F ~' W Ttw~esasi~aaO1sess~wa, Wed.. Jean. 30.1300 Selects edged Miltas atore Selocte mest garnes ts uddes deatu' ther irsl garea uthIe verttmse, Sharns oored sonnoai Schomiserg Red tuesmlaninggali. & Witle Tournarasat. Il It as us ecellent mau a 2-i vitery for garas as belal aof botu Saro'so Atore Rep. 'B'taes, tus torment tsare continauzand aur selerta iii relues Surday tn Muke Budortu wcord ply la tue crnsolation Mltni's goal by a Pasu liy round faing ituer St. Doug Cartes tlotie up tue Clir or Hanver. Girls basketiafl Dia>q fort10S Crosst oser t lis Ho tiosut Hoty Miltoni Miss li olf liesetc gares Georgf atlas-t mith ARN COULSON Celluelail and jackrabluts are rearly non- existent in Hutre Regîre and bave becs for tire test caupleaofyeern. Se fern are, not aven tire Mnlalcy .f Naturel Resourresha came up wltb c tagicat renson. Some bave aaggeted we bave te racny Inxs andrcoyotesaround. Froutbking te long-tisse tas huatoca 1k Eddy Roberton of Honby and Lnay Naytec of Milton, e kweatesry tnabsuntrus. ln my ao humabte opinion, 1thtblk dises. bau tubes its lotIbut ia a Ie eursthle Jeeralbit population wil agala beon thearrea. Otbers say the teck oM rover and ave-bating bave lispcs aes. Xlia we ay Ilat la jant ast nier. are more vacant frma and aId terra buildings snSalten =lin athe pat se ysars. Tlire are more fielda and vacant coservatisn [asd Ilasever lefore. Ail Ibm. lactrs plus te tact Haltes las a. limtd sureler oflhuners and creege teliant leadrmeelelislievs a virssistlisrutprit. Many falseboodu about nture ariaeIlrongli ignorance, say mot outdar sriter.. wbo lu claire il*s ayta, litesnaturel occurrences mies btterexptantioca ares't availbls. A gond enumple la lb. odta hle Ibat teeda cause warte Tlisy dont. Howevr. tondu ecrete e slmy, sraelly and probably bad-tasting)l bquîd mbsi hwrdo off potentil predater.. Il's quite enny tue ao ibis mcould lie ssocialsd witb stes growtba on ymagter.s wbo are lascnated witli toada. Quits tire opposite frora11 thead seiclidosnt casse wrtu las aaaui South American tres frog wliecl cas kilt simpty liy teucing. Again. a akin ecretion in teblitea, only tiblatirasi.Ll hgly poisosoas. nier. are isooy. masy truttfsil od- diies about nate, cdislawat mie eti outdar world an interesting. Wesve liess asd baiete bsep asd prepure sabuos eggs for pring fiaing. Mmbesuhave differesi ways and difrentidsus. Her. la ose muy elih elibueps gate Ires and ose-bll reats bwitiiant fresing. Taie about ose pouod Mo frenb sgg,rintiera in a plastic cotiner witb tires or four tullespaonsu of at and leur tebîmspasas of walrr. Lelilinsthe r.rigsrateor ra day oran and tes drain. This mtbod at oty toglima Ilie eggs but preerveu tuer. Curing tueegs tlis ay bas asotuer udvantage in duit tusy do sel wasbeout and tor whiteewhiteislaisg. Merelers of tlie Hutos Sprtsmrssu Associations were certuinty sot auaaed liy a caroon about as .1k and merabors of tus HuItte Region Coservation Atuority mlacb apperd on The CanadinsChampion a feusreesbaugo. It bas lisso brouglt te ouc attention inco tue cartoon and article tuat raeisrn uand era- ployersa atm ave received gitu of elli met front the HRCA. A few araiesuw. are going te try and bave aouwered but probubly ocrerretilar: 1.IIfbohr. lsan abunduoce of .1k la tus con- servationsu compound, could a pair .01 bo reueaed te noms remote part oocr provisce, intesd of being iled and dltributed umose o 2. Was tula met iisd asd laapacted by goverest ispectr.? 3 Wr. tusse ek raisd and kspt by you andi tireugli our tasndollrs? Il oas e concidsooe tuat your writer liud a remark ins rapcoloras te noms wes an 1k dislrbig nesnppsur.d. Int tutoluras 1 sttsd Ilal reeatiosul Initern ugresd ritu tue minisrys decsios to cloe tue seson oselli. Wr ndertund tat bufflo ave lies bkilled and tli.mrasoldis the ainme way. W. csrtaimly bapetlisaisnonso. Hoiy Cross captures fii sn Stn 055 rested tournanrent bîgli 18 Hly Rosry delsatsd SI. Ing piss te pce Holy pontsnin tus serein as Pauls 18-13, wlth Anse Dia to a 13-10 victory Holy Croco dfted S. nurra sroring six points, pou loly Rsary i the Puls Burington) 2- asd Actons Si. Jnspb's mi ipossip gares of 12. school y n 18-2 reargin. seo vly Rasacy Invita- In tbe fisal gares, Lin Conning and Anna lis 1Girls liesbetliall Marlese Beuglton and nurra it for six points T imevi Salerdoy et Asna Burra Ied Miltns apiere ie lb. Adtos con- p.e Rosary Srbal, Holy Rosory illi four test wits Paulu DePaz He ,n points upiave. urred SI Jospb's lose îen s1 Sone dorintsd 'nie loursey drsw four basket. N.i fessive staistiru in orboola i. mbat arts as a Holy Crss bud noms ;emi-isal and fisal prsp tournareesl for tbs trouble sn lb. surlier !s tolea sud lb.reglur sesins micli le- gareso. lring un 1-10 s tove srbool*a gn nsI weeb bherlreaber in oerlime ,k. iSh scored a tn prelire nary garera, 10 St.Pauls bore sipp- Miltè'n Aerços e Vs- Dunnville Mud Cats Trusdy, Febmry 5 Milton Memnorial Arena Thompson Road CAME TME: 81 5 p.ma. TNI.Ad Co0tpuWrnts --- ng by St. Jonepi's 7-2. hans iltones uored tour >in foc Hety Cross cils Piais DePar seuis ore Acton's single iae nie tropiien mers resented by Astbosy sasctlythe issuperis- ndent oI srboois for qortu Haltes. tsne te uS at oltue y Rtcb ODnen toas a ni.nocanges Stsady gnltesdissg er. Made citis respect frora Keitu Marsonasd a1 inte uatck of respct tue Io-goan perfnrmances byj officilst are accordsd RO oo0ding Poced Mi- rera tus ployero Inon Wldîng te a 5-0 Saddle club banquet ' lise White Oa acddts Club iii bo holdng ite aimant banquet Saturduy 0ftue Bay Cetre on Ploio Roed in Burllagto. Ticesuareavuiable by callang AvrilNlsnsuati- 0242. lihe diaser and proetetionsa il shirt t 7 pm.. folowedliyuadane from 9p.m. tetaa. 'lhesfollowing la a lt oM tus yscr-esd ies: ahawraca.btp atllclter Galla Blonde Lady (Ann Vndrveldesi; Donsuss Subar Girl 1Avril Neso). Junor Pstebendlag Belle Rouge (Robi Anold; Lsois Blacki Sper Sely Hailtos). Opn Potsbendlag Drummer Boy (Tom Teller); Leos Black arer Sbsly HamiltonesJiorPes BIeck Miss (Avril JanNelesn) Miss Bright Aprit Jamie Morrla) . Open Pleanrs Gala Blosdo Lady (Anse Vuodervelden>; Hrlas Diub (JuciSaimpson) OpnaFtag Glas's Gld Lady Roma Tomsns( Drummer Bey (Tera Teller> Janor ltcomanhp Miss Bright April ýJais Mrris); Blacki Mine <Avril Jane Nelaos). Wc1k ced Jog Harlan Disb (Avril Jase Nelson>; Donnas lagar Girl Julie Nelson). Eaglak Pteaure 3-60 Tises Leslie Bolori> -Roney Brsda Hardy), Hner.c Roasy Brendo Hrdy); 3-60 Turs (Leslie Bllorbl. Opea Trait Hrlas Disli (Rusa Tomsns Mr. Gld Mahine <Helen Velesosi>. Junor Bares Leon Blrlk Spe (Sbelly Hamiltonn); Belle Rouge (Bob Arnold). Ladie' Brrels FIy Away Lady Bng Lysda Htlilagal; Leons BlcrbOper <nelly Hamilton). Opn Brrel. Otoes Gld Lady -451eXooG.aa.l pec Sbsly Hmilten). Wetern Rldlag Hrico Dioli Ras Tomon), Donnas Sagar Girl tAvril Nelsos> Opeantloraeranailp Hrla. Dssb Jarbie Simpsos); Doaus Sugr Girl Avril Nelson).TIR> Keyhole Rare Drummer Bey iTom TelecI - Sasise Jade (Gss Paltison>. Rslabtg Hrlas Dlab <Rom Tomns); Donnas Sugar Girl <Avril Nelsas>ý. Ladies PIceurs Gala Blonde Lady (Aune Vndervelden> - Harlan OihJckis Simpson). Ptsb Up Race Candy Asrom (Tom Teller>; Golden Ho Slit Barry Bartis) (TIE) Pick Up Man Rom Tomsonsies Paltisns. AI-raasd remboy Rani Terens.Ml-round garees liorse Des Gld Lady;- M-rond junior rambuy Jumîs Morris; Mil-romnd junior camgl Avril Jass Nesns.Ali-rondrcowgrl Avril Nelon. Let Us Do.> Your Work rop your 1audry off in the mornin Pick tU a ight Washd - Dr"ed- Folded Al. A Dry Ckflanebs got ONESTOPO ES ALL Mill Street Coin Laundry I-resNo 7 sou0h ; da GEORGETOWN 33 GELHW T Phon 8771186 SHOWROOMI itOURS NN WS and DO ORs§ u* i r.9 FACTORY WAREHOUSE OUTLET s, a dava IIII A NfEOS mlOUAIIlOUf? Bdq a b -m . -. ml à* la -Wlu 0- ubateus dAua...hhmg5.-c.M tu* » &W »Wâv WINTERIZE YOUR HOME IT'S NM? TOO LAM ...STALLATION AVAILABLE mliiecash of srbrosdero pas. frora Gooding and Construction in Wite blasing a napoliot frora ate Hckey Leugue art- jut isside thIlea lins ion Senduy. wmiscli stered ilie ne lie- Marson Iursed is is fore Crenssy mnvsd. second sbataulaoftise sou- Gooding tuen urred on-tue only nbtots in bus-to-bock goals, the the Isagus iis seurn- icol frore roois Mike in a gume mhicli feaured Roir and Laser Tbemp- somnd ul-round per- on and thie secand frore formaunces rore al Mcisnis asd Dune Tur- Weldes. ner. Dring a scorelesn Aler mlisg ererut epeisg period, Murson go0d searlag cbances, lurned aside tres dif- McTrurb finisd off f erent srorlng chances Wlder' uroring lipping tram Shroeders for- bores a geuoalotb penn mardo le beep Wsidero in frore DDonneil. the rentent. In otuer WDHL action, Weîders turned ap thes Rusls Tomîng sire- tempo in the second per- lcbsd Iliir irt-ploce iod mlesn kODonseli suad nvsr Balfour Con- srored miel pred to bo struction to tires points thes iunisg goal on a miti a 5-2 in oser Bei- pans frore Sip MrTracb. foor. Terry Adare und ODosseli tonkd Ithe Dace Kelly ped Ras- pari pot gealie Norre seli's ill a pair of goals Crency. Wlders en- apîsce. joyed a ide reargis in Grues Sieli mici s territorial pay bal beid the bottet teareis tus osiy a ose-geai <ced aller roague uithIis point of tue two priodo. seasos, continaed tbeir The Iird pried mes isisg mayn illi a ose- att Weders. Tisir per- sidsd -3 virlory over sistant lorerlieciing pid Peai's Indutrial. Brion of mîith1foergols Watson and evis Rid Goy McGîns slarted led Genes iti twe goals the sestauegliltaking ao cdi Burllngton rally stops inter. girls Bulinglos s-ulied 1or Buriigtonnscord lie Ire e unswered golu mîesing gnal ai 7:03 oI lo steal u - vîrtery f1mw tbe inaI priod. Millesn iierrediaee Witu u total leuref5- girls hockcy action Sue- fort. Milton overrares a day aI Memorial Area. 5-4 plnysr handicop mles Milon dorinaird play Lite Sirepsoonmas posai- n thes opening psriod and îod. Doing the final lien jarapod aband 2-0 on minutes. Millets, cnt goaln iy Lion nSimpson iti an extra attucior and Tracy Horne mitu but tbe reove neariy enits le Teresa Rope bariird mies Burling- and Rondda Rsynoldo. tee's lormardo Ied lie Brîinglonstsruci han turkien m lie Hilton sîti a pair o goaln Zone. Teresa Rayner spored lieu rinutes saed a certain goal spart te mnot tir score by mies. acting as lis tbe end oethue firt penid. goatîs isedlceld a igi siot avay romthti Te shitlofreoretum net. rocs Milles te Desyte ths girls ef- urlisftee cetisued ie frts. Milles tuled te lie midde rame eves lie s-re. The atîbougi a stardy Milles squad ires bak nto1 delessive effort kept lie as-ies ugainsslOsivitte score ied. os Sunday P'eb. 10. Aller the furnaco. the water healar is the biggest user of enorgy in your home. Waste hot water. and you're wasting saluable energy. Thal's a good reason for getting fu value from your waler heater in esery way you con. By fixing eaky faucels. By insulatîng long runs of hot water pipe. By wallîng until you have a full load before you switch on the ciothes or dishwasher.tiy usng coid or cool mater rehen il will do the lob. By taking shorler showers or shaiiower balhs, By making sure thal ail the hot realer Ihat eventuaiiy goes doren the drain works hard for you before il goes. The Cascade loctrc reater healer gises yotia depondlablo nuppiy of hot mater à' and il makes good use of al lIse energy if consumes. 8ut in tip to you 10 use hot reter minely. Don4 reate a drop. MILTON HYDRO Filrefighters ra fi y foi tIrants lSlrulgbtera lTbs sefeesra t u t esmra&reminise la tue ctt Elitt, Aadre struck far ives un- Tliuraduay te cearader pca.Wyumanancd Peter Rta ciuwersd ga n t he o changen ate sMat, lisague leaders pro- rgpl ire firghgtsr. tirdi perlad te tics bock wicb weuld allow cesddtocore.two qaicb acr Edgesacred] ondsrraanssd Milton refscees te ssesu a fise goals la tue final perlod Imo gnals wn sari of tue Cryslsr-Dodgs 7-3 in and a bosch mînor for and added tirer mrc i n uaI me priods le oser- Milles Indstrial Hokey abusive language. the lsl ise mnutes le reme a 1-0 disadvustage Laguesction Sssduy Clryslsr-Dodgs, ai- rew upthe virlery. and dslsat Pro Clsas. nlgt ut Milten Sprte tuougb plcylng with u at AM Jones, Buddy Thora Racera& Edge teek con- Cntre. ninesates, tok c 3-I as cnd Dovs As-ic con- trot of tus play la tue fincl in otber gcmes, Rue- tend t one polintlantus nscted for a pair of ganste o perlodS. and Mf- rs Estes cauglil ire la second psrlodl but Fire- apiece ter Fireligtsra lsctivety nbut dows Pro tue scond ced tird par- tigliteca masgsd to clos uis Dong limmpsen Clan's. fesce itu e ladit te dolat Pro Cisc. tue gap witu jiet turescteppdl ha siunlge. trong dinploy of poli Shiasr Nog n tcd Rock- cslI Rocklas urprlod Nadalia Flyern aed drew lise fat tus gcmen Mason records went on sasamewbat o an. cciivraet b second shutout ------------ TOMOOUROWSVAILUITODAY. DAlSUN AUTOMAICA1Y SAWSON GM. Thse Oasun 210 Automaic $4880.00 -orles& The 210 2-dooir automatic l rated et 80ltre» Super value for thin tully automnatic. roomy, 4 per 10(8<m by Transport Canada or 35 M.PG. passenger aut&soilie .Bg standard features on the old system. The Dataun 210Autocnatic Compare - Electronic Ignition * MacPherson could use barely halfthe gas yourl1976 mOdat Strut Front Suspension - Tinted Glass *Sde Chevelte Autoroatic V8, Homt Autoeoetc, Itndore Defoggers *Rear Mavenclu Automiatic or Ventura Autonatic Vîlndow Defroster ipOut uses" Looki et w$iat you're drlvlng noie. Vut Rear Windows * COlur co- see what we mean about value. ordinateti intenior And more. SAVETOOAY-SEETOUR $50000 off ail nom 210fr 2 and 8.0.35 PPAIN DAZSUN 4doorSedans, StationteWagons - DIA'IE NOW North End Datsua Limitd 610 Martin St., Milton .-,87,82471