wsnsm~I ~O~dO.s~ ' *".,? .'t"0.'b ~4 S oe Tse anaint issepin.*&d. jen. 30. lmO Jno. M. Mackenzie, Phm. B. Dy Met Rbno j. M. (jack) Mackenzie as o scry mli knoom manin tis tomomisen I as a srisooiboy. A e dock t ic isstare, ha occuanboly a.cnntr, but I did sol bnoombiens v«erml. MY tatier condesed iim c vcr gond riend. My brotierln-iew, ReX Scott, rame rons Erin tbserve tmo yearsOf is apprenticechp wta Mr. Makecnsie. He as very entanliastir abo" his ors and takal e grat del about I. Fred Cochran, C.P.R. agent here viled taectoinhoErin. Wien ho earned tat Rex mised bo becomne a droggint, h. uggoted coning to Milton to ork fr M. Mckenzie. When Rex applied for tac jobheho mo greeled rataer grutflp. -Do you mnt 10 learistahe uinstac, or are yenouItor a goal ime, lise tac otaorfeioma I hoe fired in cecent yearn? Are you aratd of mrk, or are peu recilp inerencd"' Convlsred tat Rex as rcdliy anousmabiearo, haofforcd hisha jeblae ten dollaroa emecS. Ramwu hockagain shortly. e wmu gina ho hord ai tac Cocrane'c - allten dellarsoac mek. 'U tei ycu miaI l'il do," his id. "i tpyen l weive dollars a mecis fr juI had 10 ave ses effot on our sormaly hares climase. And, remensier, yen readil barsrfitie. Frankly' tac meird itr e are experiening 10 typirl outhta.limon! World poer are hock t picylng brink- mansip; tac pice of gold and cliver han gne ou of sigisl - along ita in- leret rates; the billn are outaanberlng letters ten-to-one intise bttercd aid maisiso. AmdiIl al taese tatagi ere ont enougi sn ail clth10 liseccnis, me arc getting clouer, as ecri day pane, 10 joliy old Inrome Tex lime. I have ot, as yc, receivcd nsy Returo. tut I know, mien Il dos arrive, I iii nse sp cil tac aveiehie meeho ryiag la figure ta. demo talng ou. My fanir tear Ot torms mWi rise 10 lbs preditable p- utofrensy. Eanis er, Revenue Canada "sim- pifies" tis document - 10 mais. l "casier" toronsbedonle tb taecanse. I dontkboom about ye, bt tae effort is Ist onme. I mut ho gting dumber as I grom oldr. , On tat prtirsiar subject, 1 ould lk. 10 express y sinrere appreciatio to ail tacae respensibi. toc holding tac "Super Bomi" on nsp irthday, JuI Rhea naid a graeaul tisesk pou, to. "Wan tat realiy tae let football ganse h10 season?" "Yen, isdsed it as, dar... ules ta. moIes have anmting going uder tac snon." "Goal grief!" cyGne nycos In contet mita cuccent neage othta Englibsi languege, and ta. recent discomnrons isishave rerelved ide pobiity, tac word "mole" 10eued le descibe a supe-spy, mo buisn 1- tted his omo rountrys enpioncgc organisation, is orde 'bpau on secreta 10 a oreign power. ibis defiauldu malign ise cei msoles, pechapa, but Ins sot about bo d.tcsd tac tuccy, litle ragetis. Every sprnbg, ison lise snsw disappears, tae surface otfnsy front tercace reemnblns tat ofthta trench arfare of Wurtd War . Wita tac erres o lnd miich surreond ouibonge, why tis, devine devis have bnrisoone our ront lawn bnrisew up, Ive neyer heen able o udrstend. ibis er, ieranse othtacproionged Janncp thae, tie nni ravage othie codentn hanairendp boensexposed. And, have tacy beanuhup! Tie nild weataer, weironscd by smm, dccied by olier, bisn onlud Motacc Nature. 'Irons are udding, squicces arcenatiag, hiberocterosis as hocc, gcoundhogs and racoons are op oeecpalkisg. Rivers have soens, tair uhig, bromo waters oaing onder the bidges. Wien tac cold-sncp retarn(and il likeiy ias by tac ime pou rend tais> il ii have conenas qute e shock. On tac othr hand, t psedited i10e column, sot manp eensago, tat the volume of bol air geerated bp tac ederl elerlion, Hi School Hap'ning Good or bad news? ep PMnU Tercr 1 and Kellybiuidlelee Wct, 1 dont kboom metier its goal nemo or hod ems. Exama are oser.i Evr= n culoonen their boita(nose 1 spa "!clrelax acUtile. At leat nudnse are given some comppnsatimn, for bing put tacougis suris rigors. Tise Semester tarn-arsensd iii ho rons Wedneday, Jas. 3010 Fn- day, Fei. 1 tis er. (Ibis l10e ime bo ait rosnd ita emi-giczcd eye, re- jsiciag or cryiog over our couns marks, miicis are uuallp omesao f tac final macho in romet. Fineliy, reports iii ho maieid ouItis maek. A Fnal Gond-bye Deiving 'wap bock inoatac put, on Tuesday Jan. 15 tac Senior Conrt Band hlda frns]i faremeil partp fr M. Walker and Pai Matsy i ta. Hrrep Honse. Paul, aeclacine pleye ald bond member oftwIo yparo standing, iii ho moving et, and leaving sur "reoba" ons Ja. 2. M. Wcihe tmbo 10nom tryiog te, organia. tac muic dapartmnent 10 lictan) was given e Ircmed and aulngccpiscd photo ofthtac ntir. isied. A osali ensemble Irons Scartet Fever sereneded tac party for a wilieald bopped off a perfect emesing. Mocis taansogne tactheband executive for tac organimition and csoota rsnsnlng of tae entire evcslog. Wcckly lipiae In home coons ns Mosday, seneter tmo tinsetabins more distributild,so studensansm have nocarne 1er cos- fusion (tais is aboultach 17ta .dllion me have rereived, stacre reeiy t10no excuse). Asmweil, al] studenis going on tac Ver- monttski trp mutbave cii their money 10 isp Friday, Pcb. 1, otaecmice taey miii le taeir dapouit. Philosobits Bp 0dita shaepc Sunrises and sussets happen rverp dap. bot tom taiselise lime ib sec taen My favocite oaying o "I'Isenk Von" hot I bardly ever hnsr il anp more. tmo eeho Tison l'Il pey pou tourteen c ecS - or lIlI lie yo." Il as n01 an extravagant olfer. Rex opencd tac sobre t elght ociocis evry nornlcg and worked wecis nigisauas menaia ne on Salardey nigisI. Ilwuec gond traiigU-t*ui, fer Mecisono 1 mantad tingo donm rigis. Pares had1 tube ho rpped atlraclivoly idi no slragglng astring. Creuln t h h e pur ha bcp=ed nest. Stck ontheà mta packages and holels tt~s lormard b nake a oacIdlspay. Fo instance. bottlen u o ttla Ension out Ced Livr 011 hadlb ho eccd anthat ecrispleyedtde pictueof the fiaheon1 tae bount. Contansero mre ta ho givnrep, cheerful service, If taey7aukedfo soonelhing that mas otntockabistac sobre sould gel Il promplly. LISe other merrisanta in tomo, Mackenzie nmado frequent tips.b Toronto for shor items. M. Makenzie knem taeiooduta ha soid and tacir vaine on remedien. e gaerstoisers good advce ast teir rougis Mediine man more "ut, - - tac rensoval of ban pant taan for ta. trectnsent of hunsan beings. If a mnsbnsier askedtfor tat pndurl ho wus grsfiy tbld hal J. M. taogit of i. ta tas. days dotors mcdo sp mont of taer own prescriptionl. J. M. put his excellent inowlcdge o pisCay ta goal se n hlinig is cutonsers tae commerrci produts avalabie. On day Con Tituke as havtng trouble mita tacelor hockey tlions iesene emre sck and vwould ho anaisie 10 play. Lersing that Rex bal played hockey 10 En, h se kalish b play tisat oigbt. Macksenzie promply told leiesn make up bis mmnd. Washo here to leors tise drog busineso or mas he in town to play hockey? Misen Coon heard about tibis ew piobiens ho got buy on the phone. Esrly dths. vening Mackenzsie suddesdy celd, "Centpo »e the lime? Mary, or pouU b. e for thet ganse."' lter ho develcped lb. habit of ashingflex Ifbhe adi50renta le gobta gane- abouti15 minutea beloreil wu testart. Acscribbiedncote on an envelope mas put honlthe door, "teck In ten ilsinutea." Joat hefore tacgaine ended b, wcnld b. aller Rex 1n gel hock and look aller the business. J.M. mu sot always cerios. If ho cotired Min Carroll in thsestoremlih an ersofui of parcela ho wnuid fold and turk under her arm a copyofuthie Mail ald Empire, lise Tory nempeper irons Toronto. tshe mas, of course, ac tulcori Uàbora nd c reader of tac Globe. Me woold put an cr05 armmnd the sisoulder of is verp goed mmied, Dr. MeCsII, and say, "I joat ranI uderoland how a man oI your oulslendlng knomlrdge, and experlenre ever beranse a Gril." Atlvariens timea Mr. Mackensie wuc on tac tomo roundi, ccrved an mayar, aod oa ahydre conssaosor. Me mas an entansicatir Coocervative and an ardent Macon. As Pust Mastar ut St. Clair Lodge he, ha ment ou bi berons. Ditrict Oepuly le tac Grand Mastar in ta10 area. In July îUiicho dled ouddeny aIta.h Hamsilton Sanatrium, aI tac cge of 56. Mre. Mackenzieebaildided four yecrs hetore tal. Ma con Jack, liven ho Toronto, his daugistar Maoriene 0tac Osprisge cran. Mariai dled soee ime ago. MACKENZIE'S DRUG STRE in the eariy IMt's-lcf t ho rtght are Elcie (Woods) Giddlngs; J.M. Mkeie; a b sU ClOOiA estomer; cnd Rex SeotAt, theiendet thie show caes, na1Mr. Mackenzie, was Uic -joesa eSeturday evenlng mclsmv Issas siens wnSkets place forITrles and Macon. Back part c 0sd.~cu e Uic store wac for Uic ice cream perler and, et Christmna time, for the toy and glfl as "-anin icevisrgtisa cccarn se . dmUs departunents. Uni es, 1is e «rose.aMyaopcg.n le WeU, MWmv nuaomsa. 7e ivman cd encense s " o 'Tunnel approvedam-W tauoVaMW1fl o O Regional cososcl has 52.5300conract t bud ctnero emok asdo's vsae issedrin polo&ce ,ipproved o plan 10 isuiid the pipe 54 metres uder loalti atro. 'flsAkYou. a 3N> mos aternnshlb.road. 'lbeb iii boresa ondor Iighwop 401 aI tunnel. ioui.oil lise pipe. '14M euthmmna Siceles Ave. . and cocs. I is sIeei. Hui' Itiltoide Pipeispers Il cs expeclal lise mors q S&i a-9qF k Litiiited sof Scarborooghisiill aeabouot tarer haver heen oarded tise %%eeks 10 complet.. WE'LTEACH YVU AVALUABLE TRADE, SHOW VOU SOME OF THEWOKRLD, AND PAY'K) FOR THE EXPERENCE 0F A UFETIME. Th Cn.d orces -fllPavomd t- Vo abeoaskicied 'chvia i oe of n, ten sea uades Ad yo..I se@ so a the- rId ,IhIciý.t i. h1cs coboes opi, vh -c-. ment ss.'osonnelém dpsoosh.os ad ha. ou coud beny ourwa For ore mw irf, cotct o ubrd neare,vCndia Fores ecruiin Centre .ced ,e5rsing in'00 YeIS Pages l h. oupo -'AIOUf J il.<Vf 30 Main Street Wtor ilton,, ,.Ontario 18? I118B ce.*i Iw..1.n Canadiar 15 tiami 'l' 14M GodaCunr The riatural beauty of lsrael is something to be ld Th Sa f Gacetsu rîs h The Negev desert with its violet mounitains, stillness of the Dead Sea at sunset. yellow canyons, rare wildlife and unique vegetation. But there is another kind of beauty, too, that is The dazzling coral of the Red Sea whcrc lsrael. A beauty that cao be frit in Jerusalem, you'll see sonie of the most remarkablé colors Behlehemn, Hebron, Nazareth, jericho. ever viewed underwater. For Israel is the land of the Bible. The nature reserve of Hai Bar where Cone visit us. Your bilialanmlssuh sthe ibex, gazelle, Travel Agent can tell ,T ran oveo and oryx antelope roam freely. you about the new 102 B.n St. Weo-Suite 790 Thc Medterranean groîîoes of Rosh Hanikra low airfares and/ Tot.nî, OntaioMaS S toi where splashing waves become rainbows. tours to israel. Tell me what to seeonce Iget thereIh P Exposin.g moles =77 1