Thts le a ranineta a=U tudente eyhav- ueartm rdc asccmÙahs mng chel aniterma tther than ame- . + . Ose). They mar e W urnita lMr. DANCE THE NIORT AWAY Mnw«#M*tel. Jm àSenwunu bm wufan Octale. DnenteFr. ifflet ruveOeàatOai duce. wu opnteAUal lino. e a neeto fer ainea dbd ' là« apm' vu Iondai 0* lb .aielbnue teuNa tene ub Alt . tnO~bltcer . Ir. Ju ceegrtehaedmta0Un eupuett pay yaur W te tee. Uoende &onb e dHatand Yser . . . w~or bene ran"aMt wotn a wu ghke he nceser Formirn-eattnatheeuon the yeur n a wimin mie w athelt%=nure nT m um 9 butqmmzunbob Prk 4. r.ita t a rsiUndrailOtarl td"'esindm umfAuma in ai tei meet. Ite e cur0Zt ta .J.r. nOJahoe rod a. te itle a AGICTIOT tlisulr pefemee a @ oneablee Conmtg m t &BtheawadtibSi t teipant, baut tl h aalaeu ho e. go4bl i le + +. + Mi u mbot-he AIwBATHMTOPMR maj a n e abW o teebeibe ont h i eday uet6 cleaaet D1Ube- Othw ard wm» wee girla'7ftourne etanetopTunek ra m iU 0,»«U&*7 awrd am mi on t inMl etdayai mr natheni -Otbe lentda amwad. vm Qsciwon he lma e anted JiThes y Janea17 oudlo ch awaril.Un taallt wu thedeeneiaetrttlkgmeaaticae Unir thaaewonde.ea vin havOte,$rite.te PathfitedeScoute Who rca reetvd tr (a"uSeu" Averds froff i i hw, ceutre, are froult row froni Mathew Dota. lRh MUtn D:ol1e liM Bufliugton; and hen M",eistb151h Dur econidrow irom . , Jie' et becik ftlt, Ichard AMdÎ7emi, 12h vl PRe, 1h reaiar Bradford Mit, lot Kilhrdn;tbý; EanSuiirhOs Peturme,imt Burltom an Danis estreck 12b --. Im ardgweeth fist Homby WL Exchange coupons ltcby WarM'SE ai lin. Coi Pattereon oui Unr. BOY Wieci, pwte oui a n liaae Meeng ith ereta h = pciexchue wuei the Jine rneeing. 1 liaitcatI. aid lit.. weaibat upereilibu1 - amften wlin. Chare, ai tUn popat .r.uwr it. cranta ancl M Moats.ya tt u fleauxandcreataon It. o.n en .y_%riaisanm mae ta dfaiMan waye by wicb tboy cn«naed mergy. lire H. oConner read ýrn Off Rat BRbat ',Montawu taid tUn propar eay ta tautttUn Qum:t amai e ettantit. wbiltheU national anUnni ta eueS, yergleanaliout etioye levins cltng ai gaman. tone aneononst b - prtsntaesta exa-*-------au-savo-% ami um ý - ';"dtada daer lcllmenionaeenta lMr. eicily yei. Ilwould ho vie. ta bit iUn tbondnctern, t=et i reiotatia iteuonant UnlAAintve ni ectehndardi Oh weelt h il ad eItLngConenacortty convener en l tombera, fer *eocbbU e. brd nmerUnnoe atmamaaletoe he nfiralU t.otee irved lunch. Drury grad excelis at Gallaudet College On May 1, Nie llbya CanadiaClub meuber e oige be eae a Unitd States. Butbera je iandiori ai Cana"dien1Club, mum.ber ai UnelMedemit Bby. bas dodcel wuenO.a eta nW edm Wn talert iler Dent. Gronq, but r- ber lilet thUn httruont gm*mtm ofdent eModete, aidbu iged n i avr t aicou- ailite fer ait dwele M e lgriit.raety boween he atialegIloua. her Ibe l thenie ci m Washngtn, .C.narrai., la total catm- fini hv-helet-eltb Janet Churchil anditUn wu te lest ediai hmu aim . Dcry 1ý Ml 3 lanai, lu00t.ferie t ay a ah umbon lplasa r neby Outtanie bhoe Gele laoo fr nfrou nt o PreltthUnliais by tie charicrai Bohy e urnoi br G= W=ue ethe UniUted StatesnduthUnbansnhave more tban ilecholr ai Ar-i Canadien Asocaion&ilona eateprusnted quadruplai un thUn I ncblg oe forer nDont convention ta Une Canadien atudonla lat 10 yeanu. lte Cana- lb.. i cnint.bati Torontoi Jaly. by tUn Canadien dian Banker' Assecia- alaiu fr br leechera a IrthUn iret tes ye Ambenader ta Une tien says. cortiictit and lber IpeclelEderationtfor Un Dentbegieeteg i liJns, cnly benlete te thU ai Wiounern7Mer an Dona sliai ai Amatianm ~ I = watind«,Uelveretim ae utC fl u WurneteCalago.' lb. buaimea Deudit Coitl e iehuaelecteintaMumber- Uneoa*l LheaiAria Cl- eblp o ai ngctpuni- T to a nDed n theUnlons awrd hi TALLI l N F B FM FA eoIt.utnrvuai- .Ainatica. -"The Whnns enta ai ait cnrnâtrlen an Whoe anoni naiens i àinguu mbu a Ui"i eneiatderu it conpluet neas yenre leetni aiUn eudont fur tOt-ItO sean tie, b u hu Uea a ur fhei nena a n eneLitPh NAMpa ta i oly. nt Galasudet Colenon- Baby. bu ervedi nlayteeyIrcubt her maoycaeecitim vrithiln colege lite, aut bu je- camps lt. lecrSari tM NOTME TO POPTY OWUI NOXIQUS WEED Matts i mpi- e il mmeune iattri onccu*= nat*edCcAM jIsOIit 4nnnt 1. allO@ i Valsnieaia ne MIO! on uai in 100e001 n dniaisiW ne f âka20l mB a ie s oa ub te TM iMW MWou ansW ai a nt liCe Cutetde laMW"eMMiela inuR edentCarTeai aiuiaiantnuitiaetewbuetuaai asém an Ou uia lmini wai tae eaieAc most rottiettetan~ W intowi:Chauls ethirt.Pete bat Yfneames-h meriut tuechckspubicaransorttio an PmFerat ew.o hma sgnla Pte Had reports on le"i-Meactivneees in te hneicinne amas ht=ihCindit àliait.. Ottvotchock pbatadi Vsiptlanui clsh essntiel osYa line Stnap.C s l aPop!c ~1WiiWeailueti ~p onotaars p raca 5:>0-00 A.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY Wm*oO CAOMRT " Using the teeetmobile cenhing aq4xt. " Reoeldete - lndustMie - Comererole e Spectatzhnghoinrgeeree o We bap the noe end dhrywemmroutald yotrdoor. inAstle/and Coffi inec JartoAleSorvko Lot us heungOur mobie CecpetClenIM plentn oua home& offic. He"oisllIy, C.G.A. Pubio Accounteint, fHary Slaby Co., Torouto More tion 25 yoarn in public accnuniting practilc ha dn nalthitoles- a.ntHenry Iluby's onlhuelat. for hie ciot. He onidera hiesanIl e- item solt@É' and baconnlse harlty ai cliints ho serve le arai0lis.14 baesho tecesorealat.o rled, The inon buinle a baut 5 M ouIti», the, aller 50% btisinnsilalnaservcs inotudinuiutte, tai.ondfloapela plamn.sis.lnaeeht"ino tiha bonins18 y-ialeaon, buhaeipwised frne eanueo oporaton lo huileis emplayhig ouhl oteo. Wltihé lnanbe anta cpet o tex entusoniarpnretelav. Huny bu no onnw about hie biuine tu;taheandemend for profoil ae ntntt i eladîts, incoasn end aHentry i&lita Co. le ttril. HenrySlaby lia Certifiai GommraI Accautut(CGA.). (? ) Certifled General Acuntants Association j ZOdl.idnSt. L. -l .oMO3C ti6 'J Imm_ tt th 1 msi