Un'.wathhaS Seref flot'M iltontPlayersw bn a The Cagajan Chuoeplon, Wd., ApI2I, 1 11i la Mabln UBouon, rhood, homos Wbora du q h. osuilhiatior cofscaed, amd nos lacI lun1h.vlo«o1mn wrvIu1os .1for lis a Rom oIlsa crumbl l lY u oi=a ahiudosMe uloW &a wd :O= .O mrt ho MUn. Phnip Bock op the Wla. 3r ,0r . hb.- = ,o ltbu .osyat, 0j"OII.SUUISO10 .ida hcuh itar Cot .d msartor ad Dr. Ana nBock. £ria Briullai. Wlls hW or vo the brumeslof aBowmnso, Whos the commadat Vng Non", and t n. Ni.gmm hourd o Boors.Un. Socrdwu duho 1lhtéM fi,. wome o kenocoeo Un mothor-to and CWi chhlnkNovew wolLmra Bbcord, vho YOcL tata, hosda la Un arosi th Brtti.het th. sodirs ofBuWoM m va"ofo hogorsamd Mohmk th= Le lmk n hvor InLal.skehig dm tko ui sfoIy drithe nWr ci fisika Museum ik opta SInde k 1cin . vookdyoJtktJ, ad Tb uxd4 iir tcomocli gmay 4 on Bol.ooeeatboW, haiSoudoyafom1traoik5.30 bien cpoud and ho- p.m. *Inflation hurts. but'amfer cang help %ith a$15 rebate on m an energy conserving : System mt,à Iss » . 844-7354 ohk- D1L Cleaniq Mfan NIM.OCASPET eod OPHOLSTERY U the, 10. 1000CLEAIG MEYTOO 877-8504 6 KING Sr.W. GORGEOTOWN, ONTARIO L70 0Mi *U~utianeow gs ftmmouvbwmu fituntlOc tr whmWmter u"zgs] mose For starters, natural gas is dean. cheaper than ofi0 and secure in supply. So even if your fiurnace isnt on its lasilegs, i could "eiy 9ay you to go ail the way to a dean- bunig warm and friendly gas fi=ace. If you sign Up no later thanjune 30 and we instail your fl.rnace and humiddifier by August 15, you wonft pay a cent for il tiff Octobez 1980, If you have an approved aredit rating. And welI throw in a 100/ discount on a buit-in electronic air dleaner So corne on. Cail Union Gas rigb away. Then you can spend a nioe hot summer eontemplating a nice warm winter. llsd onoaseven-cityaverage for house hetinotAd endooatuoal gos otaofAptl 98U Uhstcaoowrm and f*&ldy gos do for ym tdm' WDIDD OGRS ___a