Cl«rk k:The Champion talks IE~* ~6Sawith Canada's PM Cssuda 'a prime teceut iseosntise ail resaur- ai une site, bt tiai's st We dont inteod ta abat bardes vs everyone. Miistaer Jee Carkitank s c - it'a an impeialist posibe now, Oagiag dii- aur eyes froa- ibis. its On où: Thr difterence ima boucs ot ai a isusy aupanalualut motive, feresi evesis an dufereni lîke a bina- to national bvOven Trudeaandd is elmcilan cumpalgo alayaubasen. fran is esustrian is beat. I bave pride ta have the gamesnotci yoivy, is hanesiy. lisorsduy mscnlug. te moce vaineraiste sas. made i clear a-c a-ald movcd. His paiicy wouisi have us vtlt lise ieolssga Cassda and tise USA ho pepared la assume On tainniag CNR, as continue our dopendear: bsoid sflice of llansaimut demonstralea saine fissaclailaicden, propoaed by Pierre as Venenuela and aiser PubltWlg C. Usnleicommun purpase. W. wisetboc thc Gusses are Trudeau: hl is ili-advined, coustines. Bisooù peticy iu ad mont sils lise sitars were tise llct gavera- te Canada oc elses-bere. sahodys la laver oail. costisg u au is10 a yeai. ani pobuilses aiflise ment la mggest movteg If mavlag tise Gosses Os tise Crsble budget' I a-as strucis ibat esecgy eospnys lacsesesesty tise Oymielc Omes tronm dosa't aork, a-e wlB Tise budget lu very papa- elf-aoficieacp was .esspopecs. Tise vlut Macsw; weeboveheurt n t seciassy cacaldar a boy- la, is jui uls measures istroduced biy Presidort s-us aeasge i pus ti' oucis slt Is Mntrea nd cot. tiavlag tise gasses peope dont lise. Tisre Carier and appiasded;1 PrulidemI nouglas Bas.- Japan and tisey bave tiere (Rusie)lal ap- arc smmc gondi measuces did il. and gai defeatot. soi, csloslvely for sites avaiable. We s-auid provut of thse Savlet' in tise budget. t tai lais I tdont tiias ae bave tu tiai nesspopers. like la sca oitise oses actions te Afganstan. going ta ceqafre sasse Cotinued a i page 2) Ileci Cetlser end Edilar Bey Des-ns were amansgtise greap. Mic, Dos-sa repren ahle Prime Mlulsaers sas swecs te a barage ai questions: PetraCan, tise budget, Casadu's il sitations esecryconservation uni la tise Galup pailn were assong lise tapies caveced lnau ree-wiseeltag, ida- cssglag intecview Prisa Minsiter Jas Clack hbah wst-Iteand nesspaper cepresenlatlves la Mlssslaasa Tisscsday. Betwees speakihg engugementsaiStTranto and a tigisI la Bntceal, tise Prime Minsula msncbed ssndw-iches and answered questionsona wide vaciety oi tapicu. He CAR&DA'S PRIMÈ MINISTER Joe Clark' ok a vewn the PMonua wide range Of current tLopica. He spake weibhout notes and couple of hoir away froan hi election selle l reprta on te nterview in the tory at rght, and addsauppered ai esse eltl .nt " e na oberatinsin "Vewioit"colmn graap a eof rs niaetliwltb 11weditors of Inland Pub Chl~ o. mreproa bevton n Vepit oum sssmacy: Midie Eut I Llrited' 13 wed y ( pers Thti Champ on Pg.4. O h ideEs ion edtor Roy Down elwuaasong iter-i criis: Tise Soviets' hn ForMmr Milton offloer Iured todet in Deihi t: fyLladaKlisby 1OPP Constablie Ducan Icease was a good cap, dI n m scasuth iseSdaas tise srcet and inthie local t pool bail esjoped taling igsti, uccccdteg te feitas- a officiers. il Lut Wdsdady sigit, lise former Millon and 3- Actes poiesman s-u gasnei das-n te fcont af a sais- ie marine sho ineDeli, osasr liasburg. id lise S-yar-old tailer aifilree wsusapparentiy Ir turedla ie deatis, oflercreceingua co iotiteiboule te I rsamatsn forammeinfocrmationon a palice.cuue. y. Constable IteAlesse s-as sisat slne tisses s-bas ho 9 stepped out of biu car, and wau lises ragged about 25 to feet by a fasr-weso drive truck drivas Sp a toue il ccupant,s-lteesasid. c "Be wau u ceai gond felas-. Ito boaua sb.d sbock." 'd said Crpra Muray Graai oftise Mlon OPP a dacisment. le Crpra Grahams wss-ed sith tise fficer ws-bi Id arcivos inte Mseilondetacisment tin 193ufter jsiaisg le the forceNov. , iI. in Cnstabe McAleese served teMiltna isle montll beore he was trunferredlateeActon datachmenst. t ta ti7t, ho moved la Süncae s-be. BHallas Regioeai i- (Coattnues an page 2)Cnt. DUNCAN MeALEEBE ~Iieftntbia VOLUME 119 - NUMBER 40 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1980 P281 PAGES - 20 CENTS Shoôpping centre plea" 4a4arb.f ors OMB isescagteapscsiteHe sadiltwasssoved away fram tbotsitetfoctwo eZ ýa 0 roluep)sO p- reues, lise ficit reauoa s-us baed an prtecipies of f~~àu~sm~oothsauisscf0nleIS. md lise second reo as sa aeqsest tram Hulasn seiplDmmdopesesslLUI. ta peepsstegte bu Board af Biacaties seiscis aked tise sboppng centre 1eesr.but IPcesisg Dvslesl i Lt"d. te bhomoved as-y icossscisoilsites. uthIU5esa Mr. Piadonylsasid tise Board bad made a sîsatar ousss i QsssDsll Devotepesent, ow requ intte ise aufaiDorset Pari, and taelas-s OnaieSt.cre Purer lAivuts osatrerai ogr amave Dorset Park Plana te tac corner ai OshibsU ooLaisserce.Otario St.amd Steeles Ave, ram the corner ai go Su.assMe arl i pcsllm oc eslàisof a - > Wodwaf. and Wilon Dr. pn catre cealgalal fo oed ier.oa abut I2,000 Ils said tie Bord made tac requst for reasos ofa square teet amd usasler reisi stores ttoilisng about 'tlter and iqenqcy". Mr. = s asselt uing fera changeinte s nig re. C- tBliSsoy Cmmeccial) t, C-2 (Ne*gl- bobedCmmca) opemt h evlpmn. Hospital budget IlicnbrgDveopens own afie-acre pricl e ofOll - o tcost laDcyR t 1M ,itlquiei about possible d deipnsatis, iiton Dstrict Itospial basan impravesi operating liat lai te n.d C-t (Ga"s lCommecial). budget tisyer, but itla ulikety thefunds wiiihoeae- stier C-cor C-3 zonisgsportait shoppigcentres. migistuloa i ler mncresng cst, accordlag ta List menti, Rlceboeg a.ilsit buili a super- Bianaesady,isoeptl adisator. mirket-fosoreon o about 30,0t.Il.qnfth e site. 'Itte certulsly btter tisa lat year," be ssld, "bat Testimonayldicalodil là prmite la C-1tzne. iltlearite say ift.parcentlingoliglao nougb.'" .M*~o Planoase Bob Zoidanyt sld te epm estot- lise Miltonasialel -iireceive a ttalioft$2,737,20 imesp Mtnday, lisse eoà nesifor more cosaissctatan nceieof $9t7,15ver lut yesr's budget figusre. Epic. in Milton e s sasitas Rlcasbscg davelpmees lie Minsstaly ai Beiltle pesviditg $2,269 billon la (3isa sq. Il.)>amd ta. Quenneli isvlo 51sel 000le Ontartas ssptale lis yea, a boust ai $64 million>s-uhl p fi mm0,ii ie e stseelace avr tie patftcaleir. deit B ut tise bospitol laces aarmteg cost increases Ms sai prjetions inicali tise dsfct soldi accondag thse Mr. Brady. gras-lataOttMoq.fIl. Sp 1555 lis-rectl:ris. te value ai silver s-Ut boust the cat Se asitie shoctge'te paticulorty acuit e asai -rap film op Sp saper cet tis year. Fuel and ai] foodretailarea. alltycStateare hua lgupnlereetwslaft "W. ssesd Ilt anatisr supu-saiistiqule dise- conracteaa, etile. peretsly, cosiering ail dis gras-lis ta bas lakren lise pesbless e uggravaladbdi te lac Milaon lu plce., Ysu ec as-ile ailLobtasifoc ap te15 masreasslsg and services are heg strained la ac- miteutes. comssate the growtegpopulation. Food uccoausefr 4 pr cetaofittalirtailsaaloinl te lhsiosptas couid essiy face a doicit tala pear Miltotn, ho sou., quotteg figures roim Statte hia sinhotemssnecessascy inabreuadditioasistatf, ho canadaAnter 4 prcetlcomsidrebeadiog sai. aifuSneraI guda". and 13 parcent e oatlfos-(go"da ta tu, a ttal oai1t,424individuels ere dsitted boght ouaie o Milton). tueessency service, a Jampatoflt1pr cent over tise Mr. isdantasiacommercial pisssasucria- pevlousuyoac. teafly = t. bas . localed inte a iart ai tasliss- tantua, the figures-aso8,53l. boriscassssasty, ailta. corneraif Laurier Ave Md (Cntînued on Pt. 2) HaipAve Mitna PreBe d d Opartmnt B a r bu asts us-w rscua tosi Sp Peer Mille on the j ais A t are-day c ntr iled sea o a on deer n8 p anned Sce sîfrr tatnineNvember. See soryBatan Reglenal Panig Cmmitec test s-eek paqe Cl. appransi tae hat deigood ta caris a rapidly ring F1115?SECTION: s- 4 anis e mssPgbc Pi. ai Mill, Mn SCONDSECiTaI; F SPCILSPP SACece uctIdofil, thens-rsîntry os Naurel Resousgs, tlteo mmitltheDotot hast as deer s-u ssIi tn alles te ta67. Stece Don, the duer pape- loties h»arilsan tpraspvy C 35csntlPU:Do =ssae=dseby deer la fruit crops te up, mounteonussier ai car accidente la- vulvisdmo. Kegiq kiwm al àau00% Ils $siirse ille ifocnailesabout tDo aise or .2;plgsois Spire 55.115oflthb. issn ppultion te alIcn e S e y Itorlisc eais, tIm, mlsoag tDot feniortioa ttbs<ugh a hbas o c f«bcvery, Pi- 7; M= =lstuss, bItoitoorcprestative an tDo iahstlib P.S. unlesm , "satidaugisies-as recentiy iavslvod 14:.pctSta C50I- lnoan icclcentevulvgiadaer He saibehobaîsnever a oS ym bbintepiatlsets. fIt idlboochaema ai Baittes WMaWlaAslsI C tes, saiDo e mamea àk. sn si m ilai totai liWdamage dus. Spou aeanm in teDoaresarasai BatesCasa- UND FLAG la flying aI lown hall le g ve Miltnt - Faciitiea Directer Larry Arbic a bruary catnpatgn for $8,000. Organ- nd aI the hotlg ceremeny - Canvascers WiII ha iardson lat) and PhyDlia Gorman caffing througheuî Fobruary or fundt. Rockwell Iayoffs on Friday Tirty tu 40 Bucisseli Iternational empiopeen are espcctcd tuoholaid att Iis Fiday ia tise lirai ai a series wiicb cold sec as ssaay as 150 ai tac4600 uarb torce ai the Milton plant ici go indclinitciy. Bil Zilia, presidoni ai Bacha-eil Local 1067, said ho is doubifl ifilthe irt grossp, and iu tact ait tboseuscheduied lac iay- ails, can ever ospecita ho cailesi bacis ta tac pant a-icb mabes teaf aud coul sprisgs tor the auto mahers. He said the lîrsi serien af iayofflua-lit afect hory emplapees aiih up ta foar years' senioritp. But if tbe estice pro- jecieti 150 people arc ici go. ho predicted iis a-aaid isciade peuple aitha p toi11years sen- iuriiy. ansi a-bn you gcl iuioithe rades ilcoaid be 24 tu 25 years . Mr. Ziiiv. ho is coc- rcniiy negotiatiig for a nwcuntracitfoc is ait- iut, sais ilutduess tuaisk tua gond for ibes,' re- lerrisg ta thone on tise chapping hlocks iis Fri- day, A Rucha-el spehesman conirmed tac Friday iayolts and prodiciedth ie especied lrger lapoli af the rosi ut the 15 ai- tecied ila-ti prohabiy camnein March, Ho ai- rihaeties u t he change ta coil sprungs ansi de- clining cor sales. awn on deer population bridge, Nortb Wentsartis and Sauth Wellingtaolo be selected by latery tla e part in tbhebhni, baaed on a aloagside each otiser. Ii iias hey are most in- between $15,0OOand Ç,O. formaulaof ane bumer par it s faa land. He said 75 compatible uses. - Subject teRegion Counctilappcaval, thse hnt wtilb. par cent aiflisose hanters waud be local. Bons fide Cammittee chaîrman Boy Booth o ai Huil s 1h Nov. 3A aad5. The cossmittee ucgedthehont biseld farssers wauld be exemptgfram thelotey. aaid il bas been donc in otiser coanties wbere the os weekdays ta reduce the possibilty of accidenta] The licences would cost $15. Bruce Trail pasues lbrougb, and ihere bas neyer bees injury ta weekead ikers. Jans Walkias, a cusident ai sorts Burliaglon, a problem. OMier restrictios lspoed on lise hast isselude protestad la lise cammittei, sayisg ah.e ejoyed Tise commitîce aoggested a large media campaign weapaary. Sisalguesosly seul b. psrmitted because iin aulosllthe BruceTrYail. be moussled ta warn the people the huai miiol akinl af thiser llmlted rang. l1s coussattse sald il dld sot "I ]ta u s hmbaeou cas bave hlklag aod baating place. s-uI.7;str'a; otct I on-g-ra-ng tar'getes. lise useaofiagas-li e proibllei. DavdIACosbofiSurlington as acommmred about tise uutaern housiscles aiflise hat, asyte ..l dant s-unI la -mehunIers golsg dlown Brant S. sootteg ai deer." bM. Bseilaad saîd the ssutberly tsstit ai tise hat s-ould bo Sigbsay t. lise s.ctiserly lirait, b sid, seuli b. s-seisd at bts-e esaoMnstcy sud tas regas. He sai buns erseudi bave la aboy massespal Sp- lis-s radieg iecbige taiureocm lise btlys-ousti regulte the ssmbr oftutteg Bicses for do ibul. Onty saeetatonumber s-tiibo perüte, siosi Mc, Bucisini sai about soo sutiers-auld b. Assessment open houses Ibe Reglal Asseau- bad hdicated tae open 7%e open boaoes wilI ho ratepayers are invited ta ment Office.bau cr- haussa wasld ho beld beld t threlocaions la Broobville Hall. rected tisedata iassMonaTssaWed- Miloan. Ward Oas rate- ise boucs lacrlis. opesn bauseste Mil nr isednesdy.aJFidy aoftis payss. eil go la tise basse are lcsm tajn -nos raty week. Tie open asesB3rs Commaslty Cen- 9 p.m. toasy and luss- abet tiaseststass datas ae T=meaytes, Wsrd Tseo rata- day, m asn n .m. laS5 esassent 0as 1 sirbse. iisy ,lucdyItm esarF Sttaasbscaeloaeor. ,Incorrect infratiotn sroan d Saturdey. littels Ave. Wrd Tirsce tises. locations. I. ce is Y. us cy ,ýr lu W. gy ýas ,nt to a) n- ýis ie en gn 19