Tt* Canadin Chamion, Wad., Fol>. 13, 1MO CS Asks miIk producers f111 market quotas 'Ibe Ontario Agricottural Hllof Famne Asociation han ssnoueced te nesof aise cuitandi.g Ontarilo ogriuturalinta Who will the Han o aefoe4 ai the Onario Agri- cultural Moneuffn le Ml- 'l. i.e cansdidate«, ai iecaeed, u-çest more dhmn100 yeasuof comiined effort and ile Mtative Ilebiulding a bet-1 ter agriculturetfor te The PresidentMoite Ontar-io Agricultorol Hall Mf Fame Asuocation, William Kieser Of Misinsauga, hon ro-t leased lihe folawing lbt of parsoestl e ho hored le on onveileg cereesony on June 1, 1808: Stewart A. Brown, Sheddes lise-tee, stocitess, item! producor, comesunity leader. Du-.Etel Chapeson, Torota 1050-1061, Home Ecosomint , jourtullet. sutitor, yontu leader. James A. Garner, T'or- AGRICULTURAL Hall of rame logo. ente oe-o> agricultural extenleon leader. Dr. H.H. Hannsm, Ottawa S191611, termo organisation leader, co- apecatur, early faimo journalist. William Jointoin, Guelph (1849-1885), on of te founderu of the Ont- ou-o Agricultorol Col- loge. Weley A. Magwooti, Hanover 1t016l diarynas, co-operator. Fares Radio Forum oaid orgonisation leader. Charles W. Mclnnis, Mo 1811&19a-177), fonder, Ontario Hs Producers' Muu-etln Board. Josepht H. PaItric, No crop damage yet says ag. rep. No damage tlnfctit and land croveshss beere- portedi during te usseasonably mid winter condition, s" Burkse McNefil, an agriculture horticulture speclelist and agricultural repa-meataise for Hilton. However, Pastuare dommage le pssible if tewesthac continues cold wih nounow covering. lTe vorotdsmsage coutld occur lente Spring whon teouperature flucuations are sot un- conoon. If liteamar fluctuatias, flowering fruit buds coiN ho damaged, sffatisg fruit cr009. 'lb.eaffecttof wealioer fluctuatioson groin crotta would net bhason svere, Mr. McNeil said. 'Tere are alto poultiio that dear moy ho feeding on expbtsd weer wheat;crats. Uderton (1a-5, lturehred livestocIt brede, enhibiter, os- parler and imparter. Willam Ruthvn, Aubisnstlteu-î867, dairyman, lfosxireeder, uod fou-mer, ptate and seeti grain grower. Mr. lmer esprecsedi hle pleasure wifo the iigit calibre of esminstices received. "Thti isa auew ondertaig le Ontario andonltaIle long over- due", ho naiti. "lb. Association le de- lighted that the firot Sine peu-unes toe ho hoeainl otrGllery represeat uuch s wide cross-section of the leduetry. ta every cane, the resultuMofteir efforts con ho tees on a positive Influence ons Ont- aria agriculture in 1Mn. 1 ams tare t h y honour- ing ihene ostatanding cil- Izoue, te Asocation le openlng te dnor te many more nonation Mfpac- sonmonty oM ce- cognition'. An artint lenonw poe- poing liheanenM-olise aine candidiates ond these will bhoueveiledatt s spacial ceronsony ai- tendeti iy memitera, sponsors, familles sud friende of those te ho re- cogninel. lThe Gallery mil ho lonted lenlihe Main Building at the Ont- ario Aguicultral Mus- ea eu nMiten and mlU ho opan te the pablic during lte Museuns ragular open boucs, afler Jue 1. nysihigfurfoor isformation o- the Ont- adio Hall nf Fame Asociation, eapecially wifo respect te memitersipa, future nomination and vsitleg hours, shoolti write 10 the Secretary-Treasurer, Box 36, Mities, 12F 2V3, telephonse 416) 878.151. NOTICE 'lE AtAM MICAINOC88MATE8HOO OATAnMIM8THAT The th0 ont Couholic Supsrtu School Board on thte3011, day ai Jaeuaty. 1908 ned 8-On Notn.r 32 to suthotlme thet hurotgofaInenoby the issusondsatesofIa Oeuheofstthe sai Bordln ethe principal aatmi: o , t. Th putpos fothich the money lto bcbonnmned la the sonta-nI for inhale construction and tht u to $n000O.00nfor the pumbhato uofentotueanti equimtnnt. 2. Te tnount to bebowomsd le $73,0t8.tStfor20 ytOo ed fHe),a.0 for 10 ysao on tht stautitv ut the sli Deteto. nbh shal eaI h. sobsupon tht onhool-teute popettvend penssanti any otint iml or pentonl peecotvenotin cte sliBoardd unu thensapstatt shool roat s ollid bvbytht saioard. 3. Thtdat:etuto, letu bedated March1,tSWOandlato léestintuo tI hete ofnI11 %% pur sen npayable teni-onnuaty on Mamh 1, end Saptunhor 1t.ln tssh vtst ofthetountncy ofthetdebenture. Thteont payabl annont tfot pincoipal and inteest "Il bte le seetoimattly actueI anouM ofabout $132,SW.0l0 puryur or t.hîtirt10 sassa end $12300.0 prnertafoth nexst10 ess.. C.a. sYRNES nsJ ec, perfes15 etirberit a s a bMUET CATHY RICH, HaJtoeaMasDj'ri Mnc-yMAtsr.nda IDI.DalT r liiCOMa&Y c ty tuAug RtWino ct icompate at werka ~SYUI~l~L0. fothita ie ontacle Dalry Book pays tribute to. Centu ry Farms mare' Asocaion of Ontario Ilatinsepication itehlnd s nets bookon te proviaces cestury fermn. Te botaehisthe worit of hssbond sud wife, John and Motica Ladefilot tiWisinsfg, sud le ppopI'riately tiiUed Inheritance: Onttarios Centacy Farmes Paso & Preant. Tro omsrkithe ntions cestesary in 1967, te Junior Faruners under- loouite ditributionsoM ruednide signe lu frme sn Onario thst hsd heen umsed and opacated ity te same fsmilliesfoc aI leassl100 yenra. Oser 6,00 igne were ailorateti, sud lodsy te cenlory farm lis se familier olgitt along Ouariu's country ronde. Thte Ladelis were le- Irigueti iy theMoroles Ihese century faces familles could tel: thte history ufteir socesturs aud their humes, te slestiy progresut thir tarmise opaation, tise voit PO~ Vodnelsfanàtiut turiis and rlumpits of geseaion poil. Says John Lodel: "Tu te rbaote womioeay tend te tink of laod merely asu a saleshle comestdity, thte deter- minstion so nme fsr- mers lu huop th. fomiiy h.ldatg foo~gtihirh sud folo may titi h. iscomprehonible. Bai 10 s frmer, the ianud linhebue ofhe existece, theustuff tu-on which eveu-thleg ltecsly opingo. Aud fou- s century lau-nec foot tuft, fosi sonu hao heau tetded snd nutuced hy hle tather andi graîsdfatiter heture hlm. lite lan reeas a lisit temn hlm and his torehears, use thatlaisnol lu h. itu-ueu igitly." Aller Imu yesrs of coscrrch, huedu-edsofu isterviews sud 12,on mites ot tu-ai cron Ontaths- eocLadelo have mu-ilIon asmemurable portrait of Ontariuus tares cummasity. lTe descendntsuut stsu-vlsg lu-s, dialocateti Scots, parnecuteti Men- nonites and or esuly imemigrantl notUeru ou-e repu-oaeted ilu 10 pageu; todsy these fomilies carroy os s vauiety ut sricultual. oparations as deiry, tohacco aod fruit tarmers, or as hreeders oM livestoch, houses ad ven minis. TIrir stsperieeces. tram tiraI arrivai tlu foc present day, compr-ise s histou-y ofOntario ituelt. Fitness for asthmatics Haih.a t1-n Ascciation will present o Flînesa Puogu-ses for Childu-en wtb Athmo, thich titi ho held aI foc Burlingos Fsmily Y. 'lbe program t iti hegle on lob. 25, ted titi ru ench Monday sigitt tor elghtt teeha, tom 6.15 pes. te 7.45 p.m. HaIt of the tima titi ho apant le lb. gym, foe other haIt swtnimelg. Tisleilea Christms Seai service, and tSIlho tu-es ut charge. For more informtion, cotact Mu-.'J. V. Ar-- esor, 827-7973. Bill 1erras Publioholi bp 1theOfficiaI AgonItor: IaoPetmoastS0OsuSOaahoIoo F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSUANCE 216 Main St., Milton, Ont. YUINDEPENOONT AGENT SINCE 193.4 878-2326 2in MAIN ST E.. SUITEO,.MILTON. ONT LOT 150 bien (Pht) Lea m LUI " i -OsoJte ta nult Qitont (416)878-5786 1Oa DlutatOty Ummta- Omap - Anitiso esstdsous 074473 Fr=n Baine 189A Mtd l tuss - Mitun - DOntaul - LOT lH7 j i LORNE D. GREENWOOD Borrstor andi Solicitor 166 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 878-7279 HUTCHINSON, THOMPSON, HENDERSON BARRISTERS Et SOLICITORS GENERAL PRACTICE 264 Main St. E. Mon, Ontario 878-2841 LBT 1 B B.L.t4oodson,B.Ca.L.L.B. HonotdMOtt L.L.B. NEIL S. MacLEAN LIFE- MORTGAGE- BUSINESS - GROUP .MUTUALLIFE 0F CANADA 3uMAINST. E.,MILTON LOTIP6 878-Mll 208 Main Street E ,Mi ton LTiNs 87802894 die co-opeâo For Ail Vour insuronce Noods Lifo s Homo e Auto a CommÇrcial 44 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 87"-178 SPROULE & GIROUARD Barristers Et Solicitors Marion E. Howard, B.A.L.L.B. Unit 3, 17 Wilson Drive Milton, Ontario VS8-2801 Toronto Line 826-1622 NICHOLS & SER VOS Barristers, Solicitors, N taries Public 207 Mary Street Milton, Ontario 8784149 MR. ALLAN NICH-OLS OC. MR. JOSEPH P. SERVOS B.A., . ... Don Knighî, A.lI.I.C. 878-8459 CLEMENTS & NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCY LTO. 8M87217 -WESELLALL CLASSES OFINSUAANCE' C4LL. IPAU .0. LONERGAN NUilmAricEASBCY LMD. I310 Mlt st. Canadien Head Office Scarborough, t. Ontario RONALD FLANNAGAN B.A.,L.L.S. Barnister & Solicitor Gonerai Practice 13 CHARLES STREET MILTON, ONT. L9T 2G5 878-280 9a.m. toSp.m. Mondat ta Fdoyorbyappoinfmont FURLONG &FINK Barristers & Solicitors RICHARD FURLONG, B.A., L.L.B. Roui Etate and Landlord and Tenant Business Law, Debtor andi Creditors Rights Etatno, Willn andi Trusts HAROLD FtNK, B.A.,'L.L.B. Civil Litigation Criminel Law Family Law andi Divorce Suite 27 Milton Mal Ontario St., Milton 878-123 First fine agriculturalists are named to Hall of Fame By Doug Niller The unnsuo meeting of the Hulas Milk Coin- mitten won heid on Feit. 5 ut Hillcreot Utitedl Churcit. The contitution mon changed on that nine dicectero mode up te commitlee. Folowisg thin, electionu were held. Etected for oaltres yesr tecco more Bruce Nixne Jef! Nurue and John Kitching; tmu yesr nu-OsO, JSonMcNabb, George Bird and Htarold Patterson, andi one yeur terns, Robert Marshaoll. Russel Hurrennand Ston Waters. Davc A-ustong, Mitis Marketisg 1iedmss, comtnted os hin Oc- tivities lenlte past yesr. Ho meetioned taIlite quality standardu are increaoing sonltat ail pu-duern tilI ment a cotooSn stndard le Septemiter 1861. Cathy Ricit, Hilton Dciry Prenons, rom- CATHY M ' ~det Ml' one of hetâuuîmat" in Idoal, urt City-girIosgonesecountry is Dairy Princess Cathy ruented on ber pool and fturoe activtties representisg ltecon mnittee. Pat Tttompton, Dairy Princesa Co- ordinator. gave her views os Daicy Princeos c. tivitien. Jion McCague of lte Ontario Mit Marketing Board mentionedth ie importance of imitation citeese miticithon scap- toreti noves par ceol ut lte markitn lte U.S. WELLTEACH VOU AVALUABLE TRADE, SHOW VOI SOME 0F THE WJORWD, AND RAYRJFOR THE EXPERIENCE 0F A UFETIME. Th CanadnFoes lpay end train y to be a offltd techtniien nsne tfnittulso 4 aéàtrodtes. AntdVo'llm sonneofthe odd whils you'. et ih. Lie ith naa oftheCanadien Forcs cotnbines ged puy wsth «chatant, scrtl ad dueture. Th,,tk about whstnyos're gtttg rmmsnd hm o u ud h. on Vour way to the tptssofua litîtoes a .kldtcnitcin in theCanadien Frces. Frmoeinfornation, vieit the Canada Entpteymnt Cotre, 310 Mai St., Milton ltS.t0p.nt.)on the lsttTou«dan .seo ei m tthe coupon. 6111 'lI THE CIAN t nadmninForcsReCu!tngCentr el SO MainStretWes Marnilt.Ontri 8P1 M8 CsdsPco P-l P.",omt,âb3ui L----------------j ifht 400,tibiau ihampiou meeting the changing needs of Our Community -------------------- ---------------