I ~ Thm Ca.adn CheMolon, Wd.i GPJAS YOUR SIIARE 0F THE SAVINGS URING OUR £tNù 0F MONTH 8 iohogIdmn, Li. OWSN4 7JoupMJ(4 x4, Lie.AMS4 77fWi.otri Sqoore, 0. HU843 77 fird Costm 50, Ur.HOU17 16 Coosor XR7-ool 2»G00miesu c. 112X258 76 SUC Y% Ton Lc. Dm03 75fpUoc 4 doccr1 god Uc. JYN358 76 Matbo Mooltcd, c £0819 74 Ford 6 Poaaso Cleb Wagoo, Lc. JOU019 , ORDER NUWI! end rco o 0 r M N mon011a11979 or 1980 T- &id, Coigo, FàwoBn or Zophy - 5 $tiol en0T-rd EtCouger $M00 eueon Fmoiont fi Zpyr. *CAR and TRUCKO RENTAIS *LEASING iomgl3 45 MAIN ST. . Oct tam toc Chr Wn p.M Wei POU golé rç331 Fi $2 007- J04HNSON BROS. GARAGE îw-, Great Deals ifl? ç~ on '8W' SFabulous ___ Deals on a '79 Models - 62.1 295 Main St., Milton 878à9942 a Suvlcing tise Motorlng Public for Oat, Wy60 ff 107 CHUV 1% ton 0f0<1, QUALITY osdcora- 0w G pics op, hony My pricfl, puysyh0. Phone1 a] ta04aio, poa0f 110411117,91 u0for MarIo.. lien" p0 . lu t199 AMBLEIR la . . CI M7-26LOaiPi. cyllodar, 4.400f, i la1, l MWa bit o 000. 118-522. 1*32 CORVLIa Tons& 00a C oSfy wago Air 1976 TORtINO StatIon oemittnb, <cri-, Walon, va aulooatîc Coi No. 117 oî: Ciyra, 054M. 0"M5.Clmans 21169 Milto. $Mu.02 Cu ~'r, »W 'OOie, 1975 TOYOTA Corlele, 2 A cOfOa. A rosi clama eaur, 4 10,600 car. U. PP000.Ciii mis.s tN.rtile a Meto fota,0 ni-lm 750miS for joo. Wj 194 AT&N, 10 arte, 2usu sitbnWauaaarePo caser, etooafC tao. he t0 inis4ebet a §missio. A reet alco ouaWtowo Cirysr. cr. Li. MYC074. Colt Por 0 Iaoso frotta sel Muare,0VI-lm0. Clt4174114t. 20000 21112*_ 1072 DATOIiN 1aie, 00.00 1974 VALIANT, oow pot, mies, et le, Sil. 8la". 222Cu.in. , P, ex. AI 7000. collet condtion. 12»00 21014 cotîfled. 40747000f6. 1. 1174 DATSU RoO.210135bu aOtllett<4dmo.,0. alm VOLcOWAGEN in. or amui Omar.07aill0i. Ribblt, greenalnocotoof, 2on 21011 doif, 0uto transstaion, Ifm DODGE half.to, 6 cartlflo. LIc. leTAWb. 1IOMtMa.IC, 2 in w1101 Clt bat Moturs, 877-- cap, pouarstaormo, SM0. Ol melit condition ,20M06 04,200. OrSet 00ff. 877->a19Mvw RABSIT DaLoo, 3761. <bith Inorlof, O&til 20M 6 1h0,5,80w 0tir, sport IVm ELDURC 100, rilots&Sties, eiapuat trce/ fo ie S, ooe AMo/ 7FM/8a 0f 1,11 coneition, bosi oOeom a tprouoiend 4cr- m4m.87.218. tltle. 0,125 f oir 3"" 111W. 7746V2 0*fier 7 lait FORD vn, n, b, pm 21029 WANTEOI 172 Ods lui7 *Mc 1w 00ton, ad Ctief fl prfto. For custo 0ntlto0, Cap top Sal -14" Pontiac a ciel. 20, aolootalc R Wttaois"$ 100; t11008110500 nii"y Chovo amolli 01100014 esty s000e80000 il. 0m spoidW/ a00fuVer rO rdiltir"., excelleant Holley M SSCor 11781494. a05,000.* MColtm 176 GMC Va leri ecS, YOUR 0h010 10 CirySir <1010800800,80e & vltOèOe for sle et <6 o8 rttfly featcid prce. "ne owvtl 11774 0111113 pIons. $78.180400110114. XE a doal on tola 1979 lotion wago. 90111 sîIppe, pi, Pl), -0o 40 dwiec0000r, 0"5 ra. LIc. 09R 126. Col'. worgetamcm hrysOBf, 7M11111 wu laem -odal 0004 4ronho 8MW vONln 4o0k. N» wla the 0100.te o. Il et 0110etéW0 2110 iOLDO Cutimo, 30 ndows, r72 00000, 40,5801. 1006608$04 10 I. 077-4020 aflor 6:30 1OLDSM$OULEO 0.10 RRoyale, aif con- tone, f0400, 0400 vol& stem 5oi0edradiesi, Mw aOippie, prio 1,0t. OaaaO hie5Cent- 12 000. IOLOS.06.0 original M060, P.S., 9.0., otomltic $0110 or Seat 00f8781212. PPLYMOUJTH Gr0 sf11, hie V-8. pi, pI, 112,100. 877-4î01 m0m. 2100 PLYMOUTO Scomp, 2 lief 01.r400, 6 c911040f., anaer slaorl oulmaic, f0410, 12191.00.083.2001401(deys. 74 'POLARIS, oscallont condition, 877.9127. 21M0 IVATE Sale. 72 Cornaro, cefofie, ex' cllant Conditi0on, <0W ooosd. M00 itomafic. O daplaey Dotes 89P Statio, 210 Guelph1 Stree, GooOa~m. 077- 04. 61. REMIATO 6 KA0WA0SAKI ON, 005 Condition, 878-M16. OU 74 5UZUI<I 0CC%, golaen chromo 811100 Sak, 0004 ahap. SM. 87746M. 73 201 TRIPLE E nouée traller. 3-wey frède, 3 0110011 ssto 00100 011011, uroaon, Coaplits ofthfoem 11011.0. 80k dolRsfkInwatfhoe, TV antenne, . Upaoixl comfortBbIy. For more Iformation 0011 (519) $53-1817. 1464 y VeaeNihaSofcy<10 <5 400. 600 Miles. .000.00 01110. 05318. 14M0 .CAMPuS, TRAILERS b MOTOR NOUES 6 EQUIPPED 11004009 camper' for silo, sloop 4. 1117.0484. AlLER. 22 ". Coach-. mon Caet.91Propane 10110, ho aI 00880 hower 6000thob, s4009 7. ex00s 878-1110..081 VI 00INNEBEGO 22 fn. cmploe «100 aonlng X9. NNESS OPPORTUMlES AMWAY I ogiportoîOty to dsnlop busnssof your own îbt bigb income tentai. For appointmeot Csf 416-388-7677 AMBITIOIJS PERSONS o n holeseIl/ail 411... hrou homo. 0.o4 ;Icoe For-1300. me 05,0110 YEARLY 10<0000 possible by 0110WIn0 Selworm8 1ln patIo a"mant orgaore*. co00plote111 00f 1000 roqu:<re0. $78-1615 i100000 3812918 Scoreu r RED CROSS Blood Donor Thse Reglonoal Muncipallty of ailton TENDER PO-04ft NOoI(O)Veii»e assie 1ond48<8 cly ollard es Io- faontete wio e 000u»,10, W i 1 h, 1 O 80 M. Lol T o048.Apl110 10 900001000Dmmmtlt, 115101 000.nor. omlt»0a Tentios w 60u o0.r00et2:150900 Locol 110, Tuesday, AprilI 10111,100 ln the 8001000 Ho.0400.ts, Corm<a408le R0080No. 2, 1101 amis0 00.4, Oloa tThois 0001a110065Se480mmoihltamd Io Lowauogyisaldsotoo.880yomwld. Wl . 1.6Home R.A . 99,0990p. opo TAKE NOTICE 00.1t Rosied GodoO'Cnnor ofthe City of Nw estminster.,041000 Coioer, le 104.011.4 1. ~40MuO901U00 Roi sTexaco of the Town of OeMiuon h uhn ofFour end lmpoms ode114 W UR pon a 10711 Dodo.0Don. T'h., HalBoIard ofj4 SotIaNo. 1LL3015080306.I Edcotion lîl 110<81110LceocoaNo. 0V lOi tenders for: Opo. enac. Sasin aonthe ld0 and tesurf1cig ile<101ta11y 8 0001100, pintaient0toiSectio seo<derry ac110010 48 8$ The 0000110,110Lien 2. PFNTIIThe 00 00101110<81 Act10<0. ..19m, chaptea «114011y 8<11«Ii 37.0a8800of theauotomobile wM iehlaidby public au11011 Dotoifsaond specifi 100 on1Th<asdéy, the 3144:y 8$ ions ouoloble front Apa, I, e0 t the 6<00 8$ Central Adm1inistration 1:00 o'c00010in0the80<0011 Office, 2050 Guelph et Rya Tooaoo. Oigh<y Lne, Brlinglon, Ont. No. 25,0Milt0n,Ontario, to b L7L 2G4. co0d4<0004 by AI Pinc111<0, Tenders wil 018c lose 10<0400ns. 3:00 .0. for Asphaj The0 sele00011.00 1 a Povlng and4:400 p.m. oemsbd. for Painhing, on Mon' DATE0 at Milion,. 000 2400 dey, April 21, 1980. d"y<ofach,1jaill. Tise lowest or any ten- dot' wIll nol necOOsseiIy Ry VOali<o ho occopied. Ry'Texeo High.y No. 25 11111.011ER11ES. LAVENOUI MILTON, 0ntario CHARMAN MNEC1R 073«03 74. AUCTION SAME 74, AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE For Fred Robertillon Smt. Mrrch Mt u1:30A. M. Locartion: Noli Une. Hlon MOs, %5 of a mile nontis of Sbeeles Ave. or ô mileo south of Ta.tos&10Machmo<y: lt. 050<Ollyoaca<04031.P.. Ue condition; PoméliOHttur, m0.0ng6asle,, New 0.110,4 Modal 49 ayOboo901.0cul gmom t; 1. 0. 40 P.T.O. 00000:10004 automtiac tookr wth 3 6.P. B0>0g &Stra51.110 engins; fron o 0t<0 bideh n 00<; 200. .680.1011hay 040<0000 «611 <oto, I&.osnw; 241fi. hâle,. st<«or gain 040,8001104011 <undao.; 10 0% .P. 111000; 0M.F. 3 .6. Modal4000-3 furrow 12 Inch tip b01pl00<oy0; 0M.F. Modal1000- Il l . 10<1116., aspa.4tie; 3 .H. cycln onaaadr; 00<0150<0 3 1g<114 d0int ,Oao<aspa.aoderon 0. bbia; Fairbanks plat- 000. acides 400e 0 b.copaity, Chtham 081111,10 <111 & scommooo.WfkOg og0wr<1a01 0411e; 2 .P. <1<11; front end400000<01badin; set1of380ectionhaaoco; st0.<1 origine «010<0wagon; 54 inchM.F. bld for simailtator; lag2 «004 again scoop; .104<0 engins; Wisconsin1 00041< Hormis Eqpoet 0M00e.: W<0041102 0horm0is doble 00 horse 1aler; iogh ort; a <l;0 <1004041hoir.ma di14.00; 0<ck str8p for ailln;.0 4 eo 151hoe 00110en; J.00.800. eloctri< 5000<00 icuhto; 1 paouo1. 2 p..s110em; about 300 - 2' X 10' pns 100710<0 041101 <ostly 10Il. log; 28 shote4' X8' X %0" sty10108<; 2 or3 dozenpare oT noges; 110<r20 pns04.40<1ah;aterial h1101141040006o .lâctdelale amg; wood l0000.;antique «tOl 00<160or08 ag pollus; p<.. mmall00010< pompa; 4 8,0811 eletîlo <otors; poosy 11ck; 3 water hydreots.; hadaefo bout talea;0 «4484 040Mm<celles sl600 for tabbaa uormink; 7 motel & wo648404o hpplog <atoo; 10 or 111poaril006008$f a4det wire.; 25gel . air tak; bire of10,000Il. bâlert04.8:3 mile of now f.oce. %neo & b Ps.a400- a ohool 0.10000000 pdightpiano oesco< 2 cosh10n chestotOlld Et mstcfaoo chaï48 Inch<600 h9inlch a.ofwy olt; 2 reord, ployais; 401606,.. 01001chairs round fointod; TV. tables; 3'"OX0W" -320boad pns 00.1001.tabl; Rlegh mn's bicycle; 01. Owmor mouiset om.pos"l.fOu accidnts 800 Dey. TERM& CASH 01%CHEQUE WITH 1.0. Lnch booth by Hoo0y A.C.W. Auctianeer: Word Brownridge Phone: 878-6730 074ml1 PALA71AL AUCTION Put esteite of a 65-roafilimaonatlln N»t York aond ao Seotra feioe, TII m Nu:S 8ia, Mmb h30-1 P.. COUNTRY AUCTIO 407 SpursRBd., Unit 2& 3 la 15. pu mmsi. lt Waiasaiyopop.. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Friday, March 28, 19M et 10:00 A.M. Ths will b the Iagettsao the 00, tî W0 Ore exp.1î11< o, 1 ,01W ecom140 s of00.0 I P- L îgo selectonof0<pioghs <. o <lio100«, <00111010. 80 4rI,66, 00< 0d4. 00000010. oo«b<1stboles, omn pnko<0 W. 860 11.4 en averageof t3110<00 <t of industriel00iP<100 et é<1, sale. Condition of t<0<1000 MaeV Y0<frootl <ot good ad o e e.101 ln ti19,a0 0y osod squblposmoto totoo000040y àlpn PaonOppy fou oor 3h mo.ts 0Sebit» REGA80LESOFOP 9000. BVAN FAM SUPPLV LTD. 41SI-eM0 Hy. 5 a t theiJuo ofNo. 62 111. RA z2,Dnde t2o. oonhwiatOtaIsn. 074000013 AUC11ON8WL for teo01tteof 1he UM«e.ANNE THOMMSN Removd fretan tise kUe redmdenc e M i ln Milon ae tisa Fab.gousa lin lihe Agrlcuisurai HaN on Robert Street. Sale Censlshlng 0f: 8 pc. 000 dining room seite &t othor houtehold Conieooe. oppîmncs, 51000 E& china, collectobles, mlac. Fotabao: 8Op. oek ditag mo0tsuite0 oc.tablebuffet.&06 cloilas; cta.aotOld 1&chair; ,ploseoed chal; patfoa, rocikea. h pe. 01.40cm suie oll. siogle bookhoaged0. dresoter 101 otrooo &0 510h1 *tend; 44poantique beo 00 ip*Who ol 0004antque 01.4 Ipittod); dessmoth alt beahOd oliaaot pint1i) skr «ut daesea it 400salag n4mo; otsokostad; Pmlo0a" le table 101168; pois la"p. 0o0100 table; caer oi hat; %rsie pnstable; .pooled ttaot table; antique. 8avi<g 0 otlaa< lelaatadlId 0pinsotmagecupboad; <Id pins blanke.1box; pinasoottal top tible 6h 2 daawot; Sissol taesdo e og macNneo; tlsphonetable4; 1m. uplolveotd chttfloid 1& <hair; corlet spleno soo IpakooedI; stop s0001:3 . ohsiottiled; liier bail04complets; Satnho ecool table; 001001; 06<00, cabinet & table; 00<ok- cm., 001011char; klhao table ri04 chars; 044 chaors; Tot jimacatotlo Appiences: Ndoge aatagenotoî4 bumotottoiro. metal radio1 (paled); l8" flourt; Westinlghous ot 0<ic t<dsh- omolon; Comrt<aoir .0condkio<u. <000 TU. 10c m s sommotul; tlo, odd stemirîadio; <laby vauum;0,0< 0100< polla lte .icc 11m; hala dvr;ot 00110<alI lectricol a -pine. 000.0, chiae, 00imse.Soveoeg11panoi 4.11m; 2, open, «006<s;orlestail108 pot; p«01 fopusoon p. o 0041..co0os m;,0Nippon11<0.80&0s<oa; <68idstrcela 001 ldoste. t. ut, Nippon.80090001<; derthasao «0810saucera; 04o «y. MI pitchot &05 lesesa; Germen fruit 0<0; HAP.Nippon 0<11 &0 saucrsoot; 0<4.010«<bt 40h; 85<., hst &0contetsot 00 sêherplets 11<.; cosdtestiko; pI<01 40900001011basket; menttsl <1000; <oflld meal lock; 8.1180Ja; aom. 1,044400; esotnaof8$ 81800, nusist01.; 2 -1% H.P. sotors, bostIl <viepot ont<; ,1masportable alac11IOg pool,a.osoot 00101801<. etc. TOOMBi CASH ORACHEGUES WOTH P980908 D. LuriciteosOable. Pfl0VIEW: 9NOM 40CLOCK SALE DAY Oxor, al0000board or Ataolotnetu so apons4ble Ou so0t1e0t0 f IlâleNiohioay tesetde Este.. fAuctioneer: Chris A. Schouten Phone: 879-2576 074,a,3 AUCTION SALE Smtrdey, March 29th, et 11 A.M. For Gordon and Barbare Rank Location: n Milton. t tise airroonds.in lise Agrietsral Hall on Robot-t St. Sae Coitaatng Of- (Ref.) furnitore, glaon. chine, lmps. bru, coppar. primitives, collectables. etc., etc. Approimately 250 itens in ai. 9<106<0; 0.Oakotal cupbo.ad; pns ooa<o0; pins w«0.- stand; pic. dop-Sef table; unuma.8 pin chid' (4) com- 0110810v o upboa14 - dryiok; poaad ock0 aoke; 2 aide- boards; 800 cupboord; vc<otorinsrae & maoching chair; am of chalr; good c1111'a rocker; o04 04<0. rocker; Boston rockr;psa haac.al table; apool 04:0<18epn, c5404:;2 pin. bSnet oxot;00,e; .0t01 ashod; 2 excllent pin. chanof dr<0went; pin@00lep d0.lk; ho rock1 &0 <1chingtable0; ototral tbls in pis, «81110, 001.e01.; ok bo<okos - 4 escrimai; cried high chai; lrepah811 <11110; 0<09pin0 mirff; mol chaiet 05. p<snd Oab". lton bock; fplu 0»%.. Oka: Rool okon pate,; <0090t h0', <1<5 - d400419114; coan" 0<10e; po000,00ing4ox 0; c.0011 bl<. une; Ooam ol.d mox 0; sinp poil -Ciao. 1t00; biscuit b10,01; 1<1.0 pate; lag. o b01<0 ftr8.; Nippon, 400h; tic16,. 0,8v bot; fin 010.ple.; P00r00,011000006 vin@ 1<1100400; dscorsted a04 wonas pla; c<haas, vas410 Made; carniv8l<88.; svao ruoldc. pistes140.0; 0<011<00 & socr;end muchymoe ootiiste. Lampe;:1001100, 0005100hall1 00p; 0100 11.1180010 bnp; »verni gants ollme;.rae hpsno emionosbase1160. 000 Primitive.. Bus.,Copper, Boos e.:.;Coppoî 800<00011. pis «1011u box;.dent! bo; 18M pootoca box; miniature1 won Et 0000; Min8o0 no4; 22 îrif; sinle ouge o. 0h11- Cr. 6c ; 2awu olacl«,; ooîaalcok; godtfiid«walch «0<01001); vioien Ctrinos bach; Badley 1& 0<0601 005410010010; R. 0Mitchell - 0u4lph. Ont. <îock. 7Toronto SP spoo11 hodr; 400 ioc i<oo8set; butter pi11; 009000 f la4do col box; rare0potatlanter10; 110 kafe; malien1; ladin; se8rol ipltures t08homes; brou humid; brou Er oppea 1<; pis haio; "Olvea" typewtero1- 400 tS 19 pe <0<0con dtono;l; bord6000; pls <1o1y oheraitems18000110l<1ot<0 TERMIR: CASH OR OOEGUEO WTO PROPOS 10. Lnchoaaable. PREVIEW PROM 98A.M. SALE DAY. Ownts all .0board4 o Auctof.er sot <sponslble lm accidents. Lac460 aend nd.n,n.once agale on l01.000.of0t. Ranke, wono't you ldoun Auctionear: Chris A. Schouten Phono: 978-2576 074m13 AUCTION SALE MEADOWVIEW AIJCTIONS ROCK WOIJIOntri SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1980 AT 1:30 P.M. NO oe: oo.it, states ed etc. Ph- oRiC 7,D 5l9, 85,-4272 AUCTIONEER: AL WARREN ROCKWI]0D, ONTARIO. - 074000003 Auction Sale .Amiqis S&Ccloe ta06011010 On1doy. 00811<130<1011i1 mLoc0100 in Memor<1101Hall 0on TatalgaRdo n 04 11, ,010005 C-1. 0,5 si ior908 Oa 705435-7758 For Complete Ward Brownridge Auction Service 900<- 1111s,0001 Chris A. Schuutei Furniture Sales AUCTIONEER Phone 878-6730 seoAl Tpes «10p9<isaIo- At Types SaaisCondu<aod A10om 000074mt4 Toi. 8782576 .0.3. Milloo. Ont, 074mt 01 CCOMMODATIONa. «Bd4 OsnMiln0fr2 imwaSoltodents, on field plaomsaatorAprli 01. 1.77424 e00<0. SACOOCLOR 04rtt~ tor <11ante<forMay 0or June 000104220 WANTE0 te, font @cfrine alt oula s eS an. sul1a0110 1for10 ta 13 taoraas.ltoI< 40 mlles of Milassuoa. colt LytIda, 624405011 or VI&- Ille. 91.FORRlENT 01CT004--2 edroom 0080. tn countrynoer lao 8400.00 9pfr anonto Possession Apfl 1.0.00e Real Otto 82M3790. - -14670 FOR ront tni1A000. 6 rocm 2 store11 hauts0on.MiIl business saO<tlo. 1232.0 monh0.101.Phonoe002.1630. OFFICE 8080 00fforent. Main St., Milton1. Approx. 500 Sq.fil. Ph0ne 878-0162. 320 <hehouso, aveIlabla f00rflo010ain wVlto feplIes.840e 00000011 plus 011110100. 878-2377. TORSE bief0om8<181 frima 1bungalow avaîlable Itmeattoy for y0<110 marIe couple, ont <hlld or retifât! couple. 037 ,softhly plus<8 otî 100. Cal Kelth078-3674 a000W a. aoW<lho<s $4W0 a mont, a<.1alabl Apr Il 3. 878. 0335. TOREE bodroom t0011house, g0004 o 111<154.4. Avalisa Immeiatoly 0305 mo0<1011. 767-2247. TOWNOLSE 1ln >000<. avallable Apr Il 1. No pots. 8375.00 <10<01111. 89-0000190 r11110ns0877- TOWNHOUSEtforfet fr000 May 1210. 4 ap. plIla<ces. 100<0<1<,. badrooma.- 008800< «1002 kitchon. Eneloset réer -yard. Sitgle garage. 1005100 $40mot0ly. Cali 0000011 Real Esaît. (Milto) Lad. 878-0551. B2,APAATMENTS FOR lIENT Occupy Wols0< you buy 8% Iontera R t lay0r w<01t «111<a 0single penny> <Iofddit.OI 4<0<w nayme or 0< <101115 «01 >0< îoally l150 apertmen.11 living.1110< by living InOit Phoot 827-55164. Hourst Weekdays, 1.9 p7M_ 0,01,olda, 12-611<1. The Mîllolde 0One &0 1<10 hdîom 9part- 0111<811<. 30" appliances. AdulteOnly. No potu. Visit 82 M04sldeDr.. oel874 ,13 2 BEOOM 00811000011 soalfaibIe Apr I1t,9110. Ad<11 building, ait utilitlsInclu01<40. ho potl. 88<110100 apart. <1ent avallable ay68e18. 022.0<0. 14530 MAYFAIR AP@tmtW12. bedrto<1. .1101100110APrîl 1,.1980. Coli 878.10030110<r 59P.00. 004 MILTON Tonfrs--2 bedf,0<1 OpafImot tplus dentrhai bedro. 11<11/ 6041100<1 <1th ensuite, 10004f y end sao11age ores o000 011<010, c<0. aroiOd ent0f8110. SAIS d.erground4porbios. AvaIlais 01111 15. 00001100<. 878-1749 eve,0 .1<383040 NOBLE TOWER-S. Adulte <0111.8078.4530. ON0E AND002 0041100< spartinont avalable. Adulte only no0 pets. Coli soperfltendent, DIpI. 1486. 2344" apartmotlts, sto<a. Adulte 0.111. No os. 65. for r1101<, 0111400 and 000110. <tIllles 10<1<404. V77.15%6. 210ON THE mAVPrAit, 2ni Otao SI.,aMU8980 000010, m mai1 ro hoibter , <41000 60m <0<. 0i." 11111-3143. 0am0 MW. 20 tUBM~ - cm m CL The Canadiar 878-2 Classifle Work 84. ROOMS WAUTED faIlItiésor011 1100end proforabI.. 878-4970 85 VACATION RESOITS AND PROPERTES DAY Camp. Coreanics end ChilIdren. aOI<m100g .4404 8011<10. $20p90r wf0k. 878-7587. 87. REAL EMATE DORSET Park four be<4118.0, 1% bath*,0 main0 81001 famlly 11060 01<1 fl11.91ac0 largo t,.ced lot. Double throughou'. Cluset t shopping and s110018. 00:, %. <10111080. 9111<800 sèle s72.000. Possession - end of <110ol teran. Cali GEORGETOWN 000<Uliv0 or«0. 0<1<00. 4 04110000.2 80000V. large 011/. 9p1r cen olt 01100. 1.16-877-7802 &fier15S 21018 MILTON00 Towersa-to 04110000 conominium 04011 don, 18088101 6011100< 0010112-p100. ensuite) br1,041,00 throgho<0. leu<4Oy off kîtchen. 7Frigg0end 800110 loclo4ad. i0m1/,p98 cent large <10f10800. 401,1110 00.200.CoiI $-e 17490<0111000. PHASE 3 andun<it, 3 041100<1 townhouse. 11,1 bath%, 0<closeo4 yard. 034,201.00. Coli 852-2202. 14671 P-IVATE-No qualllying. morosapo. 4 0411,000 towOlhouco. 11711-011111 3""49 SBE LASSII WISE use - the FIED n Champion 341 86. INDUSTIAL E& COMMERCIAL PIIOPERIES INOLISTRIAL sfcfle 1 Appr100I00800y 2700 sq. fi. 0i00 l'/ton0<011h0.4 Crane. 431565. ONTARUOO 5.1 STEELES AVE. 'wnef -1.0<0oc i 000 Tcoy A"11 700su i. 9r.1. -l ESTATE aiAT," sale 000 I0.10rt.. 074,00. Oont 87. R1EAL Cf..87.07 Doule arage,0V. Maho 81 0000<. $4000.oatoOen 022000f 00001008 077 TOREfEPLEXCr.0011- 001. SEV1ER11,tu tfor "le ln000apafon. at0en 55fe . OIoca Sùt. 054 ToOo010 r e 0611000V. 81ro67. 1881467901 NORTH P fr aleKl ssdoaommercialost au. 3629.2.0b52,5.01 40,2000p1< Olrl 635-1199Tnorlono g arae or6ppm.c fIns7e btemnt CENTURY DWELLING WITH IN-LAW FLAT FulIy reoellod ncludng: BsemeRondFe Rdoom, large size roms ornelly condition îlrouglleul, antachtd garage. Handy toevearylhing. Moke en effor. Otoner moving 5w0y. NEWLYWEDS,'RETIRED FOLK ENERGY BAVER Lovely 2 bedroom bungalow je beautiful condition, ronovatd, insulaeei, garage, landscaped lot. Cuntry sîmesphoro. Jack Holmes RalE a -ta Ur*er j Il Il iiiiimanom W*#Y a AUCTION BALE W.dn.sday, March 28 0:30 P.M. PAEVUEW 5 9.00. UN THE AGRICULTURAL HALL ROBERT ST., MILTON Foriure washstand, hall seati dinrg table, wardrobe. gramapllone. granddaug11lnr dlock. manlel clocks, îownllery. pockol wtuches: W. Sosby akillie 75. S«iogout m<vemenl 19 10. Rockville KeywiOd huotina case, Upper Canada Coins, Royal Doulton dîsconlinoed 40 «100181 Hhngîng oi l lap, <Id hooks. loyt, braso bird cage, gond seleclion of bross. copper. glas., china & primitives, connon halls. 3 1.25 lb. 15 & 30-gai oaquariums. Tî1e punch cdock, etc. Over 225 items. Terme: Cash or choque Wlth I.D. Not responslble for accidents. LES LOSONCZKI AUCTIONEER 632-4989 Lunch Booth) rf