Porspocý;etive Slprlghtupaadpul yaaccsta"ota machla UlaUin4o *w ct1ade ding ad dWp awblSs you 0 hh"rl ot oa&MYutb". conucpoim llead falrsactiom mralh.ey tebeat tb.bhW* lMacad mahlo, caoulg It toaccrrodar ~ kW e b ogebw i aneaclacd cam m legs, WUlta ly backbouar,aad you'v g«the Plabaii abu M Mwlg ftruc iab ady patol item.ac Merq &Wi aa vall toaelarucraBioa, wlit macb»In hisa la el , saunlut dlua heai. ad regaurcata of~uarcaetpabllald be attrlbaed tathe tal aoa~-aouagcarpopelacubuape thraai0 m ,ml oraam pu eably te Whoa rack oap»r eayihta defmimd bilad bld played a «mnmaiplhain aact, hecare a plabaf itlutd Butlthermailareaaou plahalilmachines have itecarne respect" ta lauthact thay wera legalizedin laOntario jual tour Yolemgp et the icprovlaion elernclaoa Chaacehe elihclald. Prlurte thelegallcatlco i alil, Orleca Currle of Crdle Amuscemntsla ccd DirUutaca la Camnpbell- ville, accocarodaîi wayî, itut toud that spcltcaioswere alwaya chacglag. lice rusa citaagd wlttite locatou-wltcarne cite dlaalalag lppers, ailiera te tilt rnechaclarn ut tshe upera, andsairne cot aflawlcg te tree garne ma.chinions. Ater playlag a laslag pallulcal garne itaao u, Una. Currie vient la thse Ontaria Gaverrn an cd qucly had the aw csaagd ta aiaw paalle. Ic. id laie wawrilo l Inte Urne hetarete la. veion i lppuin witscgarnhlag rmachlaes were ppuslar, ccd te Ici-makers reafly lied nodm agaluplaball. twaajuauuiatcaaceladeveraake tohave thehaw chasged before. TIse roula M plaluafilare rarred it la uarly at- tachrnt to gambllag machines, and it la titi cou- aldered by carne au a garnhllcg device. But gecerally lu la acw larnped lin itte variuusarnusernt machnesaceen inarcadea araucd thecouuctry. Sra. Currie thitu pluhali laua cheup fur of utenter- talanent, aad playcg the garneLal ise reuticg Urne for a quarter. Site apointu uut that au tlrnes get raugit he amnuseentmachine buiuesu picituup. "Peuple coud au escape aud plubali la a cheap uce," aheaald. At Currie Dltrituticg, plitballu are bouglit and aold, put lata locations, acd repaired. Auslutce tea- deacy uf alil rachines, plnaallutua break dou, and akitlled reparrnare hard tnofiad. Ibe gilded cainet ut the plitbalilcaccealu a mate ut electroiclc gadgetry whlch recernitîc a large uervlcg oftwlreaspaghetti. Saru. Curre andhercsonDavid have tut tite pattitre yearcuttfered a traiig prugrar n i thiereparfrtesernecitaclced muneru. t lante earc-while-you-leara prugrar n ad appli- cants are accepted aiste cou tor ernpluyeeu pre- clou ialel!. Tliey have gulded te haduaof 1traluees trouagitte intricaciesofut he plahalilvitals. Ater te couarse l curnpteted, te tudeut receivrn a certiticate trur nuestuga Callege, ccd rnrnttea rnuveuon tuulart their uwu repair busineas. Laut yrnr pichali toouithUeir place lanteccomputer cge, inccrpuratlag digital rrnd-uut ccd rnernry hacha. One outhUe arwrnt imachines uut ut Chicago, 111,, lu called Circusanad teatures a repetitive tuae played everyclixclautes othichi luthe tirst two ubara ut tecircua uong. Chicago lu the mnajor centre fcr plahaîl mnu- tacturiug and luath brthptare ofte garne. Altough plahall la legatlunte OateoutIlltinois,lante City ut Chicago plnalu sou atlowed. Attitugi thUereilunou lcgilatioa pralhiticg pinhatl, reguuatlagte garne. la Mltothe Utoauclg hy-lawu do cat attow fur plabatt arcades or hody-ruh parlaru. Straugetat treetwu types o utalahishmntslare gruuped tugether, perhapa a licgeriug chadow ut pin- hal's seedy paît. "Yrn cauaut ligituty deprive citizens lu todayis lelaure-urieated world ut tuadarnaltrigitu te, recreatiuc acd ecterialeet,' otai te recuIt ut a legal case hourd lu Caliltrcla. This wa te rulicg outhUe juilge la Loc Angeles wha hourd a lacdrnark cacaeothere a private citizena cuci tecity, clalrng hIscocuattutiocal righuu were helag depriveilhy the prohibitioncotpinaal. Mailucase cet Uic plahali roing lante fight te briag te gareauutthf ack ruara anditacerncl. David Curre confided that pliall wll ceverdie. ltc ceareut curnpettar. videa garnes. had acsucceca %whlch wai short liveg. Thearnusemnt machine huslanssla cow acqalricg a rnure favarableo pubhic image, it garnes herng partatfprivauithome recreatiac, ccd la institutions. te Putaad carne places cf ernplayrnt have la- ilalled plahallu tor use hy erplayeeauon breaks. The pertorimance at warker uante job has li- proed date playlag thte garnet wiccigves thin a moare total escape trarn tedaily routine. Plitbail are calil throughaut te world, witmnu- facturera capplyiag colnacaceptaru ita ie curreccies ofrmore than 40 cutries. Canada's largest collection part of future plans TIc.y atI Iltolan cd dutcavored, rase au raseilac darit alge.a..da clttered collecian of10 arnu.ereutrmachlaes, anomeaaaldccautehbusinessil- sal. Tc Davd Curre's bcawledgea s blaallarg.at col- lecioitecomclry-lacladlag 45 plahafla, aacriad bing macilouearcade placèsanmd jabeboxes. As Davd swua litér*k boala inta ahe cameen rnachhbuinleasit hic rntber, Orleca Currleand ilet sl uperatig Crne Amuseent Dia- bcitg at Carnpbelvllleiteantilqu machlcea wretfaily may tocareity. hid Utrauging Utw..ncIgr mnachnes, and thoeha wctproaaily îell. David hu plans fr ilioce pieces outhUt paît, they amro eticad torernaicinte dlagy doanla He ilac yoqcg ima witUrne t lanfo1r Uic tuture of ieaacarted treasurec. A rnsuurwbere ha wW idlplay hicfiladu lsaa dreaambhoitpes willhbecarnea recllty. H. e acla puople ta have au appwucty la ouSUic mnachsinala llgitwhlch willdoathem justice. Sla plaside calend ter., hawever. A reslaurat tealarlag anique plitbaleancd ailier arcade plaesu l aieonuthe miad o itlu t-spobencallertut. A ~lbalcalled S'reball la an ectrernely valuhle and rare machne whch Davd prse. Only S2tMseere praduced, and are caseseartmare tbacgUM cornpared wselUt udr original celhag price MINa. A fotunlae elllag gypsy caoeMolte mare urnque plae. inaDavlda callection. Sbiladlaplayeul ite Curri dlalcg rmen, clacg with nuofathe many coin perated weigit calsofator- noceadesign David hm acqulred. lb. casaS l pay wvan la oucaaed la glaca ou top ofaahwudy motl anad wbre coins are irnsrted. At Uc. drop oMa ncel lala Uc. culancIo, ber ayou wiUl ou yacr future ccd ftac'ell your farlane ou a crnail prlaued card. Afor Davld's future*! Ilu lIeulunt.ebusieo amurnsemntl, ascwellasa- other forin of ulertaicnout. Heie a pend itieUne perturmncg ilac ew wavo bond called OCldreaoM Divorce, seha have a Mlage ohm e no oahe, accrdlcg ta David. Davdhauaa carniticou a bla toelng tdt plnacll sel evut die, ccd bic filelliouil could depeonainc l- ball' lugevlty. I ccw - i M