Hoistin breeders hed succeèsfu/ yéa SyC ýt NHe>J 6al5 0 Uoliodt ihe a- *maa alUnt doulaetisa ver eornat i h lSals SviBWFomaSt m U.J6aa Osi 66Stliut he-adré te aie umer- peedovitin yL l70 cnmif lad cest 600by oneui b> bu s ad Ct~ edao and fil" oamtietcot uto 000te 90. ad avaa g013001960 vSdo e 0 " = llMaa Smab o I io tha Plainman mlo ai st e mot si.chabdad aasr centmisea. a m l a Faim, Rstaurant mu rClap.luoSet mortgod ailla Henry Staly, Agi.t- t.td a een iaspia ràni.Dangl.d4 d panas Corners, Jan. 17 t ont ta uhome mdget cultural taprenative, Jon S;:nydrolotein. eRardoer Perd. 10.30 .m. undor tis a mra yaang people in- pronanteli tic 4-H Cai Frionion Fiaidman, chai- Tm aar as onllamn- Tii. Maltam cbarmansip ut Jeli leresiel in .Hultejas rot- Club repart an bhalt ut lengeil the roduceis ta, A Walkr-Farm Me] Jan- Breodars' Clui Nuise, Gieorgetown 2, ber tha,, the UÀ0 hp tract- Daug Mller, 4-H Co-orli- segalts for tbe future un ine, t0 yearusu S days, alag a mo day Club Presideitt, loc Ibeir or. natrin a Hlton, and the typa ai tbeir berli ,148 bllgraof i t, SEastern Oi aff laminicg. stin Bert Stewart, tbe Club aleatîuaalithe duznmi ai levai of praduction, andi53StUlagrofaifat, Miarth 10 and Jer td theinHltin aIScretary, diacanoedalal aciavaments ai sstmn cen<ge fi cm Bread looo Avooa inaiSnti tue aiod a teraier ccesouichenucconful activiîiao anli judging comptitians ta brm nstok n2524 lars tr aisNo ta te exort arke aie-Of te pont yaar and ta- by Haltan 4-H club ment- ardar inado th$,,hé stataid litsaDois, 41r 30 ovoning, mmr taueo U ic r cee o- ted thafn Hce al la- tarisuiiawing Stlstein dtibreeders muett now days, 9,8111 Me518fat, Actn Logon imity ta their H Iantan hon iad eloyen bond calo atn.iarate jroct". r. 1M-SMi- r and niam ffmna e inofbaiclite clomuifioli an- Rap Dnta tam orhv SUdrafratfr; shows and saesttaecam-hPeel oneofaur Canaiean Jueeon iamaotad letad frI pcntgai the a nd eint e Peliteria Hlsltein Directaru, ra- Suparior Prion Car- ~% yoar, 365 do ys,,12,767 fle:Pe Rlan, aned Uacat ln Co.. Miltonand onl a- partcd that Uic ra- tiictu te Holstaita -iik49 a;ARnDelJf ue RegioardanG heuedcelMetta n .gltratian fefaorlacl i edrs. Inaorder ta qualify. iiai4a; AERan-Da7l2I ren d 4-H progrOO. rfac wnng ilouter iteis a ta elncrcaucd the cwmst binaetap yaaa« M days,,10,067 Vic.-r.onM lic mentianoli tuot Hla- foredar AgMurater inta$10 frum *7.; Uic tiva in Canada frtemlii, ' fa,305 3-254 and de ta bn atti. oaorCanadien HlslteinAs- cbamplanutap show yaar or hava avor 450 SM deys, 10762m« i 6 Buchaonan, Mo tor Uic igii1 ent r- - 48Vic-Presidi mntage of catie an oition lott ynar. whicb in provialai ycara ilagrama aif butteriat fol; Gylon Assot Mdga, .OP. taor naigis- Mrlyn Helap, Salas b obendta tenr n a ooUilnt te ,060 5 ycarn, SM daya , L1da1,11a bobrmavadtaRiofteel Aent fr tpeHaaidoHol-mik, 485 fat; BSmview Secretary-Tri ba9nprnt rala p sen ut Pel A eat l cU ottnsiai Octubor 21; the goal of 'mc igb Supaimr Pro- C Ensisror Veldo, 5Br Seat (7 pr ne crn 4 pr Id, ireler Cub ia-the Candieon Oltein duction liardit a tIoton ycaa SMdo ,, 1,an cent). ted that is noie pricon Association lat tahave 9M ond in ail ai Canada mou miii. sn f5 a GO11,67ai Soil-crop association names high yield winners BylHenryiJ.oStaney Ovr 70members of Uic Hello. Soit & Crup lai- pauvomant Association mal ni Hiticret Unied Cburcb on Wedaendoy. January 16 for tbcic on- sudl meeting. Winnara in Uic liigi Yioid Campetition mare amordcli prine maney o. fliami: Groin Cr- Isi-Aauiinny Bra., Limeiosuo 1 with 110.5 bu. acre; 2nd-liorvey Nurs, Gorgetomn 2 with 106.2 bu. acre, 3rd-Murray Hiarris, Mltan 6 mtb 104.0 bu. ocre; and 41-Art Lomnan, Miltan 5 mitb 102.5 bu. ocre. Crn Sut- uge-lni-Brocii lais, MtonO41,120 lin ocra; Weat-Ist-Ricbard Sovreign, Milton 2 mitb 77.2 bu. cra, 2nil-Blît Aliin, Georgetomn 2 m1i7.9bu. acre; 3rd- Nrai Biggar, GObville t iUi 70.9 bu. acre; and lipring Grain-ltl-Mur- ray Brociinn, George- tomn 2 mith 3661 lb- s. acre and 2nd-Sct liarris Milton 6 mith 2863 tas. cres. Dr. Travar Dickinson. Sciioni oi Agricultural Engineering, Guelphi, dincimocd "Wiat Can ta Donn About sas Er- oin?' lie stressed re- ducing Uic amaunt ai til- lage an fields, grcter une of covor craps, ep- isg a pontler distance amoy tramt streomi and dilabon mitb macbinery, uue of strip croppiag, cunturing and rotations. Prof. Bob Fulberaun, Crap Science De- primant. Guelphi, dincunoli Uie o- tablishment ai gauli standsof aiforages mitb upocil empboula an pi atîag sicaigt altatta fac igiiot feeli vlue. Gaieni Driver, Dictar ufthue Salis b Ccupn Bcascb, alang mith Sua- ard McFadden Milton i, a lýaaI bay dealer and Peter iaaibcin, Camp- taliville, a cantai tarai apacatar. litîcunseli loy aa a casb crap lioay bas a greol delufutptential bt mustta ecampacleli it la rger boton tac transporatilon peciatly ta tbe United Stales. Hay n yo.crtatiot con spraalitbe wmari.d ouat liuisg tbe gcawing ses- sua. greatty tiprave sif structure. betp ta prevent saîl eruian anli anse an tbe puccase ut nitragen fetiizer. Tbe great lis- alivanlage oftsmitcbiag ta bey for a cash crop pro- durer îs tbe etra la- vestaient tealielintboy- ing equipaient. Ribard Loy othte Rural Develapunt Gui- reacb Prjari, Guelphi, liscuuued in energy pro- ject micb invlvad ne,,- crat Hoaito aicra bust yeor. Mr. Loy stated that tbe ugricultural indutry uses 3 per cent oflthe tatal esecgy use in Canada ta gelth befee otlaUic arai gaie. Dar prinon mccc paon- enteli by tbe il C.G., Mil- tan Equipanet, Yanagas Forai Equipaient andl Agroart ai Comlile. Gticers and Directars lac 19M0 are Paît Pron- dent-Nrai Bigor, (labvîlle t; Proidnt- Dot Sbecmaali, Milton 6; Vice-Peudet-liarley Picbecing, abeille 1; andi Secretary-Treanu- rer-lionne J. Stanley, Piliip Agncm, KeiUi Ai- tan, Franki Anthnny, Murray llrocko., Bruce Con, Pter Lombricis, Dnnin McCure, Bob Merry, Harvey Hursa, John Raid, Eli Sog- imorth. Dose Taylor and Kart Wilson.. Sala7 Co.eit Rep. ie Peter Lombricis. soai & Crops Spacialisi sa Pool Finis, .M.A.F., Havmaniict. Zne Diraclar is Richard Savercign. Doingaten ta tbe West Centrol So] ad Crop Improvemont As- sociation re Kitu Ait- ken andi Pter Lambricis. Bah Merry la Uic dle- pite ta lthe Agriclturai Aliviunry Cammittec mitb Jahs Reid os AI- ternate. mhe delopte ta, be Otario sai & 'Crop Improvomont Asoctian HIGH-YIELD WINNELS in wheut cehonored attise Halton Soiland Crop Improvemnent Association meeting Thtirsday ot Hill- crest Church. Winning $25 wss Richard Sovereign (riglst) with 77.2 btishels per acre. Mr. Sovereigil is s director of thse Halton- Pel-York Ssii and Crop Improvement Association (SCIA). Second was Bill Alliaon (centre) mith 7t.9 bIshels pur ocre and thrd was Norm Biggar (leftl, president of Halton SCIA with 70.9 buahels per acre. Kiddies *Corner McflONALD'S 4 Whose feetam funinies? Whose minle is sunniest? ?tonha1d, Ronald t&Dod. ....... ... erior 9= 1UnRae= ara WJ. Knapp, or- tnmn 2; Payneside Karen Mati, 5 yeaaca, 30 dana 12,6«4tamliti, 523 fat, 234- 263, and 365 day,. 14,034 milii, 58 fat; Webb Star Presldant, 7 yaara, 3M days, 9.526 miliii.452 fat; liC. Rid, Mitona 6, ain Piuaibroie Joy Ac Ana, 2 y.n, M00daynlll maliti, M fat, 222-231, and 325 daim, 10,821 mil, 411 fat; Plumimoke Cora Ace, 5 years, 331 days, 11,840 mlii, 486 fat; Cauda Piciici. George- town 2, an H0IIovOI-Hill Bonb, 5 yaara, 365 days. 10,391 mlii, 4M6 fat; Bar- bora Y. Ford, Milaon 40on Bardhin Fond Katiiy, 15 years, 365 days, 7,M0 miliii.370 fat. Long Time Production Certlflciates mre Ilian pcaoented ta savaralhreu- adora mth tep honours golng ta Gordaii Rt Sin- clair & Sou an Fiam- ingdaIa Siiy Chief Judy miii ovar 90,000 illo- gram ofaimliiiand Mary- vla Hlena Dora ith avar 00,000; W.J. Knapp on Graanmooli Pontiac Kate mih ovar 00,0M; Clouda Plebatn ak ot Ridgea Real Moud mith ovor 60,00; Bornvlam Parme Ltd. miii 3 como avar 60,000and 4 avor 00,M0; T. Aiex Buchianan mitti i ovar 70,000 and 3 ovor 00,000. Obai more Haold- R. Pttarson, Gordon Meflaiald, As- ville Ferrma Ltd. Gaorge Bird, Barbara Y. Ford. Satai, Anthony, Doii- ald à Ronald Brandor, Falganbraai Forai, Bry- on Matrshaoll, Frad Nursie, Dovid Raid, James Reid, Frail Bromn, Ban Fortin, Inion Garden Farin, Johin Kitclling aud W.F. Laidtaw. Gardon R. Sinclair & Sion badthie higiiot numbar ai Star broali coms miii h ma eStar, 1 TwvaStar, and i On Star. Ouiira vore Aosville FarmnaLtd., Russali Hor- a" WIN McDONALD'8 GIFT CERTIRCATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUA CRAYONS AND FELT MARK- EAS GOING. TO WIN McDONALDS GIPT CERTIFICATES. ENTAIES WILL SE JUDOO ON ORIGINALITY. SENO VOUA ENTRY TO; THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, 191 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON, ONTARIO. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE. NAM E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADORESS............... TELEPHONE.............. AGE.................. L A STWE EK'S WINNEA t-IaauhaMua. CaUep Joua DOuWhhe Thonooti MoLflty Uaa Bilaon Che @ MW Kmi eB~. S- Mý EN TERNO W IN OUR fMcDONALD'S WA TCH CONTEST orander, !taon Sryots Man"h B. Miarsallo, D Clora, Rab Mur Paddia, Dovid Bill Robinon Diratmare r hem and Joapl Soins Agonta yaar ta Mrty Burlingtan 1 Robinsoun il Hlon Farn CasmeiliLep. Beel at CE Barbeara Y. sn lstein b are plan- à bus trip son n Friday cii 7 n etii e Diretao lmam si a Motn 1; lai ënt-Sandy £effi 1; 2nd rval 2, and 'nrasuri. , aorge 1 liLd,,HIGH SELLING PUREBRED BULL et bil, Robert tise tif ti annuel Murray Grey Silver Select Dcnain Me- Sole in Calgary wos cons edby Lordand uray, Gong Lady Roideric Gordon rfBentley, Alla. i Raid nd Allon Cooki of Spnlngloam Parme, Milton, Mn. Junior ýeRab Lin- pei Waadon. araisiain o Ias IIIII ni Soiety Lk nw..L~IL ftrends discussed ýattiemen's 'meeting Dy Dong Mier mhe lon-Peel Coi- lemons Aocition an- suai meeting mon boli Jan. 17 oithetuanoior For- mer Bsiliding in Bramp- ton, 11w mueting nom- moncel i mlUi ob Bell sbombsg hNs sllds of bin rocunt trip ta Irelond. Foliaming tuis. Don McArhor tram Contorai gave a presentation abot tue nervicesofa- lerali by tue Canarai la arasera. lie ompisizelithe li- portanceofai iieping gond recorda for botii tan and management purpioBu. Kaitu Monniman, the Otario Catlemesis As- sociation rep-ooantativc, gave a report of tuearot- ivitisof uthtisaProvini srpaninotian. lie ounlinoli bin stand an tbe praposol ta change Uic methail of cbacii-ut. Folloming thl, luncbhmonscrvad. Aler luncb, Charlie Graey, Secrctory-Man- aglerof tise Canadien Cat- lcaionn Association, ad- dresued Uic gronp. lie entitied hiis tallt mTe Cartointy of Un- cartainty.' lie stated liait trends fac sent yuar are ditticui ta predici becauna ut tue tact im- pin tam mhicb mas ni enocteli. mhe directara toc 19li are a fou nlas:Hlatan- Bill Alilon Sr., Horry Brador, Alan Cooki, Don Lindsay, Chaorles Martin, Jiai McSCoy, Bob Merry, Frad Wartlicii andi LcWilkinso; Peei-Bill Bell, Harcy rS, Bob Brasdar, Jbo EAriy, Bil Jacksoon, Jon Ring, Ritu Monisman, Sa Scsainrman ond Bil Siiaard. Illeropiontativa ta thc Ostario Cattiemens Asociato. n "ysar la L" Wilkinsona isAI- tereates Bill Jacsoaisand Don Lindoay. Hallon Satty Couai re- pruaentative a taill AI- lsoon agpin, amdii.laieln on tuaelialtan Agri- cuitrai Advlaoiy Cou- mittee. Vting dlagaten ta tue annual meeting nseIlar- ry Bell, liarry Brandor, Don Uàndooy andBill Jacksn. mqipmt Eb Suppks Pset &frd Fou Psto.m Proâcts Woek CUotNn 878-2391 "Someone close tôYu an Incur able Diseuse." "1Crohn's and ulcerative coliis are serious, painfui diseases. They sfrike at any age. Chances are, someone you know is a suffeoer. T-hese diseases can be beaten. AIl we need is money... LloydRobetbonPlease help us fund (-I\ Natoa N-, our essential reseach progèams." Please send your Lax dedudtible contribution to: lufe Rsearch Fund Canadian Foundation for Mtis a Coks National Office - 294 Spadlna Avenue lorIoaIîoOntario MST 2E7 Telephone: 416-366-2776 Be surs ta se. h Cravrnn Foundation dluplay of anti- que end d cluoocmrsesMR- ton Malit s lêdUy auh pmbeiTI6wmdwpwb7.