SkIIIed tmdesmen needed toattct industry BylvAsii paR a h a-rme allautonIag, ha said. chldren ta becume campaign, Marubatl said wuutd be adapted ta suit Marsaaasdesi that ns alasodaaady lltraaada. Tise basic prableludoctorsansd tawyars, but he would t ke tbe com- tbe seudu of particular Jas. 31 a mueting wouisi a fpp flyu t ulla adis- thr gvrm mi i aist hat aatIru nt about bang lest und mtte ta took autindutres."le bld wtb setectesi m*sif il leta a rmel bam aaaludy s- cuntry taclus aillasi dia makeru "establi uhng "ose or ls-o Qiber goals, bu suididustries in the regiun to fnduiary landthe , vidn duelirainingtat wrbrs Ragit ssw Usre are central locatiunu" n Ue -ould iclude cusvmncsng expIais Use progrus- und accus-ding ta EBiMur- Usa probten am ta dt ita We va reliesifor toa very few skisltesipeuple in cegiun s-bere cocutiusaI the NattasBoard ut goals andi that -old leud aUhail drcglunas chef dssrY eUsr desa t lng os bringing sksUled Hatas wbo are avaitable traniog wold be duneý Educal un tn give a tn a day long ses- sar salsmas knas- about lbem ,tbuy peuple in tram Engtand tor a sew iodusty rhs cd Lie a pace hghe pofle tc b l pshsiby nFerua ce Tat's-hy MarshaldontmeetUthe neds of and Germany. We tais comngi o the aes ghe te exisigtrig progratmtr he eps rial hi prgl Busnss Development teindostriesor tbey abot edsng oc AL he egcnnns fteg ovrirt prgan snor rdes hataea hi'N Cammisisar for Hui- les, sud auvral sUsr pepehave joisasi ta-r'r. gtharta foramtUe ationaDouJa Isdustrtal Training gIving says farewell to Works friends ml lu ebrs umae ta in Havtag huais umplayesi "Tha inadus-aent asing me s-bas Fs- go. Fbutasary. by Halles liegioaia sasded. ing to do, nos- Ibatl'ms -The typas cfai 7 ub k Wra Dus - 'We bad a big reliresi. Well, heres a lt Uai lacale biesplaMy mn at art muli rss saof Uingu for s-e 10 do as higlly iklUsi peuple, ' ha Irvig bus seui a lot offtlacis, and s-e Ures- home. saisi ta a rucent tale- changsea. shovelfuls utfsund osto "I tinb l'Il base plenty vi-l, "and sou emplo- But es-s-, bas Ue road as Ue trucb to doltubeep me bsp. lil s-n arvu saWu ~at grsaptha rasduaad bachesi up the it," ha prnbahly do a litile s-e have Coty Ita c-mfrur OW rs aaumblesi aii. gardening s-bes tbe good purCent nnspiaymnt Fldayunigttan Miltonstac lise aut 1sapeurs utis s-alber comaes." su ta rde toattalirat isff a purtytanbltabasor. car sera spent Ha says belIl miss is tindsary hre andta misua operaîîng a grasiar. job, bol Ieres ose Ue needofuthdu t- lise blggut change, bu aspect o il be s-o'l mmid dstris mu bav, es-anys, lateUselamant of 1"Idid everytbtag. 'd geting aa-y ros-. bava ta supply a pipelnea mrk nus- dons by cluar inadu, Id plas -Fort sol gosng lis miss ut skineus labaur ta thuau machtae, Uat ma for- ns... Id do jut about having Lta rmpond 10 busamss." mrly duns by aud. everyUing. " pbone cais in tbe middle Amnag Ue ainr "Wben I tirai slartud, Thalea dys, bu says, of tbe nigbl asing setci peuplas-rbisg ta nuru Ue causiy aly sandusi Usre ia oe question tht come ita plos- snos- duat future supply ufthUe Mill s-bn Uey mra beepa crappiug 5p. "Is-ont msss that a shildlu s-risera for Usa icy ansi nllppery. .avarybody ieeps bi.' raglan ara Es-arisaion __________________________ Lavuatdur, Diraclur of Edu atinfr tduHatan -. fl Board Efisduatias ansid ,Qti @ li uersettiv fShri- S..ïS dt pi im costs dus Collage, Canada Hatan Ramas Cathlic oss-alf-ear agreement, Tbursduy by Super- Es-pays-eut sud rate Sebsul Board cbanges suicis min-or inendeol oInlstructson Immgration and due s-liel factag higisr Ue Calblic Boards per- Dr. Robert Dson. Provincial Miniary Ofcotsenta th Ue public catage o tUs- cir- Total fils- lbrury per- ' - Esiscatian, Calillgs andsi chool board for siartag culation. sonnel colIs for 1980 are PtMls it.Cýp. Universiisa a fils- library if un agra- Tlie public hourd pro- expecled 10to auboolultd, ,~c hun R athr tdunstartinB met us inisud. peses tise sepurate huard $48,000. Of thul the se- RETIRING AFTER 29 YEARS lu Doug Irving lrighi), suho has A RUDE SURPRIS awaita Milton Ma yor Don Gordon from a nuls insintrial ras-bing aton Bard ut assume a higier share of prte hord is beisg huais wiih Halionas Public Worlcs Deatiriman since 1951. A grOuf Lynda Wlson of thse clerk'a depariment. Thse mayor wssacaugisi prugramaMr alsiiEuuini rptg praul caa r sss 0 py a-of his co-workars gatharad in Milton h-iday lis giva hm a foras-a ilUisa acigarette on "Weedleaa Wudnuaday" and lMos. Wison tis fIta out Usa cals-cilchanges in tisefuita ansi crding tIna repars tuisiesiprois-alely $,00.0 party. One oftihe gifis suas ihis Citizens Band radio sai. With Mr. decdea to put a atop to il in a mot effective way. tus-srd giving a higisur Irving is Stan Wilson, who hirad Mr. Irving in 1951. GJtI~tOIT IE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO, Perspec ive - "EDIESDAY, JANUARY 30, 19803 Pers ctiveTHIRD SECTION - FEATURES Stress technical. courses teietofHafton educatois Tise ps-babilip sof misiesi lu riple cr lits io oinsingle iopionsunsi report menionsaa mra cncetration in machine sbapautlo- cas lu prosîdesins doubla posible blandtag ut tise lehnalul uscatioe motive. arcisitutral ansi tripe opins" Hlsun pgrams lto eas coussa ffrai u Actai, druftîng ansi machine Aclon-Esqoesng trustee ils Sieridan Cllege Gorgetas-n ansi Milton drafisg. Belly PFiser saisi aller Hllun students sili ake iigis hse a sn Doble creditusill lu ie he eeing. six lacisiicai credits in a ashascesi b a rngres uttredsi n autas-otiva "'Ados and specil Hailun package reprt tablusi ai ansi machine sisup ai Gogtwb and recive an Haain Buas-s of Miltn higisschual. Triple Dereou, l hey equisatenl na-hur of Edumîua -atan. 'reditsis machine shnp lgtsr uln HuIburs credil las-ardu Cas-mils-enta n tiese s-leus-e tiere atar. are stitI separute cos--apetcsis scuos ndohes nshe-nities. I1us- ugaint upelcsia scsulsanisUee t Ue Tie repart, entillesi bnning if thep studentsl Tusiay a tehaicul Hulans istaes a h uais e Future DirectiansOfo cas taise double ansi educatisu studanl, in- s-ada fr nuxi SeP> Turisnical Educatinn s triple optionsuin lsir os-n tereotasi in machine $hsp tes-hur. suiteas tdurepor. Nulles, reconmmanda cnsmniîieu." saisi specialization, muy bave ta lnAclan tiera ta0ai- Acton siusantu naesing trusteFisiser. uccess 10 ulp a single prtuniiy fr Grade Il mre depuhisn their rdtsve cos, ansi 12 sissints ta picis a tecisicul esiscationstissu Accrdhing InFrankis crditu e repcarse scn rdtlis s-miActun utters lbc s-udr Bain, co-ordinatr n' Tie studants-up ansi sp s-rkng. T'la taiusa usara transportation for lecisical asication, sils a druting course casidrain ut a double Ihas- is avaitable ta excellent progress s- gearesi su architectura cradil in elctrical- Georgetos-n District ecisical educatian "" rallur tisais machines. elucroisc ortr Ihe Higis Scisul. heing s-udr t . E. toltos-lsg yuac. Perdue, Gergetos-n ansi Undr tisa racu-- Acin siadaisisibig 'If Acion igis Scisel Milo.mandtins ofothtie report lu atudy machine sisap, dues ual Bs tu double ansi tisaI sratisg course bas-avec, s-uh leausi d tripla opions; idus-ut l lu additionu 10 nîtering s-saisi support Ue tGrgum. Atasba haî issansesi to Gorgetos-n. chances or lecisical machinst sp progrum ut ns mJ na hop. Is-againltishai lucause stodunts lofgais expertise ls rpecaitsuin Ggtown a scas-- tise subjecis are providas ino ubjecîs. lise progreus s-hile accommusiatitsg Contract talks resume Ceairuet tailla balwsn ftraIthUe teaciers OSSTFs J s- BeUsue Halles higi schol tas- prvincial sugtitor. soard vice-chainuan char' rpeutuesHllen egtiators in- ansi salary commite ansidu c lh uar b d r- ued tie provincial chairs-as Bil Lawssas sus-ad brlely ai Esrl- grnup 10 jin tie taillsi ansi attas OSSTF pres- isgtan 1as-aaek. aie Dces-ber. dent Ras Ness s-re gui-i 'le ilsu ides gai l- ardesi liusrdap sn Usiri gabser frts-s hura ansi Tie Januarp 22 muai- cos-mens regardisg Ue tisna sjaurnasi uif Fuis- ing s-as tisa irsi session resus-ptiln o taîbo. rusry t. tac hard segtiatur Taceu reithr lise meting s-as tise Bruce Ligit ansi Ue secnd sets-uter i s-iich i=tsractltaîbo, have bogged dos-. Lat Coiipge m c ers Jasuarp tise hord ansi hîgi schoot teacisers diccep contect uamadialor. CammuiIp collage aibitratisis cass," saisi Bord trustes ansitise siusiutasplsg for as Dntario Public Service teseralionobava receisasi uschesialavaetisn are Emplopees Uiin a ltter ros- ation ging le ha disuppisiesi, es-sKatie Fit- Couici Nos-aomeansi fllus-lng Ue accptascu =dupi. chel Asocitis ut a ses- ts-oer con- The union hasi hes suiicisdepîres Ue tact tract sailes-ast bp Ueir saks aeicese tiai no csnracl bas yul teachers. out1laper cent wmus coul t hes signesi. 7% ,20tu lachrs ut living allos-ascas for an ovr lise signature of th 2cllages vulasi 58 inflation ovur igisi pr Nit Johnson, tise as- pr cenin s avosa- of Usa cent. suiations' presidesi, tisa paci givisg Ues- a sevus Thep Settilusifor tise Jasuary Il ltter reporta pr rani raies, retro- seses pr cent rine ansi on a motion passesi Nov- active taSpIt. Usath rigisi to segotiate a es-ber 19. The mtions Other tanna of Uhe oas-mage package in tise readu: 'The Nlles nutlîlment isclude a sen- second er of Ue con- Counil utf Nos-e ansi ta plan ta par cen tract. Scisel Associations i- fussies by tie province, a "This issI sie othlie hs ts express Ueir cas- sas- savrace pop plan att us-e bon i slUa- crs tr tise lacis opro- ans intcreuuusi jais sent," FittRussinlpisgrss in Uheseocacs ry aeuily. sai, "but il's asiquale." tochers' negtataon 'Thoerasas suisevry lises-agu portion of Ue s-oh tie hard ot m- s-sisy wsuhy languaga in cutrac i s-Utha r- suaion, ansi dplai sa due lsI casirmt Uai negulti is theise aI act that 5no coitraci bas raa.liad in s ulsg sus-e spring. yel bes signas." a single crasht. apuaitg ta ganeral of lechalcal euieatioin Use raglan Dr. Rabert Dixn, progras upurintundunt, saisi Use asperiesce induh Unitedi States ansi Canada ta having studunlis go outsidu Useir aga ami peur grosp bas nul bes gondi. "Ilsat daussI meus s-a can't oeil il," naid tise superinteudent. If Adtos s-ara tagai a machine nbap, the cnst %vulsi lu ault asu0. "Wa du sot nue usy increase is capital cnsts," saisi Dr. Disais s-bn sas atm ose outhUs antisors ofthtie repart. ' 1Bn-ana quite trsubly il is nol seaugh. Soe of il il dia,." ha cas- menlesi in future tise huard may have 10 go itIntdu privat isdntry s-arisaI place, in co-sporativa auduatias plans, 10 taach otudesis, pradictesi Use superintundunt. lu islrosiucisg tise progreno report ta tisa huard ouperisiensiesl Oison saisi techaical studiessshulhava aqual nialus s-ith acadus-le studias. Thare are about 3,tg tecissicai studens in Nattas. posaaaaon of ara nyaraulsc amcue tos as sas uusa s m a iloais oni. un is a.o week, and John Sneath of the Bank of Monreul and Ibeh Champion sgsarhaadad Montreal (left) and Champion Publisher thea fundraising drivaelis pay for tha nuls Herb Crowther wre among tise gueula i- aquipmani. vitud tb a dumontration of the tool. Firu- Ffre emergency tool officia/fr on the job Millail Fra Dpartint tuaispossesin outls Milton Lsons Club dsnuted a bg share of the nus- hysraulic raessue tuaI Frliay ans i suptayesi mnep. Mr. Cousun sid tise service club basi il ai a spetal press dmnsratiun s-lacis daatabouti$3,00l. tllas-ad. Ha saisi tisadonationsuad lise folt s-dlcome i Wilbln minutas tdu matai cuttang porion hasi handy. ahonuffa car's roofainddthemtal spraseibasi 'Theres-ereauboutl12 times lastlyears-bere we pried open a lociadcar dont. cousiihave usi mis pieeo aqipmesl te get lise Canadian Chas-pieu ansiduhe ainkIf trappesi peupla out ot cars, andsesofocth.s Islntreal hasi lad a tsasi-ratatag driva ta asabla 'ove nu longer s-lbacc 10 use maisesbft du tfira daparuant ta purchase Ue rescue tuaI euiment, " besai. Fa Ciset Ja alsapas aeia risu Mr. Culson sai -«(Cae deparîmaîltcrmerly bad du bushaie d isCuss pai per, ansi nid dattituus-e cros-bars or a melal collînt sus-to gel arastillcus-ingin.Irpaipplulotus Ha saisi appcuxlmataly $1,00u avar ansi aboya Tise suaI commsisnls-o parIs: a spreuder te pry due pricu ufthdu tuaI bas basen racivesi by tdu mataI upurl. and a cuter 1e pcncture and col siaparimn.eul ieuxira s-ney s-ut lu oed lu buy mtaI. resusaa qipmenitr dueseprimeisis Camp- Tise tuais iave approimotelp 10,000 poundu o bllvlle ubalalln. nseable presoure, ai lise ctling-splllîng urms. Landlocked home owner is unlocked A Mlon amao ixho hfouniherseli lacîhîsîchollerîc traserrig landlforbe epaionofsstlb>'Mils»» lReservair ixsas- ca>t oi hot caler. Proir tc regiioalizalios Cathero it>', s llowî's the Town oflMiltolisl(akeivers'prt osllsrlsndlfur In 1977.bbhergios ropaudd trsrîlhoisagi»> %N ilhhebres'cllbiallthe laudcci>or ýslfo>uifi) shave Iranicerrrdlomcch land adfin>s(fiîii> ahissbehrs sia> I o gel 1ber roperty bhovrs,,' Ilegîoal iSlcilor lîrsoîs Porlîn saidsaicei->' land mas gi v' si IthrTown-of iltlbo lii, sniiii> Works yard gets reprieve ' herehbas.lee a chiangesofi is>i>lîigsosiig>lts' futlre oIhvrgisoal sor-s>is ivi>>'"nSi'>> l Ave s» Mîto The Centre had nsi es loIi a $'4ii,,doi o>ain ad expanissonobth> tisi s i s,'.,sssillosl s-heo lise brder, camer ni asmach ass'.u) .'<l>ssicv the budget ('biel st lbt'e racii s -a >ss-i>L,,>,,ss s, as 5»> structure pssssed 0>non ili ir i v-i> gusss aillbougisiî>s ssolvisyeai-ss wlieti avrn mcarginal asssd >1>e'buldin ;og s,igJ(issi, ,allco slîucb>o.hardly roough ilparto>iM> cr.,i,i->sis'l s>> Ilices a> enisiageil ni I(ta'-> >I)ilsso 1,>plans list >prsiol'bCrists-asPulic> h,l,-. l>s ol-c,Ss, 'ssri as, bldlie siou>d ha'>s Io» sigis sîsici " paiîdiglthe oper-;l>siis cer;idii»s>,-ce tcssds a deerlîi-> zeîsd systenos- s>> lri5iv( isisc-s5ihi'> regisil osi> > oyrds Hioîs-c ' *Mr.Msooecas-e lsck ,' ls -a re'part ssa>sssg di'cosiboaliaal>oiiiiald cs>05 adso $10,inste isoadocicuting cos» lie said thercperabîioscentre ds a i> ss-,hsiss wor on he irgiona le sigasafofiria si>lslicssnd hosos-ichaoics Ilsa> s>ssldsea oesral.>iis. jacss i-ch,»»> s ,ciso rllts. aid ai expariid rt slssientsss ussuld hisclso>nepiioclasrd adspreaourissssc5i th sisgîiii Quarry amendmentu 'unacceptable'l ay PeerMilas . Mr. Zsaduspi saisi Ues-ay tonoffset il is10 gise local "Tua muci seesou- ata eti t tise miiîsercs dis- Milles planninstaffgasp "Bal 127 shosals ha nuh- muicipalities a greatar say is costrol oh puts assi cretios "saisiMc. Zadaupi. saanly rusrituen." quarrias. -l as-conoereausUsahUe Minisser silieuok ai any lise comms-nnes-ramadeuita a srillas brief s-as H onls pctcal 0Scto l usii tll specafic quarrytag sperallos tros- a prosincial stand mittusi ta a cnillua ufthdu ontaria Lg Heatre du iUtisaspecaiasce o Serthrnac1, icîsiitsg point I(winch heina raquarasi ludol ansi sot necessaritp avaatilguatig tdubll, hy Matas Pianser Be Z du Planning At, Esironsastal ProtectionsAt n-alrloralutsasptt iaiy. Niagara Escarpmast Deaatops-el Cunent lArt, ansi "The posiions-as ans gises extractive aperulsus Tise billaisan eusn le d lithPa asdiQuarrie as lraglosul ansi tus-nhp-las-s. coulsi mellisa Inacostict andsot ilatUsubastinstresls of Cntrol At, assi Mr. oadasyl saisi induhebriai "Thtastauaccuptaisie lu Hilton ..". saisi Mr. ethar thluraluorcagisual s-uaicipolity." praseutlut 1mI muis Uereamare"saimasy bey urenu Zaasi rZsdsisaaid at"us ngelag miera due lagluinua ing pruposmi ta set only sdMrZaaniot hec ge ogetlnts as-bigana, bt iaatmsalty." "The ses- arts-ut incorporate or recognine Usah e oensunradue carryiag uolut suris delails as ru- "tbis but.pacensast saUasiministrationanam principale ut othar sery important tegolatian, in- habiitation, rastoralian ut oldsil ans i rcrulation ta apps-val pumas-inthdu iandesouthdu Minitry ai cls-ig hadtaof Usalocal asdiraglanat s-nlicipulitleu. " varionaganctas tor input." Hauaul Rsercas,mangncymihsubinsmandactios- Mr. Zadaspi ecisuasi Usnecommenute s-han rtlag A tha sama Us-te, husai lus-as cascerami about a induheput inWuas- as tdueffective ecsutr f iut ît f Section 65. filaltowsstduMinisiar ut Naturel lacisoutappeal mechais-, particsinrtp us il pertais ansi quarrias ta coicrnusi, bas luftta grat deaultu be enosarcas a free hassi 10 approva appliaion bp lu Ue rehabilitationsof pitu that haseena aa- dasrus.'corporations for pits andiquarries.sosusi. 7z