MI ~. .. , ~--~ - mm ay liia _h* Halico IlgWnaM Y=io0have rmmia Aajresetu on Pit Lins Iiuâm lut Weêuadaymorine. A la-yens--ad Wedrldge ma-w rwhed te luRon Ditrict Heeilal inaa poc ndm rter rahm hie lm macktratorintoüï-i ef tOu escarpno n a roaduay an Duffermn propry. Accordissi te pli-, Denns Duffy had lftithe qsrry ueigh cale amdwu travelling enuin an a ateop dacont when ho teet contr" iof teedod vehinia mnd turned oves- lie OuthecH emboniment. Teudrhlan of apprelmalely 30 nen-anles truck drivera creiel a picht lise dakily la damiver ne. Stiding truck drivera have fermed inetrpichet lise t Dufferin antrannS =l't, appranlmately one mile auay tt. Oacddutece. aue mlahap wu cammed! by pichatae lhrswieg a temu fs-un Ou top eti Ou escarpement. mut acordies tea ieaddPeuventl, private invaeamer wulhe au rry compsasy, tuéaccident =have boan caseedhy inae driver ira tee fot or bes inalientive. Police eaarclthe ua md feW se evidanno ausoting senmeuse cd inrewn a rachaithOu vctis. Peice anerprIed Dm ore een akid mark o h e u ay uheretOu truck clliion eccurrad Thse tracter trailar valued ai $10ll0 wu empletely dastreyed. lMs. Duffy wou treated fer facial coin mnd hruiaa. GmergKarehlakes eh steward fr Oues-limE truckers, said il wua anfair te bieme the incident on thepichetera. "lWe dentllMeanyedsrgetting hurt, boaald, adding theanion had nieng te do wiin the mlahap. He -aguoed 111 accident -ay have I"lse trucks a biag filllad h onuoea ids, causing lhp trockhite llp amaturs,' ha aid. adding tau par- aver. Sh71ortage of revenues won't buffalo HRCA Anybiody want te boy a boffale? peaand ieciv gJlyt ahraraeaasaa feaaecul bocb on maintenance and repair ai Mounabrg Censervation Aiea. unrh on biddinge and the opheep of An expecad $16,911 ehorlago te traite. revesua hin year ai llountaber Isa A part-limo maintenance positien bas prompted alne Reglaon Cnservation bn ld lihe cloaning ronract Aulherly membors ite ail off aurplus era Çnz onr ff eamne animate. te sctesi hall tho frequncy of Furiher moaet-cuttinJ rmualres cleaning. include tau cancellatien o à ail airday Ilwsuetdth ayvhi ai suden~creram ea. entranco rate bo rasmd from $3210 $.10 feo.5cneprduriag the nsay neasen, bot it wos studoul focra partial day pregresn oiO, decidedi progremc cobacte would not Severai eu-nise drIvera uaadba ale hwi oproatdu I eand mm n s o e o f u siy -, tes- An Inland Communlty Newspaper VOLUME 120 - NUMBER 4 MILTON, ONTARIO, VNEDNESDAV, MAY 28, 1980 28 PAGES - 20 CENTS Nt. cdcrmneawyer... takea Espion case MaÀnslauglhter charged X M h«By Linda Klry Au sy eals~et hn on etertWs But ac - hiilal H ton asatnt crown attey Las--y On, s"la àe cliaçgd w ith cru4tqa4 s sors ulwflgt such mncrla Just keeps on wînnî'ng Michael McConefl cf RR 2 Miton, a 10-year-old grde5studnt at Miltona Holy Roaary Seol utkaç .wnlgtopleadc .Hl ieyeeton pter waa topa frseby'LalnbahoetrdIliUeMitnlreearst'a annual poser ontattho Itwo Us Hatoncootee ad rom~waaewadodanhonorable maitolsI inti ai-00trocnet Mcaladlie inCusnaeplctured et Use Contrai Station, hingofheciotoopto."lhe' otrotlllywent alo ntve yaarshorfoUstontbaenntylsUetpvelsOtro"a (>ominlen fun DaahnaStam aha latacim nTroi, a =heofa uhaefmil enjoy anumher of thsaoialiacineanevol. Pg. 2 Em.rgpency meeting Momodea of fkàUed Px. C. c b dl- aECT5ONONE tluferlnplckebsare now limited .......2 Edtrloclsne, ld days ........ Letter toe dl .............- Enltatnmt; Flag-raiing ......... .e HaiienWomoeatltlle lal .......7 SECTION TWO Sprts ewsand vi ........... It e Hlghch"lhappeninga S...........B Caeufl, reSlmate ......... moigîî SECTION MMEE LA* &*uoheat ulchin atroce Itookhasddmoilawnbit ........C zen". sK-Mal, Dol5mhw ____ for l nome ai Mlton pro- mmcii court, wil ai- lempt te auhtanliate the charge te commt thhe aceditetra. Mr. Owen aaid lu os- pecle Rapen wulli hatried by ajudge and jury. David Humprey, a high profile Toronto criminel lawyer, willbh defendingEFaplen. A conviction could remit in anythin ftrnm a auapended setence to life imprisoament. spo infroc on Andre Wynman of 101 Heiop Rd., Milton, died in Mita Ditrict Hos- pil 14 heursaller eing fatally s.i the auack while fihing on a privais farm ownod by EsPien. The farra te lecated ou le Sideroad naer Hwy. 25 and haas alga aating "NoTruepa"g.5 Regional Police, Mr. Wyaman wan fialng in a farma pond with bis WbterLmoWysman and Gerge Beauliou, of King S. Mlton. At loaI throo ahoa wer. fird roco a .22 calibre rifle. Ose ahal enlered th victimes hack. Ho was rushed te Milton Dintrict Hopial and given emergency al- gery. Ho wou inlod ou critical bu nIable and later died. Mr. Wyaman worhod ai MaplohursI Correctlonal Centre. Preference charge laid Nelounnthed lile, a division f King Paviag and Maleiala uillitare the stand In an Galante Labeur RelionBoard hoarinfi inte chares laid hy maehrs of ta liant Nomo Trucieg Asai- bieu. Theemplaint lodged Mondaty aganalauthe rh Bulinglan quarry I- chdsdm" tra at tau empany hau sot bar- gainad itegondfallh uilh athe h-kemp en*O and lhat praefrential trelatt ha buani ivas teea o-unin heokér, N"ehToma,bondedta TorresTanprtco- lraryteaa concicuve agreement htusa du t»a idas. k' Concerned for Canadaý's future Spekes ns prtci a thUe anna f-raia g Amo th Ue fagrIaerwere Guide LUsa Fowlcr, coemnyeUe0Chaberc omec norain Pt lder ManqueHdley, Brownie Jodi Mcrek, contre in Unlty Park Sturday were of coonmon ac- RCMP Comt. Tom Baldwin, Scout Milte Lanois, Cub cord-ail exnrae ocr o aaasftr Robbile MacKay and Halton Itegional Police Const. pledged Usfaliegiance to aur country and! our flag. Lme Smith. Story, photos on pg 6. Minister scutties Milton Site F ploy Provincial caid uter ha beaundumpedoun a Toue ansIlin anoirapenple, an lecaled bowtuen u of MillonroquaItla bave SiteIF amd siloA discnoaed enialig dump alu, md *011probably prove Wte h lasbetna aan epeoanlgEvAmenlalAeaaet hydogolgicallyhotter. Sas-e-a g rqDr. Parrothaubever, eid hwinlho i auars of Onarl ironnent u» M inlter Harry Parroli ha prahmnary îtllgaitS&e A, Itamyudorstasdisg bold lUtmen ecillo, &M1 a hydrgàegca-l tudY aI Oue National Sewer Pipe Company application ai0i9 l M a e s-leg en end h N feifer asuante dipoalsile ha sel yt benudevloped soualepoinsolt coapuusd ouatlta eldaoht m.picendiytaeapport an appiction tote uMiitry tnh Weg aldhel ""up Ocaf reveu. of tOu Envirment, ulhiniâa rreliie te 1 eularesmet ai-ee: thal inaMsls-y of hadieg a heariag uin theEvlsmna = I. Evrsathrqatildiet anyheouaielAmmmuamoa boas-dale"ioedta coneaIa-r » aalienMll Héab saii dut ince Hallan RegioesIorespuseihle eration kietaISite P la conider eaI Ou anme foc uasae dop" l iinn lebondaria Itla te y hat urienleen made la aupport of eseel Whll< eo mest daida =uhaie N ational Souer Pipa Oue regienal landfillioporatio a ounlaes o" a unpanyae ean alternative le Sole Feor "oly a Natioal her Pipa Compansylin aevicnty ai site al OImay ccopiement tOu reglonal wumle ILh bu es MOsanMayor Dues Grdas. contentin s In mOe5fM5r. Pseaeslao,"ltuould mnt ha OuIa z uffUnl-enn oa rd baérbu ngrssI on,- radflr!MaU teIpl ay dosprocteu hich MAYPAAAOTT aider u1âtteslsa O laliy laI for BIeRO= -élu bmSgiena - aa5ts r âb laan alieapt C-îdwater.. .. TO minioen&ahoeda ieihfa-sltlaamr e .etollier. c ý . , , . No foui play-in truck crash near Dufferin pioket Une Imm,