I The Canadien Champion, We., Mer. 28, 1WM etos atune bockc ko e hoqpow Pm9 aam 0mmd. à&.I.h taIs a 54 dlslad 0"i to the Win. OakvlSe vere ploymg hir e*tbd game in oloe nlghtloand oeeded 10 o l Chir top polSe tDavid Hm-O 16htonled 34 aBer tNo Ché. so ver lt 1010 dis mmdistme, River. mada lE Nwo ilaa row vIi mubl os 1000 Jase Ne.sby fl.loho ou tis scorlsg for dis Rilo Over, a OCalThon, Cau Ra i leo c n1 th ina Butlrcy TIOJ HAM Y reup e« cimirs advanao point in thse Iaatend. From left to thse right, t ýth9 #inal rcsmd eitihe 0120040to tm menuier. are Bon Tracey (sklp), AI aw âaeCurling cisaspouip .r.- Zdmmoi (vice), Elmer Dredge (second) ln'aeMxo»ga. Unlouale boi ut and Paul Johunson (lead). th àt Ut semis hi' mOling a t wi0h RALPIl BOND (01oemo u9*é for lca. TaicigcL. MoaS do" %rangs fr 'ne y9-9 mi am M fat li. JsOà 041.ar , euw as U0 à Jacte ]lcer Un99 aliU,0 T h-" O 4,OaiU n= ; MO s Kmi o9990Li.945...bo919 9u90I etc 9110 l 01m,j 1999.'h991dc909ýcK.9<a 99e99599 91.94 99.c11L 999.09M MW M.90S f.Wor S OcW in m.4 lcfor Fm L!o LUOc10mbm991.mL4b9 Fum M94 Mr91 417,4 De9 9780 500.0UouMI99 W **0 c 11RU.M OB" lay 44910 le Sm, M009,C0U- l, Mr 9990 na, 0940aiLhe 999994< O9lm. Li..â M1 cpi. 199y -94.4a lw OO9 h,U9 ,10.9 tIl L e 894 4..09999 sono91 1 2 1 5 4 3 ne W~U et 609Sut,9L mm"1 -ho19799 puc 11-9619 .c9.1194y91p?4 Ffi*"0-D.00CârWIlS-C999.09 o.. U Ocr J. Cocel pwes,.Up.U. ;Z 0 two by 949999. Dai ...119111.; 4 " ..o *lvr »999 994999111n9m9fr 111wlI4 M vrééW9I9 *9999 99i10 Oc I99. S 9. 999 VW 0"9 m.. 00U9l.4UL 09915990be. ste* rn. "MW y LUJ Clou- Goal 99s Ocr Liée eau. lier, 1199904940~~~59O9.90pe à- A9o1MUc99L91 099.yd =01 .M, .940199199 M p.4yFMM k29 aU.0IPa.4I IU SWII W* LW*e 940In 9W9tel o M049909 201U 1. a"99V9999L Mutes la.e0li -.9tante - 3 for la, 9s~.091,B59s59 tenant-19.9 fer183diîserwine0 99409111 lac 09a1fat,999 a.41 M-a"19990919 for 0 .. 19199499. IlocU7g fe 73 9991Oinem 3Ifer SI, 14109 9994991.4595 Ter Ly.. 9 fer991991.0990 colis O JuTocLa.949190999490911. 99 foMc 54c9U. 9441y 09.99Frais 9995 .14 la.&W90Oc Uc 09.0919199999,19< t0499c99c4SM 9.914909019, 41«. M .r'i i. - CI0..U 0499» M19 for94M1Tm99.1191 9999999MU.9199 conte919419 99941199119990119 Patron m50919motiRirent, 20 419999icil loIgts:David9lor 9911409099l W9OCc9999IS9414 l7999.J9 l.elc' 4.0019tripe .Car tantem, a tr ué.991999 F..01.R..- 5 en 0-0C- 5496, r199i5.o à 451en,.1h1 Ma a -ad910 i, 4U, Cathy 9ic14194i W ..SI, EandeBmu tag% .9 095fer9M49ad.19 ic.ua, OMM 7 f09e4r 9la O and , 919110 09199 5. 9.099 Bon o e.9 9 c001 Othe o. uci9ingles:9<Ber 19.09190 999Uc 09191999 9441999 Ic 0and4771Berlage U99c099M050U90 l u.94949.99.09 011»9. 799 9 94 199. bo94 !me -mi Oc co 4o4. c au 0b9,e04m m am 211 for B 919 m mW5UR4for-M. Agen li 19M 994d1M9fer 1._Nwalt 50945nd99fela,9 m .ad gor n 41 T9 lck,.6471, JS G0110014 *ne Po ssii an.U4 ier &L..t C. 11 fe 9910499 197, 199D 44 i ao 911. 199 Uc 0499 and Reilp9 Bon 1499<99949499179. DO d'a Benne B. 91.15 fer107, waMy Parrai Y. TAI for01.o9 , BC.ic B-". 2 0,r 'S9c95 lma Orb'149bigle 49099 4141009SEIOR 19 9. . .97 . am0un<fer M. Kim 944lie.b9049Ripa,9- 499 0099 4e OcmS .9Ba91e199a999919nd M4fer M. Sort. Grimm MS. Va999001 4799 99 99O 9959095.-W9on5172 fer M. S 94 S 1995, 919 RoW91lu er M, 0 bit .1for9m . piVlm4 f90and4 M a 48 fe0O4r , 9,Sm 79049494495:0994y0,995 Modal FCS-215 In-dash Starso Cassette Player with AM-FMIMPX Radio 188 IfStUIISd MM lN wh AmocicaC .. ado B & E SOUND. M3 Main St. S7-7 Milton K~~CEN CABINET ME) AU. CABINET IOAv5UOc AUA Mlm Au 1410194999090"«« T"MTclam9OMM :Cmm4 dm51 O 971A100.U95995Lm999.y.-14U = AT,=6r" An mm 4999999 1 -b"99990 nu1991A. 0419lc 99 V z sV MOL9c.99499 09.. 09141959.49 OCO5 0 010 0W C9.ln9 m Ive t9OO9 o 5 W dt w r,0999.09.09 591 lm A.- Y99494s.519 U.~90450,9 - Il. - . 05959 Trx 2tr Um.&* 37.0 3T r' Mme* *40.10 4'Or x 3rO." o 46.54 *fmicmuwý m51 eno.pllmautsdUw et et lits Mondant fer i publizci aidpr of Steve Clos and G <ran Thlomson ohlo didelt figre in the coclof but playcd exceleot defesilve 5iLU95 L.icn 800018we vicdmlomd hy lu- -ptcylidh olt ghI mdos more et Z"l-,Z couldn't score a&OM Hm- Cu tb.eBrampo torcamnt, mat0 ol at la du. grsd cosolation capob 10taWator. InM bsbya140 sor. OkvM on Ode " 'pde. Uniton sdanced a far 2-C record beforet defeatoin Owen Sound 6-i and Sireciocille 2-cin1thieî playifîs. Legion atomi roc.nd-robln lut Tumeday by a 24 score over Leamiogton. Travmis Col anid 5015910011scored a tls LsanloCm.with Pollen pkloa op apair o assiste. Blair Lemiard ondDenn.m-"a loshared The cotest wlLh StreetavlSe followed In the same vein ax aS othe conteste beveen thie Comm. Chis .yur. As in 07997 gamme cal whlch in1 0111. ma" li ccsrrsd Cwo minutes lto Ch. second perod for a brief 10 led. C.l eddtho soosnoar LW-noatem apR tieeadMdioro the i coo aicl1=II~t ame o t ButP l er and play 7 oa5t I the(i99 Newby. Iewby scorsd day) ln a Oovlllet 730 thc innoer with four pLil. The foorth game minutes to go 'n Uic focs ockh iirc ai garnI, redirecting a sot Memoriai Arena Satur- from Rvers onto thet day a 515 nm ILTON UTROOIII 5 MAIN ST. E. 78-797 1 pwm"uuu VCAHY ALUMINUM ATOMAND SCREEN DOORS 95 rTHCKI 54*.9 IIEGULAR MULLRNU NSUES AS STGCKEDI 8--lc f' S.mi41Oc- WLh $zloty Iop..sd Ola. CcspLtlh l10dveoî.An cd 5FordInstallation. f <1 O arc- F4I oid 011 9.cO .c wMs~ Phdh. mýýM INTERIOR PAINTS! UIr WSATINLATE WAIJ.PAWU ,a MLLUb $ 100Y 9 ,if0499 mm~04094.e919 ML a AAIA mmA * TPYMPAI PhOu 41pPoo9OPus 0 S.k. l"GS" SUMP PUMPS M M .P. - OUR REG. *4,10l SOC U.. G11019 uPt HOa 42 mil &Fr. cm b PmL 9. ocil«7..44.U SUMP PUMPDMAIN KTE8 21 9. 4 .font o l t, m d DIan . - ne0~i1/ M. - TMG EXCIM NE-WEEK VACATIONS F0R02 WIU. BE GIVEN AWAYI YOU COULO BE A WiNNEIOI e fresureToars< FLORIDFDR2 AT »5 BISOS MM TCCUROER TRTOUSEMM91 0091 SAVE$2UN YOUR MNOUOAY FOR 21 V. I.OPIT 1105k - AVABI.E MESAT AL 001STORESII MM .0cm -mmM 9 TOPCO0991M lm 01990 a Nmm Smu xii OCUN AMo 70 m>a - l1 - Ymaa0NU.sSmUY ILUS9LOIOP UITmOlL swMW - wnm .oern 25 STEELES AVE. EAST oJu«t mmof Hwy. a) \1 MILTON 878-8487 L.. $250 ~1 WfýKDAYS W A V f, NI ý'A 1 ýl l' MA !HPPI; Lt 1 fýl To 9 P M