n ptches no-hittr inMFstr ~hit1yl-ftSlUafrt idaa" mm e umain a teta te ha Raad cmajImlaead W ttorsea htintewlched aeal rudapi tviot gPs. i.1,00Iit Unb tam rces 10 egntlb.mm.ar.. bMo tiroit tart wtl u el a bllm .ansa I.Bea dm c H avr rr main. Rocelaccd hrulabte 0e vlctary aver FflttbWheel Ziollatt Imi lte .bortatep aid tLm.wa TIa aasaedhule Ire "atlsg ai av.lblala aititetopdPthe MDteatra vsra ulte ~doubted ff third bacc. The threat eaded asoke" ln pitbe n-itr a Onagb 0r e 32cotaiad laito their second F1100 Weel accora batore blowisg 0e am aen Pot Devilo biled out 10 third base. a actsb a i a e t ark. AI Ilor insai artusi guk a wclg aa uiSteve Gervais' RI tdouble la the tourlb MUWkMabaik dond tvgmmeaou foubu feuglat. Whaiy e" a llon Or l ian agicoc necaivlpalcr& bdetcl9 g»ansa,01*tk blt Oaat u"letecs Cale ab :=d=i Mubllffir nu. dMwba a a*5 < avledsdtiam aD4cnll piet l buai ite Mla ifedivrda&be.MflsiMvpbatt ed tlsniogbte 'nomu w ua Up octaaad Ibeir ulasiasafors rtr CiU liaabtt=Mfls=o iO plabiaeort.~ . Wl1»4 ' ebthsos, abaal. bculbau Mabray bUbatdbck la OMoruedpad000 à mSut -Most 'loebait aluca.. 5l aritia aswu e NOu tep t ueavnth toe t.hO aco g4» iclory wt ffl a bii.t wftNomsMbra'i olagl ccorad ltick laO us~GO~ ei,Â~ iloc ~ ~ cisisonoag W& ne0= O tyagnom. Mufftina. cocsd m o*I dbein te aDl as- ....a idj3 etave fly me, m* . a Co roome- de ili igl bita s ha Dli l Bdruice Cblimery aid S Mà* si.i ai e-rer. la OuaDoua i ",i t i a ictâsurelkbatlrma igeW i Ray Grlavald it singlea. but Wb abila drovm aný Dacrai t fOr Ca ttraulOtlee.d5btt00lsbh In la. toaiu ma la a1 a b .Nayr' dublad G& a lr . 1Gauter r.corded 1la cilkautiaid r in. WaP '- e- la. a se ubbt.aâ, Ilaicbrro, MeDfliottaroeovd teotu 31 brap larler Stack Greaibe ciruck ait lwo 'n' t. a i i- tPalSaaaloe yMDie4,01 tbcalleilObtao uf a n ad awid eigbt ite. Sla.p.i~SIOuSU m decag la Cabatodp' In0 bel 4 aa Mflt taeeed tejuntp abSad Ilahe Ou i Das aughln won Movbray'a bg Savn ls wll e ch**letb bti# iret baile dou ihé w tmma adM fles a bttomaof tOu secondi ubai Ouy teadcd un ttolv Ia wllb 00cm ite wile Carl ban,Oj*I4jtOO- foki~S idMu )ayp a ea1-1 dca, Oue bam ihn on0ie sut. Couic an ad- Itysrild Muffle a sapair oatl CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO r t s WEDNESOAV, MAY 28, 1980 SECOND SECTION - SPORTS & CLASSIFIEDS DobePa:Mowbray abortstop n geTonelli fires the bail to first base tcopeea double pylat edeay in Milton Fastball League action. Bernes knocks in eîght runs Mohawks splft doubleheader DIy IelSIay.e or vllb a grand edanshanse nu, a solo cht. Dong Saries. kaockac inla ogt csanad a doubleandaidnlgle. vaattauc-for-flva ai Oue plate te laid sarna. alust cdi't makbe OutaOns but Caanpblvllla Mawks te a 1-12 vliory hie paver aid detaice athlbld baie quiciy ave Etebteoke InieasinlatOu tirai game if earne iodteb.poition and a cegular spot a doubieleader oaI Haloi Caanty flamballin h i" Lmeactian m iday il a anpîanse. us"He dllateup h rotsutljs Eteblcoke battled back tte tseuconad N inlcuet 0 rot iSju gaas13-10 i baah teame tant advantage of two weeks betore lb. soason stactec," thewar aiermn t, blt ut grnd ota expilaied Mawkv manager Rirk Mitehell. otI iatt. .At thatime, we werelookng aa lot of la bla ookie main vlwtb Mhawka, ceally good hall playersanad whai ha show- Sarcapowered Canspbelvillelin de open- ed up allt1could tell hinswas hat we'd taire But St. Kitts ends strin a goon look, bat 1Icouldol pcomishhm any- thlag. "Wow, aben I tent I1aamot turned bila away, a guy w100 bla bat, it mokas me won- der abat other goid playeco1 abeout nslgbt bave lait." Mohawks are a nsurb.baproved teans ove- last pear wv100an eitramaly arng llaeup ofgond ittera. The cquad la vlthait a weak spot la the llaeup aid Mitchsell rai loob te tbe bencb and tlad a gond playor te cutetitote ut any givai moment. Bornai came over Irans Georgetown and Regols take -4O4nning victory MontaFM th Wbel Reaoterecordoci Oir secoad wvninlatvagancs asaih"eyedged teugb Oakvlle Jre. 11-10ola ten inngWon- day aigtat Rotary Park. Dakvlle junspad late ai esrly laid cor- lag cavaitimsinlatOu iraI tva liniga bt t laheld tlba n acheck over Ouhlait Mot taihtllid bock aid tlnolly ganed a 10 leainltOue gblb ialp te have akile couiter vilb a ran is thenilnl te torce the gonsltoaextra lanigo. Reaot catcer KIi Woodball reacheci seonad basaleailgoffte Mltons tenl on a tva-basa erur aid icoreci lbe walaila con ana out lalar as wlnlag pitchar Sue Harvey oiglid te entre field.. Debhie Miliburi and Lori Morton aich WiIIats' powerful bat Look outil! Wa*h a yldben tlp aMiton aquirI Jay alan ( anaces Dolis Il-0 win rom~~~~~ ~~~ teoBa niuwa£uv im Be Park avnnv wti~~~~~~s) ~h haata aua sri tBlan ar , An Éf in roi biwi rIlùn- pla7.«Ykoncupagne m James Ieads four athietes to OFSSA regional meet 1- jo-maiotaud ii -"-"*d-lleabg 6r.itswq*eam 3u» oa05resinlasu> Pei-iato iao ad led bs-Pool bad aitledtarua n elami. , plulp ai yEEttablookea Cnoli-mores y IIOPbut chs. aat la nu bo- =ci adn.case.tlb. aveala ver, rnu teeclasa la- iaelels fur athletes ransMitoa galber. Otaio Lat 11g ho aqualifled tor the CarmllnaaC" clmrgadamthe sala girl aidFdofatlaac oadary choela la qullty foc.r lc S.captured r gslmeatt liiiaftarnuaa Waedapt lb hapiapt b. idatgr"lo 00mare =t Universty. td.o5 P- A sr. heel kopt Jamsi ram caaapetlag AltgeOuer, MDU100 mt13 athlaéte, lathe laIatripl i omaat ha wonai aIthe Peel-Hatea champwlohabl;. The tep fou Itln la p ocaae week betoca. athletma la ach avaitaufl ,dfor the Jiu hape aid RapPolao in lIja. La»Ëi ~1It.Ndia an1v Jams a Us cgicil eetÀF e datica- m qualfytag wlth a fthplac avait niabt quallthe 0e2»0Inlathe mdgt girl' ,000omire. Merchants break string MotniMechanta esplidadftac13 rnus irons1Ilbilasaintar vay te a 1-8 vlclary o ave Cnscdge la HalteaCuty Soahbai aUlaiSsudoatacia ot Pm*. MILTON IAMALL LEAGUE DP W L T Pe. DiJa 2 2 0 il 1.000 a lsfa 21 1 n0 . Mtls 1 0 0 1 MO Mawbroy 2 0 1 1 M C àPI-onde. 1 0 1 0 M P'ltWbesl a o iào0aM Pra"aGoum Wemade-CP LM&deala MillaiCombina, 7 pes. ;Mou Olepm alyoesagh sewri, p.ie'; Conbewvaboui, til Pm., Il narbid Miltn'& <tst vlrlary la tha. triea.oftheuyoug meu. Salarday, Lasude Mapelaes oaided MrcatstOir seaad b. sith a 1-7 ehootout asai fica Sest Park. Agaicat Camsbrdge, Me-chants slcuk ealyadaottai, IcstralIagtheir a tpea. Milton lad 1M-2ai theid 1.tou asn 0tcaai Intheuvlcterv. Cambrdg.atruct irst ila Ou opanilg ialaiga bat Milton rallled .100 thmra.in l thebottaiiotefrand dido'tlaock bck. Sticks Hacrrion alartad tOu laiag .100 a doubla. Glua Tunar tllavad w.100a ilagi, Jobs Cbdeavicn aid Wade Bekasr doubled te scor thea.rue. Machants added torNe cin ltOhesod laudag, 00cm aiOthical aid ftain nsoal Ouefourth. Bjar ad n gonide ai Outplte, g0109 thcai-ta-tlveith alca9eu= .sTuner and Ai* Hulaichveut tvaow-tve.. Wayso Eý larlcieiaou hemoud aid vaithéucilses ta ptk u te i. Beaad abfoebmauglvlupatetofslilbfm. Mltaoi Malil Oels' iielder Aica Willali caaiusd har trrtd ttling pace inlMota lAdaeFaitbalt Aaiciaton plap Moaday ¶ilbts e vetutlsa-fac-tsuc ai tOu plate vlth a hanse rnu, triple aid slagleasaitOu denuding champon Data cshut ait Gorgetown Gorgttas 110. Thtesteisbcougbt Willai' total te six la Ouepput tva ganses. Lat Wedossday idght ce. collaclaci a pair ofsilagles aid a double asitheDolà @egadlornhy Junios7- 5. b twvivtre give Mlllai Maila ao.- cnai rcord of linonavictories aid aola. Moadaynilgbt'c coitent ogalint tOu Gergttesavaidocide inlOthe p o t ic- uimisng aiMiteiMl tek al"edga.The Dela turied lnana ouiliidlag ottensive prormaice vith Il ite aid commitlaci only oaa tteldlag merosr la hat hb.d cach Bruce Hanse termeci, "super detecalve hal." la additon tueWillats, Joanllinses baci aa impsieailght ai tOu plate wtb tour sigles, ubil taasanJet Viler rc- acdsd a singleanad dm"bl. Caral McSea0 anid wbudi IIchIr Ptglt Isaide coud.d out MtoteibMal' bintg atlack wlth claglaS. Strling piche, Gloria IHan- lite=, wha vet tour linige, vai charged wltb Oue GeorgetownaIla.. la Wdaeaday's ganse, tOu Dalla bdte ave-cama an Actai 3-2 iftt-lihiglaid seih a iv-nu ralty la Oue botlansoftslxtb. Llaidewuaialn on ouid ftactOu vin, alvlig tOuoppoitioa aity six miou w cl omrdlaMxsiitrika auli. MUo M»aie-u s illtd 10bila att ,oer. Deua S.s Mohawk closing Mhawk Racaway a a blleutiWvi1 wuesl eragm.mtln tubrday, May 31. ~ ~ ~ re tvan ucu]caamet, nid cave-l MWv recorda ver, ut. Ibassa1 1mov ao ceuod Raoavy in T-110 tefor tOu aimme-. Terllcaya t t ]Mhawk for tOu autuimai stAsg. S1 te DU. 2.. Dola' isit home gamo la aoighl v Horby Ssiorsunlasina Ouheooiil i100 Gn. lmise lu.45 prn uindec lb.elighte ai Rotary Park colloctad a pair ot Ragal htla vhde Harvey, Chrin Langton, Carolpa McCatiey, Kathleen Devoba, Wsidhall aid Karens Vicbey ail addedasingles. Sue Haorvey pckid uptOu vin flacMMltai as obe rame on i lfollt stDiane Gilmasur abas vocked the irst igt aid one-third la- nung. Moidoy iight la St. Caharines, Rogate modent wvlnilat treak came ta an end, ai lbey ver. lhranbed 155 by a stron Juniour Docttetain. Daplorable fhlding cot Ragala nnua- carned ruai dornna the game. Mltai out-hil S. Kitts 118 vil, Slelly Cook leadig the ottence vilb tour satetins. Kims Woodhall aid Robyn Showeaich bad a pair, aid Jan MoCalluns, Sue Harvey aid Cacolyn McCartney addodisingles. Shelley Coo v100 relet help rons Gi- mour and Harvey, suttereci the Regala buss. Milttai returned hanse lantnilght ta hait Donda. thon visita Six Nations Monday. apent laitypair playlag snioor baoeball las the Vancouver Matra Leagase. "They weregrooving thepitcbesîor me," saidthe quietlbhirdbaseene. "I 80W mnstly taotballu." Bornes kiiocked la the 121h con vit, a double aid ccored abat pcoved to ha the alasing runabhen Bob Blokup llaed a single ose ait later. Moawks carrled an 11-4 leaid ioteO nlalb niilg betore Etobicoko acored tour rans and added tvonmore la cach ofthOu sev eand aid snt innuigs. Mobawks wece paced hp narnai' Ivo bonse cons aidusigle hameco tram Pou] Elliait aid Cbarlie Ciicrle. Dai n loson iptabdOth iret six lainga lnteg. Evans tlalce of te ganstesaira the cave ahile Tbomsco picbed up the vin. Ihe Ousecond ganse, Etebicoke code a ive-nu ixth tiing to tabose hi. Moaksalabaiced bock ila Oulr bal o the sinlb wi00 ceven rani-tour Irons Bikupas grand alans lamer-te naroathe gap tas 10s a. las the came tiing, Ray "Yukon" Evans neaicly coped Blkpi tfait wilhbasesic- loaidd tnsrig blaît ahich stcock the tep oîtheîfen lthe deepent part of centre lie- id. The carasus eli dlcectly tas Iodians' ceatreieldor Jase Abart ahas held Evans te a single. Moawks vent lbcougb lfour pitcheca. Scott Gadd stated aid vent thcee linigi but wascreplaced whaninljured duriasg a col- li ai hanse plate. Currie vent tvas ion- laga. McCaidless pitabed two masre inastega butor. Evans filalaed up. Notes: Moawks bave a busy weebeasd upromn tv00three gansinlas reas days. lep travel tas Duas Satucday. are at home Suiday tas Cambridge and pay tas Oabvile Mondoynilght. Win Hornby tourne y Mark Curtis Ieads Stags'i Mark Curtis complamatat effective p icblag .100 cltah hitteg ta lead Thon- cor0. RPPFulSaige othOuchasplosuhlp 0<0the Hocihy Indsrieil Fasîbal laiouna- mail ove- the veekend ai 00e Hrnby ransnaily park. Curtis aloaniml toane uavec 31 tons- loge aid knocked la ivo ganse-ateasîca BIsaau Sageawoept the tille in hase con sacutive iii te dais Ouhe$3M11 int prise. TIbespepctaclad hurlacwutvastare ot the tfialganse. blanklng Binale tLegiai3- 0. Curtis alteved uni Noha aid one valb. However, tes hecaira verai't eorlcled ta the mud. acabrokea es. ta e aO tlth lanlng .100 o double vbich, Terry Isiicked la Gbbans ausgld tw o rune. ta start tOu f1100 ishsg aid maveci ta aecond ah. LIarc Scottl rached on a ieldrs choira. Ater RogercJoun ai clced the casiers up o bae,Cutla delive-ed tO u n.podacing double. Sieva Gervais' cacrifics fyin lahO saventhi aaig drave la Larry Scott a100 Oue icuranicernu. Stage detaad Straatvlll 4-1 ta, gain* aitry mb Ouhefialit bil raiteIlai bat C à P Lanscapig of Matos -1 ai Ohkul laserssia temors te tOu champlio- ship puae. Other tonasa elu te somut uer Hosnby, Pbip Publibihlasni R aid S MutIe rSo eogatouI, Mach t t ck ira. Gakvllla, AcsI iCoke Your Maton, Polrs tawm stavll. tIStage' sami-tinal victecy over Streeto- ville. lbey coveced frica san oaly 10 dicacivotage .100 Ivo conselas tbe third aid single cons in the tourth ansd f1110 Don Hearn'triple drovo binvaors in the Iird. Scotta nsingle aid Doug Nayler'n double drove lin the other Saga' duos. Wlaulag picher Ed Daim aloved lait tour hitu snd the irst-lnig con. Curtis von the third gamne ofsth0elouai- mail neocly iigle.handedly, pitebing Oue ful 1 iings aid b.ltiasg a home con ta vin Oue gainse 2-1 over Aben lasextascn la- Aller Abei tobk a 10 lead la the tinet inulag, Stage liait 00e score la the second ahen Rager Johnson bnocbed las Garcy Naler vith a ingle. la Oue secn gainse ofthe taurney, Stae' Curtilo ulnved Acel jusl one it, Oue lad-ofbalere-.ilaposting ai2-0 ihutaut. Dunsa sacrifice fiy seredtOugainea& ftn ubefr. Heiras' sangle lanOth ith tining scored Gervai00 00te icauranre Stope' opesing match ail C & P Laidscaplag vo.s a aae-inuing ottair as Stage sixredtfoau unnthe top <o t iret lilihg batoce Ed Charîten chul dive Stage' poeat offeaca Oue nultof tOu vay. Stage van 4vi00 Curti aocning tOu vlcterp ai thensusud. Aile- Stase Gervala vas it by a ,gtch, Deu Nayler, Gory Nayler aid Gibbbans ilnged and DUiadaB ld la ther ceucli pale by Mten teosa, FM 00Wb.al deféteabohut Hornby 5-1 ho- tore falig te Stresavlle 90; aid C à P Laithcaplag lut 40 teSaga haIore ddtting oWz Your Wald 54 aid Nor- Othe uramn ith0a -1 victecp. -4 1