»a snarrsv thec pp le 2-t. Iha onnnd hll tagasaet theeueme â» Ob Med lfteatda-U= tellas taflai laccemiri- & ~Ioni erd &«mbUta P séd 3-i. Sica tOrila Mm lir n id John lu" d*cdd%0taeiu f>q rsenee h *9 at els it ~,,fà mg a mmed Nick Guilebaom vas second in thecubat put. In itermediate resits, WlI. Dicli didolt recocd aey firete but maueged foursecondo. Mark Cross vas second in tee 200 metres. tilly Simpesnvas seconsd in the e eue r. Cedrick Kelly vas second le thee igt lump and fourth in thee400 moires and Davc Rosentoom vas second in the 200 metres. le junior boys, Greg Holdcrof i captured tee 400-metre eveni and vas second in thee 50. Wayse Haldane vos tee 200 moires and van fite le tee long jnmp. Rcty Roses- boom vas second le thec S-metre dant and teird le tee 400, Ruentooum lajui 10 yeers nid and bannase more yeor of junior. Robert liollidyvwas second in te long jump. tinfortusately. nresulle for thecgirls eventevwere availsble ai preslime. Tt e thietes vere ailoved onter a mas- imam otwiv events and tee 1500 moires. Brookveestudente vere alowei te, coter teree eventi becaune of ttc umali sire of thee school. just short ai rentre-forverd, an unusal position for Dong, te asslted on tee second goal. Ha fixed a ebot vbict rebounda off thee Barlingion delence le Peut Strktc vbao drave a longethot tram 20 yardo wict boat thee aortisgln goaleepr eily. Brtingtoo scorad agein le opon optenir ivo-geal meule agsis. Dmsg rnane again tnugtttend and scorsd for Milles. From tels pont, Milles domisated thee conleet and bammed Brington is their ove end. Despita applylng ralenties& prmee.Milles luet couldo't scorethee equliver. Pools rebound the evek, Milleonlepoovie baeseell ceps pealted a 1e- viclery uver Gngtv Fridey ait Sia eset Park. The pevestokilton thea"cte ay betors loseg 144 leStreebv.llMe u lta- m wsat aris baprovaitis al te te.on Geesgleas t3amy tUnd"sta ed teé PeaW 9lien vi t lsianellea. M

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