w' âss~I? I - .-. - H 0.MULLIN 3,iso.31 Mac si- Miii E 878-542 G IORDON, LOMAX -HYDE AND CALLURA Cbacsasd Ccciciaila j17 Wilson Drve Canaero Main Ser 8M-7251 'i zGerV A. Jenkins a COUNTANT 1 43 Mai1. t. ici Bus 878 0162 i Res. 845 8178 WILLIAM MERCEII COMPANY Cetiiid Gslsid sa MAIN4 ST. MILTON S THE BO80KKEEPING Fmsacisi tassicaci lassaraTas Alsmai SPoaocpiesicii Ill-38, KAISER ALUMINUM t SIING ~Soi. asia. Winudm aido Doone,s.Ccigoa.aui RaCns. Eaviciuiiiuiq5i Fedenal Industries et Canada Pcau.of Fnyth. S Î 8450318 ALUMINUM WINDOWS fi DOURS G 'LAS d RFIAR S STORE ROTS ,61 ainsiStreet E R7-452 MASTER GEOSS ALUMINOM -Selcie d Aac Dealers pcais g i 5" -1...i cccsug *Sing *Seffts to FaSCi 9aOarta Awnngs PHONE ERROL MacPHEE 878 5337 DEU ALUMINUM UMITEOD MILON* APPIA E Osevcic'g alcin Ccccrv aWASMcRS s OCERS sRANGS aMICROWCSE OVENS a EFCIGERATORS a OSHWASHERS aAR COITIONERS 605 Main S. E. Miton 878 1808 878M2 Bssa taM m5ainEs ad OOLLISIMEePECTS Nom 7:30-6:30 lp ci TRUCO CRNSMIG >Acher Auto Collon DANS AUTO BODY coopiaîc CollsinWcsk 24Mcou, Tcicca SOcaiclils Rsetic 878-5145 75 letic eMin dii Carpentry cimpisi aic Mima Rsepiaîiiaid Rniccs Cali 8787488 AIL HOME IMPROVEMENTS Rec ros icitci.khnsî.baih- cabnestcand cda.ci Oîiî ccicacrp ai îcassîabia pisa Caii Cisc BW.2413 idicii NICHOLSON CARPENTRY [TO. 3355018 Cc mium dia idict BROA8LDOM fh VINYL FLOORING Ca/Il878-4178/09 For Homs Cppîîinmcl Mii Osltisudi CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLATION Commerciial eideial Kenii Caîpet Cîecîîîra Seriîce adiluji..... cih,,ll$45 isullcuCuciiiý 878-1878 F- E.t!1.sI chaa>1iuw Jkret r re Chimney Sweep 878-5744 diseii ACTON PCECCST CONCRETS LiMiTES a Spiî tic k *Wcii Tici Siml Piat csrl io idci sPacrîs S-eiPipa 853 159 Deati Stock Removal f cat4oriale2M4t Li cN. 2UC7l McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITEO Nadalia Electric Rmelsciiial *ci.cicil 878-4111 153 SOIs Me.AisWest Miiici dcii qWebek pgpethte . Industriel .Csiciaa Driastic iic bicel Hinccc Nothing Too SmaII or Big 878-6O34rnd -I Ecoating, grading. luating. tranchîng. ono ramoval 87-63 George Harris Building là Repair- Waterdeiin 6898086 sypiigs Pvse dr' John's Custom Farming (416 36-33320 totatccicîd imi)sysrias itsiîdeniaiECidusi Spacimatis "tticd Nsav a78-8617 Odici) FLOWER 4 SHOPY MLTON MALL CcipiciForlPrisîsic dcif Bailey Fuels Oit daliiiry, cla rice Ociîsd C Opsîsicci Si Bruce Bell 8784621 N(FURNITURE SERVICE t ci iresd icsaitaticErCS-,--s Rapsîr Th-aiPa Rvdasial Etcisisscial 5191 8533832 CuSTOMDESSIGNER OF PsieacsiFastics sC-ricsTic.é o ro CALL JOE Fieco 8788636 bi ALL etF *" Su1 UsPd5 aCOMMERCIAL IswTM 87MaN4 -5 bbaUC088s IllaTA"Dula MW »Chvwoit. MOI f I ý3 lPURPOSE GLASS i MIRROR Recidniai Ccmnciuc )Dosas m.& teuis tatpat Wls MW GsaMssd W5grI #M l G-AIS uis&ssMaru, Ld. sPai occia e SorciOs EtCWidccis sTabe Tops a OsscRemci aics a IciGlaîs Gasîc 138 MAIN ST. . 878 7500 KOSKI GLASS 878-9452 dciii Bailey Heativo Or Celng Sale làService R R,3, Milton 878-4821 Widcsleuciicofsyesseid iypes of esici a iig ciii dwlincod invlCcci Scnds aid addiicuipis Patit) dciii. Stris dcciitor sits etc. Cecik iuiBaîai bîiau i ycc, iis! 33 Guelph SI Mary. N.7liîacal Ida U7-1 186aissaii Roy à4IiWo Ait Typas of Patranîd Oippis Cilicas Cail 878-966 Total Mantenance 8784787 tJast Da1 878-2341. Clu nlaiA Whte Oak Landocaping Ltd. irstaslilcd sîscsi 1MI aliStoc -R apsuciWell 5Pisirsia - Rck Garda SOdditg -.cPoste largecdasiiscaîeiesIc sLarga Slads Tss 853-1248 RAI.Acton R. 5CR ERTOOR. GRCD. OF OCC dcissii Band 'C Masonry Contractur Biso ick . scmmeStonacoi, Claude-878-3240 Bruce 878545 GM. MABONRY Spclllalng la Fis.- places end Chlmiamys. Free Estlmates 20 yaars expoilBflce 878M422 8784111 or 8261223 NADALIN Elctnic C. tti. 3153 Basa Lino Raad MIýLTON CommuNITY NURSERY SCHIJOL S. P'i Uitd Ciiiii 1 23MaiSreet Esci Fe nmaion c c a: BP Canada Ltd. Aent GEORGE B. THORNBORROW Ot SON Fuel Oil, Oilt Gas 24ycHeurBuerSince Fuîisis. Ciaîig 8786538or 88U04 Or. Athur A Johvnso 24 Main Stîssi Mii. Ont painting nceds Cal' CIL VANSOOLEN PAINTING CONTRACTOFI For Piee Esitaaies IODuSTR AL RESiOENIAL IITERIOR -ETERtOR 878 6137 Sox 114, Micn PAINTING là WALLPAPERING Free Estîmates Cou AI anyrme 8785789 ANTRIM 1 NTERIORS Paperhanging Painting Free Etimatea Phono 878-1784 Painting là Waipapering GaaliyWccE, Baucnabis CALL 1B0B 878-5710 dci Mon (A' Tal 878-2fflq9 Photography cio. 12îccc 65.30p.ar. - psitmais ruas. -9a.is goonpim c Cm.)Iid. Nud. - 9 i 3 a. ec00P.. -Castmarumin !b, 9 30a...9.00p... -LiiedbEdIiccss i -93a 5 s2pis Sai 9.30a.5,0. noupis MiIon, 878-3121 DonitforgM t n to GIVE TP*Olcrcqnîh befors ySugo 1We*ig Excletaslîiîuy 878-1849 P, 'Ile CPOkiftaftg ~~ truth SatisuB1rV SIoodDonc. COU 878-8800 MLTON OkedDe«Wdma Piannanscis 25 qMcciiY. Cnîc ic Radaloi 878-8821 M,i u. . 8nia Sal,8301 dcii) 1 retihsfiBackhoe MO Eqpil e)1 MILL STREET. MILTON MILTON RENTAIS CALL 878.8484 375 STEELES AVE. J. & a. 8.wlss Salesa 8"0rI0 SlcgscaEt KamBisB Ci Ma5 Rapsiad gmt4sfl sm. «as ýW TUNE UFBSPECIAL *10.00 OFF Sewîtg Machines SAl-ES--SERVICE RENTALS PHONE 878801 Mlton Fabtut Centre S-ce anid Repairc ci HALTO#O11POOLS " IngS icncirl poci spasiislat Pool itsi& accaasailaa SeBricefi rpaire 87-7 I i I Il Il y Eris Bstasa tr Soccety'c ictis are Pt ciaint ta ha fsttaoncd, MILTON POOLS - wahsnaa-bermstln- Sales &AccenoIsmm ci I SaWEl me" s tamalulahar Actas igmsnd sCh-,IalS-, a aaus grswar s AimGouned sMBaCIsIstatpa inlaprosliW s g Insalaion out *h FarhUne larma 529BMain, Unit glk c g6ola ai laetsalih casidcama 878-82 ta Thcisccid. Richard Hoonlt, lId=sala Unitr9 ai Mai ai farth1e n"limum pain-b Acccýegaidip. . alty'*,f afûtse. IUSTFOR OUR E$IVCE" se chargent arsa Sdii rBsght &glast Et. Boasi bheuOntario Aspsau TOWERS LUNUMITED Board tOAGMEt asies Gerge eFrest Marketing Act. Bard- ht Sons Lawyet Peter Liagard, cf A"10,scci Sio. Catherlesa, tlId tdu ..,îdîîsinaid curt t he hboard IsBan5 'ncaîr olilgaton la eforthe du Cull g aidiiiad rgtai o aass ta la Opîh. ciis iw.l uessts i y's snas wrlidura ata regastat- ACO 5 06 Ioss.regulatias andsailu- ACTO 8532946 ulatics' Jaiga Latimer - W___ MSt people SiBt ta ha malt asgulated" sai uasas ycs're ose cf lhsaa1 people aha stIlI hllavas1 duca rn rulatlacaî. Butat su laulcere, Haî t ar ast, la hesafit the csmeeaslty.îî ZENITH, ELECTROHOME 111must admit. the à KELVINATOR curt admiras aset free DEALER sprit. Yo're scsbboriiîi Judge Latimer tld Et. Saien Et Service Bos 219 Main St. 878 4676 nCe courtleansd fs-cm iglracsslicic tmstimccy, Mr. Bas tf- Elide rcgasi usai ta permit ia5pecir1 opn Dsilyao" Cytil Mercis, woha on 1 TSrst. & P. ta 9 a ppoSislted hy DAGM, tea dadmesetean aparagus 4launoJlly S. Et. Basa WANSU8QSERY umlia uiB, 15 MMi i. W., Actni Plu DAGME secret- Rascic, Rabuédis 5t355la55B5Dae-5Lopos Restlinu Reiniging icdlcated there îs soras-- PutE ipacci Oshiing ACTON 853-0320 VEIFRINARY SFR VICES 10 RvisîSu ACTON M53 1450 Wter Satîner Sait 8«-9781 Wateî Sttenet Sait Cîcipici Lis Cidiatit CO-OP 28 Bonnue Street. Mllten WATER THE WAY uT SHOULO BE 20 îasolic Hayyiiic Coccty a FyE usrauWiccc C Oies eLOWST Mciihty Castai RIais aFREE Sal t eiwar Phanie 8«-9781 Bill Mcfloeeld Macihar of fhe Settr uiaicaBuuc ST. PAULS 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA MaiS. ai James Si The Ccv. Et.Jack Bich Sunday, March 30/80 Palm Sunday 945 a... -FacilyService Meicbeislcp Sucday Cch c Sel C Icai EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 24 Commerial S. Sunday, Match 30/80 10:00 a...i - Scday coca & Adcis BibeClausea 11ion .c.-Asmaciluî Serccn: "Opaciatcia ai The 7.00 par -Ecarcg PFiis & BibleaOtudy Sermocc: "The Nac Jaicsainm" IRlaolci21 Et 211 Tuaaday Bibis Study Wadnesdsy 700 p.. - Fsciil iaei NurisaerSarvcecs aie proidedaaiiiciameings. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Bîuenis RaCd. Waal MCrtaiei: Biaco Suanela, Match 30/80 clnfor Ici a s 1 1:ai*.. - Mricsciciah ecd The Icids Scppai 7:30 pi..-"Pîschingao The ocspel 730p.m. - BiblSBbJdy "The chuch o riista.Wcm iAlftoft Chrlfebme Výeptome qloul G. HASSELL PLASTERING a lic seture tcecing 878-4300 OUICK PliidTINC GENERAL PcINTING Cî..iteSe-cî. 103 SuicsA-c, Ucir9 WcciiofH y, 25 Knowles Plumbing N.InsainsIidctl Ilpi,,W."î Naturel Gai PPiiig 8/8 1212 ANGLICAN CHURCH 0F CANADA GRACECHURCH 317 MaicOS. Mâtsa Sunday. Match 30/80 Pairs Scnea Bnon.i MaCci F 10:30 a.cc -ParisEcîhaîisl 930 &.m. Senir Chucci Schooi 10:30ami. JucniCchcb Schcci 6 Thuraday 6 tanon 7:Mi cc ST. JOHN'S A NaaaoBciya (Guelph Unis.h N. cf 401) Yb Cch chcbcsl ST. GEORiGES- Lccicdi (tcelph Line b De" RCd.) 11:00 s. . -Mciv Ccci Ncrsacy &Chch SC choci TRINITV BAPTIST CHURCH 422 Appeby tics 3 Sunday. Match 30/80 T 9:a. s-cBibies chccl ici alion ac. e îis a :0 scirp.. - Sfie 0 BliacciaBapciamiBpmmcE by Immcisionc) Et Tusaday 7on00i.. -aoy' aid Ois' Clcii Wadneaday 745 par -Pîsyci Meaing and BibeSOicdy MILTON GOSPEL HALL 3M Ontario 0.N M52022 ci1 Ciliais Oaiii5i5d Inbtheacisecf The qp Lord Jasca Chis Sucday, Match 30/90 of 10:00 ar. - B»ablcaBaaad 11:45 &.m. -cricisy Schasi le 8:00 p.. -Proyerend Bible Reading Au Aare walcra To th-saaamic1 WhCa is Oa S« ai SaOc, Sicc n ilsMis iBody'OcThos Tiosa. Paass2OM HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Peniscastai Asaeg" Corner of Wciellid 'saisio. Ma. Mchristesens Sunday. Match 30/80 9:46 a.,c -Occdaî Ochoci tos0ip 6:W p.ci. Fana5 Pîsysive tee0 cci basveing WosiciS Frilay 7'30p.is 'FsNiifylght' *Ac icafora.y miar of.c tîefamdy. ru o end fiais Scoday ccat i.Jais a sgciîî BOSTON Bcd OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Bac. LorryA. Woirh Sunday, March 30/80 BOSTON 3rd Lino. Esquesîî a 9:30 &.m. Church Schol OMAGH Biànnla Rd. Wi. 1r1ee a.. Chcui Scl THE PRESBYTERtAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON 170Main Oi.CE'7-»B7 Ras TmsîsiJ. Le"i eîganiat C Choir LeaderMr. Sunday, March 30/90 Palm Sunday 9:46 a.,c. -Ccchee 10eonac..-Adult aibleisca Wreai. Scrmn o Bapisc 7on p.ci. -Co.micentas Mary Wogik- Monday, Maich 31 - Tucs. Cpi 3. Deotadni Servics12:15 Gssd Fdday April 4 Illisldest 9arfn.. servica 10:308.m. Nutsm avaiaba. îtd cf Mr. Boas avicg 1 îcîd the hoardîn Cee. QAGME ebargas ciambers $M2ersraa nea minimma eceinl sas-al taha bfftéaa3i one la casistos la Ceaà samnseall#M~Bl jaa laroduca lteftas. canhesy mr- t grmaprgsfer te frehmiartat. IW. fraala grcwes Bon board. W. flt B owu catletgaL"lti sfli EM. Bos. liaae etaiaMy as acte. cf Asparagua -equlres an aivstmenst cof this ysuna and *$M hale t Imat..rea Mr. Bas sali ha hma nossald oe lut 55PBtaW for tua yaa. Mr. Basa hB a $ 3,M1 invsumeatin lahia 4% actas cf asaragaa. If las aaaly onahas ta gaca qes li ha ctout pay tlIa OAGMB Ose, accetiag la "CThansosmesai BaU- much paracre," saidEMr. Bou. Isel farmers ata the hbacboe of dm ccli ntry. Ifbal cie alaclldasîl be puhed around.' para Fresh asparaus praducera tirsu cama ,underthdu bard's rle tos year f a stand rela!esa s k tha tisa petair cn ftdu boatd's eseerabhip, scicrdisf Si Mr'. tic- gatal. Tharaara t75 OAGtIB mebnsaht. "1ll a ratner ..fl bIs aica ot as'S4*m vdwi Afer t.eça" *.IWO :Zr? Plrarat dr B ra"teas mtaluertLa thyed olaBati amg,,, sola sdusahet M5r.,araLaaaa0( OAM - a oi telalMam pilas cfee asi t pur saIt Teffls cales Gac as cd et- tri eonteBasesa, Ifth pL41-., la cf id ià-0 Cstainladhe asd, la dcantar ut. Tapas. makeAOMBoeaS la af tsed fIa-t thsHE. Bs haoc, hi tld a lay4 trsltsi te b ex.,in Tet OtAGUlaclas S th iV rsoafla acilMr.o Trustees favor. three year trfn Mos at aiBard cf cut Isy the Ascatlaonsuof Edetatian trustes la- Large Bihosl Bîfaic disisusi support for cars' the requestcthe duMin- iag tlree yaar terms is!gecf dac. = . rather than the pressat Teaacaiacrt toc yeat tero. trusataeeslu hba feas hat Thetcday trustees "certain munisep ?r- ramplelied ssrvay gaciuatlas ad Mia- !cclcscndhbards Las rn tIse provsice. isîpat alelcuaiqMciala The survey is carri fraonta t ywrc. il 1 PHOTOGRAPHY mi A 174 MILTON CENTRAL i lppAàv Mc Tu, ffl Th Fi Sa t T-ar Mur