Da=N tiae odweedwsbrbogh u etn nalti wn ractice are Jack McLea man tans .thuiatatalb lttay arkcors (lait) and Don Riant rülhf . mpionCANADIAN C I. MILTON, ON' Spor.. EDNESDAY S portsSECOND SEC« STrong competition in R hode Island tourney * e hast latifa OpOma tuutuI ab &iepau u-Oypc wu s Ueftun O theadisin tat tba usaa 1-SurinNOM aju peMd l Davlk elaidb&itrt ayuamc mm bain alespalgata n bt io ir. tis ae.aeçleal caid.W bsdyin tIit puc. ve Tbh e vU a m t. td1etasse pisysi=rU=l al twe vory enjuyablo 11-0 pusitg. 111e playonrs ric Chiigli aid Tia Royner lai Oie weireSings b5rd lnthe end auOiey were uouiffeively wi a puir cfgas lu lb. fiait perod."~ aplee obile Sean Duvidson and Todd lu the final gamne &guauPinaPrvidence, Hurne added singtes. bWtona retarnid tlUnOir uboîbis aid piaula gante, putting lugetber fouig"nTe he111-2 recordiu Oie tonrney gave Milon lu aZtb-muteaiur"tcbMidway thagbOe u 3-3 record overati ogaiut major peoe.e secoud pelod lu tuaetO i l. uamus. la Oie filally for the yejar, Two teams added to fas tball, 'ohentae regular tesonoolgoto ondorwoy. Oie Milon Fautao Leogue 'oIthboe a oe look. T'o nuew teami bave bnougbt the omubor la eigbt wbcb allouuseaof thOe uqui t'on garnis a woek pruvldlug retinent pout- pose ony garnis.Matches aun Mseday 10 Tbiaidayvliaanuay as Unralnut date. 11e o uew luamn are Miton Comebnes vblch tot year coallsIteffHuron Park Giryler aid playein lueOioMsusauga 5pormea Lesgne and a cornpletey nev luam, PfOihWboil. Bauvi iroppii onut oi e Magne, ut lant fr oeper, sebie Rckwell 'oicat'os exo- ,pihuifaim the eace midway Orougb lat yisrbhaabeauere-a nittai. Up milthOe tart of the reguar sas, Ilus Campone vIl b. numnuspreviewu f eacbuiflte teamsa. This w'eek weoflutart ,lOu onseoioof h wtesam, Mitn Comblins. 1This aquai counis 10Oe MFL buncoly itact faim the ine-up 'oblub cllaiitSeff Huron Park Cbrysier forfour yon. HurnuParkditstluguiabei ilaeff ineacat of Oie four yias. n. thOe fiat yisr, Oie tenin fibe fin inthe regula sesou but lottIn the teatgae cbamptosutp. Tis wai folowei by belag finallutu the set er bfon 6dm leugnel by tabligtOe overail camplomblp laut yisr. lise majonty of the player ivetin ltOe Mlton-Hltîn Hillu rs undttearn oraulens, Olnd f Oe arnounl of travellng "ieieto apply tothe MFL. league .. goseoueisreli n pe and pli- ching, epliei coacht Job. Todd. We bave farty old ptcbtug bt wo dont bave a wbole lot of power." Combines' piteblus corpu conseofotone faim eacb aide. Lefthnder Glen Gordon and rigty Bob Meonle aun oxpectoit ta gel sme blp faim l-year-old Jeft Giabat onte imououd. Actouls Bob McRy iy 'ohba Oe teucol chie tlWgOireat. Lut yorb.vuuasemed Spreasnof Oe Yor and two yoaafnug ws the losgeamost vaule player. A catcher, McRuy onderwont a bue aperatton over Oie vlnter and nil pnobably play ai finibaseo n thOe outflold. Oer top bttes un Jim HuI, f Milton, Rtck BouOiby, f Mofat, Rd Thiatcher, Grant Clatwortby. Tommy Adams, Ricat McAcOinuand Steve Btuce. Tbe team bu a bale ut uborstup cauud bythe absenceacf 0000 Loebtg wba choue t playin Gorgetown. lits job may tai on ane cf tbroo bigb-cbool pluens, Jobn a Croidlu. 111e oher teeuage playon woco both membon rof Gorgtown Gomn!n Jr. B hocke taam tot yex, Marty Pnwer and Combnsbave boon practiusi innai uta Georgtown 1District10gh Beboni fora msonnwuad bope lu ge in omo otitour practtse motime later tiu woek. Rarly Li... Comment aroun the teagaeauggsta Combies ailI batte i oat in the tpbhal f thOe lague. Sponsors needed for Merchants Un" euuOefinsucio utoof 010100 ceint moit ensmat." uM-banla seiosr ba ebaiam cranges lb. luarn "aI dse anaao t oadcf son, lb. aqai mIsat an velldrap tlb.181 Oe yaar vlicb tuLy lu AI stau faoim Marchant. wb.Oiar or set Oela llb.l i A campa*lgula rav 155sponors ut $200 bluek or tOia ni, a Ce bautcaijut nseap er 1110 ear b quai viii boyae Ct Comrnity a jtUusuo uloma. toistapurebsaI On.yaar situatin vldcb bai tuais uver 13140r agn thentome as 'startai bave au Clmataoita vorrlad, aO=utimch abuse a Oiey au bandis. "Ncrmally, l'va st 11ime0by ao',', Sn addition, impris faes and balla cnt expilna Clar I naiy obo louy.' $40 a gamoeacbh. The tsaisduo viiipar- WW4rOelluly sete=talsi tisai i tcpttialuatonrnameut la Thiisenbiwg in obaugnue sponaor for $1,50 but pIans ear y Jue = = whn noinaiu e ucoul bu founi. Lat 11e aqasibagns eOie u.vyar authOe per, Clir managadinluget thauput f break-eveau pinlt vlith s ette. bereboala 15 sponor but oniy 10 sadl ie$100 o ssia mi suirpusef $U5 lait uver fromi " and ipifve Mtol và money vblcb lat a, wvbla saomovbat of a drap tfaim .tPenn.busanpthe Oip$Mloou% ua lhisteaMlisontroauble offoidlug yut. It IStlua= thv* aslrbai=aifori cota aiugly $M00 10 opeailuMerebanlu yeanouuti Cliersartsi Oe Mrchants for a Yer a&Wmoney lua itse OiusJi a Oree yeai ago. varity of mes. I rn e Su nioc club for about four Tbne@WbisetcaruIorOieuufOih e par, hlaoi C la. ig«utreiof bud dimon etBron ou à*.fi soeing S Is tua adstow tou uplay aisebas free < u o teeisbiu bootb, amio«, seu, tactidu Mrebl MW hII bleb Clair adits la d.Ouuliy a boot. Unlmeas u epaie fr %= iaz l an- icm v he: tStMahua W're greteful lu theiva fortSeu»useOf m'ered, Mlon mey lunSu0ut"es eS Su b.eO, sai Clair, "Olberua. vand of tSu luos. ready to hit court Tbe renet ine 'onuoer hba ilowed many btenns eOtiats to 10jump OUe gin and gltabead startso eOing outenonits Gfflcaly, Oie tM"tu Tennits Cub gila iiranithulaw.ay t tdueRotay Parkouulu. OnSatuwdsy, May 3, the The registraton vii bbe ifruse10 a.m. to 2 p.r. nd ui viibu a ntéld by tan- usectlonal filma. os 01 membuns. At the ,lame a, Oo be c lu b lave lu- uttlU svaiablefor jtn Ittmay baoneof Oie li msOed openseai Oie Rotary Park courts..Ilse club ban boon atvypnlssuircm pouai ndlcieiaato 1100.Do- talhave on t =b aflli, aliuga Oiay ubodi be bui 0about Oine weeks. Initialetlmatua place OUe regstration Ois year 106he 500 isoe, altoiagb final figuresna t 00, ba boou ntO uallr Oie final clb Wti a a senirraiuni-nblu fu-type lounumont ou Sseday May 4 vbtcb 10 open ta ail seniorain10tOe clnb. HAMPION TARIO fAPRIL 23, 1980 TMON -SPORTS& CLASSIFIEDS AUiset: Ail poisedi brought out many t and ready for asbot as Joanne Smith. The good weatber tennis playera Saturday to the Rotary Par k courts. North Halton Guide to golf Over Oie sammner monthu rnuny tocat golfora 1Bite Oie chatlenge ut different gnli cournes tetest their abiities. Iu SonOen Onario alose Ibere are ami.e thaun 59cannse, wtb 29 of taoue Hres l Nrtb lialtonuGuieInoGolf: 1. Aces Meade«u lu a 2,9O yard pur 35 mune ble courne loctod on the fiat ue wet of Actou. Aaomt.iprvat corsegeen feis a edrlug the week and $7 on week- ends. 0034021. 2. ERi elgbau lua aine bote erni-priv- ate connse locted off t0lglway 24 lu Erin. TheoHighto lauui,050yard par 6. 077-220. 3. lOimts Hlights tocated Northu utHigit- wuy 401 on thie Miton sixlb toe, lamime ble, 2,375 par35. 4. Iiebvlie lu a long ,007 yard 18 bote course with apar 72. Locatedin luOubvile at Htgbwuy 25 btween Oie Dondon Htgbway andthe Qneen Elzabeth. Theerni-private connse bau grennfuout$9 Mnduy 10 Frlduyuand $toonweekends. 027-1211. 5. Vctria Park on Victoria Roui in Guelpht, luua36boisecoursne witO18East unit ta West. A oumli-prvat connse, East basna pur of 71 and mosuano ,207 00111e Wot lu o par 61 ut 3,610.824-M02. S. Cuten Club11a ose f Oie auaenprvate clabs luctod ut 10 Collge Street in Guelph. Cttan lu an ta bote ,243 yurd par 71.824-2650. 7. Guelph Golf lu u nine bote prval course locteit on Waverly RoadL Guelph.iebpar for tO ine la35wilb a 3,027 yurduge. 824-2741. a. InduWeUu tocateit on Walken Llune in Milton la an ta bopur 71 connse. Te privaisestablshment la ,405 yards. 335- 2955. 9. Botas Golf lu eri-privato connse lu. coted Oreo miee Northt cf Bolton on Higat- way 50. The 18 bote pur 72, 5,000 yards courne bangeon fois f $7 on weekdoyu and $1uon the weekend. 057-2000. 10. Derrydale lu a public connse tocateit uithOe North Rail coner out Htgbvay 10 and Drry Roud. fitaluan t8 botsemcooe wia 4,aouyurdage. Il. Georgeown uGolf lu u toagat 6,073 connse Ictai on Stdenad 17 ond Oie TenOiLlune. Tbe 18 bol u71 lu. oii-pr.v- awiOi gnoen féeuof $durtng Oie eetu and $10on weekseds. 077401. 12. Glon Abbey lhe permanent borne of Oie Candien Open uter 11110 yean tip to Mouaroil Abbey 1e u semti-prvuto connse wiOi u $30 pres tag every day. Thse ta bote 6,10 pur 72 la locted on Oie North Service Road InOakville. 88elaOl. 13. Glas Rugie l0amoiher connse in Oie Bolton ue, lociat e nHlgbvuy 5WNorth of toan. Theouomi-prlvutaoestablishmeont la un 1a bols, pr 72 viOi ,000 yards cf fuir- ways, greens and tois. Gnoen fées darlng the wekrnnaut$9. 95-011l. 14. Hlenby Tever in a public connse oatai Northu f Oe 401 ai Horuby. A lng 18aubamisresn7,«aay"rduvtOa prcof 72. Greetées uithOe Touer are $7 dnring the week and»on eekends. 57a415. 15. Lio Golf Ceaire 1a localuit at 2410 on the outhOServceeRoad nOakvllleaomi- privae vlithgnoen fées net t $7 final Mseday to Frtday. lb. la bale connse meuurus4«W yars andicarrloa a para64. 18. OrangenOlle Go là1 oa emi-prvate couine locald two tmilssuhofiiOnge- ville. Tha ine bote connse bas a gneentai ligson 06$5inluseOie eot and$8lonse voi- en. Orangeotlle in a 3,000 yard pur 2. 17. Pool Vllasge la a public mne bale connse tocateit on tOieasut ide ut Higbwiy 10, two mies noaOi ut Higbvay 7.Tate course lu a pur 35 and lu 3,005 yards in length. 18. nreetoville Glen lu a eri-privato coneao catod on lha eat aide ut Mllasauga Road. Tha 16 bote ,5W0 yurd pur 72 bau u green tag f $a on Mondiy to %rday and $11 on weekendu. 451-02. 19. Bampton Golf lu o privato coarse la- cotoduon Oie Fist Line Rast of Higbmay 10. TIhe 18nbt course tlui pur 72 and ranges 10 6,701 in yards. 457-5700. 20. Credît Valley lu a prlvatety rnu gol club located oth ut Higbway 50one mite wet of Higbwuy 10. Credit Valley la0a0 te hote, pur72, ,liyard connse. 275-2505. 21. Mluinuag Gulf lina private. l8 ole. 6,430 yard, pur 72 tncuted un tOiest ide of Minubeaugo Road, norttt of the Qucen Elizabeth Way. 27-5201. 22. North aiHltu Golt aud Country Club ,F. a pnivute club ocated t the corner ot Trafalgar Roud and Mape Avenue in Hilton HUs. The l boe courue measures 6,37 yard ad baa par of 72. 077-000. 23. OgovlPe Golt a a nne bote private cunre ttae ntii, Sixtat Line of Trafalgar. IThe connemeasures 3105 yard and la apar 35. a45-032. 24. Trafalgur Golf la a private club lo- catnd authte Sixtat Concession and Derry Rond in Miton. The t8 bote. 0,505 yurd course bau a pur nf 7. a78-23W. 25. Wykdeweui tcated on Traalar Road Lu Hrnby lu unotber privale ctub 'olta b8 oteu. Wytdewood lu a 0,214 yard par 70course. 826-024. 26. Hathiorne Valley lu an ail par tbree connse, localed on Higluway 10 sutofntheu 401 in Miitsauga. Thie pur 54 courue i 2,500 yards in tengttt. ONN F70w OF L