'6 S hCuomanCuni,... Jan.1'op CLASSIRED RATES Tataphone 11$main St. 8782341 Mutat0 lan18 CO,44 ,of Thanks, Inocooo Aoo33101l11. vis , ig BOth, 0081A.Marnages, Engagement, Eeoti -$400 mairîc ochargefur20 wrd10 , os, finse F-l e8ih0,M.neTedya N.Ch. Fo Sale, For Ren.cI. -$400 miimum charge for 15 ake sC13 lassification,0001E314 DIRECTORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS I r --.io ,n hTomsoei ..l.48 .......73 Pet StockEKaO l ... 36 Ros Wanted 84 VhaoitoeRmut,,a V' 34 pr5 ue ..... '.. 0 Studan4Employmenll... 45 V.6,cles Fm oale .... Wa0d1R-11 0809808 i - U008008860440 A.o4... ,d8lS'o 4C,.ofOThks... 7 Eplovntent W4td .. 44 Fo Sl .... ...21 H6.1800001.......42 wtics Ad1t1- 2A,,,-uI ,,,...i y , , 1 C01eoEo74t 10Eggments$.... - 3 Fw>oo,........16Hobbies ... ....51 .941... Acn.'ît-11.1 .35 M1l," 61 C30ming Ev 4 Fents. 101 .33 Grden &L.40dscaPiO8 oln eorim .. . ....8 051446 A FSîi. R-.13"'82 COlO q E03lP0m00l 23 007003 6 FOI104111 81 -SI 644 vEquipmen41 .3 PîOetlOO ...... M41l 1.SELS .DEATHU 10. COMINS EVENTS 21. FM11SALE 21. FMR SALE 2L. ATIBES 4-N 8 ~ à BINGO av', C'oeliques 'We Believe C anno tics the bir 9 of .reec4se6 60464ba0 CnaieoiB IM fr.os,, 41o4dk% gbeasooful baby .4901, quitedtafghn 44864 r Rstr $6,6' Son KrtilORyi$, 8 James Wa413 en ermisapl dse eci37329â F'scotes Coirllo4 8410, lits. l1/2 Ors. 4$i8Milton abrother0RobertCmp- LA LÊCHE 10400e 6in12, toys, mk4486clam ttend choreatopChai, Cîoio Disrict Hopilion bell. Srvioad b080401er 8Miltonoffert mon 1.49.'$18044 t.41 m OOtoc 40141005 c oRepeint .1448319M0. 886v NecOml ,Meetig for wo0414Who 0 fmention1. 910$4440111011884t031 Jna 2, 3765 aurke'o F4115, 0141649 mISh t$0144,0more 8$btN i tipn hipy 0 4u043 $4 the 9,hal 0081 elinaOf 004eI d 041fIn. GUELPH ST. PLAZA, GEORGETOWN MARY W. SEEOS .rrlo.IofhislsratrJulie F4180403 of Texas and LuraCl4lIl, 870843 9V7n87-36 Ane, bort, .auary le, stop 4101ter Loraine H0008 Wri9g$uewOrth, 21ma6 MILTON lm8, et Poel $emorlal $8043o0$ Wter4000f. 878-734. Hoptal w I196144in et Fo$1rl s1ervce war37u82 _______________________ Fft Pik-up & del3418 flirt. 11/2 s04. Pl'oud h601 M80d0y144v. ry 4011708Pubic L140'rY, IA022mtf car pom$ ~ Cln40 28 1980. 370rI V-TRA 01 4f In, Afne marie P01c4 (871 _37410_______ Sturday, Fe40104082,3W1 tîe 88349001$ Ct.. 80111141) 1030 arn.. storytime. 2 8V "Kwai oe 4 044 016$40 44wedusi euitgad, opoghts, 111 10orange37.810$ 8194 37653 7. CAHS OF THAKS p.mPuppet lubh.Inlegoo co8108nf 0811E-TO Wilson & Kt. .fimes for Co 0010141484siteSaffed bypiano techniciens. 6.378 a 40198614, j.14011 IWOULD l1,34 $4 $60k8411 t$600004itere1'4. O375849ým Mary Eliabeth, b0111 31 f$iands,. î414660rs, 3760ALlIp 1 __________ Jaboary 26, 10, a$ 0,3. Bir$Ch,1. 10015I, WORSHIP 116 $',*r Van Geest House of Pianos 36. PRODUCE Me0nti400spital.41A 5$. 94,0 1and faiIOOMon010v.145 Hihway 5 West 3.00 88118of44 4rlycu sisttr for ati, & Chorls$4r r5 00crao. 8010Chapol, 10 arn. hay 4for44sale, 7 Mfflhm. 3770 103111, 3150 lts ndphone9 spoored bylhe oîptîst Waterdown, 416-689-6833 oointlly. 8779856. 3 766 colis t0i11311111 Itospital Cnvention0 0$ Otario 02.0 3732 GR0EN-.40& 800. Brion1 and 4 lo4me, e4d110 ad Qube.F8180fr0,6 applet. A. (nos Lvonti 8Of0Milton, $611proers end con1. 37058 BAY 84141118. 8950. 877 GREEN sldeby-slde Macintosh,, Cort4n0; are peâs04 $0 41111001311 34ns0 1110m1113 My83598. r.frlorator./ freezer red De0IclouIltId Red; the birhof 140r recent accident ' 761182302 ndrag,4194,830.. 8c0.1fi. fres pressed 8141101 daugher Catherine1 00,11long1000reme10316red 15. LOST uORannAYE Si ÉRO es ue Cetfezr$5. lX hny usa Ruth,0 901lits. 01s, i4 andol Mro Ciae O. 10 . ab r- yprt. solOctlofl fr001 S249.". 4' pool table. $165. 878- Saturdoy. 9 ar.m. 6 p.m. Milon FrictH.spital4ryr10, Ma 31714 e iofLISt d010110$ 1ro 01 Cii 88.373. 4024. Sunday 1 p.m. -O6P.m. on____________ 3705______ o MlonLelO al 88-33. 37"37702 ClOed 80000480. R0v 1f0.Ain01e a Ofi IWUL 1, 60341 3Friday 0340111. __-63_____5._ 190 Hse 1 OU oIke1 pîo, R seward. 78680. COMBINATION arificil 3088008 refr184944r 806f1. 87.635-.(4 E.0..9,04grand. 8Milton District 37640 fireptace 1001041110 and $love In1 4044Con- km. oeil f No. 3250on parents 4ar0 Mr. & 801. the nurse ontheen$611od Poyer___________alminum____Rd. M. IvOnsaend Mr. 8,800. urgicai 11cor, a4140O0$ LOST eye0IasOet dîrk str a 37r531e, 010.815 îollo ory0. j. .1een of0Milto. 1.9404 and Dr. rimmed4, vcc11111 Main11 radio, b4r. Ideil for rec xeso500 1404. 353 3768 cCO36011fo 161r SI, W0004a, a.ury rom. 8031110 $250 or RessoniblO. 8781737. W6EAT straw for sale, .051-i410Ssn cr a ifdness shown 810 23. 8704567 or 87".352. 6.01 oflr. 87-6175. 33750f0 LVIN74.5825.,37à 11448Mitchell) Of1880Main 10 me 11inohospial. 371 636515rIIG em514q75 SI., 1310 0,0 are Th803 y00 0onaait, C. OS-8al I0 311310black 08100E Wet$18004 chlf ffblo.syltr Siloasn108100On $0t 0 are 01. 001 Shper. splo dry oasher, 401v rom 8299.95. Cal 076- 331 FARU EGIIPENT whi Ct014of 16,10 04096400 3735 ins.ers 10 00, oeinlg 0us4i3 3 months. 878-633116 W9 NTRNTIN v of .14110010Nancy 8.811117 choke Chain. LotI 0n1160 or 8789097. 380 ac9ITErfraTIONAL-910 A Ot,7ze. $38510 IN RMENORMANS $00016ine, 981103 HUIS. 3751 5 MICHELIN tiret11 14On 00 tl. 70118 80401371S C0et 011, eReward. 870-632. e0050l00 IOO. 1m1110m m49t for 37736 Mailto, Centre, BOT 1 131837602 I1Yu000u,&,ee$60our tkl r Austin M8010. Cal 878- bh Ma41104Mon, Ont. m AB4B0140108 31o 4040 Large 91040v prInts of 130. 34 IVE5'I'OI ma f49 .y2160. 6A00414 414 141610, 21ofWAaED p696 440086yTh 376»3 Fr94 40601, Wh0 pissid -Canadien1 Champo 30" MOFFAT atctrlc OS FRAL wi 9057808-740 &6,101 0008 y Ysr eg. INTERESTEO in s011100 ph840800ph495 40443. 5103, white, . knlHnes Jmes vn r 1(n08 9849681411Of4122 81100880rernembored 0v yor rfts. For moe aia.615"* 7". Z cndiion$W rkwlflg MORSES.FR ALE W s arooe SI, 81114, ar 61 0010 1,008 $43118. 1 cris011 al ii, 877 t2.25 O x 10 5180 3.25 somi.spool double 0belli 14 404P401' Aloaynd ells o 14a11000ce $603190 862, Tediy 1 plus05t$4. Cash met $50.935.5or2sale.46. e 011644161 do4$0 EFERONIo8iO 5108, 0341 0 accompany 0der. ______ "_____ If fia 60001 oî l 004. 8ofth$811140 0151 EFFERSO ,0060114 4114_lntaîheren01068qulr9 nOW0 et0 he0 PIAN f611 PIANOs Wope, geIilt PI Site oCe îoIane Champiryof 111$erinish,& 54040 CnailleICh.mitron. 191 ti 365 Mai11 Sn I., lto01. W800.0.Cal 88er 6 p.m. Itu Hfopitlon40.1811088 2, pasatOawaVJanuary 31, 008 94 "Cash#$00vor 3752S 8783349. Cotact AnldThomson, rec 1114. Third grandchilO 198. 008144$0453041Car-.iiiD N NG 00154SM, î37681 200gle46010 F41m$18114 for Mr. 8& Mos. 61106in11 000600813his 01001008 3014dey8 9133p. Cou AO OOn598661 Poilma of Acsfer end 10 309, o0$one10000 103 Staff ai 42-063728, , 9 f &9 lae, from S40f9.3P AO 8.01 186 61-6501 f196 Ogrndchild 40r Mr. and n1103frg008,. .0. CaiI87-2373. antique m46olny 8343g5 &, Mo. 8441 804030041Of Lv10818 rememb*at, 37S40 376684 u,86111 040114ln_______________ Grand Rapids, Marie, BOY, .111 DRIVE She4. 50' X 2W, 3conditionracondltloned 8AY geidlino, $930. 877. Michig8an. Veronice. exFelSlEent01101barri 010100 8& 4end 80114. SM50orboil m 377W3 3767$_21.__FOR__SALE__ bants, $2,00. 87816M. o01449 78544. 280M PRISNIAK-BI8110dFr4113606LAC7ESMITH 51030 f 259 Ridge Dr., Milto0n, le. CONNU EENTS pl6ll' S40 'd 0608.1 SKETCHES f 6 PIECE bdro0m suite, 0,9000,1. Nomal 840 804deIgh$0 1 41 . Milton110, 0411 pIllîs 00811101and4A trien 1 C00001130 00001118 88 nouince the 0rth of 1610 SH OTr > ava oiliéble 1ln0se%0of4tour, 1300,0411051 ,Gogetown, 416.877.- 44986149 8Michelle1GOOSESH O sotlOfor f40 f04110etf 635913. Adrione6100 *110ors' i Sauray 3004usprovincial tex. 37597 27167 $8114011 District Hoipitl lSîro.Fbruarv 81341186111et1The11 405510861SKI$, 185 PE-SON to ionaflisfor4 oJanuiry, 23, 194. gîl, 10 001 Shlls R9R 1. GUELPHI Canadien Campion, 191 cm.5410m40 444 b111 tmail pi'13410stable. 37686________ Shot 5833 main Sreelon114. ln 41.9, Nordici ski bots, Cooîd os e foro or SsuppiIid,15191 8243619 orderItO 0v mail, pl So izo 00, pores,, Morlle *fier sohool $811lt11 WILSON-Mr. & M"-oi.Oly - 30 choke.One 804 50 cent 40 30040 048. 125 3031p1e$s. 078- iea07302487$3O Robert K. (ns1mih)of oes3$8-172or810946 .8. 1 CermpbOl3iII4 ie norlh oI Hwy. 7 on . U 80540*. 7379. 37612 Si are pe4Sed 10 110001130MisSssSogOaRd. e5FI E Qu 0KI0l fr t, I0 1,nsnlIh Teck).oo me the 61001 of th010 son 51086 - MaCHabties, K FITER v0a11cuum SI oos DISloN400 . 8o11 otac on Je4amy Robert,.S8lits. 3 846-6111. 11.Ciei w. Parts900140110 111 d condition4. Rle- Bogi 444/ 03011004, ce ors. 8$t8Milton1Distilct Service13. A Home10 6727. Indoor 01404. Maulti Cal Hos4pital 0on.140049 27, MILTON LIONS Bingo, vacuum1Service. 877 374509 animF03,4647 19M.0.A81400 0041649f or 03e08 WOOoeday 3.1G oN.003 9501. ySNOW8LOWEOO rock 398.Fu Tammy, 80y0end 030014$. Lions Hall,2007______________vces.2_0_ Joeien1e. Tbompot1Rd4. ai 713i 1.0 IELCS69 olm3890 rcl 44 37S 93 .-.c014 E, hifeY HomeoHardwoa, $8ilt0n. USEDsnglebhorse traiter. 359001 1004. a180 60m 809232. SM.0firtm.773,M5. 3'._Ior__roudCéderPolo alterato$1n1s, &4addition. 37587 .. 3M39 SL OEATNS MiiLTON Public 000L 3 obi10114CaioàolS 5383101 $000000141. 054 SPLITTING-LOI fs prsen10s the sec0n10i fo HOOom mp. 2400 or 14591004. cso pi BLACK Lr M.-At fh0 Tf Royal Hrlagf Film co14 sîlI 80 X 5.ANINMIS OAROE Milton11District Hospital, Sf01,, 7T11 Tuos and4 F0860d'$84110types Of re..'. 90Milton, ___________ on wdnesayJanuY Elzabth Te QufflB4rkOnat3.5«ch 00oc, and kin0110. Split 6869, Georgeown, .877 COUNTRY HOME 230, 1981Z Laur01436 Who 568904 88111 810, 1' 90114690-4414900 and d001134. 9-0 03M6, 952. 008182160KENNELS of Ci01pbellville iO. 13111 701040, FebOory 12h, 1» Cder 8009675Cor 859-2099. 2&M Yser rîoun4Od b oOn 3141494of Edoa Black Of ai 7:30 .0. Amission 01amgtf 1!231 9iIMN ol ia..11,3540601 Carnpblivlilie.Mrs . R $0fre. WM GPoKyk AlOres-dis&ca 1811111 F44414o 0f37643 __________FI REWDOD for Soie. 0"' 12 X 24, 2 linrs' 1100 andividuel 1100 (AM1II) 0r .7.. s 17te er Ofopta GVEA A pllhadmod r3 o 8784209. .Clippog Et 01oo31111g by 0 04330f Aoiiirv Hspitl0940 ACOW ABREAK or 0411849. 87774M. _37655___________ (Elizabt) enlkOf8xi1iy pes s26295 luxeAS el,.ctric10 CL8O37 Eden 801110 844 George "Cooking w0011a Dit HMSd x AL8877 of CampbeliiiiiO A f100003e A gormet 3Es 11056 1410331011301. 10 FIREWOOD-844 Oak orgaî&n8, 603141 42 - 1 iLne offStles Ave pivale family service o 3003130 4000001001101112t'0, l, n.odualy pa34, a0d4Imape, 83U a cord condition, coloor 0tIn, MîlIn w45 halo on Fr1488. 76o0544v. February 7. 8 1,406, $21.00 70r dot., eivered. 844 000010. I81bod.2 , . 4-010. 05boylI Jaooary 21, a$i the 831m. 0018RoOry 91Hall 60102 Opî 3 8785236 or Griot V$700 frm. 78.3142. M03495e Ffleal TlckeIs $4, 03411611 l 0041a 00.769. 375»9 Home,8Milton. 11114931001 the1hospîlal, For 754T618EE rooms offineoa 6. PET S'IO S. 043100 90este49ien Shoppeor Cali817-3m4. Fee dslîcfrI F18881000. rc end fonilre. 5 p-e-cs Chrch C4310$ry, 37516 31091. Split 0end bcdooom se,. place AFGHAN Pppplet pure i Cam9Osll8 SCOT Block CrO HALTON HILLS deIRerUT 1839 0. dirige100001sel.S ice I 0.resfrd Slu 37195 SCOTCH TOT 15.444.st fcuo C.H. Cidbryhlll Vida 1 GOLDEN. Fr8113 Joseph- JifloOry 30. 88.01. 11918 y' Wensdy FARMS LTD. 12572 lampa oly 869.9541c$8 Blue, excellent $ 40880 on Sfrday, JiOOiOy Hall. Lnch P0801044 90FO 8001 041Valentino m4091y. CaliI70-2373 ta 1140. 878-7377. 2616. 1968 ai the 37583 877-3730 miter occaions, gQUI opeI n a 430nt. 376.07 Georgetown e nd Disrict 0 1101501041 3got 831.1811401137463 99888800 MIlafoure Hospital04118, home 19 0101 __________ 6mode140 01444; TIRES 2 Michelin radial, poodeops 6 we6s old. Fra11k GO00 MecoetimOftMlton Cunry G019 Service, 225 o 15X0 044 $044 . 0143-00e 'MOSU. 044or n04 f is 60416h 1160loe 81 FIdyLan87735%800 877-7e'. Alto 078-14 ganerai ech. 878-7766. Yser. Boi4losbOOd Fo6i'arvo8a 8.01jumbo'370: 0000rnnted $20. h3bn ilb ed nria,£.é 0071 f Mary May end1000 C01311$0 P 0 , 01 CS3OU 740088618S 04105 y. 878-8329- THREE ftroai.poppiet font4r of 8Anne1, Mrs . 6*11.8eR11104 TownC8SH40.0d040106 7.T-/A 37671 90 par cent4 900db 10fair Ro0010 Crocker) i al'Mfto- 37658 For vior r adia01ltiret(R10) 6. ÜUp t40.3/0off on40110 0ce4t01n1400 6o Milton and0 80 rieofh 8 OR 0 018940.Hardly 0140 8103100 004. Chandeliers,. 60. 0$» 4436. 784114. Tom,. JIm and Marg Fo0id4 at LeiSoire, lFufire008819 09,.14,011,Ic378 18 Haine 01101 ii departs 800036 am, ï37581 877O.000, Aladln f H81140 Hl$uis 150 0re10 sMarch 210. 7he 81 telty URNITURE-062ed retown8610. 45 Oo4oS.,the LPAUE l031001y rememberfo 6v 1011000 8Ro11 o$ 7,00s China, Gald, SîlVer, f 160 0en4 chair. 2 11 Ge rom Zn. i0000 $ h4 vr41100611ren Circi, tourfor 16 eys.1014 44 06. oay 01ta01eZIhieSALE .101600 Jereand 14401110 940 16th. Odds Et Ends Eîc, lampe, 7.9 0 nitOO4 AE Lari.800 Cr4464. 80101001 F100104 mont suite, il FrelcItUSED 410014401home 1149. f, C011 UlîV O n $1800 840404rl.. urJ40 e aiIOOvie18Air or 827.5305 Provntcial, SM 0or 00111 80. firh. 77l.330 Funer41 Home. 34 00116 8084r Coch.0,11 400100119 el eprfey 60560 303 084,00syor1 Streef., Georgetown. 15 0eys. 099001100 Fer. 3021tt37S08 81800180 Gomos-We if you are sof mnxWod 4 Foneral MOi Ws mshO 796 or a 31141rm GIRLS fleur fesî«-SZ. 00are010i 000449801 0944461..14and4knom 008140 Mady30910101 4411f00 rdy CRAIG'S APPLIANCE à 1 38 «Ming . sle 4 75.00This ~ Cr.08Curch. lnferment 80e.. March 1416hC 3100440Cmmt@utO 009141'10110ter 0In v nayMrch 238.N915- CENTRE hocey i0lp-ent.Bou roup choses fromt Our oaaleunmkdFrth mmo , onrbuosdy ; 00949-RcodtondAplecs fe. a7.m2 1*~1'6 roguîar stock. borne are 044401009801414 40084 40lie almt aeer Californie tour vie jet Rc41cnd899100 .0. ~«S 4 smples.prln, yoo 001ly orne i Io Io te 1 e9yw6 Csa. ancer $l F4 ale 94.906.37401 CIari00 aet110, 8$120 8i yout00 t40o 08080 000h pr.clehodl. d04oti111 pr0841216 40d 14 Main S. 0000.166 ty, 6.00 a 10.Vàlu040036M08$ 4d. Fer Oct t ieà errnf te 09. 8Aisetroa ppplal sites rofy CO For f~ inéermétion2111,for West80 home1. Phon8e avellaMe. 7The B811041 HENAN Il4a0l1 MM1fer80 s or 40T0 INerml4g41406 & 0049 eara 8"el-e.4515133 81984W 71 Mert um si#-" v. 1481011Cloillet &_____________ Abe 21 G4.0 4S 40radiait 60. maa.CSH pelaifer »MeteOr lser4899 1 88115800.78180404 498l8. 988 "*le,08. a..omj Zree 4648 Drive 819880 1 Conre Goudmtierlres 1M fr glss aitis, cairs41. pmu.cnw M ait.51W-M. $000~leI 08718 bont. 078304. PhoeeM.4416., apoaoa.C7IM392 Jack106099. 30 37 6495 383743 ~5 .88"du8.294 ls. ....... 5 Recreaion Vehilif ..61 Tîî4,& &0Mobie0Homes62 CEL WATD 2 H WAII O4. MF WAIUD àiads and one of 0the top 25 ln Northi Arerica, lha openkfgo for Keypuncb Operatori Day, Atemnool or Mldolght Shfft 6-10 Woek AssIgument MIdlomet Fmbruary thrqb temend mofApti monddates muet have a miklm of 2 yeaa epUl0 sprete <owledge, of IBM 3742 key 80 dîs mchnt hîo.1 Ow ransportatlon la flOO5sary. ro arrange an Inteview, please calI: Barbra Jamibsmin 2599 Spuakuan Or., MIssissau Omnt. .822-5200, EXT. 357 281 W!Iv¶rI - e.) DEERMEDIATE BIJYER Our 0031 manufacturiOg focility at N obody Me onwAlrod1t hyr can do it like vho81111 ho responoibbo bar 1he porchose of M D n l ' tulious co3101dilbOs ond theoattendant M D n l bblow'0p and noper 81076. kminimum of 3 yecrt' soperience as s capl 1700r la requîred, prefcrobly in a Nobody. Ysî60031Ol.Wobknow il.Anld wekm nanfllcttuingenvironmool. to kep6Il tet valy. eotonly fOoormillonsofUa re soccessfl lcandidate wilb alo b famlier f800 01sornera04 but foi the grsntb and4fui wih inventory contraI, practicei oand dre.lopm of 4448the gc4 peopl e b ava Sm 'ocodures. l.9for us locty 81111 ho commOfl$0000e 81166 You ecoulm b.runnlng aperbenco. Employes henefits package le ecelent. a million dollar busInes blase send poar conbidenil resomo In a few y.rnrs. ncluding qualificationSsoad Salary MCO.M6'a le kick)". 40.top a 81oe me rquiremeflts to:piopl,9. P 88o4. 1186tlent08.44.0 omooglb, and 69004vt8 inaît WWlooam CONSUMERSGLASS e411186139404a4h044900pa"Ilsad sn44 uo9n CONANYULam taooatmillonoàYser 7 MiF1 SpiAve. 444 yoo aagl iof pmon. If hloa6818444.e TurateMU 586 you'm experiened in014.040060theOublic: TOOL AND DIE MAKER atinaLS., $8,29 plus COLA M10 o mith a Sf0one, aOled,44 anufaturerf$ac0134r1imel i00 m0k.0, The4 13131414ful 080000 b, uet1ha 0044414 TRANS UNION FASTENEI certiication, .8.W 100111483100 04, or 8 Vains c-PL oer» he ceptale eeia4oace. Reqeaires a Fully 880130018008neit eellent0143318111 in coin. MACHINIST Applin ro n or 0 311014960 3441000 11wih gn e0 ineon4 400411 e 0144.0mille.1th PEHSONNEL OLPARIMENT f$0e480041. i. aie.1-an10044 31amch0101t. O > SMITH h STONE ITO. 9Permanent1 oSI- 04y shift - compet100 81490 2 GIen Road ange of6004fils 0 0 Georgetown, Ont. For un 1IoeViw 17G 2P4teleilphone teUse eronsel Depertmreeft - 42gern6 toll free 1418) 14101)-28894M CUSTOMER SERVICE MOn878'2Ml SUPERVISOR D3G 5tag008y, a "0049manufacturer ofschocil spplies SYSTEMS DESIGN and sallonuy hm a0011511 0404000 for4on 0ap4t140 00 CoslormeSff040144Sopeiecor. Raport olî the10 u CsonfSUPERVISOR Servies Manager.th, iiiuel 0141 4.1 6. lponaibla foî 8608040811 00061448and o14es ad spenvision of4306c4. Rasp " o r fthonu oçgoOn and4 0000444o Eape.enO n a utl830serv08*04 ies end040110014 dia1goal m49in8000 048011145. .190940 Thec400positi 609110o 18.Roqlosentil Moid d40040409000000. 3004 tuepo60offati 0080 protort po00 991401118. plastics,64906004of09044146$a 0mal daçam oi1d individuelsart n otad 10 406816 46.4, ,40001. o oli nclodltsaay r01q00mnt t: 3erte1s murt10b1 The Personnel Manager Rap$in onfoiodenoeooo th iaild ,eamand ut DRG STATIONERY MOLD MASTERS UMIl @RG CMPANY 233 Armsttong Avenue, 7Todd Road Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4 Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4T4 (416)1453-1223 and 877-01E id2oms _ _ _ _ MILTON PARKS e RECREATION DEPT. Union Gaz Applictat4 13 00440or 0001831411mpl . 10e coamnsnorOperat 400098000911,11111111 Oert M6Oon PasblitRocmtnaO 0.1 808m0pr.esat* unkttgIwo omeer p ste TownHall, 251 MahiS.0,,T~ gaoet.uuoplant,406.840 tonase »M MUMOn.Dt. 1971 . 81op6.o80 m mue foeI8040a*Yompletati JOB GQUALIFICATIONS: 90884.080hmoa patienceO ,p.10g i4ad 004 toi Applcantl must bu à minimumncf 16904940144sof 9 la i owu4e on ee--oS.oen W 01 0 lot, lmS u8. eet. TMe ateos.44,4canddaes waU c8 esent 0tcee 0 se @W d lOI Preonlos exp.elece mk wu,6619 0900484.11l4ded, P11111 but nosessetel. 1 eovni àh o .889. qdft and i OuIgoeeOO0491«Fwth- al fseUe ici flipov oldo Ounew0.0.119008ocpanolsol ,16110. *bo lu. &Wdm0 bo4.0168680. P. '- 4oue4m441000009 locations. ID «,c4.0letouî8s1104. Unioin Orn Umltd R. LNo. 2.iviseeN CLOSM4 DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 18 IJM III282 FRIDAVI FESRUJARY 29,.1M0. 042.40 am 0094 t con gM, 4206s jto the Wedga cf 001 bahiot1Y TED 4x5 85 Mr id. 12 ari 8s*4 I0hI 4441448' PLUMBER Pari Time Mu08m8600440040of gis heedna y84e0. W980suitfOte 9814090000. Ce60CoMeC l 1-2787569 beoomaeSm.&44p.0. 042nWaO Part turne 4 Evomoogs per week or Wookonds GIFT IJELIVERY $100 to $200 per 8100k 853-318 (416) 741-1758 -l 1