Boys Vs girls Why flot? touandcia lbys'belanetegne 'Ioreu ii lnt ttaem iautae ftrekfat3,aUtdag aovur--,W tr - im leadig al, - a lm) hat mre aia ndaemctlly h ataout. Hdew , aouparant cam n lal Utt ooi ta raitrtnly dfférent acaees cdsdteir payaglt th! . wuil havemae ppcc t . fariele. M as nigtl il.aly mantln, Seiwmaliwu a allgit bl iifai te g anc smicanclbas wn mre macy o paruents f lint teuntn. "a om w sbewen irls 12 yearn a W skate futer q ypyfholiglitmhilisay,tae l'or la m on osedmtithe ceust. Nom &Vyc Xatrtlaoor mlinl !ccii 'be lappendi latead f teint An for UUntruSif ljury, tae gme as .uppuasi ta h. ne-contac. ittaraitlag noate, h. gls play ilaa contact Ite limne mlii cme mitai baysanic girlsamliiply igalttome inater la sportSut Il tecat h."UaYeu, la Mitnanymay SBut sntl yir or-te yeralster Dcn't bol againt 10 Sa ta cale Milon l'yern iteu ellmaaled front paycit contention la te Ccn"iOnt r. B Lague Is. ramSt are mnecuta, an aay foltamumilhclubw tel lit Titey range frontt. quasly moiatitude aifte plapurintauta tuans fourcact he t.yuir - mitîci coralay =1 'braany metomnecof tabily ta Ilna"asone@ mini mnioc about th. future fUthent. la th purcimietae ltrmdilala c ltn yaac Thlatacntadlte Aei caildi n slnblt alng taiflunca (fnnayanymiyst ami Int sur. Gaadng bhanptbapltan ontae grukidnng mumboca f litajuistr leumer te yas Il mulnt h. a bai ias for oditcg tela lat. taeanlr tuaandcisrronier te juiors. If haUt teants siartitae salei Friy niglt iota, boh cotid prohaily survive. Frmer Milton major ntldgt Jney Dicton noce itai taninalrecenliy wttUtMielib, ant ean Provnla a Jr. A. itackey. 'lTae17-yar-li centre n lefit ~ hgm isadai leasite mile playltu ontae seconi lice. garllar te yaaer, Gaeoac scacaithe tylnad ining goant aaloutfront- rnsnlsg Dixia Be. lIton. Mirkhlelnl mne f ltwImateiaeta dafual Be Hivin ta yoier. teanen are instag poalsemsn anti crresliy olidoten ltplacetin Utc 2- tei n gne. waernmoerennpCiai tayi$5i0 for Gactt aafoto sreue Milon lyurn. 'litey pali$23. tte bglssitg f tae yer lat neglce tatendtae mcon liaifof te amnunt on tite Dec. t due doate anar' manager Frank itlbiur caiedi0 aman onoveriglt ani t- tructai h. clulinsacreary ta pay he ntoney aarly tat maek. witur sai h. mu mprese imt Gaeton. Hes donc ansmcli an anyitoiy as a rockiteconting intata leagua' h. sai. "lita igget prolilenlt 0 tl innoff ,alance mori of tce lime. But mare vary happy wth Uttan." Gatnwstain retrnai 10 Flycrs Jan. i10if Wanorn mre limntaaifront rsy offcontention. Maritha n tLa aa .m potst front elgitUt place an Gmolon iii tay telUt Ute Waxera for t.blance f te ieancn. For tnne wtltgeai mmnori, mont mil rentecaer Il wajut Imo yeari agotal JintMcLaam ans tâgende for lite hytae Ontario Minor ockay Associton for forgln a pliycr's nanti ta a seiet in rp gate. if octeain acla bock ltlcminor hncketaheUtaavenuas are apa, if h't willltng ta put ap a $100 fac fr an ap Accordn ta information givat ity sev nOMM mmarn, appuisin I caes almlar la MLen s aelYaie nuccensiuL Meansmhle, McLe aldatih. masn ou lalrilueinla usulas hockey. e sai h. dldn'l roallne h. amout of limeh spen smîy front lit amnlly, incinte 0o hockey, otille lit taecai.. 'liseHockey ?donm dace tMi s tr day ettLiatm Club la aomplslasl- Mam pres Jai D"la reportai ai- Blie uai ekt Utail M icktslamr sldassuing h.danestah.îma is. YIvW Stok Overtime fells Wheelers It tooli tmo overtinte pertoin hefore Mit- ton Fttth Wheet major hantaras tot out ini the second round of the fsiler Stick hockey tnarney on the sceekenit in Port Huton, ichigan. Peter Doarta', third goat cf the same mIit 1: 30 gr.scnnlg lanlte secand aeven-mtcule avorion period altnwed Dan Milla AAA mimoc hantams a 3-2 min. Mlton advancedto theasecond garias mter dafeating St. Peul, Minnesota 3-2 wlth a sucs.ta inte finit perli. AgatomIDon Mhlla, lotit teama tcaded sin- gle gasinlathe.finitwOopertoda. Milton lampai ahsad 2-1 at the midmay pointaoflte fIDinlperIodbefare Donna tiltaescore for Don Miliaemitit jant over 0ne minute ce- ninlg la tihe content. liton Itegan tsefint overtime by taking titree coamecutive penaltis lat aIrong pen- alty-hlllg k eptUiscore tled. Bob Laxary Isia productive tournarnent cecelvlag a point on eacls nf Ililanas scor- y thigagoal and four asiata. iIriomtnanotchei Millana Onirt goal aat Don Mtlla whlle Rab Mc- Clog crdteteond goal. Agint St. Paul, Milton firi trea galta tna aneves-minutcaspan inthenfinal pridta 'Ztian nau 10e ditference in boUs tunover a i-0 disaivantage In 3-Intatake gamne,' saii Milton coch Jack Duimsiru. the victory. In the Don lis fu nrn - uni base bon:i Stuart Anderson, McCollougis and tan- uutsbot about 40-10 but Zuian bepi iurnunf iry irai goas altnugi thUtcstar of bot ten anay. Botthe teamn n-e played ere gantea ma Miltan gasin Fada Zuilan vecy tnong T"-Birds nudged out ;- also Jés. in overtime A goal tcae minutaslinateOn Ot aver- "liiey bava an impresive hockey boum, time peridallomaiColumbia Retghl, Min- sand Eltaan Tlicy mre otremely n-eh aauta a " Ovcry over Milton Traalgar balancai. Kaci t aUey amIt out was Fidsinise pue n tsec ndacigama te arog." Pol Huron Micigan. Mtilton domntntaplay ta Utc thiri prio ThliadfatelmintedMilton froin furItcr laing tOn pay lithUtcMinnesota end tinte c"aiaili te ttouroey. addîne agata mtUt an ffective offensive Il man an asctllg, irantntiecocntont presa. micitanteMltotn lie thescoremlt jont Pol ad quitea aytfor hünmoeint- .lgittionaiocentatalnglin rgulation tine. chlag four goa ll e Tracy Harding adai tehile Mlto coach DamsniEUmtanwum a antege. Icytag ta pul hin gonfla for tOnaint at- InthOnopeser, Mltaon aiy handled Sud- tacitu, Tint Polen tokaitnpose and scorci ibury hy a 5-t mîrgin. Pollen irai tmo goals fran lia oten rebouni fron thOn solflipplag Ila d theattackmlt sngles gotngtan'lerry the.puck overOhefaimngnaainor. Sonica, Perritiood and Ron Lassaline. ~IIOUPUUCANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO S p ao rt s ECNEDSECTIONUSPRTS 30,A1SF980 SEOD SIN SPRSDA&,JANUAI0,198 MILTON SPRINGER Pauta Geniole goen through her routine ut a gym- nantic qulilying meet on the weekend in Burlington. Severul Springei s participated in the meet which in the secod of three this year. Photo by AI Williams Cagers ousted TRYING TO CORRAL the puk while betng checked Racer's Edge wo is Pro Clean forward Bake Smiley in Milton I- Rockweil drew w dustrial League action Sunday nbt. Smiley's team, Chryser. Pro Clean, sowed down in the final two perioda as )n 4-1. I other action Ni while Firefighters deleal Flyers string snapped at three Ilsa officai. For juIte secndaimttnt pitete carl. Oak Rigms at t p.nt. Ftyez amven youcn, Milton Fîpers mlii ct part- Tiorniili scorei three more goals ta Utc gaman ta Burington Saturiaj icipatalin pasl-neasaasplay. nmidlc rame wmitte lyers ipaced ingle Moniay anite final gante Its nforumete tat thet cane. Flyers goals n theaseconiand Ohriperioia. seatonîis net Thursiay tn Dix macagaiteir longest imting string fte Paul MCant lte Miton attacl i thl aninon lInt eekittreceooecutive vic- Imo goanta mtle sngles mont 10 Eric Elliton totandZwere gZf at the aigus thy aAc lantntaac - m e mr contng arotnas aam. Fyemanit dAtotaAIon faluriay nightt outcof filpsyoff spot telt jat fine gaman firt tmnperioii.1A r 1 conn nln 6dl'ailoser. Jay Cauieli nttai a pair on tce nigitt I a nna can go cultantyle, Flyern are mlleainglesweont talMarty Venter, Einon, A q tint teant. Ater ientoltabisg Actan Sabtres Dave aroien, IcCaca, Darren Etmnsnki Ayr s II't1 9-3 durng McDonald'n nighliat 1,usday ai anilva Zltan. Memial Ana, Flyarn dumtpai playoft Agait Barrie, FIyers reboondd frin a The btermediate BS tien hopafal Sarcla Cols 7-5 Frday ani qoni- 5-3 dsanvantage wttU four anacmerai discover hortty if sn pis captai te score on Atan Satuciay -. geas in tetird priadin tami te vtctory Rn-tktofl Roui McCoys arei Itamever, an -4 loua Sunday ta Titnhiil andact asnpolecain the playoff race. Sevcrai teams hase mi endtheidreams of a ntiracle finish. srl a -a ieno ietn ii during thte year thai Reki It neei dan appropriate ay ic ga flinih aftr teseconi. Flycca puniaifotawo i1 ssrtistghepa ot tce year. FIyoca bave spent mach of te quick taillin teUthiri paci h.iare ctagw The aitegations becamne i yaar ding te anexpacled an mole orly the in mth tmn goaln thie at five min- htehUe managcr of Ayr inthUe youthcynsurpiaadintanegativetfasit- mes. Pol, officiaily registered ionlîn srefrentnglnathe leantrabounint McCann sapplidte hernics ntchng te theDOtario Hockey Ass a poitve ayand sîil strive tanwinmites mnnng goanl wtl4: 30 cemalaing. Ittean hits icnginf the aodieuses oi littli aanatntake. secand goal of h. atgitl. Ellisan ain cahp- playes. Agalat"itnittlTitaieriri enloieinitl a pair tetle singles mont ta Joe Poil summooed the sersi for ise galnttta Uc tint10 minutes ottvneslai, VaaniuSnashese ganta an costed to tewmn. Flyer goutte Flyero ent hock tata action last nigin Ta'ramspot, aniiiseuseresi Itite Shepsler took a nitot on lita neck duc- Oakilile itetore retnrntng for th. inal home six players ise ait ifîtn ag te prc-game acm-up but piayed des- ganta f t eaco Fciay niglt agaInt imhich oli claos them aà Rep teams preparing for OMHA playdowns Almonti ail Mtas rep hockey teamn oino- plelci te reglar eson tn Tri-County pay ta fine style. Sevcn oftcsnc eoldat age groupa r- ceîvod hye ntonthUtcsecond rouidoftce Ontario Minor Hockey Ansciration play- damna. 'liteonly teama tehicit aai la acs- compltihthUtcbocar by fliohtag aif Double A rivais Dimias ici Gergetowen mre Canadien Tira major migetn an Legion major atam. lise novce age group la ctaliiatad i tt te GImflAptydowtcandcipays mithin i& nmgrapor the rosi of tBe pur, Sat alnt taintaconta inlazone cinntplips tehicit do not teia llofthUt provnce. Ail groupeabaose tam compte provlncu-mlda teththe Uc DIA for the Intaresting itonale, te Melcopoitan Tor- onta Hockey Longue iMTiILI ici a- soctations ta Ottawa (ODRA)iand TItnder Bay iTEDRAI are afilate itthel UaOnt- ario Hockey Asocation bl nutte DIRA. lTe ORA iante provinces uabraila organ- tontina for allhociteyasocteions la Ont- arla. Any lague ante province wmitih operatas numide the DRAInaconiderai an outawtetangue. 'leitondmiof DMHA play inanpctai tIn complclad by Suniay. 'Teurvivons miel sent meekin lai bt-of-tra.serIn la dterntiné wmiicof nheUt lume til ce- préena i Utares la fartiter OMNA play- dotena. AU i te aovance ta play Omen Sound In a bet-of-treo e instated no lt- er tas Fu.i. 0 Htamiton Coitefiate erupiei for s points in a 30ssecond span oin he second qua0rter onin unr uay so a53-51 nemi-fint decinion over Milton Mustuogs in senior boys bashethuti action nthe weehendio Si. Cathurines. The ouiburst guvr Hamilton, o seven- tie duraionîof thie cuntesi uni sinkinf seea reer ou i tiheerofuthie fume. The ioss 'tmînuteit Mustaongs [rom turtber suîîpetiioinusthe higbty cm adalin and petîtîse iîîurî:ey, te-itn The bey to the gume,- enptuîned Mitton ae Mitn coach Seyun Camuni. 'wss ha1 spart n ihe secondiquarter. We guicureiesstforuamin- aie and ilîey gui ibrer quickbabukets. Wr cuiied alime-ouit and foi bock tofeiher aaon but os- iuuidn't close the fup. Mustaufs itri by jus!t ise points mith iiîmint fuis o iibe gumne but Hamiltoun successiuiiî cusirsiird the boit wiib rs play amay ieeeplayandiforcer!Mitunio commt y. Oak iduges tuuis in an effort ii fuis pussession rut tue eofthUe 1Pt-79-80 bou cie. tI as pieased sîib our play," udied Miton udvaned tu the semis sib a comfortubte 67-52 sîctoey osei tauru Secord Cotegiate of St. Catharines. Mutangs touh o 39-16 hulttme loui ani costei to tise win, emptoyinf a futl contin- fent ut players ufuinsi an obsîoutly ncuber trum. Afier the fume. tbe coacb ot Lauor Securd conruttulatei Mutanfs toir sut run- nn up the se. Afuiosi Lauru Secori. Paul Van Oui- si-but ed Mustaogs mitb 18 points. Bruce Huines uni John Freemnbitûtfoi o0poits upiece white Perry Murtnscipped in n-ib eifbi. Paut Van Oorschoi n-us numed lu the tournuments att-star ieum white- tbe champiomtaip ment huniîty tu Hamitton Cottegiote ntitute. Mustangs go bock unts action Friuay n-tb a iriptebeuder ufuotintubsîie Trafalgar bîfb Sekusi bgiomof uti:3 p.m ai MOUS Tbe uquai irasets tuo ranfevîie on the weebeni toi- a tiuuney invsaiuof scerai AAA schooutn Real McCoys real? Is protest on Rockton's ineligible players *ey League wtiland bavéa inucb easier ssbeiie the est rsecaiuseumeeting toa:tOietesi: îyersn-ith the ofîthbeuay, theussociiuo aius tu puesus-thîesmat cneatytuor reol Sesera iran-s, o t:: beeafur'skbon- tei.a cummiienuilb et'ip and teiet sie oîîeguîussirigslý ,es cary luore unparis tbasn uirs iatiuii deul i nit nswiirxtesuse. on alee s-'luwa ms arr perenitiri lu sas-ey.foas- says Si-est Ludds, UA sereurY t:rasý coe r da;y pil,-tiaritiaePî~e goaiieit. digel adiei rs Ith mis- Ian-u iîîu guiiy. tbe ltA îuay rRuchets, Alvin n-bereser n--s-caru its noi taus ibat ans' ircide to a hlie playets ori-fise unît dis- 1a pro test n-utb iran-shuuisbreak flcte ss su: tagran ut î ioait he mnuagemnti lniy inca rr- ssoeiutian chai y- - *case n-tuuthe re irtan: ish'l nou of six Roshion The uA oui! irealit-ibthe n-aîrai as ufthlb rgue ces utfu a ayer serai dittereni Deparimeot of d, says Poli. ihal moret adireuses as imports) ihao Fisc of the playen scys Poli, are blat- antly iliegal white 10e sintts, Dont Woois, changi adiresses ion laie 10 ha classifiai as a homeirew. 'tIgnesomwhatmweceafter. said Pol, 10 for te loauac l eith.r straightan op an play hy te uits or change the rotes -, The ise other playero citadi n the pro- test are Mite Bec ha rck, Ken Mar, Brai Bamena, Sandy Ratio and Wayne Stringer. Poli sasiies een orking on the pro- test for two montho tolloiog allegatioou trom severai tesms tat Rockton mas u- tng ilegaily signai playens. Thc charges ere icaiiedhy Rockton genecal managcc Wayne Delottinville, tebo mon andrstandahiy not nying ton mucit about Use situation. "'in initaly antrue,' lic ani, "cod tats ail IlI ay on thc mattar." Cotaciientally or 00, Rocittan han Oct la a lmp-loaing tcr pat four santon and Ueir group ontiri place Ia nltpplng. 'lin squai currently banda Ayr hy fine poi- ntsalathougit Roeketa houd a gamc-n-hand Aeros Iand Karp cas tocbe ' vteufue piayer tor the resi of Cenireisan Herntian Karp. a Miton e sîdeni. bau siford ib ibhe icam. Rurp playesi for RochesersAericuns ibree years ifs. iiib:iufb lie bus oui piyed hockey for tie pun s:: eaos Aerrscoca.c rerElliîotsaid hen-as impressed witKarp. -Hes fris btter n-ih rsrry pructice.- saîd Ettioti "-Hrns aysitatbisfoo tise icr and lmnsureie'Ii boubafbrigpuonthe Aiso sigurd to u payrrs card nas Tom Suit, a smutt uni sperdy ieii infer n-bu baits irom Woodbriif r Thrsifnnsscutdnibhase came ai btter ime fur te squad n-bîcb oui Harod Merry latswneeb. Merry tet Miton Mon- day tuo ccepi a job in Edmonton. "We kncm 01the inginning of the year Oc mîght ceave doring tOc scanon,' enplainei Eliiott. 'Were really going to mica int. Hec maie nuch a big contribotion to tce teant. ohOon and off tOe tee.' 'lmo other players Aeron lookei al lant meek in pratice pobohiy it not play isîististee rm. Gary Sarde:: i dresn semas, icbase t lainsGuelpbhs-bite Mark Perran, brother ot Haluon Librai can:d- date Bill Perrus s. hun ebhsywa hlubs brothers campaico and is doohilali -Any piuyern-e sif n non has gfatobîsote out toai]oh ie gumes and pruelices.- sid Eliott. Airons, The etîmînution of Miltas Fiy- ers from possible ptuyoff action meuns Aeron mîti have ait the Friiay nifisis for tise rest of tise year Ceriainty the fate wmut -nprove us the squod mokes ils bOu duwî therstretch. Indications are for Aeros lu play Paris 29rrs I ufaint in tise firsi round of tise play- utis. Mlton and Purin hase nmet vacisyear fur the pasit tre ith 2ers hodinf a 2-t nf e. lGard Lyons and Ken Fay hase rejoînri lise team aller rtrotof front vacations. Acron btted Plattsille last niglit ai Memorial Arena. Miton piayn in Ayr Sai- uriay, in Snthvdle Snnday bcfnre rcturntag tote comtortabie accroundlng of Mamorial Arena next Taeuiay nlglit agalast league-leadecro Dunnylle Mai- Caln.