Thé ' de nad Champion, VWd., Jan. 23 1M0 E a pion CLASSIFIED RATES 8782341 Msas. Osoiso. G I i l f l s dCards of 14443ks. In, Mmoriam , ios44s14s. i8,9448. O43h . r I4oss. Essgagernent5. Eens - $400 4minimum charge for 320 wars, 1e par fine Fo'tho4SsonManrso43 N.C43g. the eafier F.a 1 0e3605, 133637 ts12 N-s 7,,, S3Ie F., R, , $400 c,,,,, . o7, 15 Clasifi.o60,3pIoy. Re.1Esl,,5 DIRECTORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS 35s6s, le par wod hereafter. 333435This Classification lp-sMonday Fo. ls..R0 ,,,5.,l 2 A 35 B 9 22 82 41455,1014 ln"5Sales)55of O555v 3336 , 8.3.2, 351135.ars .1 gI4 5 Hee4r655, 8 5444. ai Milton Dist4rct Hospial on 64nu34ry719, 541 0 Mrs Laura DOloos 5a 37570 064347, 4854444 etNorth4 ork BanSsnHo4sialIj on 4S4uary 1 3, 1980.A brothr for 4K4y Ly55. 37&,44014 643 Mr. Mrs Bron 3A.1S03, Ontar iO. aeopease54 53 Ruth44, bS58. ,4 oz4. et os Friciay, 6453ry 1,. 190. 35A littless6or k parents ars M. M 634. 1 M. Lyo944 and Mr. & M35r41 35655443LL-33444 and Jasse eLagrdOO3Of LE .4.1 3Milton, are rbirth o her 243444er on JanuarF7 191980. 4r0369ranparents Mr. &6355,44.OMasalldand &Mr 5 4 Lagr1533 Rsnck) o 22 Campbell f C uFI, 63535, are Alexander 8 5444. l4' s et MiISSOS District A Hospital on 6444355,722, 15 3.64,544.40,04 PELLERIN-Mr.. &3r4. 1 Clo" 540.055.14 5 * 4.4 2. Ca43pb Ie Dai P4545,4 ul556 4. 94o$. ai Milton District e444 Hospital on Sns6a9, J ssay13 180. A 5155e J Brencla (4e Mllr)5f6 375 Me 63115051Dr.,5 Milton, 4are 411544454 Jean5,a, sr 435,54 13 04 045555 ":pia on J6434,45,7 6.1940 8444744544505f507J4,5e4an6 L DEATHS 00316444404,6555355-AI Jaso,ry 17544. 1440 43,4ro, Dante of 315 Windso,0 .L o 4lot 7 M". Louise Zana. F395rf W. hel4453 F343 Holy Rosary ROC. Ch44, 0355'3reen Cemery. Robert-444,66355y et5the Joseph144Bant Mersor loi Hospital5, 83,5,535055,Os 1443555647.J4S4,479 17, 190, Austin55 Robrt 0S54ge01 Burlington, in55 hi$4477544 7S45. 4e3354 444,4444442of5Mariorie Co stance2545,545444,.3 S 445441 6liram o LW 044 sl PalmestSon' 04544135 1635,3 E. îSdaleI of H,151r, 55ay of 4New Rochelle. & 05359 o Milton5. P,54.ceased 44 Milton, 10311541 remember54 4y 0 Janu.r y21.,900 et 130 Sorll53Sas. 0O445,io. Crelsatsas. Cos9lrl444. 37546 WS O 6,l,,S.I.,5 74 33,443 1 3,o, 70 C.437sg443453m.esl. 23 IL DEATN F4555344SON, 54Robert3 District 443440154l on 1355647 .54553457 15544, 1980. 83445r5t5Johnson5, ln h is 535,6 7445 441535 444us bond o3554441455Elle4Mue F55445,04, 45664343445of 4g445 4s'a54ohildren. A 43444 44556on 1444,5446 .54534ry 18544,et5 the 3530554410 Funora1 Home5, Milton. Informent Highland56 C443054ry, KELLY, 3Mary J44- (retired 44444 44044ol toucher5 Milton55 and Stratford)"'03 1344647, Jan4ar3 571, 19540, et Kelly, QOC. 4sist555ln-le. of 80557Kf y455. A 54,55454 Our Lady 3of4155,3554,4 34541 Church4, (St. Clair Ave. E.4and ClIftos Rd., 13o355501355 1444,1446y78; 10 4.43. .5555,r7 17. C4434555y, 4Straff0rd. LENZ2, Elizaeth5-At 5the 534355 on Sss5ay .5494,457 20544, 1990. Lenz48. L 4556 m 35,44O 35ebc and53. 144105444 13544647 .5453and 20 4435545335 Ce434Sss'y, 63541504, Lime351575 Di445ri Hosital, 3on Saturdo4VJ45504,y 5434, 1980. Lm Sa54341444, 443 1 44355544. L331550 Kingston0. L3936 447 granclchildren David4and James4. S3591936 447 3 41,544334446 447 5 On595855647.54553412145, en45555 C4434535y' Milton, R53 13449 G,1591 7. CMff 0F TNANK 4EC0550-1444 5443117of 355644r, f518,45an acFs of kindns, ex ', sent in. e rg34403uc Fnd95545 33433, 3A 033454., 14443455507 44r. United C444,,4. 0u, graves5165 service. Y335' 4415455354, 5443344453155354 Stewsart, 6555, C05435, JSaron arec n Rob55153J.4 43541 wi441 44,434444346dep13op. 0554710s, and6 the 17, 5 35u44. 41. 3ss434144457, Coulte, St. Thom, 5 t0 349. 0.6. Verrait, 34337 B.C. 1444554444454 Lucile Verrel and 5443157 F8AN0K%-1 , 5:4 K54457reniflonba4144 Bp 544415 SamISy. 85434, Pearl5, 6444& 744.53 37SU3 Cars4of Th45ks ..... 7 4143411374335500405... 44 For Sal..Io ý.... 21 :'34541004 ...55.56 . .42. otce ........510 41sonl. .. ....WHorne 44 5334440 ......54 83 ... Co-nsg E.s 4... 10 Engagemets. ..... .3 F3336 ......16 Hobbis ....... 51Legal........ 73 Pet St~,4ok Ke 30 333... 36 oo saned. .... 84e acaon olResors Cossg Marns ... 4 Fa-sEquipmeo......33 Garden 4Landscapinq56 In M.ss3"'s ...... 8 Livsc3k . ..... 4 Pro6oe . .. -..30 Student Esploymen4... 45 Ve744s sFor Sui. 04 C. -453 Fnance.. ..... 71 Su4pplies... -- 31 I1556344554Et C3434355345 Lost orStraye ...... 54Real Estais . ...-7 1356em 4. ,ý..ýý.732 W002,555 . Death. .1 1.6 For Rnt ss . .... 81 35433093.4143355....32 PF504414s 6. 5.3...58543544e.. . .. 5 ,,sc7stin hes . .61 154,145Et3Mobile Homes 62 W43lsîSSfi)5Reni BULLARD-in 143150 rnem4Ory of Wss. C. 8s,114,6 4-03 544484 &4335 .Sssuary 23, 1966, A54345,5remeee4345,4 4y 431f5 0043, 05355454, 6415 43 3544 FETTER-Ils 133ing NicoOIs I34a1y) F55555', Who 3passed 4434 2.5 .545534 178. AI434ys remembered and law Buk, .grandchildren 37636 MAURRAY-in 143153 444,4444d 4and 54544e, Ja ýJanu0,.54y,5728, 41433744be, îrssured in 10. COMINO EVENT 3841Z3.S41355553e56 4 L46ie44 Auxillry of 5the Canadien Légion5. MILTON Public 3L1445457 C4ildre'5s4 e54,.5559555 Saturday, Jassssry 26, cr45544 2 4.4. Puppet13 MILTON LIONS Bingo, av,5153, Lions Hall1, 144355114435Rd. et 7:30 MILTON 0District Hospital4 64,3li45'7préses "Cw344153wi1544a Dit 1444,54464, Febr4,41'77, B P143, 4oly 3344357Hall. 113443544 54, 4341144414 et the hOSpteI. F1352 'Shoppe 5or'cati11878-3m4. PLAN 563à554654thé Isdoo,. 04,6351554 S4,433ry .5455345'72845i241.43 et I154541435 United Corch,3 $5T1,. 03Ill5r4Rd., ko5, 1Of 41443 displa1y 534414415 relating to indoor44ar 4555154. This p r345543 14 0Ontario MisSy of Agriculture and56F336 and6 153open5toi4the1public. SINCERE 54445444 #0 the T44el r 33555044 54,55.1534443the447. 81334 runn6n5 4,41433551Bloc Parens of ilton 37644 ,84 THE Annuel, meeting16of $4535647, .545045 24544, et51:30 4143. 44443435 on5 Su,544y, .5455345.727544 et 6:00 4.3., 31444434 0Gospel Church4 55, taio Si., L5445'45', 3554535647 Jan4a1130 et1434,44415The th4e 533514 4311w 445 S344E3-, 144on musi, .555544572Associ3tion43. M35535 C2444, t1:0 4.43. 373553 3 53351 Susday. 64'k.44the Sots1 377.13 4%4158 LS A 60ll C pond 856444., u-le for0 caméora'14,&bot 2 y 834 48444404. 87823a1de 9or 87-23 6evnige 1.007001 ANNOUNCI RE-OPEP of th( BLUE H( IN under New Ma THURSDAY, JA ENTERTAINMENT: FRI 9 P.M. Feaurîng: WILLIE M FOUNO YOUNG40 4341 c0t, 3144405 and6 4344153, al Milton Public 44Li44sry, .5,ary X .WANYE 614. 8445355 WE pa4 "Cash4" for your Serre15dayp55344,1.Cali Staff et 8420725, 95 21. FOR SAL.E CLEARAN( Arch R0$ Pressuretrîeosed 2"x 10", 2"xE Whte Moral bilst oj o Fbreglaso roorf a Screw faoleners foi Mon doors, sldîflg Windows aid1 ALI ITEMS REDUI R. MARTIN S181 39 Arrsron Gergeown 416877 PIAN( Van Geesi lousI 145 Highway Waterdown, 41 GIVE A COW A BREAK 041 5,04444 54,96w43 S503S.10 12"53$ ln, nidually 11p43446, 3344 4 21.0 75 6114 snoked , $2300 r . 70023 059ve IIALTON HILLS TR8UT FARMS LTO. 877-3730 021ga.54 CASH For ROUI 01d Furntue and Jewellery, China, Gold, Slver, Odds Et Ends Ec. 827-5305 days & eossings M NSAL OF IM EM EI EveSyttsisg muet go, no reanable affes refuaed. AU btde welcmae. A rapal mort cat ap"claiwltes rtas. Ouy now and bout thea 1980 pMlo norMis t At SkeOaSe Gu. SMma, 1407 Maie 9i. E. Hloltn, $45-1131 BARN boums,. 1, 40, F44434 pub,444 stem48 roorftw. bre bords. CaOSU3M'511, 0M-4732, U1.1782. 12972 BAY 44161, $950. 77 28004 10 3X.LIEhT0M HORSES FlC 154.2 44.44 Chesss3S Golding, 54, horse;5515.244.44. Gray Golding p y7a, old;16.1 h.4. 6 y,405356C Joseph14, 4359 4ack classes n bre45field hume, 105,4453 16.2 ter,6ôyVearol6. Thisea big ho 356 1305330444454 44y F5435 Ss, go3 dey aventhorse4. 15 3 h 351944344 1 1 il.NGTICE8 21. FORl8ME ING T Ete, 5siso Harris4 S545185537. :NING BALDW3IN orges. ex. 18Clln condition, v44. el$2444 T.4554.4, cases'5,$75 ORIZON ec.823U 77 43441. 4Pl15 455 IN d6l34554. 015565155. 853. lanageruent F1257244 44 lN. 17, 1980 ad osare U8a crd MAY E& SATURDAY 88-26 .or Grant5 1 A.M 87 7 F10535000 for sale. Dry Split hardi3336,pIck 4,41 IET. NOBLE 26295 -T47744 011434 F55303R4slaves, 3ch1435547 ana a causeries.6Contact 21. FUR SNI Klu0543440 454 .4,1 4115.43056 FREEI A6 44544,5l4,50013 all ards,plt 'd's,364&411106 5" 43X7" 351454543355 $35 Pa facecord 4 X 12 x W l3evey rollIof503640, 03447543335 54 9 2" Fuor G 0F C0503, 81, 7.3443417333315 553345195 F1143 15555for 'Whites PneF4543' 41,33354414an556 4,155415. F,5l44 LUne 4430054 Hwy,4N.. B45554544 -15144523 79M,3 Studio/ Gallery, 1583Mill 25 Trfalar d 88 Sre,33Milton,3.8743121. 021 ul37434 GAS fir5415435 431544vent CRAIGS APPLIANCE pipe, 1'2- ga 41Pipe CENTRE marbre1355055mental and 933336,5,33s663p1,33335 44555,544,42253,4454450553. F3.4 Mai. St. 12'o24", 25 cents a place 1o5354 r UO0forair. 77.6804. 8785228 28079 0214355 .0 34vacuum344435435$30; hockey57 3431414335, 0441 5345644 85, 2 sts 444433564, 41404 $83& $4, CE SALE hokey Quie:12; 4"x8", 878-8079.37578 (' T G G 0000b44I.64447, $1.00 Flashrigs for 4336 4home. Phone3 )rouf oand gables 878-1187. 20 and wall lies HOOVER34vacuum335545555 $54. Part,5and4Servi.3. or 47708 Cldding At Home4 Vacuum Sdoor hard1wre Service, 779501. 28041 Turnlluckles K43554abl 4wtt JCED TO CLEAR chairs4, 553, $60. 878 JCTURES LT)) _____ 495____ iAvenue, Amans4 3464r74543, i Onriîo 4$275.444wivelc04445,4,$20 75115 37631 3514444 1404455a414153. 4414 0213a4 3 214. os'14158157 55,0 0450sý 554, 00 or 44344 os 37462 Ci PAIR 3of4Western 5'16154Ci Wd eb.dt ,ari353. u,.gt, 454 c44ps, excellent con. p D tec ,3,450 6dition, 4,4454once.Triple 9ps35tue 50,45r54 43r5. 78- se of Piaos3249. 76 y 5 West 5438pt CE et f 1dshe $2 16689-6833 44a5on5type44455,65,735420, rame15 5544 8. A. 35445444, IlAWLEIGH 37S45F PRODUCTS ROSSIGNAL Skis, 185 343 444534335444 445f. Saos3q 544,5443,17 s-11- ding, NordIoàski44bail0la4, 18M sir 841/24', 5053, 4St0544 O tors,B54 354-d36EvaI173 bug, $125 comploes. 474- "6.44 'bout1 ouf4 430004455, 5 ula4, 1 45433444r) 454354544 555444, saufs. 878-6389. 021niga22 37493 INGLIS 41433552 305335,54 SKI 4bo0ts4for4sale, 44ize ç/3 4345371440set: Fr1643,i5ý7 in 27 3conditi5. a8rs. 43355443, 11445554. B85755 ' oSSr. 743634. 5404 tires, 244sets G76-14, 374154 1se5 37841404on3555rima. 2 B0OX saufs, 160 0475oa 425. 3p5r4set. 44si54 500, 43end42 F44.20 16 17, sel11159 4i ticket5SOLISo 0444 6lslsroo43 0,533 0878-2576. 5suite, buffet' 44354,4 37554 5table, 6 chairs4, ý BRADFORD 4414F543355 Capta415441 444353553.$84 44545 43534345j3 washer 5752. c4i42 . 50.003-Let us and Ion pai00 54r. S4LITINOCS 44 853 2664. custom43 Split55 733 141946 515443336. 4151335 on C3O44IO3RFIELO, 2 5,35354. ColalSton, ;4 78 sec 4453sate, 2 6w, GoetO, 83S 77 ottomanS, $125; 3 4position ST00, Westinghouse 430. recliner $ 63;59 plae ie 345.,0554444r1, 4meut antiq 4345S35 5pr44, excellent5con- diningroom set, Sm3. 878. dit0444$135 for q93504auto. I I13 445.5 . 33-5672. 373 CO358SNATION arSSSclSCI4 05,4&3444404, excellent Sisplaoe inlu44163 condition,55133.440103 0184 4453533, record ployer, 44474oar6, 2 5,44544 31, radio, bar. 56.41 535,35 4$7035r. 878-3142. 60445444 530W" or I37S49 37UO4$ 53', 5 pla3 11ce CONCRETS 4$teps, 200 44463343set, S plaee Gel. 01 tank, 4434355 113533544, 3 c In g4436 condition. L ried 14lampa3315,163.5r8 box34sl0ve. Ladies 1445014 monthly. Cali 478-23734t8 = ,Id4401 rugs. 833.2162 37463- 0 R p1.8. e444 T RASMISSION$, 45a43-' FIREP35 S,0S Chia4lSolS. 40403551405,143 C444 2400 os 1.451004. off 074u-220. 32831 37490 21. M SMI. DI50 703 u 373, y5135$FSre Large gl04444 prinsi.O Canadien Champions SSoograS4srsareav. 455444e,55, 1 X 7" 555 $2.25, 484X 10 44534 $3.25 plus3tex. Cash 4must 4003435455,ordns'. Enquir no a t the Ca a06I4s1 Chamspion, 191 37525 ARLY SKETCHES of Milton5, 43411 4rint4 474514441 In5sets4of4fou, 443.005p3us provincilax 4. Canadien Chamons1, 1951 MalsnSr,35Milton5. 5In rderin 4 4y 4mail, pl s4e 'RACTOR end6 4,434 5,41145, for4sale, phone Mr5,. 235545, 878 2311. cellent condition, 4 Se45 c44estnrSield, 3 So0f4 34445ir5, 3055354an6 2 end brass am43544$25. 54044. 478-330 alter 6 5.43. USEO singl orse45,4traiter, 550. film. 877-3598. r53314r 445004. 5 Thi as group chosen 4r3m our Clearing ai $411$,, $120& 1l30. Vus te $6045.63Mo5t 514544 35nt,045y5 5413314114454, 644 S44443 F44444535, 44404,445,4 Worl6. 314444347No. 10 & Steeles4, Brampton. she4r. excellent condition, 42.78-8772 alter 3541.43 445RE CUTTERS, 1" 503"' Pipe3 0ies, 4Pipe V1444, Pole Lire, 354545,54, 2- Step L4664544, 2 444403454. 55,355430 complets454 443rs55s &4 41454 plus6' Of perfe305condition. C4s 445 Installed In one0dey. $350 complse. 878-3243. "We Believe n Heritage" Chai,, Ca.,ng No 0.7 Stripping 878-3865 MILTON Free pic6 4,04&631,4,55 30. PIlODUCE F65535 fr3444 455135, Macintosh ;4 C055r554446 5'54031441034. 16da Red; flash44 55444445 c 31645 44oneys 13044647 544443645. 94a.35l. 65.43. 0355645,1 5.43. O.4 . C53356 3535564744.Roy 8034445416, 878-6355. (4 km. w355 et No. 25 on 03sry Rd.) 3000 9341157 4447, 335. 20295. W3061 441,44 for 4sale, 31. GaNDN& LANOSCAPE SUJPPIES 10 H.P. 1976 ARIENS r idling 5lawn 43043r 43i54 36 Inch4 aSSao4454 4snow 4450435. 853-2162 4SSer X4.LIVESOCK( BAY 43125554, $50. 877. BLACKSMITO 445335 OOFore4t. 4Normal5 and Corrsee 444oeing. 33 5, 04o,.4loms.416.877 InS60r 45354, Mous f45153133 545,,416.077 35"8. 28035 44400. 41,43. 477.3288. 28W3 - me5,1»Vice.814415 -f ,es her's'e a teck4 for sml. 40fi406 b544.aienvensue aux Girotte 41544444. 8. 3. 3 Georgetown, 877-66W. 27252 Part lime 4 Evenîngs par week or Weekossds GIR' DELIVERY $100tu $200 par week 853-3188 1416) 741-1158 434439 CONSUMERS GLASS COMPANY LIMRTD and its new menuecturlsg lacllity at: Mtun, Onde are now recruitng ogCr h. follow'ong pooitons: (Starlîng date wilI h. approolmaely md-MarcSrI Bench Fittors Requred 50 masO solatse, coonaous shfts. Applicento ohoald have 3 o 5yeers' machine shop bench fitlIng eoperlesce asd be willing 10 b. ralned in o43044610 ropeir department. Mlwdghts Reqaired $0 mark day sift. Appîcants muet have a8minmum0f34,3a ys045,'e0pPSie1500as4an industriel millwrigIst Macbinists Required 10 mark day 9shift. Muet h. flly ocperlenced. Th. coanay aCCracompetitive rates and as excellent employas h.nis 50Package. AIl iterated aid quahfled appicants arnInvlled la send a reaumne to/ar apply in persosieaI CANADA EMOYMENTiMIRA11 OM OMIS»O 310Mân SL, MlOW,G01la la LOTlP4 X5 ANIMALS 113*10 COUNTRY 30OME 806405440 KENNELS "*Ail44,es - 6ogs Et cats - Clppiso 4Et5500435550 44 CALL878-7377 42- 1 etLne off Steeles A . X .PUT STOC AFGHAN 44,555,pure 4r54, reg14r, 44ire Cha4mpIon CH. Ca6. BLACK Lab p55555444cross flat cent Retrelv3F, 2 F570 Pure 44554 Scotch Coli , es, pape4Fs & 55336134 $200 .00.4878 1977, 8785287 afte3 6 4.43 FREE 53 g006 home3, 14 4444pSerd cross. Cali FR0 200003 645 parIt 44443074 4134144 mâle & f043410, 434514441 MINIATUR3E 554613, spricol, 48430908 316. &Il sh440s4an556 54e1s44 878- 4110300 44144 pu3pples4, 4405 regisl.s46. 410.00 04044 Cali 877. 85034-3555 mâle, one f34345 0 3355404. 878. SMALL pupples end kitl 5015, 413363/ Terrir,, Sp5,1s04s Sp455ieI'sBe $20 4SU3 4404. 051tes 151-61-4909441. 0 42. HELP WANTED 34. gr UV8OK 42.M11WWAMTE ORSALE PART-TIME i44 «6, 434444k406533531 .5343553dig y umi PAYROLL 0w. 54 yu, o36 14 4.44 044445 16.2 4.4. 133ou444' CLERK 5353 So lotof weig45; 27445' Mature persan Squired IRSt. 1681 h4h. 433416 4043 14md141010. 2 full days h h 3 y.asot6qase4hom4e, CD starlt Mooday & Wedoeaday) nsc T4o4s4434 expereoce necesary. mie0 0tIo Applyto: a. nu wmT MAPLE LODGE inorc0 T 3Dw 4u . FARMS LTD. s44340445504440 .BRAMPTON. 5/A MILE 454444044464544554443NORT OF STEELES AVE. 53444~554 455-8340 Word Processing Oporator Isala an apportunhy for aa.leone 43101 Grade 12. Hgh Sctol oaducatiao and, idusly, experence on thse AES 100. Vais wbe resonibOlbe for edMtig and typIng technlcat infoarmation Involved ln the preparation af job dacuments roqukred fos thse manufacture, Installations and maintenance0 of central office switchinfg equipsoent. t'a a tlmlatng job for wtslah e a aCesa campettove »Juary aid benefits package. Plae Bosnd yaur detellad reaumne. le canfideesce to: I.Obas! tolocom- 1IODV S511 AIXS55910 R 00SîIN l C35OW 51 C806350S Sarah Coventry Fln FuNMu mit ehy Jointh 35S4nah las No l143.4444 or455135 6. New. 43, go6'91.lle 54 4 e1e554 3434e05.7 For en MM. KUusI 877-3794 « MeS. Mark 034-1619 NURSES NEEDED For Canadien 6445557 5q.4.'s, . .4..'.. gade Et .C.A.'s for 3.paiSlstaff 561., 553R4454homme,5Et15144414 dty. Rootgetls 8Mas U4444ey, 46 8ru0a4St., T44o5446, anumy 24.l312 ono4p.43. o"Il C.A.P.S. for appolntmeti 8445» 42440 ---i 1 . al Fi 2t 1 L