Il -v *- .--.- -. .. i t I - 1 ilton Lawn Bowling Club mnbr ended ts e aasate ienew iifn style, wit a euchre party at Ligny Hsl. Lunch ond o sing oong were enjoyed by s crowd of over 80 people. Bet playen wvere igis ladies Marjere Kng and Ada Simelmr, igis men Geme Sin- clairai Frank Peaeock. Other prizea went ta Bafle ¶Thomas mnd Aftar 38 yers of work, Evel Sariwell la retirlng as mamer of r Canada Ensploytuant Centre In Oakvlile. Her of- f ice b tise ares office wiicb oversees tbe Milton office ton. SIse bas aeen tise Omlville office grow froin a staff of four, wben it opened in 1%63, ta 55 today. A communlty worker outida ber government job, Mima Hartwel b active witb the para guild and IODE, is an bonorary director of Oskville Ciamber cf Commerce snd cisairman of the Oskvlile Cbrstmas Bureau. ishe reports tise Milton offices work is rwing, and unempcyeit iere la about our per cen t, weil eow tise Toronto ds trict average of 4.7 pr cent and the On- tario average of 6. 1 percent. Newcomers ta Miltan tarecent weeks: A big welcomne ta Mr. nd Mn. R. Beiglt- hloies and Mr. and Mns. 8. MeKay and Mr. Glen Eden woes Dear Si: bien decelie Aauipeideel ut the ies Eden pie ite b SitiClban»duneof te uriginal gcuap ut ager, Bill dedicaledaitdera mito raugitl abot te deeroyiegt ise rciesrg r tai bas ieee Eden. asocialed wilitlie le Eden ares for Tiere sei uver savait es. en. Iouilgated 10 sederslani commenten e ihnepead arele55 uccessftedt planig amd managemenl t oiis ontetepart( yecnsiing preeam aI Oes Eden. staff. Thte 0 Tle sioa-15caig prusan tanl'y tiki Asucit lbe MiloenIleiglilaSi Club itormerly ai Gien E-k theGien Eden Club)lhas beauncaeceBled Eden feue dse lue eceWcve fieancisl demand l'y Tiis iaa cet allun Re "to.uu Cisrale n Onj ftario r i c anui ls risse du ireco. aiGlen Ede u n atha eu iflSYoung Alpine raci raeermselotbeisg able tpalitipate in decag .amsli>ps1em(k it 1iî lfflg h lite esstamttatatissiiteltytime p-and centinu uimles tai il roach«ainit actble ired aion and& Ibreus t lier sceo dlect. isole mtl le rder la epecate te racisg pro- Eden SkiA grain, inrisc5eg reseuaermllan la Ski sciteut Direclor mnitsisiitubex- peilrte ruasa ui ha IsOtas Keepj cue ri mili$5,25. Titece la a ceespiete lack ut aPPrer- Deax Si: iaise andtdetaiesnding etfte tan- oce aiî lcucta anut et sciseer encet mv- apon uance oveini maklsg a conpelilive ski i c- iiiflenb ng pcawn or. Baltuer Tiereilg ileelt epreaenln a dangerolas smai pctioefthlie tetl effort o Plan- sectiior nng. pea i n agemeni. liai- Liee.i ns sebels.eqalpMetel pply 1 attend snd maintenne and aillteeter 0o1 hIave t tiinga thal ge junea sisracing po- 1 old 8aF gramn. tee coutid p Ne tainsen u tcicn an rompele ofgettlagt mitualtheriediialei vluneleerk et clear o i an organisai ais club. deadty ga Tise aiviaary itoard seema le have jjjjjià et la is obligation lu lte Peu- ares by aeinglteMae- iWarwick, a free band je gIhe racleg prugeain ai Gien eems te tesacomplee lcit af iieg ot mitaI s ievoived je yrns a eci pruseute ut Ihe awl= tie caiing Otario Zone utflte Canadien sato s Baware outhlb problen den, and bas remeved Gien mcompelilies fer ibis season. td, as saineouthlie beet sbirs receivedteir sbiieg training teeenite Nancy Greene and aisa leaiies uver tbe pasi nue, a ie te lilii4e M r., àacscommodation muai uneg- lte masegeetofuthe lene Ares. Raoger Haitieti Milton it clean laie lteminier cealter s id oece again rnad conditions i b daegereis- rsome reasneacltte more jas t drive ltrougi lte Miltes ýEglietue Ave, iLemer Raue dSheridae College jenl)skville e au setthiaruad evecy day, and ipreclale il if the tome ut Mil- puauiliy improve uyan ctes tu classesl'y beeping lte rond snuw, iefure il lare mb a slcier. George Arauje.Streetsvitle. M i aÏi M. 1R. kee. wbo ail ctune from Toronto; Mr. snd Mca. Delegarde and Mr. aud Mns. D. M. Smith and Mr. and Mns. Kerwin. who ail moved here from Missis- saugs. From Brampton are Mr. and Mrs. C. Hackeabroek and Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Cmherwaad. Other newcomers include Mr. and Mns. D. E. Rya from George- town, Mr. and Mn. R. Masraca from Oak- ville, Mr. amd Mn. Hall from Georgetown, M. and bMn. R. 8. Riteble from Smth Falls, Mr. and Mns. Ivlmon from England. A Milton resident hem become a Feilow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers after umftafuly completigthse Institute's educational program fatiMcaser Univer- sity. The new Fellow la John Rtchle, man- ager at a brancb of The Royal Bank of Canada in Milton. Tise Institute, founded in 1967, la respnsble for ml educational sct- ivte fteCanadian Bankers' ssc iation. ls Feilows' Program 15 designed for managmet levai bankers aeeking to improve thir profeaional akilas. Courses range. from buines administration to international banlclng and finance. More tisan 3,obnkera have completed the pro- Rrarn ince it waa tarted 12 years ago, 294 U&s 12,S84 bankers enrlled at 51 Cndian universities ast year, 5,431 were from Ontario. suspected in ed to iesulgte titetre appeaeed eo have sarted ta resulled ie 5,(mein te hasemetoleh damage 10 ite buidingeen duellng. te coreer et Bronle and Thte ene-aed - hait ster- Ma in Sireelu. ey bouse as trmerly According ln ire Ciiet lived ity T. ýDuvc. Jîte Couson. te blaze Simen aed is scîteTheY Beautiful carol service at Manor Residenis and riendu ieauiful caret service Frsi organized ltyrar Jîm Murpity and Me.hep- ut italten Ceelensmal prerenîrd by (ha Manr by Gordon and Karen bka mite read le, sel- Musr ere raled le a staf on Chrismas Eve. Timbers, il premisers l eclion me is native iteceme anannuateveel. Ukraiean. Thechir asmad u sMr. Timbres gave a S co utctolreasemad Sp striomtîy empitasîeîvg S co u le d er etstaff nembere, ed ity te teme et prove: tai Leaders and sponsorse 'lle program loae een Mes. Tinhare. Tbey sang prave taiCitrist cao gise rprrseeling te 4,000 co-sidinaîrd by onee t tour ehaaotut Chrismas tu ravceeee of s wivilin liltlo ys and 1.0t0 laiinsueeprrseeiaivrs seirvitonu. Ther audirecee ue owe brarîs. anîd regisiererd leaderes inmn te Proîvincialt iev it erd mit ite itoir ite chite tourdatien iof Scoutis C anada nirl Sa ilf hcoîus Canadauit ite siegîng et otreold .mitivit s i h" ueduy. Jan. 12 a(iere McDubnaid. Ctairman tee tavorilecarois Tt ae adirs îduî Cîileg tu a e trcunerenceciii lit e rîplurerreadiefs le as ieaulîfsity decraied aird linku thle Scout- Ialon egiiiuie Assisl mabe up te Christmas citt flicers and ceril, îeg peogeani as lbey ani Provincial tommis- story ere give trougi-tolvrepercent the iîerirîv voiueinloithe 1980s. sioneecJiiîil)îtis. Milton. cut teservceity Jacktetofaciturcit ii con- t urehpe u it c a iThe a.miisrening %%iii Ciarton. Btly Romiy ryibuird te a meanînglii Medai i Mrri tfo e ee d , baiklIaf- and Sirla Spence, staff and weli appreeiaird l i lelieiv eaiman. memberesandrersideets service. Seuing av cr11 as a bey- notelropenine l'y senior provivncial vice-presideel iBill Boiter. Tipicslito ccovered iii tir day-brie, peegeain brvkçJlde jin nievement activities camping. isater idfet.i' juilto eaders. Sceutieg for hmys citi handicaps. rsing. ladies auxiliar- tes. andthie religion in tîtr amard. Speciat sesuins iti deat ie dept ci tte Braver. Cui. cout. itenlurer and hiiiee pris grains, te rote ii service sccimîrruand te geeup sponsors. Speakers ftc aeis tue povince are bief dramnte terr lpro- vide te leadrship tor the varieus sessions. A newccert fr te hceuieg mîvemeel je Balontîîî egen ii i asî ie intredilerd le Parti- cipants i inte conterencer *UY ATr OUR WAREHOUSM AND SAVE up te 60% OFF quaggst.d motailU *Grandfather cdocks -Wall cdocks eMantel cdocks (traditional and modern styles) -eKitchen clocks -Bar dlocks .Children's cocks .Clock kits and movements for the hobbyist, Novelty clocks and many more! SHOP IARLY FOR DEST SILECTION 3 DAYS OL irs., Fr§., So.J, ..10-12 9 a.m. to 9 p.,m. JUMottgoegI ine epCoc(oe Charqex, Mater ChMp~ Persmnl Chéques Aéoepted 18 Thompson Rd.,, Unit No. 4 Milton, Ontario. fire no ei ei itn VATC O U DI gt olwn her Nl icio fr(onth hus i bN C AM IO Mot glS L T R S A 1618 Th r peyondb FOOT WIAR 250 Main st.Mitan tAceosa tramihepait Office> 7.78 CHANGUNG Enrioe En te in g b e SkFne Ccncerad AboutMd.Le C.ea, .1Pc rtlChange-' Fom Profeaaa Oudr'1nnse gCMlI OreWft- <~ JOHN T. PRICE AND ASSOCIATES 354 MeNab Crs,. Milan. Ont 878-M3 The Canadien Champion, Wad. Jan. 9, IM1905 New su-bdivisionl ready In spring Laie eiite new Souilh- recetly apiieid an woid Estateu subdvision Onteario Muni cipal Board are expecled te ha on te decition approveg te markei t yfate upring, subdivision. A neigit- fottewîeg a recent boring pif; (armer. Bob decivîonv Cvthe lOetario NMeri ippeaird lhe "lie sudîci iiviio cn- iteîccliei te sists ef 14 lots of about l atecd inareaseofheavy tme acres. Il is lorated on giutrlse te seutit sde et Fise Sagrioiri u e d ideread. jus es et of Cubighderofredto Fouetti Linerin Miltee. Cnighr i Mlo the frner Shiiotet pre- said he tiipes te keep te cost et the lois eider perty. $50,0wi. but tbey coudd goî The iOntario robinet hiigter tae taI ARSON ia suspected as thse cause of a St. The Ontario Fire Marohai's office is Friday blaze tbst resulted in $5,000 investigating. damage ta an unoccupied house on Bronte Arson Arsun ls suspertedrds ponoîble for a bltaze inun unorcupied bouse on Brunie St. Friday even- tng. Thte Ontario ire Mar- sia' office bas been cal- Mw m(Dffiýfflu mdgh Ontario St.