Sookets finish season MILTOf4.MMONTI WEDNESDAY MARCII 26, 1980. SECOND SECTION - SPORTS & CLASSIFIEOS Firfihters wIthoutburs lfe pla 4 l li musSa sianomu "la m emnm. t ad = dl?- - -CO-sral awmcwNW b*t o4iluw lu Racc's go mach John Pausma via Ian.taIcattysfe = nslicha cenisiont. lie did sy hie ltaacmeuerk franea340 dsedvestsollebut addod lh.y dwht eu.bock fac samo. oms blath. e ma msSÉtaby auddy Tho- osan ois" 15er, Davelirmma usd0it 24 su ~ ~~be" =« Hosls gsmplle Dae asseiby M&ckSorafini ami IPIL4 aetime0:5 mark, Thamas strtche lhe lied te o ga"amasistod hy lThe- ,Racor', P lmeaWilson, a prkpua tbeles, gotaunsbockvlth 44 seconds1lu in lie p«leS ebsa h. f ei .rmnge vllh e lm-Iay arlier. Thomo esd lihe mgol cid th.soc- anS porlad bkor ouaers Hie. slruod bock mii tva wgoamin in s tvo-ulsal open utdwey liromghemofins aloorina urom Wilsn srmriasothor povac-play goal Th. tva pesaldos hrt Rsoes Edgo In =b cis path e gus. Saafisi put h. gmmtidranch scrlsg hfru trenlmila aflterPenon bd Mpudod allrd fac dme es- ira ettaeker. TRIPPING FIREFIGHTER Bud Thomas la Racers attempt. Firefili Edge scoring leader Richard Murray during Sun- tory acoring tlii day'. openor of the final. Thse penalty, in the last five minutes old. minutes of the game, hurt Racr's Edge comeback on another wlnnlng note. Miles esu bos faShS l. ysr omaêler foujt bmck wuh tvaioftunir - svomtive aleby vnlgtb lby ovato ushe il tmacallm4 t M u cm- co 1.=tv letvdeTinaetls ode a mslng i hird b. dHeley week. teamed up ib Sctt McLeel and French Sockets opened the tournament againt 50 put the ueaayfor a 4-2 vin. Hespeter Thursday. They started quickty Sockets faced mach stiffer competition in wltb three goals frou Hobby Mifoud, Jef the second game againat Stoney Croek, an5- Maher and Shawn itealey asaistod by Mark 4 wm. Tbey fed beflsdhy two but boyed hy French and Kyle asslfeldt. their harmueleme fan support omenod up for s tbrae-gcsl barrage Ln lb. seoand an goals frou lloaloy cltb two snd Mabervith ones asaisted by EddSie Dilon and Kyle H«aa@6 Stoney Crekcame rlght beck vIt b tva i goUp hy onue. But Sncketa vere flylsg ami willijiat 1:t13loftto play ley notchod bis feirili of the usmo for tbe lie snd et lie teema loto ovectlmne. A bush feU over th. fana vien suddos death morrasmewu ansocod. TIbe puck wan draçpaed, iioley passeS it ta MHassel- feldt whbelmnmsdtely fed ithbock te lHiely amdhin-mden mitake on a qulck absat far thencresafter on lse scands ab.deapsod endias an upruer frem lihe feansd Soc- ketlin h ie final sgeiat Laamlnglan. Sackets were ready ami vslttsg fer -~. Leamington wh. h.d taken lise geld modal awey from tbem ie H espler Teiruamont et Chrialin. t> ~ h Th. playmvent from end ta end w4th both teas oh.vlsg nimome scormmg chances btneuntil o mbranhe5orel h ie.hoana wFr :3 oti lefiontoramites ta scaor Joy Sda ialrgha ntIog eme WlM ig itohn moanteCis NmdIemehioa aolnat.roatlmtevhYonlgi h eLyaan- tonnetnoclondarrmsb n .a burpcisod theaminglagoalondeRlfae. gnevn uered oahrl. emngo o scoev o aey au utd 1th.gamet valohitensayio 1h. divisond fchugtc f- asrtn1h earameu sgt Samevda othropeataqes. t avanprnened cLth individue mdeaandratrhe and ins a eryndcaoship Mehacs id le achos he u o Mar vaua oe r of Mark Ariison C r his oef- fotsdnMthe oJae Dn. 5handoeloyd te phaa Thedt, of ah.rasas ien- civerd, Rnhhy fsnsd .rI cod d took tse opeer wmt ~ 5-3 m Dils evo faîot, M ldi.SeoMark jhkerFenchMarkS a rr vd iela ranch ree goals before thse game wus three -Ken Ttiampoan, manager Jack Campoas and Peggy Flan for a very enjoyable and rewarding eason. Optimist roast: -Ak, ôtoÔ1ha Ms 5y Michael Beyle ~~'Wa.Fac nerly an hbanaishal, igt rot. taliodtee.k. 11«1"yNight in Canadaehost )ave Hodgeemeat. 'Mý Tboy lseallod hlm 10 b theuot. Facuer football ployer Graany Liggin eoanvanteas fer an mossing se Hadge'm in the end, Hode took lise inultoan slnid. and vh.u bis taracame up. ho gt backealevery rater. Eght celebritian gedered ai de Op- timit Cntre I'rlday sl5t facrlise club'n liird asnual ruet. Thme in attendacevwere Bob Goldham. Granny Liggnsa, Carl arever, Dick Beddme, Roer Neilson, Rlosa Brevmtt anS aryen e ~Mcrtane. Th. evant van bosd by Mlon roaldant Peter Maier ch. in h. voire idflie Torono Maple Leafa oc CKO-FM. ay au accamuls, it van th. fuoniest of tthlromsis. Alimou eachnspeaker vuanappoadietalk forcjst 10 afin- alan, sevenisnpoke longer andiRddao, ch. commenta on Leaf 5suoa for CHCM-TV ami enites a deliy colun on Torcnto cty bal for Tbe Globe and Mal,vas hy far h. faniset and lise uestoutrmgious. Beddaoe ald bo vapleaaod livre voen on girls n attendance aithlie roast vbhibs aso a ss. Boddaes tosk abois et sach of the A RO MR BVIUSL ca*W &Ve «Od Of gu" mddmmm eme moatera mispm-soueciss liee neiaof O ASTEggR OBVFM".LCairn,8111dv leta e m du<1f ii he' oc- several as ho dosesregslarly in is col- kyNlght lu Canada pedgrams, adgeteck the. inaulte in strmde bforo let- For 25 mute, dcaused in a cmi luit tisE looe wth hisownbradt the end f theoroast idi matcig bat vhichbch.con- siderately took off for dinner, Beddaes beld th.cracd in is fingertips andiva waclimthe price af admisaion aU te hlm- self. Asoher surprise athlie rost van the speakiag of Rosa Breitt seho manages the Laintt'n Oldtimern hockey tenua. Brewitt caied Dlck Reddaes, "a pmbatt machine la beat' and Imakan Peter Falk laokvwell dreoaed. " lirevitt alaabhad ano unkind- remîrb for Optimint proident Gord Hull vbo, mid Breclît, "taken speech tesonsa from Foster Brooks." Mot of the remarin ai the roant woulda't enactly h. rosidered for a cblidren'a audience. Wben llodge came ta telk, b. look cais aitnchîspeaker, reerving a per- tal sholfor eddesa. IThey love hlm ai CI4CS-TV' oaid Hadge. IWih Tlny Talent Time. Party Game and Beddoen, CHCH liink liey have culture wellnservod.' About t40 people paid $20 spiece la attend the rosat. The uauey, about $2,00, elîl ga tocards the youh pro- graun of the Optulat Club. Mot roasters taraed tbeir honorarlun bacb tteclub. Tivre was onty one no-ainesuons the ronstera. A chage in the.HI1C pro- grauming caused Gary Dorabsefer tu h. lu Edmonton Frtday night aîd miss the rosît. Optimit ctub uemh.r Bruce Fond- ley drese caricatures of ench of the roasters cbcb baag on telme eaUhbnd theend table. BY FAR THE MOST abrasive roaster 0f tise lot wae Dick Bedilies, of The Globe and Mail-and CHCH-TV. Boddoea ranted on in hla familier prose for 30 minutes which wsUse longont of any cf thse roasters. Beddoea apent a good deal of lime roasting o fellose sportswriter whoae newsaper han made a lot of newo from s recent stsg ai Use Boyne Hall Community Cen- tre. Leaf art-Une demncemn Car Drewr A EMA.R IW rillai IUe~arlai ca h e left, Buffalo Sabre assistant cai ç~ M'UGlobe sa Lf at-m efnma a l ewr roPCAMters%=, a &ghtOt. Milo sl at ie ddwhile Chuck Elynthé N istn ,bete taméq l = VMae rthe 9pg), s former Argo mreiic r"br m10 omnaoLeae play by-play coMmeftar On CKO-P'Mlae) oleth.