actednnaach oalite promses oir province amui go pockas" ho eau ,feeling erv4ices mre baing lesis.aslhydre plantaralir diii Large isaltien. re te a tir mni er êt ae iNgtrau ahead witli great triden," lie noya Bth. acdes,lies creased in arias aliere they wereaneeded. He'd like ta scaie ade of h 50 per cent wisr on propsails. yeltun ser ail the prumiseo s lflled in psst Throne 'Vie have a reeponsibility as Canadians and the governaenteut wood in tree loin. -Wr how the sources utf acid roi> we kuow how speeches. whole question ut Francophione serviceos spartof our He hou many tacts aI hus ingertipu lu prove the et luo deal with il we're 00W aI lb. stage îvhere w. have Coauientiag on aie 90 poit progria as an ater- overail respeaaibility. ficisy ad low cot ofsmail hydipansS. ,to muce a comtment teit." vies. tos mei, lted remmrebe . eltth. mintali- Ais1the LUerat energycii, Red saîd h. wu ai'vegottaget&wuyfrointewidwrnrg ment i Mlimire aaramng hoe.hola wId amina e a p te eprovince dld adapi aieetflita attitudes hbalayae. en taih aaltiams. "ev a adi yeiii, iegit li great dm1 tfor Huineuhichl aions a aritg liaei.nifourmaajoreaergyareas. "Vi need ta adopt th.emplnota faotramr ap or ownaet tiret, lin sWU gieloUaatumand piority fBut. Ifowever. h.'& afraid h. promise ml liprvnc nmade a comiitment ta eamine Wh hanjPM parch.eadhie finittara. IH.meuh mwalk iay thtstamliat meTroding'.', gmt al let nlhe eenemir ailtleasieacliprejeeuta con- 1. e tatooaa lquid tuila suriich salil, Rend boa isiilaid lta fni ntait e .baid hem ta Reid cas iseoonwm il OP ie i ondlaer om staatly moved loitatartler phas. espiala. utilise l Mast efficletly. W're net deung Ilat Iilli omm.a0entith sse Trnaa*ill. Heain weahl Hle seemeafthegremat iroie&ofthilieaU peechli n e h. lte qumeset fmie, h. becoaeése x- carprvinci. cecroed aouihe ledfleranceofaret za in1the p~ e taput hhaviar iosphaais aonIlydroulir rltad. HIle taah. provinceMta ai ne,.mmaon Raid teeita h. goverenent buhe aventure ltote an nd t..ta aiaî me noix!ipasre ov*w onisa Mr Airady Hydre bnsliiied lin "m.idy' mcl ti age ai ataidarlta tr app& , Sgrtyp- tiafld t adaahp can Iliseta ionlalof i55irgy ~ex- .at v i aïi'flhadti ioft$2.millioaan arharli f ydradWtapower r aiagmalamcala t imm. poatz-itidalllydg'nl exploration ta $1.5 million, deya Red. lhis ta tnty -"comervatian la- g oidlieniae-ll* clnipest "Vve gai ta rut fa811111U flerriet lise t mne tanti et-oe per cent o ilydre a ttalibudetlaid harril otoil la still th.ene ye aine," Reid neya, aid stick ili etot," ho.ayn. "Th&ta matinsslar the. He asan trae taeeligs aun r~c*uavmeta #; h.rdiy allom aheie ide 1h. piperwrt "h. oh- thrhmapmst liloatîtiofe lecricty sthle anc yoa IN, we ca'tliangac ad do netiing aout it' areturisntrntamte ofnisaehr However. Reed mes peitve abaut plastor aoc. efiintfaraproduarivity. "Vie deolinis plas ae sndirwiy Tise aId gnont________________________ aidltain sytea a hbeof replacd liy predactlvity F. PENNEY REAL ESTATE 123 Trafalgar Rond. Oakville PHONE 846-3737 1EXChIJENT 10%% MORTOAGE TiIs doffr savna4 tavaIiohaplt hhe eie lin aatashad fui n0 uses. CaO VuganvThomsiea 03727 Rie. M77378, Ceniuri1.F Paney avaie atLd Ml HAVE PLANS FOR YOd> W. e ak@ yvasot onel r 'erybinodyeah. ha» one- eind dsimin re r eti aIant hlDo'ta mt upaIad=e fa la nelina l Cii PiedBursnaoraicOM- pâaaioueo humahomeis. 84&3737 or re.. 87844. dm1 lcataied lnnady eat p fr ye-r cendn. Cii VughaneThomens085&3M3. <es. M878v. Cielien 21. F. PenemuRelnEa« L. SCENC RUEMIT tapoalee ithe peae d uanqaIllh ofta s4 acme rerai. Oly 30 mintes ta deailean OkvOa. Pmul esraa, 845 3737 o 878-4M7. CnoOov21 F. PeaiRami EtenLui. JUST LISTD - SISA Mortaisaa JO%%. orm moues rai cfototù hiaIsh y f idin dudl he.mIhic aréesn alirent DinltW »0tme sonea. l' Wmath Oie i. Cal Vaialn aTho»mai ain- Rs. e.M8737&- Casilav 21, F. Pee eme mm Miial. Usit""ýWu-Sat; MAIOO IUUEmTIVB MACNOO > OfI amCEiUS of rporat:in Yes, a Florida home or homesilte bs stili wfthln____ Luri bow you can own a fWly t«inWshd mobi home for o* y$2SA9Oa padow *snifan* yhomfor1kw ny$3UW9 (on ycur lot) or a dwole 1/4 ace hofmRultfor only $195 Wheher yu*re iotcved iv mwi .8j ta Floua tiso*tmotrow* or suiTE I 00010000 zeOtuiio ime i h utoure. General D wmauîj ientOareentate for hsacommuny aod an oortunoty for *wa Ln d aout t dful Flonda 2 2 OMTARio Sr.à.,I LromI MyuU h ýWrneo ons Gentlemen:m thet èe avallaeantdim.wyno c Wed liet 10earn more about your Flonida homes and I pàVallh hcth as meBoas I homestes wtle îhry are 01111 oitin our reach. We are I SM 0dowo. I paricularly nterested onCD Flonida Eas Coast Il Foride a West Cost, CISouth Central Foride. D Snge Famlly Homes. 1 Moile omes ~~, ~ @ÊÉ id o Jnlaa Reed M I