On boeaf of John 6 Cava i Asmqulet ai Arthur. Elct priciipaii5 the lcali WaiAr stalteucsaovd toi be sala en MtnaO tIra Faitaccuels. en the Agfsuitutai Hl ce Rcbec secutý hie Caeelisg ce Of:iiaitt antiqua teceituce. ciieccalec. .... bf chies. matchu. lampa, toola & prtivs,. 2 atîque 500. mi«c. ptsotis.ctitietc., appcox.250 itm. Fseele.a ce eCim eui single badcomn sudse; 2 sesta. mie, tf matehisco au chait b romise. cupbitad mdh glaaed kookcae top; commoe; a« cf 4 pcasaodi bock chatte; pcesard bock rockeu; ash chanelo daaets; aeh maahstactd. ash e.piteitd; hall tablo; sai mable; music & semviso cailes; pits loctem; cineebookisheisas; ceis doptfrotdsk; good tlet-le-mati milfi olaaad toc; pinsa maahmtd mit tited bock; pîcta maetaed, picte table; picte dasis tap; bio pinsi blanet bic; suait pins bises; pice dccp fcont desA mîlfi fictea dtiauer 10 bise; chast fdaus; apeclod bail; muais stesil; cîcte hicoito camet eupkeatd; put is mitl; god pinsa cspkcatd; catieca stacle ler chairs; pute acopleat table; mis halestanda; suail pinacupbeatd; Pintee tait; mis table &î4maîchieg chour; pies matitis topmwashstatd. tisad bacis mth cupbiadbae; pins domeatopetrkuusuaaidrop lei tiae h ficted dcîaes t bieetc. etc. OIai b Citina: Rotai Declcen jardiniae; eoyat Deuht plamas; Discaeilais; mi. cs. et eoiinl Bîcaiat Bcudil Rosa; Pedolta, Wîtksc it Lmoesi pilas; secatai lie blua platus; Waageocdl pates, nci. 1070 Omis Plate; seui&l plactae.s Ceroicaicvaue; ippncupasi sucae; Salsuma casa; Ctetbatce loghI sede; R. S. Pcesala sup & iueJ tEe. Sumpsocai; 2 ckeckbarrais.bue l etrd.logree anâeaoid, 2 opalescent plts; piek h echît deptusscte glise; olai dtuist ma iraai) bilue m hite doublo îuo & - biais set; bics cesas dacato est; og hr biain; chambet pote; upets. uveau; Edmaca Yth Cecceitiet mug; Ruyal Con e bykcupt sacer;adiees; pr. ofmental urne Fiseso prima aMinroieF Pme hamed waC -,or; mite.r mithîambetglasstcetop;oswingodraessrmcter; hcse cec mto; pnsfiamedovemetal mctet.aase pecnts ic, 1 original Curriet &t tes; big miltateisésespa prit pr. et geod 0ilded frtrimesetc.f usasses b Laupe; t lady's 0014 match hà brcelet; t aets r ailcat peekat match; ba tunea lamp; plumaitr piel amp; F laie peultlacp;Ccloial lamp tc oue: ou 12 boee2 biaa, Etîill stempail Vpîesl, powemuio btaesbtace(Arthu. Ont.);ebeeti&tbemcd mtdio places; secacat mood augets. meuliît &tjacks plates. spoke1 shises; millets, Scead ice; bats iamp &r bite psiteys; bia coppac sprtank; meliudet. oc poe; buooy lacis, ctffta teus; haed fctged spade; pr. et ModeT acmy lorry ad- iîahts. butt foui & leds. bcea là & ake boards; Y. packs orain mesacet; sams. etesisck hà boittein uci Douites Lambeth; metble top foOlee9; losi macmt; ginef butF boltes; serl piapt Piacte toits, spitcoe; quiotrts et 78 records;.brousecofscalastlHamilton. Ont., j;asteern pies, copctgeiistil cotattis; bg ipacc dctaed dsr yomwmastach&sludus; lcogcamdui aiteitphcte, horesbits TIRaiS; CASH OR CHEQUES ulTH FROPER 1.0. Lunch aalablo. F81EV1500 PeOM 9kAM. SALI 0*5. Lads bà Gentemen. thos is a gcea oeico mes soeoîbso toc ecatyctt. Omnet Hli board et Aucticnea nt tuesubta letr c Auctioneer: Chi 1. FOR RENT 8.1 MILTON tomhossle. 2 HL tersmo. attache. f& earage,. isitasher. v Aaitakie Februry 2. av SM.0er ometh. 877-6045. a 20105 s TOWtOSE-2 bdruu - inMite. 17appliances, ROC taaerc rmm. paced - 1017. e 8V. APARTMENTS FOR REFIT t BIOROOM apatmeet lot Fiel. Ait tiititO uncteuded.Aduasts ocis Ne hN pts. 83-0002 r0853 2010. 2 01000050 apartmintt. 5 sîtibie ot csple or p smaâIl a mitp. Appiy V5 Mule. aîe-206. 373 -N aprtme.t blce. chîeti î 375 c apatmeots ot ruft. Adlulte etis 8784530. apîrtmect oetteokItto aie. lenns curts. apartmulss. Ooci. fIndu. ad uclîit. Adluits ois No pts. 853- apattetteaaiiabiî. AtuisOreyenptsil. Cal emnat Apartmests 878- 0ONE beresm aprtmietî. o7e-244 &ffer 4 p.m. ONE bdreau apartmt. Maie lot, prd. parkile,. ceattiip lcatea tn Milto immedeiate passessonc. 54-9340. THI MILLIDE; 2 bdrom apartuets ie nw aicl bildig, cirptlies. catrolladi utence. 30" o,- piaccu. 87-2140 oriUnit 82, Milside Or., Multe. 37537 TARE! bdriem, SM,0 excusivteitildieg ut "un" ana ledase pl. Raieee«s.Trafaloar Rd. &.*.E. COs la Sa SeeRes &à shoppng. 1180 QeserAns., Ottvilo 7960 bUrauiprta . in1mfel, R- . ~Jalu N iris A. Schouten Phone 878-2576 074.5 3.IOOMS AVAILABLE IOUSE toohhore. Au acil ities itclsded. enit veritioatbti Casl eeiegs bccmetl 6pm a c:30 p.m- or iitsrday morcîse 0877 00 k ptîate oashtec eortatest :ampsaîîsîîîe. Pr ,eaIO enttacc 854 2204 N6. INDUSTRIAL b COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES lot mosstostsritc, sptîtiete.. lots et parinig.11.00 pet sq. i, mt en d up, 877 6311 1055T01AL epace lot test, Gorgetown. Apprseîmîttiy 2.700 sci stase. 453.15650 COUNITRY AUCTIO Another apectacular sale of fins quallty older fumîlure, antiques, and collectiblea. i1h bedroom andi diticig resm tuiles, ail sn M ini conditioe Chcsterieids. tables, chairs, Colis, dressets and doss, matp ulhcr itoms les numbeous tl t. Sale will be held: SUNOAY, FEBRUARY 3 1:00 P.M. Dmtsopen all0as. Ylawlq gSsaday, Fab. 3, 1 iDiot Located i: 407 SPEERS RD., UNIT 2, OAK VILLE, ONT. lakeeCDEW, eilat Dorsal Dr Soslh. turn sightctnllpccsfRd., ivear1000 Il usesn yeur rîghl, TERMS; Cash, Chacoos. Moslorchacgo atd appreeed chequos Whe payîtg Sp csmpaely et persesai choque a 20%. cash depsoîsito rquicedon ustotal aousl et purchasos un tho tîghl et the sale. 87. REAL ESTATE M R MILTON IAUCTIONSI Brcki bungowcu mthr atasse. garcagocpatea ION PAGE 7 et a ctpiotiielfecid t.. Tis ehoe ccesbec bceoadlccccandthrdmccd- tiecci plus aistci e case. Aoita$62.500. RIDGE DRIVE custom bultbrcki bungalowimiltwrcmsar otcachedaagae,. epacice M plusa iceud lave[ tamiy atu mils cc2tcturick fhcipace 125' sempieceiys sedced lut. Leit t79,00 RURAL MILTON Lesited cen 5ctelas WHOFP Aveesa'c e iac Tisre bdrbacm. brisk butgalowm celudu sa tme When tesosei sac dctacyc gacage plut he 5iuitg ie amis le a attettast u lyfnihdrcs mon), by seitIhl ,..mmithsas5ctmc u od b sellmilet a rof tîutnnsitocc Neteem, miaei acpitalinîla, butcinthe ctar tuture u Bu oeeey Pccca mul etice the 1 6-il32 in- ceesredtIopailheita, greerrupool. $84,00W get pl;maldeon thet Bclethoui eat5 servies, "priecipal amelingto 11976) Ld, ut eat 107iMatsteel, pVier hem theis Mdcccn, 878-4121 et home actd fermier cToLîsc2705999t test ustatiemeind a 087mb ecodctos a ethfia theemsne is sebiet tc $1.100 OOWN. 3 cedroem Filly erocent oftt soni i Actes. 10 oiaied frot the ail pa,, cett irsimerîgagot eceftatxcbleincm carpetted tsreugot Rteidy for 555up0t17y w717 pricate paucta urîcomay. $3e,90e0. 085 055 NE55 eot -70X15 sels $30,0000. cattet le botrepeitte, e mil- bul laetse yoa aime0 o cains 8etc8a 67 ceTr-sE Style 1i,2stores ouet creecetmwthl4 beareems, ceein 0cm, tact le ncm, ceparate d iten rco,ec ro c ith bricistrepiase. il caiss ets mcll laid ce andctaacctted.Askit S72,500.cVil semeilltea Escale lied nLtd 678 3702 Oct mss ths s d br 2 o. loli o 10 ies 40rth com2er acres acta carneincmctuni valbeimtetletrly 878-2811oAe.078-8M Recetteses rtcauired. E 32~877MA-INST.w R.R. MILTON, ONT 878-288 BEF FARM OZOOSSO PER ACRE Tiis iighlp productiee 190 icre face. je iooted je Weliingon Cooty. LargR 2 storepi brick houa, exccRllent face. buildiegs iccloti- i08 2 silo, 1-80 h. concrete- 1-60 fh. bac- cestor, bth uis atomîtic e bes, geai uatec soppl. Gieeuo a oel fr ac appiet- ment te lspect Iis prcpertp atd a direct diecussiot mils tiseeoer. PRICED REDUCED NOW *76MS.00 For this fine 4 beiom aliy hoeo catei n aider pat ai Milto oea ques court. Maep femsn1;ila batiss, diicg race., living raau uitb fireplace. garagR. Oucer bas porcisaseti smaller home and is uiliieg ta considie ail ffers. STATELY OLD HOME ON$0% ACRES IN MILTON If t le pour desire ta tive in a large cider home tis la te om na ta canider consisting ai 6 bedroome, 2 ltcosn, 2 batfiros, garag. deMhrng iid idefor atrage rentel or tit -MWe pony. AaIWgm 15B Open ta offer. V*damU ocgae i ~ E1 a. MLUE it a fleLot lalsootfryorte omesu. Centalpiclcataa. cALL US 8b3- 1650 087mh VILLAGE 0F KILARIDE North OudlieOton stem akte isco, ili cppccsait. $42,'5w0 335-9252 087mt THE cmeer et thîs tcme came ls cras t-aise ideitntiaietfhis effet aI ai10;/martoia e nthis 2 b dmniit acl icn bothsn:ictfltbisemit. Asi sic 2,10 cash dame actd balanceot 10/ . Ciii Nemeill ceai Estîte (Milton)lLtd. 878-0551. TOWNMO5OE lot sale. Dorset Patk is.tone. 3 bedtoems. 11e2baths. licitihed bisemul mwith but-lt aquarium. Fulîs patioS tyard. AoRtes S4000. 810572122 49 Real Es; by Allas F. Br 20 ACRIS laid es lasrlit ko oitrser at doe Iraci. rabbis feafcadpaddokssMaa pest. For M068e esi raamy 3 bedloeu ihse. mîit firapiaco le liig resu, matict loor lOtelit rommua rsom off gaae. This sesia Se scer cutucer pietgoeset. Askisic 51-0.Itersstedî CeOU Nomelil Rai EsIaee (illlto)Lt. 87-Uit. NcW 3 kdroettt plîl aensnes bungalow es V2 bisemut *wi hlarge rc roote, teod breieg stoce. lacrth bedresu er office, liedre. For- eltisirs chica Ocar- ptico. PrieS oltas 170,M0.00. *W1Indtrce. .53.0190 or eceis 877- 14234 PRIPATEbSale: 2itdromr hosse wi1h9garus o qiet Street Ile srie. Excellnt starter he. Cash b teeregage. Asiito$34900. Phone etl.533-t407. SAVE up t0 $90 par msetlt mith 101/4 par ceut eistito uorloaeeon tels imuiaculile 3 bodroom O2 stotat *1*h maie libesa mlit raac, ivingto rute.dielea resu ancd est leniitcies. Askisig $61,900. Fer ecîl detilis Cati Ileteet Reat Estaea(Miton)l Ltd. 878. ,ate Toda y FClark 8.B.A. 3roker PAYS CAPITAL GAIN TAXI ofri esai.et roi th tIabest ua s payable. eax fiecapital mle of ceas Thiss isdscl land. Famect tcdsst 81,0W0 'tesonthesale ld. Ail othe. and saldanact ,&hmiesaiet tha net profit al saddadlIo te Il ses 8 uesy euefi te ha in the 0W% bracisat, t mitas hat the cvette. mantI ets 25l% ofthesnet poft. lb ycu om e o asale and gasno asethat. tac the lsesosmas ha deducteilro he ain. Il thecala a licsalaneait, tu map dedsct up c to 00Whem the ueclaumad prtonteech ypst utthaeIsute iselp o ile ield to cal ea. tea ei phtonoer dop le an MAYROSI 5523LsMrrso, 17uWllesoe.. M65ae. Ost. Phone 8M8211115. esees hue katpt ick 5bdcccm tesdatscs atad .kocletcuntrsidene end wPisasait JIM BAlLET -Offica eM. MUR 558AOPASK idleal bue ote h hictectit- isiicto ode 89W tac this5 ocacu1 li stoeebricktesddeceeoncearlp il acte lonMilt e iiots icia. Ses il sacs by elaitg JIM BAlLET -DOficea878-2811 oe. Ru. 878-6R0. 96*80506thebo, 3 gefmmé pifaotaiite5 nurteea 16 23-5707. 3760 WANTEO ta bss. mieemume3C kdracmn hocot. hpais edIelto res. osa oed lo. Pool oold 5e apics. NIedetIlbp lite eprie or5 succer. Wrlee la: denI, 30 Maie set. S., Bas so.a4ROGereetown, Oet. Replp ealIcqoap- proitae palce. SEORGETOWN-Aclee. Al brickside sie *655 bedroomt.stimlin resu. fIreplace. gaueserieu, illaChed eirage. On t acre uIth poend. Clou eo llgittei 7. AsOlso 118790000. Prîctte bile. 853-2216i. 1424 2000 SO.FO. BRICK bungailowe es10 goulle sornn e îeapends. This soper houa iffRs 4 bdreossImit 3 PC unsuite 1ln uasleel, 2 ereplices. Hollywooed ictetuaed lots mire. Aino 5119,00 and te atiter ua itlp tit eincita. Fer delails colt Pioel Oseai Estate iMiftotI LI. lit 0521. RARE UPPURI UNI IY Tha 25M0sq. ft. plua custorn buât bungalow 8118 On 10 % Ocrai af th@ gently ralling louer dlopes ai the Niagara Eacarpmnest offeslng esecaies accomtmodation ulth unique vmsofithe sorroundlng country".d The main floor comprise large famlly room ulth atnm fireplace and udt poet 10 patio, super aooth fecing sun roore, living room, saparate dlnlng room, super kitlchen - leundry area, menter bedroore ulth 5 pce bath enst uite, plus 3 other bedroomos. The louer suaI sl partiilly flnlahd w»t MGames Rsoom andi Rec Roorn wMb atone fireplaca and wualk out 10 patio. Aalcing *240,000. lnterata? Cali NewellRRal ltate (Milton) Ltd. 878-065. R*al Estate(Mstso)Ltd sassEdes ~ 161 Main St E.. Milan. Ont LOT 1 M? AiaeseeMaSise uù 18411111 TOFLuss W Mayros. Realty LImIt.d Real Estate Brokerage, Property Management, Corporate Management, Mortgage Fi4nancing 878-281 1 GROW WITM USI The 08* dellatiRpromises mOy 08wb eocitieg innoveatiocsoio the Reail EstatR pro- fossio. We t Marase are uaiig prepara- toacte&apanning for tisse changei Wa presectipi bite openiegs for 4 cireer-minedt eeperieeced sesieperaces ta join air eu of ReailEstats Prfussiopale. If vos maulti lise ta ineestigate te kisietof grautis ue bave ie mieti for tise 8's, me wuld lise ta meet pool FMaseail Alen Clark enytiue for a confidenil initeview et 878-2811 cr 632- 1100 MOREHOT PROPERTIES GUEtLPHUS ACU - Loeely U9acre countty pmoperty oear Guelpis. Noga 12 race. brick be stucco reidence afferiog pecoramicewMuoaitise cottyside. Plaise coeilGERRV ROTZAL - Office 878-811 or Res. 877-3186. NEAR RACE TRACt XCEULET POTUNESA - Zoeed Commercial, thisa excelet comner praperty bas mapopte- tiel se, plus epertmeat for auner. Exceleet fioaocieg Et accopeecp. Aaliag acter *$,000. Fee oeail JIM BAILEY Office 878-2811 or Res. 878-6806. StJIt.INS LOTS - Tua One-Acre Lots jstuet of Sramp- toc. Very exclosve ait Aslieg*42,000ad *43,5W.lease cot 878-2811.- LARD - 288 Acres frccting Huy. 5185 ccc Ber Lsekentise ditrict ai Pirry Soound. Saper foc eacationel t isotig. Asic- ng orilp *49000. less atoilM87 1 1. 100 ACRES NEAB URESRTON - Goati faru liond. Veo- dor uilli tse becislut morgige. Asicg *98000. Paseail 878-2811 AN flMayos.P S RSmty HOM r"m UItsdmai ÀM utmfl Suc 17411 imnagar Rapra..natb Hases 8784M -Hase 08452 TOPUOTCNIY -»AM isceect hilcmay fronage. Tua stores ric6k, nceie deme atea ca. dane e iu liily iitg ooov style tin cy cesecltBifuNicy tuSe,suipid iatgi bock baritdiilIot oflos; iuplsuittt ei ed t othet eutbc.ldictgs. Tthisocxi th iti faausltisah asiai Fort fau , iformtionactplaassCiii 0888 ROTZAL -OfficeO7S2811 oetu.877-3196. WIUU8PAA0I Ocat35Witsq.fi. -5 edrooss, plus auily rosuulsli frlai eac oomulitkl ipiaco,2% aii.oetcill cacditiccmg, icscgy seiieghastpuMp Eb 20& R35 ensultuen. iccticuliiti toglootl Vsttdsewull foid lai et 11% ce quiitttsd p.cttio. Pticed aodee tspici- met velue et $145,00W Ploie cis JOYCE SCOTT foc lutthiflscotccacon -OfficeB7O281l orRes.8781528. ¶7 WlIsonDr.. PO. Box 1003 MilIton, Ontarlo LOT 4HO 878-2811 ~1 1 1 1 -,-" 1 1 1