New post office promised for this yev- OttoJfê#nek Maltest wiiî hava a cern latter tram, Erik Niaies. cëffplalcl in Nevesicr. Mtq Mais tuica icttatcacart ccemst wfic a osas- hig 4 da u wlit the =4 btlaiy thae do MltistetofPulieWorha, Me. Jatina> made the =eaitribust$ taMWi Beews's aySe pgOS aaech, Mr. l- ah eu 01 formaer tdes.Haltes Mp Ilt. saylng gesum', wiii ha annuncement dueisg lice tes Mayor Dos Gordoe acensa frein tisad ortiekM hos s al"dW Pclsil=em r Piaipa Jalisais aaid ýSatseday. hesicen ti spring and stflciai opanisi ut is and gave hlnm st oflice huttes and Jail. mciih ticrs trion Mr. Tîcia « Mr. Jelinaic qusted a costvruction msuld be Miton causpaige sffice in credit tue tise post office, Ccmhislng tic as- Gorden munt hava fait le Me. Jeilsa> sald thce saad tor a pnat oftice in uroswe nere t-eu. th T Cros ie h re F b. 5eau goicernsenl, Federai Finance Minister Jocn Accaedisg tu Mr. Jeline, lice "But they lice Luis- Crshe is coming te tuan Tucnday, nialar wni arrive IsOalville eralsl didnlt do anyliig Feicenary 5 Tuasdayaevenicg viaAcanand Mltn. &bocut il, Ail thay dld mes ntudy il. Tise anssuncement mas mada Detatin et lice vieL ramais ts a t inai- "Ns action. Instaad. Mosday alteessen et a pen con- ied. butî plasa cati tee Me. Crtahie le, ysar tan dollarn mare lerence called hy Halts PC candidate spea>t at a rally, at Blaaleck ictgc luned ts Cemmuninl OtteJelinek. Secol licala veslsg. cauntrias like Cuba and China" - jle naid! tisa Pr- gessive Censervalive Sixth enters race geveenment's buidget had .1eut a large namhar et A sisth candidate han Maencnt-Laninist. la Me. Siceyiman alun, ran mwastaft geents and Halen eoiaed i unning in lice Feh, 18 in lice May 22, IWO8 lunes' and mes lice lient Halton.electlen, tlaishisg slxth slap le reduce infle- Charlcs Siceyhman. e lederal electien in Halles. oautalsx candidates. tien." HALTON MP Otto Jehinek niakes a point ln a speech et the openmg of hie campaign office in Milton Mail Saturday afternoon. Mr Jelinek ieaeeklng re-election in the Feb. 18 election. Behtnd Mr. Jelinek are Fred Oliver (left) Mr. Jellnek's campeiga manager and Ken Heseard, Milton cempalgn co-oedbnator. Behind Mr. Jelinek's lefi shoulder is hie wife, Leeta. THE MILTON OFFICE of the Halton NDP election team wau officially opened Saturduy ai noon in the Milton Mail. From left: Ivan Armstrong, Milton trustee; Doug Black, Halton NDP can- didate; and Bill -Johnson, Milton and Regional Councillor joined to urge the up-hiIl NOS> fight to continue. NDP pins hope on north Halton MitnadAtnilpul- oeian pa .sgniiai ati ouer ter s electing *"hue un, st NP %ws MP frvm llaitov ac Mre hock îud"uîlh evedise lu NDP cavdiilial ol îii support. 1 date Doug Black. hv,olMilon avd Aco Mr. Black olli'iall9 - lNi, l ite ltreleol ilf opened ilis Miîln ro u elttig (le required com mitre 111010 îumblervo iteIo lugou Saturday in le MllîvI verth tin 1980vand Mll and le paisedlthe '.t-ndlu lriîSl)P MP lîeip te parîy liai rc-Ioi ilo cecîed iv the last leetiou 'i'18 ,ne lc andvsaid lie espeît iftî i-oioo cunlinue t>i i-cseeu hiMr Bla~ck He sail the ekttpiig as andAantage for the silice oui put ito ,,er Sco levîîsratc Parle aon ll t ueuda v o 1h Iii he 1479 electtiti. tl just a te. uorhe- vn iadbellv er ii hiandlvltlelp pin op-.îgcî- lthe ues lad Ileel sud dlean. "hiitoîlhtîin broglt out.utîcî-huittfi aboulut n lo. me lad -pevîla lotol oftme hi svnpeop t-lem ing confidence. Future meetings useless -Jelinek Future al-caodîdale canddate lu corne up meeings in the RatIon mctlh corne plceseeavy idig csuldhe a waslesofplcte" lima, accrdisg lv PC le suid the lîrst public candidate Otls Jclineh. timeeivg held Sunday is Liberal sppsntenl Bill 'dide't have the meut ai Perras feils lu suppîs il shsuld have." hecause cerne parly plctes the Lîberals "are usable Mr. Jelineh îaîd lhe is I dsussthete policies 'ecuing a challenge lu the wich thlhey dovI haie ANGLICAN CHURCH 0F CANADA GRACE CHURCH 37 M- Sit cl,,,, Sunday, Jan. 27, 1980 9:00 a S--0,1l Scbsul 1030 sv ,,,- i'.', Scissi Thursday 10:00ou Ocd 1,A, ST, JOHN'S Nassugucieva Il-i h 930 .aIe uýýIî ,o, ST. GEORGE'S 0-Y 'Rdi 11:00a. M",ve4 c, CHURCH 0F CHRIST M-s, vcs Cc 878 5696 Sucday. Jan. 27,1980 100 a - Bilsîh Sl t1:0a-e M,vvOsvihce aed Tic Lods SuPccu 730pv- lcccciogut lic Wednesduy 730p.rnnoibe Study "Th Church of Christ saIsIes ous - Remues, tM 16 ST. PAULS OF THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA w sci et at, is i iqe Ra. E.T. J=ani etcih Sunday. Jan. 27, 1880 IF.30 am. - Fami>' Saici, 110 e itm. - Wmsbitte ic giT, Ceicel Monacoin wRUN THE HOUSE B" T,, i--h ,cl fehp...t odIc Iddl al clsooov . - W, , . il 0 Fi 'cowatc, ciii ,doi ici- tIl cpiieci " Lounesn Monthly Rant Rates Pc cccccd ci monvv,vîb EMMANUEL BOSTON and OMAGH BAPTISI CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN 25 Commecial Si CHURCHES asoi D vJ Austr,tl cîA- civAWviul, 878 3908 878 3M88 Suiday, Jan. 27, 1980 Sunday, Jan'. 27, 1980 9 45 ao,.. iStr.dcSiic, E3BSTON Fi d,,itibleIcClasses -.'q Fiîscv o F,îthî l i,. Dic W-ibvî DciiOMAGH liv,, v,,c1q P-- Et ch .....acvRd.îW ilc V~i11i 00 î' 'o CI-ch iivivl l3- raktmc,, l4 îlove ii luD--,W,,,ci,, Tîîeîday HIGHWAY GOSPEL 9045,,,,, Cotecî. ht CHURCH Bile. ScirccP,,p.coi 0»AsevOiss Wednesday Co,,,i ucI 1001 e FaîcluN -c Coîta-,oSis î,,,î,,tt 0,11 ccvi,,,i5878 2064 Suvduy,Ja.1v27,1980 945- cS,,ý,,daSîol THE 1 1 où iccg PRESBYTERIAN ieooîi,, CHURCH IN CANADA 530e eaF.,,vy,cc KNOXCHURCH h00c ,iocGutl MILTON 'iviok,, Pu-- 170 M-îvSiE,878887 Frîduy Roc T-mîiJ cc.iv 1730p-v Faoic5iuiî & u,,slChoi a.deM, Ae,,tîtufoi cîuco m-ecc uAl, OOucO tic cvii Suvday, Jan. 27, 1980 loi aIevie vce vin oi,d 94a.m Ch-ciSiuu Sb us a d tf-u i.vda 000am,1 07,,i5bi, Class iecuii J,v a goiscii 1i00 ac Mî,, cg ,,,ei 100,5v,0 svaerev of sacc,î MILTON GOSPEL Mîvoay, Jeoay 28 HALL 730 pou Avc,îai 36 OmarioStN CvsîegatiovvciMeeting 872022 Ail Wecovce Cvvcsianvd Gcîhcîcd Nursery asailcble. inTheoesf The Lrd Jc5usChist Sanda>', Jen,27. 180 TRINITV !0:00 il - Berskg ad BAPTISTCHURCH .1:45 .rn-ttvdey Suhuo 4272 ApvehvLvc 700 pe,. - offlaccskt Sunday. Jas. 27, 1880 Wadnaaday 908cam.ethla chusifor 8l88pis. Pc.>'., cdBible ai agis Readng 11:00a-rn Ms nne AeeWecmc Wncch& Teta.resaeca D0omçg 4 is w ai *5 1 slMou wdas m the8>; bS OcI Il R0 " m$Muante. ha Amweatecewsa ;.11aSe uved. Johe 10:9 if1t ftutîèiau 4Eampioul meeting the changing needs of our SPROULE & GIROUARD Barristers & Solicitors Marion E. Howard, B.A.L.L.B. Unit 3.,17 Wilson Dive Milton, Ontario Community 878 281 Toroto Line 826 1622J DEREKJ. PRESSE LORNE D. GREENWOOD B.A., MA., L.LB. Barrster and Solctor Barrister & Solicitor 165 Main Street 158 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 Milton, Ontario 878-7279 878-5432 HUTCHINSON, THOMPSON, HENDERSON BARRISTERS là SOLICITORS GENERAL PRACTICE 264 Main St. E. Milon, Ontario 878-2841 L9T 182 BL t'leersseSB.Csm,LL B. Hwad MrtL.L.e. F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE 216 ManSt., MiIton,0Ont. YORINDEPENDENT AGENT OINCE 1934 87a-2326 NICHOLS & SER VOS Brrsters. Solctors, Notacîns Puhlic 207 Mary Street Milton, Ontario 878-4149 MR. ALLAN NICHOLS OC. MR. JOSEPH P. SERVOS BA., LL.B. NEIL S. MacLEAN LIFE- MORTGAGE -BUSINESS - CROUP MUTUAL LIFE OPFCANADA 'île MAIN ST. E.. MILTON L9T I PE 878-0611 22oAI SeT.sE., SITE 5, ILONONT LTI 8 flshot (Ph) La Lk. Lit@huuuu Agu.. -Lîcansel, sh analit Ass-aeo nntSi 1 ds>'Qso oetace (416)878-5786/U C' !S RE * aU ss-i>hisaMM is m - amep-nt-dnsen208 Maie btrcat E.. Milte 1>1 1>41 878 2894 For Al Vour Ineurance Neede Fr=ban IU Ufe e Home e Auto e Commercial Annmoce Wsel h uf"DIL44 MAIN UT. FLa MITON ISBA M34"leg - Mm.. - osialle-15110W~7 RONALD FLANNAGAN' B.A.,LLS. Barrieter & Solicitor General Practice 13 CHARLES STREET MILTON, ONT. L9T2G5 878-280 9a.m. taSp.m. Monday ta F>ayorbyappointment FUR LONG &: FINK Barristers & Solicitors RICHARD FURLONG, BA., L.L.B. Real Estate and Landiord and Tenant Business Law,. Debtor and Creditors Rights Estates, Wills and Trusts HAROLD FINK, BA., L.L.B. Civil Litigetion Criminel Law Family Law and Divorce Suite 27 Milton Mal Ontario St., Milton 878-8123 KNIGHT INSURANCE AGENCY L[MITED Don Knîght A.I.I.C. v Tiangle Squ rc 1intrionSt. S. Mitona S 878-8U59 UTA PARU ý: Z . . 1 ý 1 1- r mlýý 1 7-7-7-7 Mlmý@l