BT,.CcmnBdmChampion, Wed.,Jais 30 UB By George! I' e 7iD4kk# ltan eee eis u etue euteia r.MoKmne eld the tva Melta mOnimmheek dei &0 Mhapb uehemo ee thgdtfiit niht dco ptersdanpushad dom Mai»eremrch gaa e eeu O vs ot a sew an. Coce hfrd _____________ why we did it, aya in Brais, - bfr elhfta huld ametate r ncI 11 t WoadtedmfaTaedan nrd K.- rý -i as alkna o iud pobaaby do veili Bj athi o f a stout Ccaddck's ortie, îax soveot poptelilo (o We tinb Mttoo iti s u but m eaor smî.teeae1 MILTON'S NEWEST BARTENDERS pour o draught for a cutomer et The Dickiens, the British-style pub tbat opened lest week in Milton. Co-ownera John Kene MO VIE DATE i Ail That Jazz Iu4a MOHAWK INN'S "THE SODA POPS" Jwnmy 30 to F.bnar'î8. 1Mi CORNER OPGLW A omooc of Mitons newot buinesventare, The Diken. The Dickens leaa Britlah-style pub whlcb opened lest ceek, la Oie renvated buildng att189 MOillSt. clach oed la ha a lauedroinat, and befare that a tire nbap. Ih Located on Mll St. h lie tmo of thein desigiied Oie pub. Mr. Craddock la la the contrStitlaibuiesse, and m. Kane hea de- sigeedsamir pubs la ontarloanad Hawaii. "We decded la foa parteerahp," naid Mc. Craddock. Mito). Tbey aoU îaid Miltan îeeded somethiui diffuait, aameplace chere Oey mid go aed not do Oie eUme thIng. ".We cent la each restaurantlanlavis and stedieti wht van hep- parnainlaeceh. "ýW. aie> tuded a tom yoars. Wo like ta tlank cere Oie slart Of Oie downtewii redeveiop- ment," ha naid. Mr. Kane acm nid fie tain Wa$ heiphtith Oe tva f therns lagttlaf started Mr. Craddound Oie Home approval to be appealed bild and decidnd on 1kw anddmiicadl place in DMaY," ho laid. ported httied huera. Mr. Craddack naid the The pub aIea eerves pub repremeels "san- la- m uiin.Amn veatient ot about haf aO the no ten milmccliedUr." ar ou bi mbe decor la Victarlan, Yrbaaire poUleU, and cao Oie geneelaOe! teakand k&ieyIOs; ced Oepube eame fPhan chips. "We had tohave Bore- Tme cef la Ku hilng Indicative f Oie Saaedar, Oie Manger la ara. Cre!8 Davidaae sud Oie erWîe threw a couple Of asltant nanager la Aie Poar plaingi, ne the ptenfil feciermdans- The1101 Iisl ei i0055 amecoraunf, anatuemnu Ka age latherenua hy he eglnalPlanin Co- «ac becunet la coeuraita the ---'-"plu. nimsaonadw i as ____________________aeela aheoailinga toR*bcL aiiio C p. Rsid Moghammed, regieelplanmernid:"the on Chrles Dicken ha- me pub weut ha apen mitee LDC deisin t alo a b u Corsruralné-tarin dwelingn causaehe was af ihat irm no a te i li neirtte u apolgîilnt Lied 3iVla inMiii p' ts, ruralcusaters, «rla era" sid Mr. Kane. Maaday through Satur- AnltteerioDMudnicipa la aBoardhinwl ely rurl ta msudiiion la, me pub has furday, an nSunday frein c l ati d tur ea pa i . r" ristpl ate i d nne of t un on ito s., Bitsh beer a n draught: n ait 10 p in. Ile LDC delalan eatlddpermnit erveraiio f a One-mJan Whe Wea a peed iii eevrsibe elllehe 66427 acre perce! of land an Na. i2 Sideroad tram u 8miS ndiceM ald " t teventualicnea he 8784M acreparcel. adl_______tulycotmiae te d 74 The land la owned by Grd ltauefedt ofiton elter", aind it weedd Iead ta the "alabetifref- and laiacated jateataof Walker's Une, not f e-meatattan of the area around Rattidiieke Point "L34 ry Rd. Mr. asselfeidi vet t bil a boneo the O f mare ininediate cancera laOie camimttee =kmi i sevredatdinbnars, hacher, a tie apparent attitade orthOe Fri. Feb. 1, Set. F.b. 2 Mts a .m. adGary Craddock pou a Dob e xpDi seat fund mond, an imported British beer, apbE pC aiao aservea mneala and apecializea In Brtsh and Canadienlcuiie. to pus $100,uuu C.L McFadden, chair- $6 in frein frmner A a man of the Hataon Lungcontribatarn tilila hab Asociatian's Chritna heard frein. Hat n a a n t Seat Campag, expect lit isa nreallatic ta 3 ma.4 - I-Ia Ua n aga n this years drive to crack heleve tiit ce wli her the $100,010 ardier, frein the i l a, ht lax dope law A the Asor atins re- hapefaly we cili heur B I G cent board meetng, frein enoag fliu thenl McFadden sied the ici pt us comforabiy oser Hato Board of Thuciday in opposinf Chrstmnas Sel receiptast$IettO." Education mnos no ce- any tef îlotivo chaofes mooid pcobahiy exceed A press reuaae laaiied DN DA 00010o ot Omws ce- 11ad,000 in it fthe hy the Haton Lnne gm m p fordng macijuana. eaif o lofai 001on or $99,308.30 colected by Asoc. noted that londa Tumadan7 m p. Trostees bacbed Nor der in naliaIon o ps as Io. 10 ercereceipta lataled YTedy7pm m folk Bord o Educton sosion o cnnab i. There are st il ahaut sigbtly over $000. MoO For your dning pleasure or a pleasant afternoon lunch, try Milton s finast restaurants istad RESTA RANT ITIti aur Restaurant Guide. FS4 1-n 31F ohawklnn 00R«iltE rf TR GO0000F000 in a cosy antique OPE 7FAMIYT ChaK#.UfrI ,!hICOt n"" Seak *filled almasphere 9 banquets a and Thursday. CountryhS rîlu 4,99 ~~weiî arqanized meetings f3r L'Pt aPL 'IESOUNP IPLOI1 m 52-9565 people vusuleit N.siisulit ont s "K .- .ld H, A CUNBTRY INN M Qm' ý M WW..fflBd.), saersse nte 1. Friday .Sugar PlUMHM Býk- tP o a R 1 nh2"15311AI41E4M&O MILTON MALL B .t8783901 Camnpbeivillla 854-2277 ieuleeMUa OioeclsmANIETMLO 3telesAieMt ic~'FC5'ESTAU0ANT tRESTAURANT 34 SeeesAturalin iýTVNLmidudt heFft UhOTâ "Fle D t îq utthelSeheetî otoc Restaurntc Fa Pimd te LIO40 Chsholm Drive Tradt oala Style" Cometfrn bour LuncheooSpociasSis.cIaBaIflOInBrtiah Imporled OPEN 24 OR 11 Lunches Dnners Be alpcoftaiWdiRap Wulm Seveeagccand TradfttionlîMeisls BREAKFAST ANYTIME al Por Rervalioels Cal! W. Carry WESS erc8808 AP PaT 878_8161 324 STEELES AVE. MILTON 878-1110 A cnnclPaeT a TAdvmr4iu Dutch Canadien Country Club Gaines Night Y.wr 1980 MEMBERSHIP Cdri- Eud» -e Wf You Can Entftuunnt NOW AVAIABE lst and 3rd Mondayl Serve Groups of OnLL eb ery omeHlall um eiî trînFb4al m 15 -30 -50 - 200 or Fo Mý nfrr»OBear Rug Room 'ý 31 78M -MCharles Hotol More'. 'l u SMMuuoemlhvMaKmunu Meet your frietvds otreî,îertaîn i 0111 liontty Britsh Style aîrnosphere. Play darîs and enîay lrnporîed or Daîtestic beverages in onc of aur four lively roao. open Monday ta Saîurday 12 moan toi1 ar. Sunday 12 noori ta 10 P.m. LcciCd L.L.B.O. We're BIG on WEDDINGS especially Voure! For pour Waddîng or spatial Occason pou dsarse the Bast! the est i *Service *Facîilies oFood, and e Friendfiness Ai the Bayriscbar-Hofoie offor friendty service, catered ta pou; a marmn, coin forlabte atoiosphere; fabutoas food prpareti for yoa by oar Master Chef. CatI usoon ali 781110 t0 mobe yoar bOObiîtg DON'T FORGFT Uve EnteetalnmnEVERY FrisygMriý ftSunayNlgjht N'ag Niglat 1MIMTun 8 SPm. F«roM-a Att TiaI Jazz i a btack-comnic musicalc basoti on amrd-isoifg dicector (thi lt i-o ctodes Oscar Tooy Em- myt Bob Foies lite. ApacIt rom drecting Al That Jazzonof Foi-1 ses bot boomoorksi s Cabaret. attboufbt Ait1 That Jazzo s fot in the same eafilo Il seemi h01 in AilThat Jazz,i Fosse ad trouble tanminttiof is gfmiuiC, pcobabty becaie o is prostmîty 10 the subjoct Hoever, Att That Jazz dom ave brilîtuot cbsoiforapby und danc- ing ioquefLes aut tribtable 10 Fosoaid Ans Reiif i playiif tbe hboas mitcess Kat- et and Lelaod Patlmer playiof the hers i mie Audrey) Tise ptncipal mle parts are ubly iltod by Ses Veees aod CItf Gocmao. wmttba foateed Roy Sceider strring us Joe Gideo, Fosses character. In Ail That Jazz, Dealis ipeciomfiod. droised io wshite, and played hy Jes- sica Leofe. Gudo bolds losg conversations mitb Ibis taîifg. in an attempt te explais bi$ art andd bu Luden mitb tastasy production nombers Ibat aebcittiaol bot baccom- ing tsbots ofopen heart surforyt bat teiftby. Fosse ends ap detiveclîf iboin-biz cliches 1h01 beave the audience not carnf about Ibis, bis iou]-bearinf. Itutiof Admittaice Restcicted in Peinons Eîfbtees Vears of Afe or tider. LAND STIJDY q. 0711 1 - pteret pitî i''I >1 1 ooe Sanders' t 0 the sev-