Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1980, p. 4

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-~~i catti Ehapto R0 DOWNS HERS CROWfl4ER MIRS HALL tOY Uo Publtster Adverbaitg Mon"wa KtgMc W.0/P0 V A09wd TOW* C. 5.0000.5.0 1 T - - M-M.. h 0. LTOS EttO. 0.000. TT. 5.0 0 0 0 0 5 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 - K T$12 .00 0 0 00K« . 0 0 5 0 0 T . .0- em . .0 5 05NoT.0. -..OTE.S0000.T'00 W 1 .,ný lM T. -F-PRM BoId, forward step Town counillors are ta ha pralsed for laking a bold stap ta agreelng ta study a proposai by Uic developers of Bronta Mes- dows ta rcncgotiata Uic pbasing agreement. Goldfan Holdings, Uic overal develeper cf Uic Bronta Mesdows subdlvisin-likc any other f irm ta Uic land businss-is faclng Uic problcm cof holding large ln- ventares f land and flot hing able toastiract builders because p %eti baea ae been frigbi- Th tnardagee entht- ween the municlpallty and dcvelopcrs la Uat a large per- cetaga f any subdivision must bh uât before occupancy permuta can ha tsued tothUicbuildcrs. AI- Uiougb Brante Mesdows la wdl planned and Uic bulders are quai- lfied, Uic lack of bayera bas meant Uic subdivision would wiUicr on Uic vine due ta the occupancy per- mit restriction. However, counillors ast Monday agrccd ta principle toaa proposai by Goldf an of onc build- ing permit for each occupsncy permit, so Uic buildera can at lesat proceed ta buld and market the housses they have inortgage montes for at this trne. Wbeber the interest situation gels vorse or beter, ht means the develop- ment will ha allowed ta carry on until, hopefully, the current bank rates go down and bayera agan corne forward. There are serions shoricomings ta this arrangement. Trying ta, gel garbage trucks and fire trucks in- ta the subdivision will be sticky, t hast. lTheis at~equestion cf ser- vicing. In fact tire ta the fear of several potential bazards wicb could prove changing the Phaslng agreement wtb Goldfan was te samne as opening the blggest Uin of red berring ta the istary of Mil- tan. But the main question ta whether or nmi Uhc town ta pre- parcd ta stand by as a long-Urne, and gond developer ta allowed ta go tata rcceivership. There are legal problema ta overcome, but on the face of it, Uic plan toalalow building ta go abcad ta worlh more ta the tawn than sticking ta Uic lettar of Uhc bylaw and losing out. Regulated store hours Thae recent closing cf Browni's Büilards oaa undsy because Uic pool hall was operating in con- travention of a 1914 bylaw opens Uic question of Uic need ta rpegat stre hours in Milton. WhfileBrowni'a ta an ex- ceptiona case and Uic owncr fecta ha needa ta ha open pasi midnighl in order ta attraci cientale, ilta inicresting ta nota Uiat many stares in Miltan acem ta open and close at Uic whim of Uic atare ovner. The Downtawn Bsins- lm- provement Ares Committae and thc Milton Chamhr f Commerce are now cngaged in irying ta bring on stream, by Iis summer, plana ta rejuvenate Mitan's core. As far as Uic DBIA ta con- cerned, Uic merchanis are going ta get whai Uiy've been after these many year. Thlite nm-mal concupt vilihea sreality aid lb&-' fully Uie quiet, charming scting will attraci Uic aboppera wbo now go to oer areas. But ail Uic work wii mean noUing if a ahopper arrives downtawn at 10 arn. ta find bal thc tres cloed. That persan ta not going ta rtura, and Uic wbolc purpoce f rebuilding Uiecldown- tawn core will ha lest. Tharefore, vo would auggest Uic DBIA Committcc, with tawn staff revicv Uic present hoars of opcraUion bylaw. If Uic bylaw as ti stands ita aaUsfactary, Uien ilta incumbent on Uic DRIA ta bring ils mcrcbant-membcrsbip in lie. If tawn staff thinka there arc improvementa wblch oea ha made, then let's gel UhiminthUi book ao everyane tsawaare and ready whcn the acmi-mall becomnes a part of Miltan. Farmers responsible nie c&M~. r. 6Eu/e~oF F(Af~ 0F cti LINO^ KIRBY Nlgbi rilng hamabocomme a favori te Peai- uefoioyslf soi sothir rldlag nain- -anon ilJelaon aiventosce ma oilaoua. W.mieacieer bu faie ao f te dait, vildeaau at alsureesi faim wbaic aOrboises mre kapt. fthbabaeicfamili; te lgt samds aamieaof atbar vli onosesm et alinipsa dam ia. iemyllab. ,ondaap: ieaaieiea, thora abouci Heavy, oims- lotto-va olt cf mlarmy veslbe ya lacore-moisi seroisathet ky, blottlng omgU tarsM . Rl uh ies rlMoins, mil iay soidtaeair, thougi cien aid frsi, Irmteosi more ra. A Uie vetoots iit bothai us. We vais delartine o laet la motos Mling alter patiellY vmitlag for iày>- comlitions. lTae bornes, rastluafaisa goandn, trot- tadi 'lhy doun tse lame. They sbobticir bisa, metlag liba dtltlab h ie, fffly allovai cutI la Pay. Tberavwere tdaim fmauata vig lug is "Bea, a lunalome blaeckLab. They kil in the night Wc beaisi forrtUs baci trua aid vida more imaiel f bolines, lt das baue Ibaieviau U1e tlas-lan Usebaby b"ae. Bui dasy luou amrvy. Lwaeby us, Ual at tyabuti lune sit lu e oasgt s uand maiui. Tvalva bou ova slly clatraimis a sallow mbe k. Ain tla naliagpets, dacy hbm bscm cc4atsmia tUs tarit- ory aid eaioy s iabla. Nmeeoaimacia resmmbai vbywv u&ai isly pulilu s asesup Pcelus vsal acaii lacatch mai brestadd oiitemase r bmsrl. limagb lpeesbla, Il mmacibiebr Sommscates lamy sumedins, bol mas- finiesi l% iasatjt cahn wuawqheueiy W"bi bys aet 10 iltat ylp. A ie? Befora vs badahance la ucoier, l vma oinasibyaàsecai, no tbrie-aybo haif a icue-flere, bielaus. But il caMaI lu i oga. Savage, blooicerull ari- pisec Use foeutathé Usmatois pw ou araMo laatogdl.wutilifbvslvm- Tb@$ i la basfur mmayd Use pme blui lisy vue sppsmcbo& oda- We ditM». LOU ObP ust, u osstb tbyth ltemacsle stood mavlag comi l iUsimuse a i s u vu fouSml uts- blewelsy noswa pscba in ssmne S.mitwui airais la -s. s lo Tlu bacs- visua aiuai a bock douaUs psu vu baiet Suiiesl, vu bsv fiai. Bu faim hm , vustoppedanmaisi lisy ba ad rbihM.IbabonI, emJwff É 91 @fflMarking exams ultb BILL SMILEY The a RamaAgricultaral Ad- vtaory Commitie bas recentuy become alarmcd at the almost an- chedked practice cf bringlng sewage sludge from oulside Haltan and dumping it on far- mers'f telda. Borne sludge bas been found ta cotain contaminants wich can render a field tselema for decades. In Haltan, the lieglan ta vorktng hard ta deliver sludge of gond nutrient quality batti bis ta hang Uivartad by Uic practice of ti- portatuon from other areas. The commitice bas called for a crackdown and lTe Champion hlieves this action shows the sinceriy of the farmers cf Haltan Regian tn trying ta make thc aew- age sludge-fertlizer systam work. In short, The Champion bopes Haltan Region il reapond ta Uic reqacat cf ils farmers and do ils atmost ta keep ludgc from haing imported ta Iis ares. Out in the cold Despte an sgreed need ta pouesome form cf geared-ta- Moe hmmsing for Multons wefarefamilici, s proJeci ta hcp bib is directon tna ai but lest. lite romi for "uit a lack of clarlty an the pari f Utcegrop the 1whkhhasbad cheecn rZt MI 1vin smre pqeg lelllm g lyuin thecomd. liplan la a 123-"mt row humlng comptas vblcb vas lopussifor ds cmnme,"lalsi. md Duri a w rnm". lie iUa lws ami.profi teb b tu tsa ditios taUt a charitable group organise te construction in con- junciion witi a communiiy sponsoring grotip. therefore, thc plan tsaail bai desd as Uic credit union vanta am prt f tic plan sux!te owner- managers have sasdt Ibif llasy do not flnd s nev comuntlY apousr uihin te eeta, iey vil have tabock out. The boum mmllasle thec vlare ftmiles hs s dhsparauly sd Ow bhtaudvuby Macblag exaniaties pipais belns ouet Use but mi audtewrt ila mtebai. Amy larnfcol cemasut on oamtnathcn. Amy tae idit as yrtetsdIng. Sut marlng tUs flalas, or noces ctes uuflali dpeciast Io aomsdalag sic. la mme vsys, aarklng eas-an laeUsea- saoutanu f omaemscéathiboy of tascisasI t i teteachai ybhat an ns-fuai lailoet ila latUs plaobor. Naimally, s plumnhsi'mtfsinla a fmly happçyone. Wbaaging avay il pipes. Cua- lau s giyaluite soa raulai est.= Drplalailty peieacionesUs euomer'so tew flguer. Asti vrillas ot a ubacklagrgmt bu et $14 par hlus, pu pailavilchmutslboulesof 2-cmral gai. On theviole, i attsactucy, ftsfiingtifs. A plunba ta suly sa smiias, uffsb chip, imuch i dathUs bgbuymecofcies lisa, wovba i auigilaly m- daoy viiumbles. Ils Usis- ili taras. YVes amidon s-m ataer h in anlert aniln& s-ag b.ethoUfiateiSeptitohrandathUsend of Jasas. liuy las bava dhaëti SUIe joya in svaiy- &y ne. e: bhg "a; usnlg tUs pelci pal, mie r *wmsUso; gteslpg ven- cmpaibotfles. uiebo clvlsg Gsi lodt Ils Ftisy. A du 1mo as isofication Nd tisai Sut ioda perdhes ne -cinla dair nlusa, or f ly lain ti aI, or vlul- Wloi a plmbai vaiba l,eubair- hantairmi facesàafus emcusaida vae, unitR ai W m '@a, ulIlu, Mai aoei-ilaaovedImfcm, blu normally aaiee miviteosmichaflalabes s its a acis e strlyOslaiute& -»Ol f liM-1a1 iralaofidai icatlonan d facestUs mislfa 0f h180 ieM-piporahl aouronaSlloaimi- toom"tu- us sMOMadaa-Minollg mgcy. Nobd-Wbqila - agoalalsa, baoffgh isa idaboda arma fauie t «M appai, astUsEnSfalasebai. t/ba ber glýalo daIPhym. Bd. tasctee, .itcp tewhm, bSlusomteaicio &Mti oUses uboWt lbava fermai - ais ompelaableia ammly jasinai. bh pmpiy tascors, ida hoir lea»-4"a s»4as-a aa acly boa clurtabl. lisIanMM-tmlnom0a1a fldam a lga- ai, eseaciailaes-as Mat mm*oely iiag dala yams sMmc itmb.porauW tUs masom ai Îjbagaaiaimsdolp tUal Foscd tea savama ut a mm. NasU, uhirlses- inyoaSee0s1 s-a bohtseita S etasy MOW4,byUa oiucesioff mii eselet, biratieamai bopes fr s boiiay, aid maraimy Itswumy ala iy ubo hluitUscsli, moi abs stayui cut ci Mny baïrefora cbosg. i utmal likaoe, iitaraataly mmuai, benoasal, beili sm& aid oeiotcmilY boutte&bsi, h Us o uliataOf aiolescenoce Saine vu es hnpysomo. Oas a isap«ois, aobla amY Port ila&m alsm. Sainselui sadu, bt colin't aine tUs cas. Asti s-y nccsalaoaiy, dam vas sai Sr egin 1muinga a baielgtai mida aI yak. 1 tione tehoe m bringb tUthda boo ath Us t lanUshe mmas pubgoo-, p- gpmacirlai-ptiag aver Usep;p-ru Ous becousi s piila.spho: "Oh, vsii, wha lh U bell c sl ailhbesin s- Suua,"aa r milastUs ffrts ofcie vlan hma psoie"duis eufor asci s profs-ies, aidspauik "-brit swate." On. hSorm apuimlbaspla: "Hesa flmbisas bady. Bo ladd eloso Us block- hiarisanm lthetug ou t pifl am i ui Hov m"al ie bkWideli. sndboa& gaain; mUs ai ed mm'#au tomlas-bsa., bterl a oelaoro410l te a Il gici 10 Marschmfe.= L, g s afli IMi. liaipisesUtu D spi eaut." of Usepiper: "It ii my belt, M. Saalay. i hope yerin a gond tmai vihes you mark da." 1 lok off a mark bacause alu tolapehlai.. yoea'." Oni l appelei. Questian: "Use asent- mmsc otalai haUae rd mccii." An- ouer: "A haro daubahin latostaa orlSry 7moeile." Ibing. Ukêts ait i Use yamag laichepuandmo 0k UNi, "Wbat's happeing? I'tonut gttias darc tagb l dakidsa ii." Nal la vacry. Thlita lviipeohibly hi s gondmslbai. oeeisbaiy, os-la enchiae&Oneof thoce stuliela vbo linaa vu-I ouer la lan, abviaasy ay, hliiug boitai ircopiaul sycib, flouais on pipeailmin. loIbItis forgallan n lueUs chiaioy oaiex- peeto, aid tarin a hilltsgl place 0f crialive dalaking. AndtihUs Isictal motirll oldai& ialtiag lu boa AUtnilsi las. ici glvag tUs mériter a goloch" il a goi crcosewito cf yaagtuqpt , a fou gnoi lat.ghi~s mm asi-isoab, a ceaiat huamiity, a isiigilfelsinag fplaying Go&i r.,&M toidouflash 0f ibdm ata- faciles, f net loy. To bmck vida boiiMys fdacer on.i as- ealai o etb u awt hmsar Ultaosa l amimc vv of Atormsltdinlhdatbeofsasboy ad on ederly voman Cieltooar sge ors peodiof tic reoultsofo!post mrtela exasolnatoonso f Uie bodies. Doria Joncs aupaidaseble vIda ladWusd and s vil lapettviid am Ooqoa mai uttret sMtai mua='ae tsOse 9eultctu i nugt o a bu 50fassa W cite «ueb$ uh alke ublia saisi luiuk,ê PIÉUt sllk, es plant casatIad1sosl ione puai btebihmlsescida b&M and Us dta" rloa alSavwailsils i paos. Use dircase CoUst laya07. bumtse.pmaisiess-meu0 Us dommaga e fiby Uth uti taré ctbreaaiaMiles AWB4TilêliW" of a dosa ae wflvin la c in acscere wu r-emielas. 20 yea rs ago Froassi t4lIý mumas "lIt vesti appeur lb. posaiet Uilea. urrtc i ilesafcly a mai liaadà- OaIy fine atisoisi asoil vwsus poop oseesiatumptteloMiatcSlOiSSudi Use yaa's wek. laThe o ion theU marsine i s aati.dmoamai Pisoafim s-tet i oua.o lias Millmes SaldoatS»Mi"s AsclA liAcnwrtes Hcban Cubb a givand matnis cfSuêt U luaIraswss anai au oilueaitaba ilb soeiUmsen fevlmai"ess9tte tc Adill he Amoi .IMouIot l ta UsmIt o atston uo bie acMW& Assiliatos -temay cotrbuio mai tle -. - instussusiniaislmagmaaeaibie jsl Sommela o f or imyctièneif is ai lwe fas i the s l o ink li5lI5hYkm libbflsi selolahgsv erastcbrt l.. f0kilanln. els m or uneis Addiiob fais us- blues.th maih cah icGscirgetown uiUs obuiling et a a - TUnei ss'U a.uMns! F aoi s-.ad t « vii taprsitlasviibclst obek e Us e wan deolam tsl00so»0paneU laetai.d l is lga aistteai ohaticles.h I Mimad e a lule cFraess cf Ot lsltlg ide h mao He- wal atain e. autm.s,1 w h a

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