heu admttod I obe blllsd ratepayrs iu the new water-sewsr raten Prier te lu estd0 Cmm ttea rhume wrsedbîg ORwu0un dilomuaet ibatol chargO y 3 pr cenIt Jue; or te net puy Ibm reb an d sitrat ayosifor feSgvsesoil tm et t a proisre- lmuoba bctddteb dteclem ablat them prncipeuoft dgbe bilig and thon st peying bock thc fir shre, the1 Councit decinisu hild clown lu Uic reuit outhei RpOctl committes meeting bllulat Mon- day Nalteo reeldeetse adr 1 hge roes recomhnndled lu emmil thsf Ihe rebats prgrets The prico of te rebate progra m wotd haro bren $21,0W0 bul wutd bave approecbcd $700.010 whec antlclpated le- croamseiluadilotrativev calu worm incti o l aecoutmdete tbmebsevy icorlSelofuthebmrebats prograns. ibos$M0001 lue &M the bodmt would have necmnlled bhW- nummor rates, accordng lu Ragenel Siltor Denain Perlin However, tbe rom- mite e leo ogreed dte rcgsoois water wm sinro Ihat n i theîmeofu yor ohen coidentiat watec consomption o t île legs, the -ffmawu wootlnts omoaee" Inllbtut. boomd u UedmIbme pootouo ysem eer amm U ebs dminooaeedupllca- tion in theb btlg cytem ince o mm are being cherged uudor flhc nev Ser urcliergoraesas fr hck m Octoker. kyou dum f 1puiRlt kWou drmin up- $o DadComb ceRalI Oue sur155 f rebethe te wmattr utcfrlNéis"* .M . mt ItMlon reskdoale, ilescribal gron, a- beilog bot- sightsd and isnmltlv." "t hliere tliey harr a concecu flut if tbcy (Ibm reeldonts) ob It lu Ibm courtse by veitd wln," 15sf aaglr ibeg IACoube. uts, ice Ueotin Ib Ibm molls 1 sbod rebute. At dIte point Of 77,. ofcaReonno-rebate atoîy Hle Rog ssa Swr Rate Conmloe haGiir- mon Joan Mlleglias iilI ho sendngotoap-cssore- lems te ail Hallue rets- payec on tOu reamon wby thero ha. bauidouble billteg inte Ounovres and wby robts, wil nt Z ~I.. hou tei- cteded leailU pubiec tifit- lu e b t igot tOu Paglan le an effort te clar up mnay questions whicb are beg cle tete Reffional bmd- Reprlntsd te a copy of Ibat rems.whicb in Mm. Alngamm word,, probablyhoust descriho, wkat bu ranspled snorthOu Bogios sptsd in move te squallze&d. uie pu"billteg ytenu. OnOcte of ul159 ttoglonal Cnuncill udntetd a sanilery swr sur- charge tystet s auhei boite for fluancicg sanit- 017 sew5i' ervce on o Reginnal bois in Italton rommtsnig with Ibm ye 1tIM. The sytsm vu te- troduced ons thc booloof a surcre on ail utlity bill e busdte in, te rover al coet foprot- ing Ihe ytem in M10 Tbuo lb.esi-monthly or twelvîro mntly bille wnuld proide thc rerenue needod for o twlro-month priod (Ibm cool of opratlog Uic syter e int)regard- loto of tUicemort meter- roodlug dts, on Uiee bill. tlnfortunotely, the publie information wblcb the Region prrided itelle ronstoiter, 11111 not clsrly enplain the biling method, and complainle wero lodgo.. by anme conumera. n respouue to itescencern, Ithe Seier Rate Cnsmlitttse vau askcd te re-oamnle the billing metbod te sec if o dffrent fnsortef method could ho foud, and sererol optionicece exsunined. The option of robtteg sewor surcborges bset on 1979 vter con- somption only te dbouse consumern wbo bod Governor-General's wife wearing Sheridan design R: lFrank Kelly Oudenle ut Shridan Collegens Fasbion and Design Techniques progrots haro odded oni etra chllenge tr thir' already husy scbedulo. Tteyre curontly derigning a tlue-piere sprlng esemble for Lilty Schroyer. vife of Caradan Gorrnor-Gor- ral. Pt Gwyr. co- ordinae of the Okvitîe campun proram, initialed tho pramotional projeci tb icre050 public awrones f ohol Shridan Collefe and tn nlodenle bove ta uter. Sho elsasthe m tim. corontiosl ensemble, ichichin te hing doigned by stodensain the tree. secod-ysr faior casse. vill ho a unique tllinf point for "the irst lady f tbe [and" in br trarels as Candas gno-wil ambosador "The ensemble nbold pre o ho a gret con versaion pieco in er trarole aroad ohen sibe car telpeople it vas mode by Sheridan tad- ens." naid Gvyer. "tfi ilnhow tho ifh calibre of the fanhion course and Ibm fact tbai people can onpect the bsi frets Sberkdan.' Goyer vroto Mms. Schreycc eoity in the yar tolitg er about the course and auing if the stadontn may deign anc îtf iltor ber Mrs Smryer promptty eplird suyiso hed bho deligbld" To-o vees0fr Gwyr and Joy Morgan. arotheri tanion ioulrectîc. seto uti for Mci Sryor t run,dnce. ut(fttawas Rideau Halt ttke br mounuremente. Irer tes, (loyer was happy ti i 1 inMr. Sclieyer about Sheridanr]Ife ard the lasbîor coure. obîcli ibe pocioolly 100h s ithr bi n Canada.- '0 e Wrm ichoduted for a 30 mrute appoint- mort ond ended by1 stayinf for two hmrs.- îuid Cyerr "thon oan aboolutly rborming lady. graciously modern in conersatiornnoirs about lier. Sho oaî rery interoitedin rtbee onîtge pcogrumt Ducîng (ho rosit. the ensembles procpetive color ard stylo ooro discunseit Gwyr climu the "attractire lady car war moi uny dsig". Tbey decideddoni a bril jacicol. sitk bloue ard wool skiri. (loyer attemplod (o furrish hr tudons vilb a "wrd facture- of Mis. Srbreyor. iuyiiig Ibit colorrconsderuior ms imporant Ih, cr.plemerl bier coU haîr. "The cotor ht oe make sure your Home la Properly Insured Ca" -ý. MtIAS Moln careflty setecîrd. 0e decided on a youn, silve reenoc. almiista drîrri sage oneuecalyp- tus"'sibe raid Aother consideration ir Ibe erseribes design WMis creyr's bcic travelling lito. oich oten ar hr clmbrg in andf out1 olcari. Tho craeresitornt sirt oll lave addod fltnons for eany moomenl and the toptfasiîiîîjackeirbhould hi- eaîy iii sip off il Mrs Sclîreyer eromes tue sarm. accordîrc lti Urivn "t fet ohat oeil corne Up with os a fIrml clasi erremble-rol (bl vo dor't tbirh iho do't corertty dres volt, raid (loyer. "Il wolîtbcirn ery gord (aile, a ashiorable look befitng er office. We're rt 'eeirg to îae itarante garde" tirnyecisconrfidentlir hec tudets' oorh tbîmgb she admîlr (boy may houa lile nrvous jr Ibm final constrution. coinplanesd icos rjsctedt immsdlutely. 1 1tbe Sewr Rats Comnottee courîoded tbat ony robtsuystenu mut treotl o nnsumera equitably. Thec Commtte thit considerod o robte te ail reidettel consumner,, basd on bills for IWO 4 water cocoumpticit. 1 Dlscueaoou wiUi Oue Rogons billtg ageocles1 ldctitbt any -1* botes would bave t e ho procosod manuelly. Tbey coulilI 001 hopro-1 grommsd inte fuure1 utilty bille ou e crodlt, nor could Uic calculatlono for the 197 portions of the ffected bis. ho dons1 uief thepresent com- puter proroms. Ibs esfimatsd coul ufthOu ro- botes, lvolrcd would bho *mî,Oto, pusuon ap-1 proimate coul for, precenuuog the roboten and isuinfi the cbsques o $W,0, tfor a o tlof $071,01. Mt indvduel robtar wuuld renge belvoon $3.00 and 15.00. Becouue the 1900 ew- age budget oou bmocd on receiring uit Ibm coule of oprting Uic ystem le the 1010 year, ibis would bore meont Ibat the $071,000 voulU bove bod te ho recorered during To recorer this amouot, un incroooo ut aptroxtsately 20 par cenl oser the presont ratesvoulU bare te ho implemonted July lst, andtay inseffsctfor the blunce of tou. Not only wnuld con- nomers face o rte te- creuse, but it would ocr t themtIneofutysar wbon voter consumption te hoavieul, ond iater bille the highest. Comsidoration wvosaileo giron 10 the robatous systet describod. bt without tcrosing Uic rts, in July. Ibte vould neenitae cerrying deficite for- wrd. 'Becouse of Uic ihest rates provailing, the Sewcr Rats Coin- mttsc wus retioctaot lu petslugb borrowleg Costaeon oteOucouomer inteiforts ut future rae inrsases Anotber poeolbilty wan te rese Oue sbortfal tbrnugli flic tonlevy, but Reglonal Cunildhba clal odtofflers ewr cbarlu Ouhe1M5 mIlI rae, bt tOt aIl cluswlll hointe c utiltty bille. A frtiir polt con- mdred vos tOu numbar o comsplatee rcelvsd. The lugbet psrcsnluge (about S per ccnt) ut con- nuoers te avlllo con- luctsd Ibmettsglonnnr ite hilltlog ogsocbm. About I-lIt per coul ut Sorllugto comsuri filet csmplaitle. Tn initiats u robtsytem wbcb wnuld rsoult itea020 par cent icresesteoSl consumesrler tbt yer ceusdmmooun cern et the commlttse. The Sauver Rats Comnlltee facsd two alternatives - te tsse ei- bobes wblcb thc con- sumsr would laer bore te pop for tlocludiug procesmlog coslul or te rscoosflcntheIbm se- biltlog msfiiod. Tbsierecommandation not te buce rebatés was mode ile heO unf11 bnowlsdge ftht would recIt tenbumalt nteO consr incrte bPtogon, and tUiluweo ths dotsr- mbutsg fater. Howersr, thc Seicor Rate Cnmmttreovas unooboma in liteopinion OuI OuthoUons public information program, on Oue boplemenetion outhOu systets wan not clear enougb, and hllores fluet critîcim oft le edvortte- ing copalgo te justified leptensu t rc Hoiccror,tUoes te support of Wood'm moion etIthe0 issuung ci rebatte oud olcres." la r* tamoenitmutt the Sne re -If ule tah tod rbcim ame r e.klsm dfe palos siulbo retesd abo u lbrmsaorllso me Y0 eumbele Mat bfave rebutersi 'it uMst -don jyeustifcaon iFrer.u amd threvter billor lus matly. 1e th ae teatsaS et rebatdI,- fredly mid blS ebeu set up Cette. lisybe wbat ice oued tedo te go sbock toe Im aasM"oc 1aniday boreswas h pro- blentsand bre'ebm w ie àdm11 ltb It . it.'s net trelîscol te bugdIn te ote bore jut te to 9rcund e tpliticel te"a." n refuslng thereats NowI Vacuum your home the easiest way possIil No fussi No bother! t Sgo easy- jut plug ln tho uira-ightwlt hmas nd start cleanlng. The systotn sters automatlcaY ehOn Yau lmort h homo nia ans of the strtogicaliy piaced inets. Vau con vacuooyuhan n ITlnutOa. No=sginZr=gin , ekgor pull5ng. The owellcmmercial-sired unit cleans mare tharaughtY and i's quetor bocaumo Is tucicocl wey ln yalJr basermont. :&O PECIA LY DEOýiNM FR silY MM u SAV DIMI Dh ML EXISTINGSPCASLEhY EMS;lSU SAE R I lTHE HALTON BOARDO0F EDUCATIO lii GEr READY FOR SPUIGLASSES ."àmw MILTON HIGH SCOOL 'Ad 396 Wiliams Street REGISTRATIO: By mg, . u.tem fbomniprovnld. F1181 Chqu.u rode paybe t: TheHUOce on ord of Edunolloli. RERJNOS, Roquas. muet b. ide ln10 qenc .iloslcg tihe pink rolpi butors the. tihkd sgutlay ahoduled clos. Pleurse loun f lu. moksaller cofoos m or i th pîo..uiio and Lmiîcof 1retord nchoqus.. Pie dollarsofuthei.f. loen adini- stratofee ansod la not r.iioidablo. CORS TARTIG AEF Apple Dois Mn. Api 14 7:00-10:00 e $12 Chiroto Cookrg Wed. ApriII9 700-1:W Il $15 EroisoaoSeonod Lanuage on . AprIl4 -7 30-9:0 $10 Glf Tu . Aprl 8 -7OD 9:00 R $11 Sum, Ser.rgfiIIIo1-e4) tonAni 8 700-10:00 R 10 Typîrg Il Tu. AprîR8 -700-10:00 8 $19 Yog M. Api 14 73t 930 $10 YOU ARE ADVISED TO REOISTER lI AOVANCE. AS SOME CLAMSES MAY DE FILLED. OR MAY SE CANCELLEO DUE TO LACE OF REGISTRATION. REPORT TO CLABS AS 500EDULE, UNLOIS OTIERWI$ NOTIFIEO O'O OUR OFFICE. FOR FuRTHER INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTACT THEI CONTIRUIRO SOUCA TION OFFICE R274M0. REOTRATON FORM CONNUINO IDUCATION CLAO@,5IBIS OMMILM IIUIROLMUM NAMEu.. s. ADDRES:lsW. NOME PERHE 00: - BUSINESS Pi40N1 NO: Tit DAmiOF S5T Cuwé awIomOROMMER.Mes FAWA*dwtO NU4W.T0 NI TMANUNOOM OYR0VU Wmffd - Disi - F-lda For A On" AF" MNStm.t Ný JOIN THE CANADIAN CHAMptmN TEAM ROUTESAVAILABLI ON I THOMA8 ET- . j BILLET. CR11. ELMWOOD OMU. 1 NEELOP RD, Wi MIODONALD' GIFTCEFnIRcAVU ANMDWATCHUS OIT VOUR CRAYONS AND PILT MARK- ERS 001*00. TO WIN McDONALD'S GIPT CERTIPICATES. ENTRIES WILL DE JUOGRO ON ORIGINALITY. SENO VOUR ENTRY TO: THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, 191 MIAIN STREEl' EAST, MLTON, ONTAMO. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE. NAM E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AODRESS ........................ T...L........N.......... AGE............................. LMSTWEEK'S WINNER ALICE HOWARD SHAWN SANDLES JENNIFER ANNE PRICE TROY NEWTON CIDY BROMMERSMA .LAMNA CHAMP -the Noth blaSn eoCbww w ferM.nalto wordmd -dui Ronld MObod Nom« -CrpboU bl*.nthrough thm Aata.v Cuba of Geargeouat S HAiko Mcblappy Day. ibian's rbcday ichro crenymuplîchrsin toIr bp. Local sporto beroci. bstneropeople, and celehrties putothioraprans and go In worbrilgt aI Uheccouterr Com on n. avc a SIS Mac* and bore a Mcbappy Day. 4 ~ H.Ip roi» nimy for Ro" eom ou doo01eM mOM *Wm _________________________________ M M M \,\À