Fisherwis,)Iuck-not real/y Have yen ever isoard et tlabemd5's luck' (X cors ndiisv tyb het'n ishe isei r tome f obarmen are more soceesstot than aIliers, but it fao t juat becaote et teck. Lise aay and s. tec n iue ls. uet«sport maervtled ulc iti ant H ieirRNCW.O goner wcd ae luii~~ie toe yeIemmqu iszl isurs WmffepeM ttisOa D0114 isiae ad-11mlli fye ae it M"nc tis faee miske i"settuidiseat.oe hm, mMaon buoteet sueln d b b teba oua wN'oi i te ant . f a b tie allpiu- tie ovf ag, niebisth e M .a itelaislufisdeOn taliuOiO ut the as, t ie&y-*.0 fabuktcdaile. Lakein mch o wanyemus an bas. £er bâti a cd puisert yent taa fer quie gom te ne avie bai e peisd or aiuo i« is oato. YcuevIe apnmth Te ee peceesdisrmonmtse tcmli e hcsiuie mlice iepcal fyo aeàBt raer e dac Ite te ae mitu r mile. fon bt mient liaiset. efleie ogsemi Tiser a M os pce tem rel ev e eee or àte rNoise crvl is at in mite atle eiy athat peyegnr tetu. otoo this e boatnea. etnstemmeo o denegHa el a, e Tis yar it misof min i um molgste" anhue. rot ts yent b n e ser c e am k esth e eir w a lis .iii-mul .uturls, aeiei eo tu, y , faoetie lir mean yend tt piHa bue fve lis ranee authr fx li morte Uer nei. fbn' aune ettet Yiseu mark, yenw anf nriepk, ns tr epneu ande. EvenyIfnythe tialudeeneatmig oeywmuoystisaae rObreIm lu-etowt cer mie ee laI e Aitig anmca svahWs e ener a&omh olmn MU il beut met dedlcates tinse re b ver h mdl tvetc atry lwM antn YatS Tme, b)rent efoandi tm bri e d ye euom e t preafs Jaisenuthnc o u Steve, ay ed Jais lau d by hniler ae skierta cn ed homm ai eg r it. linon driv Ibn. unt bu 15D. mlon t fouso Umlea se od bau e tin Oak- q elle rayislse fH Daid5 Onr.deni Puis oem baoaEvlerlin aen if odedîs dmwn aidce men, replae r ne don Oakveile a- eraet w fa tace geidme, ptn % Cari wrcpe ha is y Dane entr an Friay Mogst cf Bian Jaisaien haisve a misar buv a pcr e agena anycitf lien P ark de iio a o o nodv ply& oam dn ne migJhsoni ae leo H St le ayadhn meoisb Hin celd ra Lee isl So te tird one e aiohe hm t r ua dlsrifvgen mu Hason. g s tohnspiay ed Milt nse bae lay Latfe fak H ia re a bywh Dare li ah ted oncke ute ha e Poosuenw c a eba m ita lae mita O bksise Pop iam ean Dcvi a nd misilepLo isl repsdefet Okvile 7- Ealy i th gans, Tny asam a ent te Daruce Cisamera Fridy nghtai Bim ohnon nbbe a ardout par o sinlesinrDay Ladnoiv BestPar. Erfir i th fie dive nd hre cldin on whch rev LIntef &5 a, Ceucet wee, Mltn ad Bam- q klyinfirt or intw rus. thr sng edu he ecy gbte * 5* *CL ANNUALS We are ready to hlpy pant your I ru ART BOCf NURSEI R. . IALTONF LOCATED ON THE 1 MILE NOMTHOF 5" JUgrTEASTOF M 978-214 ~llI, scoer.ThScàI OWls I l cmmidi4dl JAtbcuen se .u idniale.eieem aieaea.u tus teeî s e 106 teW, Leadtr aoi t fath. sUS I .5w -a u btd". uOuetn vdent iso-t lm 5w Dc t.u OW« m " 8-f -micd Ch" aunai s e d»Je 'JàaiA. eeimii Uomm ime eoa. iae Lmannid MIne Oen aa tsd e iam 0 - e MiSer emo hi*dl 1K ictisl u n = 0c9 «* ieIiis ibSIae rie Se hie cffl MdatiSeag e aM. enMd SBcie d. Ii"eiamam ihuilrc ceasOui. llmniarelei D« n"-MJhiisVe bfl"MFý bisuminebi *" e 1Jnâ.W* us le Se 'eU auS ciai reaneiW L Pt uiteitiioi05 nicA, 8 3es0auomd e.antr.c.irtoedvun 2is 1ea 1 mcsno. e uSe dc1ie1 Oi2 meeneaumOeeAumeitJuih lu iiv dry Md PMU.n.icnee.imr trtFS M oJy c vitmgucu.irtcc ART BOUWMAN NURSERY 8»-M242 LANOCAIN 4ADE TREËS""'«-- 'LUMP BIRCH USTRIAN PINE o PETUNIAS e GERANIUMS AND ETC. yen seMa FREADVICE end aeiatng pOU mwen ogan thie voar. The Corporation of the Cty of Burlington NOTIC TO PROPERT OWNER TO DEMTRY WEEDS Notice ia hereby given ta ai1 persone in poseecalon of lend in accordence with the Ontario Weed Contrai Act, 1973, Sec. 4 14 and 20 that unlees noxicua weeds growving on their lande within the Municipality of Burlingon ame detroyed by date of 19M, June 02 and throughout the eseson, the Municipalty mey enter upon the MWld W* end hav the meode detroyed, cherclnu the coce @0e the Wind ln tauesas - st o lthe at. TumS o-.pseto61f U i s o b U CW d. q peiaut e~ ab d n hn. m totafa1- SO, At Pl l Mid"Lec .l i eni ai, lu JOWAO7E4tetroactI5 d , sata m, e ttm.e cureleîaM ue etth teedobte; Adan,,, itra C.oeusp n etton dmatfaidtraAlOW Ldic isUe t Doi ns W (taued on Pnec.B4) a tax collc aé fagm cai Ymaed C m PLIM fr MTAeVre, »,tpm t ir e nau ffl I.tefflaio. e tecylaece- ANALtl et L a. v o ehmurche oonemce vNad'RaPie)byLWs 14117"4786c4suoda 8M1 ai~ee Touer Padlou* ManidUA t).C ecIse JS. LYeisJC. MSeePSee Wn*e The appointaient of four nem senior representatives and iteer= ldut n bela l pccling ceqfred ote arukliet i tn sait of Telfer PnckunguLiaited oer30 e nls dostry. boy s expeelence lecludes ises bes ancoseeed by C. Kcneetb CtnoecisGenerat 8 ous e ot c etc oi atheut acoPenst o SaleaMnar.Ts c pocmnerfle iebodcpnl Donald C. McCochcie bu d4() yonr expereuce in tn capabtitties t Telfer Puckig. la tise pust sfa Yets, tise packgisouidsry icclodice bath production and Tetferr bu completety moaizedzu ia equipmntae ss mannemaent et serines levais. caaiititm... mlih ccv glingesces. ivdl-citu James S. Lyom bu sbe ec gaged Ie tise pakaing ccv fotding oend pinticu equlpuect, Iucludleg eai ndstey since eraduatice faim tise University of Guelphs cofar Rlalnd press. f(liA. Economiest.fin bu comsiderabe ntioea et u re bu isbecome reeounizod ai c major cepPiir of acaSints net.moderc multi-cator, foldins carton pacisains teea vida Jamai C. Mille b baie in tisa pecig iodutrY ronge of bsiasan d icdusery, miit lieiid4I'sg s for 20 yucs and bu s eld senior sales Mcd sai mange- u.c-psboxupeilitles. mnesofbtitit o el BsiHe sse rdiisaionet.Ryersee Tolf u p acs iaofaumeuiso o ts menîtt espo iTies. e isulonaaifaeofetle). lleeisiocrk eisfain"laaef D eo teudaia P. Roy Wutlfrey lieu n depuis of knomlwk ipye. eppPu. ANCIIORAU TO ~ COLLISION 15 1 Niplsslng Rd.. [nits 4 3~ 878-8424 lave We Got A SUMMER SPECIAL For Your Carl DUKINO JUNE &JULY a e Bring your car to Anchor Auto Collision for a Complete Paint Job and we'ii give you - IVinyl Body Side Mouldlng]s (value $45.001 OR Stoe Gardng f LwerEdgea TaIk To Us rrt for Collision Repairs * rame Straightening e* Ml Body Work e Colour Matching " Auto <ass Service 0 Vinyl Roof Installations " Dura-Quardlng Open Dally to 6 PoflIa 878-8424 1 1 elle J6