Hafton Service costs residents $1L6 million * to keep in operation lu 1%7a lis Ambuslance Services tirancs was "Il was an expersesent that dsdn't nons out as wett crsatsd bytseOntario sMiistry of Helthandte On- as ne isitended, he sait! in reference ta tise profit- tacio Anmbulance Act wa« passent apecltpatg gavera- permitted ventre ustlandard. "There were detmnite problemu an monitoringex- A Iterlas, ambulance services tiscougisout tihe paases and ne feit tl nas an thse taupayers' besi n- povi mscme sisldizent 10a per cent by tise tereeta tuochange. govemessinnan effort to pravide anproved anifores Mr. Armntrong retuaed ta disciose tse salaries ut services tise tisree management personnel, despite lise tact the Prise tu lise formation ufthlie Halte Misssaaga Cuompanyl su0 sper centfundet sy tax dullars. Company in 1974, tise local service suas rus by Milton Tise Msasutry ut Healts makes anc assual fursmat Dtatrttlnallal.ispecion ufthlie curnpasy and guverunment cu- ..You tit 1e at s an a privats management arisaturs pay visita tnortsrec times a munIs. _________ urduc,"'aldAIDutfinu peration maager. Ambsulance vehicieuarcc evry uix naunts. __________ Tb$ Ontario gavernesent tlak aller tise restaI ut Minlstry lakeuver ut tise services is ted lu cun- ~ ,Mtios, asset and turslsnga, veisc asd basic siderabie improvement in standardu, accurdsng ta Mq p isnl addition la tisa wages tue 50 drisver- Mr. Duttin. a ftauara t spatcisers and il supervisurs and Traliig fur driver-attendanst bau becs upgnadcsi ~. masagemsslstatf. and ai esPioYees ara nuw require to enruli in an lIe Company isou atter tise maintenance of emergescy casaty attendant coursc utteret aI vaisics a nd purchases ut supplies iscluding Humnberand Sheridan Cutieges. sasitorma. Tise course cuvers anatamy, pisysiuiogy, pisuicu, lise tlU-t5a budget for tise Haitas-Missiuuauga reocue, andi duemnive drlvlog and iscludes a res- Ambulance C. tetailed $,634,61. trictet radiu telepbosc icece. Àde.figre, houh afina cacultionbasyet u, c wrked exainaion as on the t aous tris e ms The comany no operae on aglobalbudemCos t to r tecourse5fotafathebc a compny re rturedito te mnisry. n atendnt taring iththecomnoycan espect Prio totu mke 6.73an our ithtopwage for attendas lut Arilthe pivat compny wich nitbtfour ears or more experience at $7.945 bn ouc. psalltaboivetbheold a s pug est at. a Company benetite iodante ina per cent papesent ut proft, aovethesalay ofmangemet stff.OHIP, a drag and medicai plan, dental imsurasce, lite Tisai han ail cisange, accordisg ta Ricbard Ares- insurance and alog termndisabfity plan, as wenas a strong, reglasai co-srdloatr ofthe miniutry brancs. weesiy indemnity plan. S e s syLna ib Porspscative THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1980 MILTON, ONTARIO, THIRD SECTION - FEATURES aAmbulance service covers ýe 600 miles, 500,000 people AmbuuançeServcelinOntario b kmeaneisg nay Yem es, il net unoemes for a uaat prio spanp te opecate out of a garage nids oue 'Ila Mso arasa, il nu etremelp priitive and P@01110nue tlgisdsg for service," accordlog iteAI Dlib, opistsssgu roftbe aitos-loissaoga EewkC~raIusiolat llrbp a amoti service r ies tssMUsDittbepital, la oneri sencrai eamasebOIMU«nw assled ispthe empny. 110 aopatioe t the service ecera as ares otfsM sqruare a"i tinelde&a ppulde i lo0,opeople nids bobluaim «ensdag treeon LUMtobie Creel ou in sa«e nliliay Mxnt endasaisda, sosal te lixssegocptiai avrmon, LammePark, CeaiiOkilBurfintagnsd SbteteA resaeis e ne neumisutia44 WIssa an 1nergéncy cai lu made te the Oalvilte capanpisedqurten, dia dispaicibmentltely radios the iosestastation. Tise ambulance service ares la divident into 10 square mile lois sud tartseroaubdlviden ltoaone mile squareislocks and coded. Every aiaremie buaanumber lansaci ut tise tour corners, lsretore pinpoisllngsa locaisa. A isgisly orgssised pr-es goes tata etect esce esciscati la recelvent. An emergosscy calla are autoaticalp recordent and a compaterizent dispaicis card sales tise due a callaereceivsd; nisen tiecresa lu ustiticot; departare tram tise stade;ion snrivai ai tise scene and sais- squent deprture. A lacograpis' provîntes a 14bouc daily log os tise opeent ut every ambuansce coverlsg escis cal]. Tis record lu vital inthtsa vent oftan sccident, or tishe ent inechec ifsansmbulansce wsas ntaly speednig. Tisereasrea No addonsl radio cianst tat In- clante a cissonel ued by tise Haltes service sud as snulasce cosspssy ita Hmilton, aiso csvernsg S. Catiernes snd Wellansd; snt a provincial cissenel osent is ambulance services acrosu lise province ta costactescisotlser. "«Il cas gel quite coagestent' snmtlentcompany dispatcher Noel O'Cosnner. Time a tise cruscial tactor in asp ambulance operatios. Accordisg la Mr. Dutterlo, tise average respouse imetforsansmbulance inOntarile bietneen 10 and il minutes. ITe Haltes compasy boula an average msponse dimeofteightnminutes. Tisera ara ines durlsg extremely ban thier nises il wii taise as longer," bo admitent, "but ne cope and do tise besî possible ticreamisng, aclsg ambulances are rare, sccorntlng taor. Dattin. Witntay'u modern eqspmest, attendanta cas stabsiise patientsansd are rsrely requirent te step ou tise gas, bu saint, soting iigi-speent rides are gcneratip tronnentupos. Compny raies permit drivers te ecean thtb speent unmit isy 25 km asnisosr, but travellng assp ater necesiates a wrtlen explanadioo. "Tes ors15 pears ago suc bantotaallosu tor speedisg, becauue attendantessucra net au neil traised n thet medicatoseoue telookafter ptiens," be saint. Altisougi tisera are etebliobesi ambulance stations salle specitic crans, tise comPasp wittsitI any utlita sîse veisiclen inadiftcresttlocationus wbeitnerensry. A msp lu isuaed cvcry six mustba dcpictisg tise sambur ut ratio and tise treqaency ut catis insevery district. Base n th ie amnuont and location ufthtie catis. smbuanoces ara moved accordisgly. Tiecmajority ot calis recived n iasy city os usnally lu thse oder residestial area, accordiog to Mr. Dufflu. tibossin a musicipolity berume sotucaten thsi cattu or involvent in a major accident, anotiser vehicle su sauvent lointiat anea troin a neigisbaring ragios and srrousdig cars are movedtincover atibases. Tise Hallos-Misaissauga Amulance Company lu alte se coodary support' for Toronto Inter- national Airport, lu islp during sinisne disasters if neenten. Tise company racestly acquired nt u mcrgeocy support soit for tbat purpose. Equippent nitis tbree radina includisg CB, tiseumil cornes nids 20 tralcisers anti supplies for sevenal medical teamu. Lise ssy otiser poublic service. tise cumpany banlita ubar oftannoying problems. Tisene indante a regtlsr numbar ut taise catis, coin- piig btweestfive and ueves per cent of att caltis An ambsulance ridaen wcouta $4o, ni bitt athe tais picisent p ispOHIP. But sisouint an ambulance te caltent for a snou- ensential", seent sncb as traouporting an individul for a doctunus appointmcst, patients cau cupoct ta pay for the wholsot. Mr. Duffin rates tise cumpasy and Ontario amn- bsulanceuservicesas thse bent in thsesorid Americas citien uttes use twu or dsnee diferant services, but nids lesu ctticiescy lean lecirnorhecra neighbbrs, be saint. Ambulance attendants must tackle everything Ibe Auaiblsg ltebbs.IIt th oiwf-e OCanoa*ib thjbo «sssatsasy hctcatanovu Urne. Amobulance attendnts sre raraly potraed as isresa, ad p lisy te laut te racelve rcog- nition for lisir eforts. ibey are tiseftietai accidest cenea. Tsyre tis oe- sao metaIsort thesaigs ndis i n te se ope ot savuigtise lite ut au accident vicuei. ¶'buy are uauailp the tiret ou the dorsiep utsa reportent nomesllc dispute snt sometisses nal iste face tise mesacisi abotgum ut as Ibyare die oess sao nmesS seer capeanid Md" u nd ae. lise!are nllssauste the wsa tlitM. "Risses lit lu tbo ultimiata r.apoeslbity. 'liais perses la an lamnluel adt >ude tise béat;lmm te bahte ambuldance atendant nids diheldalto-Mlel- sasga Ambulsoce Co. ise 27-yesr-old at- tendanthkm beesontise job fer tise past eigisl bating nidhsiocissee snt deah 1à est easy, ise admite. "Ysa test emodiom. but pou ca't shson tisee. Yna syrmpahise, laut pua must bave cotrol,' ise saint. Au itereat in menicne snt peuple prumplen thde former nelder te jon tisa ambudance compaoy. He lad butc iret-aid insatruction sntsetiant le a Ino-pear collage lThe job bas proves stistpng, hbusaint, but bu admi@tsses are t eole, Mssvtsg 'Vey soldoms de ne rlesose i 'IW. aramostiy o»s ffithid to ora s net Ils" s AmLdtane tendants, isao n, otten face daufflrs atir te tisses bp police Inte ecase 9ut a demestie dispute, Il nul1 trequesdly bu up te an i attendant ta*51Mbis ay 4 ino a bossaspast an asgry isesbannt te o lo atter an isjsaent nite. 1 Mostl ambulance crns are attsctent iy wsast teise muet deal nids, Partict- laly nises it cornes te pousg citdren, sait Mr. Znobaan, but traas bulp o te sp tsi emoduns lacbcn Citiren, bueant, 'are otten dia bravest acci dent victime. Ha recauteanalibt- boyabo lestaslog le a traisnacints. bolt ssit no tsas sambulance A grosas mas, isna111 e.l "boniIa ea 5 onu aVaau clsesMr. Znimma. lisses are obviaus di. jais livuy ca s aconti- dm"til ad tise dadp isappssdag are St sas ou ouilp hl ? ome. "Ysa trp te sisut lie daSe on nons, bol - ntaly ou hbons ba n day--auW l itsan," bu saint MM - aothdi la = sut alnaylm"pl e. msr dialo kmesinc"altmu sarip mWasisg sqea t au aiant sIlpala s nool enta mn i Min la. pul-. "Our job deesasnt enn rigs an eus. "Cm s ffpou o isp an accidnt star boue, peu tsi ~lludte slop «Ysa nan te de sat- eau psu cas," bu saint lisat - ouuem dms fa bslp sabuesu raestsdla Mr. laissa lumq a avwa aw fr epMl savlng s lite tant May. Rtecognition outheb efforts ut ambulance c-ena allen g ounus sodeent, bu sain. "Nenspapers sînspo mention tlnetigiters and Butehe, .ambulsoce km esesllp cmac and gosse as ot dsla mes- td o f tiseCs'iseosaint. Besefts outhtie job bâchants an appreclation toc 'lite sndthdiagond hiteg,' bu suggeated. "You value agent homee ltean:t pour HIslsine of nord lu repdatprof dactis- and frkenda, "lsen pois g oaI, pa nantislàorgstaIl about I,' bu saint. Ha admit& ihe km debted cisang"s bis job, but bu dam esjoy is ..I nossittstay n li f t Idt cam."